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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILVER BULLET – Episode 37 & 38

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{A burning death}

Her heart hurted so much, and she fisted her hands. She could feel the hurtful sting, the sting of pain as she stared at their lips.

Her right eye started to twitch crazily. She fumed angrily amd just stomped off.

Shadow broke the kiss with Hazard, looking at her strangely.

” Why did you do that?” He asked calmly.

” I didn’t do it intentionally. I just… Our lips just met and I…” Hazard stammered like she was innocent.

He sighed and dropped her body in the water and left the swimming pool. Hazard smirked victoriously to herself.

” I’ll have more than just your lips very soon. Bosslady won’t be able to snatch you from me now.” She said.


Sylvia went in and sat down at an empty table. She palmed her head, trying to clear her head from the thought of that kiss.

No matter how mich she tried, she just couldn’t stop thinking about it. She banged the table frustratedly.

Shadow entered afterwards. He saw her at the table and went to sit right in front of her, but she ignored him, gritting her teeth and staring hard into the table.

” Why are you making that angry face?” He asked, but she ignored him.

” I asked a question. Why are you making that face?” He asked more daringly and loudly, but she didn’t even look up at him.

He brought his hand to the table and tried to touch hers. She saw his hand coming and instantly grabbed a knife on the table, then Shadow withdrew his hand cautiously.

She kept holding the knife, looking like she could ki||. She stood from the table and tried to leave, but she stopped a few feet from the table.

Shadow stood and carefully approached her. He stylishly took the knife from her and threw it down.

” Why do you keep ignoring me, Bosslady? You already said you didn’t like me, that you don’t have feelings for me. Is there something else you are hiding from me?” He asked, but she kept quiet.

She went out of the room, leaving him coldly. Shadow couldn’t help but gulp emptily as he felt a sharp sting in his heart too.

Her silence and malice was ki||ing him inwardly, and he couldn’t take it anymore. He has to make things right between them, wh@ťěver the matter is.

” Should I tell her who I really am?” He asked himself.


The two, Shadow and Sylvia were ready to leave the empire. They were currently standing outside, dressed in their signature outfits.

The entire mafiosos in the empire were there to see them off. The empire helicopter was also there, waiting for their entry.

Shadow and Sylvia put their masks on at once. It was like they turned into new beings entirely, they looked like the real mafiosos from Goldeneye Clan.

Everyone present was either sad, anxious, worried or elated. They all had their respective feelings towards their amazing Donna, who was leaving them probably for good.

” I respect everyone of you standing before me today. But I must tell you that as I and Shadow embark on this mission, we might never return again. We’re leaving to go and battle against our greatest enemy, Throne, so it’s not going to be easy. We might not come back alive, but we’ll surely be victorious.” She passed her speech on to them.

” Take care of yourselves, and maintain this empire as the greatest mafia clan it has always been. Goodbye for now.” She said, then she and Shadow went into the helicopter.

The speech was short, but the memory of it will never be forgettable. This could be the end of Silver Bullet, or perhaps a new beginning.

The helicopter took off, flying into the sky and away from the empire till it couldn’t be seen anymore. Most of the mafiosos began to retire back to the empire, quietly.

The tall and impenetrable titanium gate to the empire was suddenly banged upon. This alerted the mafiosos and made them return to see what was going on.

The second bang brought the gate down, making it collapse mightily. It revealed several policemen standing outside, armed with weapons and various police cars.

The car sirens became louder once the gate went down. Black was standing in front of them, looking gravely serious.

” Kneel down immediately with your hands above your heads. You are all under arrest by the order of the government.” Black ordered.

Some of the mafiosos that didn’t have weapons on them went down immediately. They were instantly shot to death, which made the others to run for their lives.

The cops poured into the empire, $h00ting and ki||ing any mafiosos within their reach. Their main interest was to get the main leaders, so some of them took the stairs to to the top of the building and Black followed them.

Some mafiosos fought back at the policemen, ki||ing and getting them outnumbered. A policeman dropped a bomb in their midst, which blew up and ki||ed a lot of the mafiosos.

Eagle just couldn’t stand back or run off. He took a gun and started to ki|| any policeman in his way, $h00ting carefree in any direction.

A policeman pointed a gun from behind him without his knowledge, and Foster saw this coming. She instantly went in the way and stood in front of the man, kicking the gun out of his hand and then his face.

He fell with a loud thud, which made Eagle look back and see her. He thanked her by giving her a smile, then they stood back to back and started fighting together.

Treynor was desperately looking for Sandy, standing amidst all the chaos and poll of dead bodies. He saw her pushing a police into the pool after shocking him to death, and his blood filled the pool.

Treynor ran to her as fast as he could. He saw a bullet coming right for her skull and pushed her into the pool, and they plunged deep into the water.

Treynor held his breath, looking at Sandy. She didn’t need to hold her breath because she was water-proof.

He saw the damaged arm infected by Venom’s poison. It had began to spread to the rest of her body, making his eyes widen.

She saw the scared look in his eyes and gave him a face, expressing that he shouldn’t worry about her condition. She pointed at his back, only for him to turn and see that the second secret entrance to the empire was there.

He looked back with a questioning look, but immediately understood when he saw the green venom from her arm pouring into the water. He wanted to stay back and help her, but she immediately pushed him, and used hand signals to tell him that it was too dangerous to stay.

Treynor thought about it. If he stayed, the venom could get to him and he’d die for sure. If he came out of the water, he could get caught or arrested, and still not be able to save Sandy.

His eyes produced tears, but it mixed with the water. Sandy smiled sadly at him and kissed him affectionately, then she urged him to go.

Treynor swam to the secret entrance, glancing back at her frequently. When he got there, he gave her one last deep look.

” Goodbye.” He managed to mumble, then he went through the circle shaped hole.

Half of his body had gotten in when the entrance suddenly closed fast on him, cutting his body into two parts. Sandy’s eyes widened in horror as his blood filled the pool.

” Treynor!!!” She shouted with her life.

She started to cry guiltily because she accidentally caused his death. She got pulled out of the water by Midnight, who made her sit on the ground.

” Sandy, what were you doing there? Are you okay?” Midnight asked.

” I’m not. There was the second secret entrance to the empire in the pool. I urged Treynor to go through so that he wouldn’t die, but the door suddenly closed on him and cut his body into two. He’s dead!” Sandy said pathetically, sobbing her heart out.

” Come on, we need to get out of here.” Midnight said, taking Sandy to a safer part of the empire.


Guess who was sitting on the beach sand and staring at the ocean?

Her name is no other than Barbie. She had her travelling bags tossed behind her, and she was all alone. She had an empty look on her face.

She’s unaware of all the chaos going on in the empire. She has no one left in her life. She just wants to end things by commiting suicide.

A bottle of poison was in her hand. She squeezed it firmly, looking at the bottle with a heavy heart. If she dies, she’d at least find a befittable place in hell.

She opened up the bottle and started to slowly bring it to her lips. Suspense followed instantly as there was no one to stop her.

At the same time, a plane was passing above her, which made her pause momentarily to look at it. What she doesn’t know is that Bomb is in that plane, and it’s heading to another country entirely, Argentina.

He was looking out of the window, staring at the Evergreen island below him.

He looked more intently at the beach and saw a black figure sitting near the beach. When he stared for long, he began to get the picture of Barbie more clearly, and his eyes widened.

He started to look around, looking for a way to escape. A flight attendant saw his distress and approached him.

” Sir, what seems to be the problem here? Did you lose something?” She asked politely.

Instead of replying or ignoring her at least, he punched her in the face heavily, knocking her to the ground. Other passengers immediately screamed and started panicking.

He stood from his seat and stared at the plane window intently, lile he was gonna do something crazy. Some officials started running to catch him.

Before they could stop him, he ran and crashed into the window, breaking the glass and jumping out of the plane. The plane kept flying away as he headed for the ocean.

All of a sudden, the plane blew up. He had previously set up a bomb in the plane to explode and ki|| him there, but now he has changed his mind about dying.

At once, he fell into the ocean and water splashed around him. He came back to the surface and started swimming fast to Barbie.

Barbie had stood up, staring shockingly at the plane that just blew up. She saw something also coming in the water and dropped the poison bottle with her.

Bomb swam faster and faster to her, becoming bigger for her to see. She was extremely astonished to see that it was him, so much that she screamed crazily.

She jumped into the water and stared stroking fastly to him. The two eventually met, and they embraced tightly, not giving a f-__-k about anything else.

They were both panting as they broke the hug to look at each other. Barbie held his face, trying so hard to believe it was him.

” B… Bomb… Bomb you’re…”

She didn’t know exactly what to say. She was at a loss for words.

Bomb smiled and crashed his lips on hers. She responded, going in sync with the steady movements of their lips. It felt so heavenly and beautiful.

They didn’t mind that they were kissing right in the ocean. They were too busy in the kiss to care about anything else.

She kissed him hard, as if he was the breath that she needed to live.

They broke the kiss, looking at each other passionately. They closed their eyes and rested their foreheads on each other.

Barbie was the first to express her feelings for him as she started to cry. Bomb opened his eyes and hugged her with all the love he had for her.

” I’m so sorry. I made you get on that plane, and if you didn’t get out on time, you could’ve exploded right now. I could’ve ki||ed you.” She cried sorrowfully.

” You saved me, Barbie. If I didn’t see you from that plane window, that was when I could’ve really died. You’re the reason I’m still alive.” He told her.

She kissed him again, then they started swimming out of the water together.


Sylvia and Shadow already got in very easily. They blended with the other mafiosos without difficulty, walking with strict faces in the hallway.

” We should be asking for where Thorn could be.” Shadow told her.

” We don’t need to search for him. He’d come directly to us.” Sylvia replied, and Shadow looked at her confusedly as a cunning smile played on her lips.

True to her words, Thorn came into the hall with many guards behind him. The mafiosos cleared the oath for him with fear, except Sylvia and Shadow who stood in his way fiercely.

His eyes landed on them, then he stopped in front of them. A crooked smiled appeared on his face as well.

” Mikaela, Micheal, you’re back already. Did the mission go well?” He asked.

They decided to play along, exchanging glances.

” Yeah. It went according to plan.” Shadow replied.

” Then you should prepare yourselves for your reward. Follow me to get them, they will be very unexpected.” He said sinisterly, which left them in anxiety as they started following him out of the hallway.

They reached a dark room, and Thorn sent his guards away, leaving him alone with Sylvia and Shadow behind him.They haven’t entered the room yet

He smiled devilishly, then he turned back to them with a freaky laughter. They glanced at themselves, stepping back from him cautiously.

” You both really thought you could fool the great Mafia Lord of Goldeneye Clan. I expected more from you, but you both are just so gullible.” He kept cackling.

” Well, at least we’re more stronger and ski||ed than you. Today is the day that you’ll pay for all your sins, you’re going down.” Sylvia bowed, pulling off her mask.

Shadow pulled down his mask as well, then he grabbed his sword while Sylvia grabbed her gun… A silver gun.

” Think again, fellas. How can you possibly fight with me when I have you right were I want you?” He said.

” Face it. You’re armless and defenceless, so don’t try to trick us. It’s over.” Sylvia said, and they both charged forward to him.

He snapped his fingers, causing the lights to go off. Everywhere went pitch black, so they couldn’t see.

The lights came back on, only to find out that Thorn had disappeared. They were also mysteriously in the room already.

” What the f-__-k is going on?” Sylvia muttered, getting frightened.

” He’s playing mind games with us. Just try to be sane for as possible as you can.” Shadow replied.

The ground below them shaked violently, causing them to lose their balance. They fell, and a crack appeared at the middle of the ground.

They quickly went to hold the wall for support as everywhere kept shaking. The crack broke open and formed a hole, revealing lava underneath it.

Sylvia gasped, and they both started to sweat as the ground broke more and more. They were soon running out of ground to stand on as they glued themselves to the wall, staring scaredly at the lava as it came for them.

” Shadow…” Sylvia muttered, grabbing the wall with her nails.

” Yes Sylvia?” Shadow answered.

” I love you.” She said without hesitance, and Shadow stared at her shockingly.

Before he could reply, the ground below Sylvia broke, and she fell straight for the lava.

” Sylvia!!!” Shadow screamed, his voice reverberating eeriely.

TBC. To Be Continued.

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