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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILVER BULLET – Episode 7 & 8

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{Legend Of The Mafia Goddess}

Theme: Getting Revenge.

Episodes 7 ⚔️ 8

Written by Dynamite O.


{ A New Second-In-Command}

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” Lucy screamed as her hair began slowly separating from her scalp.

The bosses slowed down their activity and saw them fighting, then they went to the scene.

Since Bomb and Sniper were the only top members there, thy went to separate them from each other.

Sniper held Virus, Bomb held Lucy.

” I swear, I’ll ki|| you! Let me ki|| her!” Virus shouted as she struggled from Sniper, but she felt a cold sword press against her arm, and she froze.

” What didn’t you understand about the fact that I h@ťě noise? Should I remind you?” Barbie said from behind, and Virus gulped.

” I’m sorry BossBaby.” She apologized against her will, and Barbie lowered the sword.

Virus left without another word, and Lucy eyed her back evilly as she left. Sylvia and Barbie also left the training ground.

” What to do now?” Sniper asked.

” I’m hungry. Let’s go and eat.” She said and they both left.


Minutes later, Sylvia was already in her room with Barbie. They were both dressing up for a mission.

They’d have to travel out of the country because the mission is at Spain, while they are still in Italy.

They wouldn’t be booking a flight. They’d be flying by their own helicopter.

” Are you ready?” Sylvia said while putting on her mask.

” Just as always.” Barbie replied, hiding two knives in her hair like hair pins.

They came out of the room afterwards. Easter followed them from behind since she’d be operating the helicopter they’d take, while Treynor and Agony came as back up.

The other top members came to see their bosses off. The five of them got into the helicopter, and Easter started up the helicopter.

” Bosses! Who’d be in charge while you’re away?” Sniper asked.

” Bomb will be in charge. Take care of the empire, and don’t go on any missions while we’re gone.” Barbie said, and the helicopter took off.

Bomb smiled proudly, but got hit on the shoulder by Sniper.

” Don’t dare order us to do anything funny. I know you quite well.” Sniper warned.

” Wh@ťěver.” Bomb rolled eyes.

” So Boss, what are we gonna do now?” Eagle asked.

” You heard what your second boss said. I won’t order you to do anything, so just go into the empire and mind your businesses.” He said and left their presence.

” That’s the worst boss I’ve ever seen.” Storm came, laughing his guts out.

” I know, right? I hope he doesn’t destroy the empire before the bosses return.” Eagle laughed as well.

Storm saw Lucy standing at a distance with her back facing him. He stopped laughing and decided to talk to her once more.

He walked to her and touched her back, but she immediately turned back and gave him a cut at the back of his hand.

” Aaahhh!” Storm gasped sharply, holding that hand as it bled quickly.

” Never touch me again, or you’ll regret it.” She warned hotly, then she tried walking away, but Storm ignored her warning and pulled her back.

Without thinking twice, he slammed his lips on hers, devouring them passionately as he closed his eyes and used his bleeding hand to hold her head in place.

Lucy tried to push him off, but it was futile. She stabbed him wickedly and repeatedly on the stomach instead, forcing his mouth to open up and release her.

He staggered back with his bleeding tummy, holding it as he spat out blood.

” But Lucy, I really love you.” He confessed, and she scoffed.

” Love? Love is forbidden in this empire. If Bosslady catches us together, she’ll murder us both and you know it. Do you want me dead?” Lucy fired.

” You can’t die, because the bosses aren’t here. We can be together before they get back.” Storm said persistently.

” You’re so pathetic.” Lucy rolled eyes, walking out on him.

Storm fell on his knees as he lost more blood from his bleeding stomach. Eagle came to stand beside him and folded his arms, shaking his head pitifully.

” I told you she was bad news, but you wouldn’t listen.” He said.

” Just shut up and help me treat this injury.” Storm said arrogantly.

” Not if you keep talking to me that way. Have fun bleeding, the sun will come out soon and scorch your skin. Bye.” Eagle remarked, walking out on him too.

” Fine! I’m sorry!” Storm shouted, coughing out more blood.

Eagle sighed and turned back, going to help him up.


The helicopter landed in a forest located in Madrid. Sylvia and Barbie came out alone.

” Easter, what’s the safest route from here to get to House of the Lujanes without getting spotted?” Sylvia asked.

” Keep going straight for about 3 minutes, then turn to your left twice. You can’t miss it.” Easter gave directions, and the bosses went off.

The House of the Lujanes is an old and abandoned building in Madrid where their mission is supposed to take place. They’d be meeting some Spanish businessmen to deal in the most expensive hard drugs.

They got into the building after a while and made their way in, cautiously. After a while of searching many rooms, they arrived at one and heard noise coming from within. The businessmen were inside already.

” I’ll go in first, you should enter the room from another way without them seeing you.” Sylvia said.

” Affirmative.” Barbie said and went off.

Sylvia took a deep sigh before entering, and the men stopped talking to look at her. They were all five in number.

One of them was biting his lips seductively as he stared at her segzy body shape.

“Bienvenidos caballeros. ¿Nuestro acuerdo? ( Welcome gentlemen. Our deal?)” She spoke in Spanish.

” Mis hombres decidieron bajar el precio del trato. Nuestra empresa ha estado enfrentando muchos desafíos. En lugar de 800 mil millones de euros, Nosotros estaríamos ofreciendo 7 mil millones de euros. ( My men have decided to lower the deal’s price. Our company has been facing a lot of challenges. Instead of 800 billion euros, we’d be offering 7 billion euros.)” Their leader spoke, and Sylvia’s face gradually turned pissed off.

How in the hell would they offer 7 billion flimsy euros? She has never been so downgraded her entire mafia life. These men think of her as a joke, probably because she’s female.

” Elevarlo de nuevo a 800 mil millones de euros y pagar nuestra suma acordada. No me importa si te arruinas. ( Raise it back to 800 billion euros and pay our agreed sum. I don’t care if you even go bankrupt.)” Sylvia argued, and the men bursted into mocking laughter.

” Crees que eres más fuerte que nosotros? Eres sólo una Donna débil! ( You think you’re stronger than us? You’re just a weak Donna!) The leader downgraded her.

” Soy más que solo una Donna. (I’m more than just a Donna)” Sylvia replied daringly, and she saw Barbie climbing into the room through a window.

They gave themselves eye signals, then Sylvia gripped her gun from behind without their knowledge.

” Sorry boys. You lose.” Sylvia said, dragging out her gun.

Before they could also bring out their guns, she shot down three of the men in their hearts.

Her gunshots were hitting so loud as she ki||ed them, and Barbie stabbed the fourth one, leaving just the leader alive.

The leader’s eyes were wide as the two women slowly walked to him, trapping him in their middle.

” You can’t do this. I already told you I can’t offer more than 7 billion euros.” He tried to protest in his Spanish accent, but Barbie stabbed his head, not chancing him to say anymore for himself.

” Barbie!!!” Sylvia screamed, confusing Barbie as the man’s corpse fell dead.

” What? Weren’t you gonna ki|| him eventually?” She said, and Sylvia palmed her face, sighing out frustratedly.

” You should’ve at least waited for me to get the 800 billion euros from him before you ended him!” Sylvia roared.

” But I thought you already got the money!” Barbie replied in defence, and Sylvia shaked her head dejectedly.

She threw her gun away angrily and stormed out of the room, and Barbie followed her out.

” But Sylvia…” Barbie touched her shoulder, and Sylvia slapped her hand off aggressively, turning to her with a mad look.

Barbie gasped with shock. This is the first time Sylvia has ever hit her since they’ve been together.

” Keep your buts to yourself. You just made my empire lose 800 billion euros all thanks to your stupid impatience.” Sylvia panted angrily.

She even called the empire her own instead of theirs.

” But, it was just a mistake. I swear, I was gonna…”

That was all Barbie said before Sylvia stormed out on her, and she watched her back in silence as she went further and further.

She wouldn’t dare try to stop her again. She has to let her go and be all by herself for a while, so that her temper dies down. She knows it’s more than Dangerous to keep talking to her when she’s angry.

” But, where are you going?” Barbie asked, and Sylvia stopped walking fo a while.

” None of your business.” She replied angrily before exiting the building entirely.

Barbie grunted frustratedly and sighed, running her fingers through her hair in regret.

As soon as Sylvia got out of the building, she heard police sirens in the distance, meaning that the cops were on their way.

She made to call Barbie, but if she shouted, they’d surely hear her voice and find them.

She quickly ran off for her life, leaving Barbie to herself. Barbie came out after she left, and her eyes widened as she heard the police sirens nearby.

” $h00t!” She cursed, running back into the building to find another way to escape.


A guy wearing a hat and long jacket was running down the streets, getting chased hotly by two men with two guards dogs.

The guard dogs were barking loudly with rage as they chased after their victim across the street.

The guy kept some stolen money in his pocket, increasing his pace to escape from the angry men.

” Hey, stop! Thief!” One of them shouted, but the guy refused to stop.

An incoming train was heading right for his way as he ran across the train tracks . He made it across before the train could get to him, but when the men and their dogs tried to cross, the train passed and blocked their way.

By the time the train was gone, the guy had escaped with their money. He was nowhere to be found.

” S**t!” They cursed.

Somewhere in an abandoned alley, the guy began to count the money he stole.

” This won’t be enough to feed for a week, but at least I’ll find some snacks with this.” He said and sighed.

He’s a homeless guy. He steals for a living because he has no other decent source of income, all in the name of surviving.

He’s a very young, handsome guy at that.

” Need any help?” Smoke said from behind him, startling the hell out of him.

Phoenix and Scarlet arrived too, and they exchanged meaningful glances as they surrounded him.

” What do you guys want?” The guy asked.

” We wanna ask you to be our second-in-command for our mafia clam named Goldeneye Clan. We witnessed your escaping ski||s with those men and saw you were worthy of the position.” Scarlet went straight to the point.

” Our clan is one of the best in the whole world, if not the best. We’re willing to give you an official spot. We also have lots of cool cash to give you, that is if you agree to be our second-in-command.” Smoke persuaded him.

Phoenix was glaring at him meanly, wishing she could just end his life or he would refuse the offer.

If he dared to refuse the offer, they’d have to ki|| him to keep their empire’s secret, so she grabbed her sword in its sheath.

” I accept.” He said, and Phoenix’s eyes went wide a little with surprise.

Smoke smiled, giving him a handshake and he accepted.

” Welcome to Goldeneye empire. What do we call you?” Smoke asked.

” Call me Shadow.” He replied, casting a dangerous smile at them.

” It’s agreed that you’ll become our new second-in-command. But first, you’ll have to prove that you’re up for it.” Scarlet said.

Phoenix dragged out her sword impatiently and placed it on his neck with a glare. Surprisingly, he didn’t even flinch or move a muscle.

” You won’t last long in our clan, I promise you.” Phoenix muttered with spite, putting her sword back into its sheath.

” You could never even escape a moving train better than he did.” Scarlet challenged her, and Phoenix turned to her with a daring look.

” What did you say?”

” You aren’t better than any of us here, so take a chill pill and beat it!” Scarlet fired, then they glared at each other.

” Ignore her, she can’t harm you because I know you’re a lot stronger than her. Once you get into our clan, I know you’ll do greatly, underboss.” Smoke said, placing an arm around him.

Shadow’s smile faded as he looked at each one of them suspiciously.

TBC. To Be Continued.

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