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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILVER BULLET – Episode 3 & 4

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{Legend Of The Mafia Goddess}

Theme: Getting Revenge.

Episodes 3 ⚔️ 4

Written by Dynamite O.


{ Suffering }

” Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” He screamed agonizingly as his mouth caught fire and began burning up.

After a while, he stopped screaming and gave up the ghost, going limp in the chair as his entire head turned black and continued burning

Sylvia left the torch in his mouth. She turned on a spot and kicked his head, so hard that it made his head fly out of his body, landing in the fire.

She kicked the electric chair in with his body too, and the chair began to spark before exploding in the fire.

Sylvia stormed out after that, and Barbie followed her.

” Pheeew. They’re gone.” Sniper exclaimed, breathing out with relief.

” Don’t tell me you were actually scared.” Bomb said beside her. They’re close friends in the empire.

” Scared? I was actually scared that she might decide to transfer her anger to us.” She said.

” Glad she didn’t.” He replied.

Virus was staring jealously at them both. She h@ťěs seeing them together because she has feelings for Bomb.

” I h@ťě that Sniper Ɓîtçh.” She muttered h@ťěfully beside Lucy.

” You had better claim Bomb fast before she snatches him from you.” Lucy advised.

” Don’t worry. I’m gonna make her leave him at all costs.” Virus promised.

They both began to leave, but Lucy got pulled back by Storm, a handsome guy who’s in love with her, but she doesn’t like him.

She frowned immediately upon seeing his face.

” Lucy, are you alright?” He asked concerningly, but she pulled herself roughly from him.

” For the last time, stay away from me.” She growled, then she walked off.

Storm curled his mouth dejectedly, then Eagle, his bestie put his arm around him.

” What do you even see in that girl? She’s complete bad luck, just stay away from her like she said if you don’t wanna regret it.” Eagle advised, but Storm removed his arm from his body and faced him.

” You have no control over my feelings, so quit telling me what to do.” Storm said adamantly and left.

” @$$h0le.” Eagle muttered and rolled eyes.


Sylvia and Barbie arrived. There were many hackers cracking codes behind many computers. The only light that illuminated the room was from the computer screens, and the only noise heard was the clicking of keyboards. None of them dared to lift their heads up, cos’ if they did, it was instant death.

They approached Sandy, an android who was also fully focused on her screen. She’s a very smart, pretty, friendly and high-tech android.

” Welcome bosses.” She said without looking back. She could sense anyone who approaches her without having to turn at all.

” Any news on Thorn’s empire location yet?” Sylvia asked.

” Abortive. I’ve tried all my best to get information from him, but he has a strong network coverage that can’t be penetrated. I’m currently trying to find other ways to get in.” Sandy reported.

Sylvia got so infuriated by the news. For years, she has tried but failed to get Thorn’s location, but in just one day he was able to manipulate one of her mafiosos into giving him information about her empire.

In the next second, she sunk a sword into the screen, destroying it completely. Sandy turned back to see Sylvia with a deadly and murderous look, then Sylvia removed it.

” If you can’t get any information about Thorn, then the screen is as good as useless.” Sylvia seethed annoyingly.

” I’m so sorry Bosslady.” Sandy apologized, bowing her head down. She wouldn’t dare look directly into her eyes.

Sylvia began wondering what exact information Cash gave to Thorn. She has no idea, but all she knows is that she should be expecting Thorn soon.

A black tiger came running into the room, interrupting her thoughts as it went to Barbie and jumped on her, making her fall to the ground.

She was laughing as the black tiger began licking her face all over, and she held its head, giving him gentle rubs.

” Bolt! Are you hungry?” Barbie said, standing back on her feet.

The black tiger weighed an insane amount of pounds, and it was twice as big as a normal human being. It also looks scary because of its largeness.

” Come on, let’s get you some chunky meat.” She said, then she took Bolt out with her.

Sylvia was still fuming on a spot when a slave brought a tray to her with alcohol on it.

” Here’s some alcohol, to cool your temper Bosslady.” She said, but Sylvia turned her neck dangerously to her, making her flinch and look down.

” Do I look angry to you?” She asked, and the slave immediately shaked her head sideways.

” No Bosslady. I’m so sorry.” She immediately apologized.

Sylvia wasn’t moved a bit by the apology, and her eyes went to the alcohol. She grabbed it and smashed it on her head, causing her to bleed instantly.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” The slave screamed, collapsing to the ground as her blood mixed with the alcohol.

” Take this filthy thing away from me to the Torture Arena, pour some boiling water on her.” Sylvia ordered coldly.

” No! Bosslady, I’m so sorry! I’ll never do that again!” The girl begged, but two floor mafiosos came to take her away while her voice faded in the distance.

” Get me some extreme coffee instead, fast.” She ordered, and another slave came to clean up the mess on the ground as another ran to get the coffee.

Sylvia left the room after that, still boiling with anger on her way out.

At that moment, Easter walked in and her eyes widened on sighting the damaged screen. She’s also one of the tech experts, and shes the one who created Sandy.

” Sandy, what happened here?” She asked as she came closer.

” Bosslady came in and destroyed it.” Sandy said.

” But Bosslady doesn’t just destroy anything without a tangible reason. She must have been upset before coming here.” Easter said and sighed, holding her waist.

Treynor came in with Agony at that moment.

” Whoa! What happened to the screen?” Treynor exclaimed.

” And why’s that slave cleaning blood and broken glass from the ground?” Agony added.

” That must have been Bosslady’s handiwork.” Easter replied.

Sandy looked away from Treynor, obviously disturbed by his presence.

” Hey Sandy.” He greeted her and smiled, but she suddenly stood up with a heavy frown, and his smile faded away.

” Not in the mood.” She glared, then walked out on him.

Easter looked confused, wondering what caused her to act that way before following her out.

” Why did she give you the cold shoulder?” Agony asked curiously.

” Honestly, I don’t know.” He replied, driving his fingers through his hair.


Virus was in the empire gym with Lucy, and both of them were exercising.

There were three gyms in the empire. One belonged to the floor mafiosos, another belonged to the top mafiosos while the last belonged to the bosses. They were the only ones in the gym currently.

Suddenly, Venom rushed in and came to Virus, looking really angry. Virus and Lucy stopped exercising, looking at her.

” Who the hell smoked all the weed?” Venom asked, holding a cannabis bag.

She turned it upside down and shaked it, showing that it was empty and she threw the bag away.

Virus laughed mockingly, standing in front of her, then she looked directly into Venom’s eyes.

Venom was half-snake, half-human. She has green snake eyes, snake tongue, fangs and even millions of piercings all over her face. Her green hair was braided all the way to her waist. Rumor has it that her saliva is even poisonous like a snake’s.

” Yeah, I’m the one who smoked it. So what are you gonna do about it? Cry?” She said, and Lucy bursted into laughter with her.

Venom bared out her fangs and brought out her tongue. Her eyes even became sharper, but Virus scoffed as she wasn’t even scared at all.

Venom grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground, choking her insanely. Virus’s eyes almost popped out of her sockets as she struggled to breath.

” Virus!” Lucy gasped, standing too.

The other top mafiosos came in when they heard the noise, and they began watching the drama without bothering to seperate them.

Fights like this happen almost everyday, so they see it as a normal thing now.

Venom was about to bite her neck when Sniper came, distracting her.

” Please stop fighting. You know BossBaby h@ťěs noise, and if you continue, she might come and you’ll get into trouble.” Sniper warned.

They call Barbie BossBaby instead of her name. No one dared to call any of the bosses by name, or else it spelt doom for them.

Venom glared at Virus and reluctantly left her neck. She fell to the ground and coughed heavily, then Lucy came to hold her.

She slapped Lucy’s hand away and stood while holding her neck, glaring at Venom.

” One day, I’ll cut off that venomous tongue of yours.” She thr_@tened, and Venom hissed at her as she left.

” You’re such a fun spoiler, Sniper. Why did you have to stop the fight?” Bomb said.

” I wouldn’t want to witness Bossbaby’s trouble today. I just saved us all, so you should be thanking me instead.” She retorted.


A massive party was going on in one of the empire’s rooms. The speakers were blasting with music as the mafiosos danced and merryed.

The party was thrown to celebrate Virus’s latest victory. She went on a mission alone and came back as a winner.

Other mafiosos were present, dressed and looking so hot. Some sat and drank while others f-__-ked in secret places.

It was an abomination to have any form of intimacy in the empire, Sylvia was the one who specially set the rule ‘cos intimacy disgusted her.

The very host of the party, Virus entered the party. They whooped on seeing her in a hot outfit, dressed half-nakedly with dark makeup.

She smiled before catwalking in proudly, going directly to Lucy.

” Congrats Virus. You’re really rocking your outfit!” Lucy complimented with a wine glass in hand.

” Thanks. I know I look gorgeous.” Virus smiled, but it quickly disappeared when she realized Bomb wasn’t present.

” Hey, where’s Bomb?” She asked.

” I dunno. Sniper isn’t here too, and I’m glad Treynor’s not here to bug me.” Lucy responded.

Virus’s grimaced badly, and she clenched her fists in anger as she started to shake.

Sniper and Bomb must be together somewhere, having fun with themselves.

” f-__-k.” She cursed, going crazy with the thoughts. She dressed extra-segzily just for him tonight, and he has to see her full package.

Suddenly, a gunshot came in from the entrance, and it met with the disco ball. It fell on one of the mafioso’s head, knocking him out unconscious.

They all became as silent as a graveyard, and all their eyes automatically turned to the entrance.

Barbie stood there in a black night gown, smirking and glaring dangerously while rolling a gun in hand.

She looked so segzy as the transparent nightie exposed most of her curves. The male mafiosos were staring and drooling at her body.

” Who started this party late at night?” She asked, but they all kept quiet.

” No one’s confessing, right? Then you all will suffer the consequences.” She declared.

” It was all Virus’s idea! She threw the party to celebrate her mission’s success!” Lucy snitched on her, and Virus looked shocked as Barbie’s eyes landed on her.

Her heart was currently in her mouth. She looked at Lucy hurtfully, but Lucy looked away like she wasn’t the one who just spoke.

” You’ll regret this, betrayer.” Virus whispered before stepping forward to Barbie.

” You know how much I love silence, right? Then why did you decided to disturb my peace at night?” She asked when Virus got to her.

” No, BossBaby. I was just….” Virus tried explaining, but then she realized she didn’t know what to say.

An evil smile appeared on Barbie’s lips.

” Kneel.” She ordered, and Virus looked into her eyes.

It’s easier to look into her eyes than Sylvia’s. Sylvia has a dangerous look but slightly soft heart, while Barbie has a beautiful look but dark heart.

Virus glared at her stubbornly, refusing to obey Barbie. She kept standing for longer than expected.

Barbie grimaced, then she shot her two kneecaps, bursting them off completely.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” Virus screamed in agony, falling to her knees forcefully as they bleeded profusely.

” Get me a sword.” Barbie ordered, and a sharp one was immediately presented to her.

She grabbed it, then brought out a bottle of acid and bathed the sword with it.

The sword released clouds of steam, then she threw the bottle away.

Virus was trembling as she stared at the sword. She never thought she’d regret her action this much.

Barbie pressed the tip of the sword on Virus’s tummy. The acid melted through her cloth till the sword touched her belly button, and hellish pains gripped her as the acid met with her skin.

” F****************kkkkkk!!!” She screamed out and shot her head up, and tears forcefully made their way out of her eyes.

Barbie frowned with all the noise Virus was creating, it was seriously angering her.

She cut off one of Virus’s arms, and the arm fell to the ground. Her blood began sizzling and boiling as it poured out of her body.

” No!!! Please!!!” Virus begged, looking so pitiful.

TBC. To Be Continued.

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