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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SILVER BULLET – Episode 27 & 28

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{A Horrible Accident}

” This.” She replied and held his chin, then kissed him directly on the lips. Bomb’s eyes went wide.

Bomb quickly broke the kiss and pushed her off. She licked her lips and smiled enjoyably.

” What the f-__-k is wrong with you? Do you even realize what you’re doing? Aren’t you the same person who was warning me over intimacy?” He scolded her all at once. She laughed mockingly, clapping her hands as well.

” And you actually believed me? I was only joking with you, baby boy. The real truth is that lately, I’ve started to think about you and have restless nights because of you. Only then did I realize, that I was in love with you.” Sniper confessed shamelessly, and Bomb grimaced.

” You sicken me. You’re extremely sick upstairs.”

” I’m perfectly fine. Besides, it’s not like Barbie wanted the pregnancy. She’s gonna abort it, and you have just a day left to leave the empire. I know everything.” She whispered the last sentence, but bomb kept silent.

” If you don’t want me to tell everything to Sylvia…” She said and began to walj around him. ” You’ll have to daté me in secret. No one’s gonna know, just you anf me.” She said and stopped at his back, holding his shoulders seductively.

Bomb shrugged her hands off and stepped forward from her. She came again and held his shoulders the same way, but this time he didn’t move.

” I’ll make you feel very good. I know how you love a good s*x, and I’m gonna please tou beyond your imagination. Be mine officially, Bomb.” She said again, and Bomb turned to her with a serious look.

Their faces were very close, and Sniper thought that this was it. She gulped and closed her eyes in expectation of a kiss… But nothing came.

” I can’t do this. Leave me alone, and let me handle my problems myself. Tell Bosslady if you want, I don’t care. The worst thing she can do is to ki|| me, right? Then I’ll die protecting that unborn baby first.” He said seriously and left her.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!! Why does he have to be such a Ďïčk! I almost had him! ” Sniper complained, stomping her feet in annoyance.


Sylvia brought out a large map and spread it out on a large table. Shadow looked over it interestedly.

” The only motto of this empire is to ki|| our one common enemy, Thorn.” Sylvia said, and Shadow looked at her.

” Common enemy?” He repeated.

” Yeah. Everyone in this empire has a nemesis with Thorn. He took everything from me many years ago, and I’m gonna get everything back from him by taking revenge. I’ve ki||ed his daughter and ex girlfriend already, so all that’s left is him. We’re gonna ki|| him.” Sylvia explained, and Shadow nodded.

” So, this is the map of the whole city. There are some marked areas, which is where Thorn normally sends some of his mafiosos to trade illegal drugs and ammunitions with other clans.” She narrated further as she showed him everything on the map.

” So, the next possible and sensible plan is to ambush him… By getting to his mafioso’s first?” Shadow said.

” Yes.” Sylvia replied.

” But I don’t get it. Why should we attack his mafiosos when I know his exact location? We can just burst into his empire and take out the old fool.” Shadow reasoned, and Sylvia slapped her forehead with a sigh.

” I see you have little experience. Why were you even made his underboss?” She said and placed a hand on his shoulder.

” Maybe because I can fight better than you.” He retorted and removed her arm, then left the table.

She sighed and put the map away, then approached him from behind.

” What exactly is the problem? You weren’t this moody before. Is it because of Thorn?” She asked.

” Yes. I get kinda annoyed anytime I hear his name now. I just… Dislike him yunno? He also took everything away from me just like he did to you.” Shadow replied without looking back at her.

Sylvia’s brows pulled together, feeling like something was familiar about him. She couldn’t fathom exactly what it was and just let it be.

” You should take a rest. Try calming down with a drink, the kitchen isn’t far from here.” She tried comforting him and touched his shoulder. He patted her hand, then she left him.

” f-__-k, my head.” She complained while walking and stopped to hold her forehead achingly.

That got Shadow to turn around, and he immediately went to her.

” Are you alright?” He asked, and she faced him.

” Yeah. I’ve been feeling this way for sometime now. It always happens when I don’t drink extreme coffee.” She replied.

” Extreme coffee? But that drink is banned in most countries. It has hazardous effects!” Shadow pointed out, and she gave a simple smile.

” Well, it doesn’t hurt me. I’m not human afterall.” She said jokingly, and that got Shadow chuckling.

” Isn’t there some extreme coffee in the kitchen? I coulf go tehre and get some for you.” He offered.

” Actually, don’t stress yourself. I know a place where I can get the best extreme coffee, but I’m going alone.” She told him, and he sighed. She left the room.


Barbie’s eyes snapped open, and she sat up sharply on the bed with heavy pants. She looked around to realize she was in the clinic and panicked.

” What the f-__-k am I doing here?” She said to herself, trying to remember the last thing that happened before she went unconscious.

” Bossbaby, you shouldn’t really stress yourself like that. You should lay back in bed for just a few more hours, cos’ of your pregnancy.” Ďïčkson advised her, and she stood from the bed.

” You know that I’m pregnant?” She said closely to his face, scaring hell out of him as he started trembling.

How can a pregnant woman be so energetic?

” Y… Yes. The results are right here.” Ďïčkson replied and held up the result paper. Barbie grabbed it from him without looking away from his eyes and tore it to pieces.

” Listen to me carefully. I still remain a boss in this empire, and you’re just a low doctor who can get fired at anytime. But if the news pf my pregnancy reaches anyone else apart from you and me… I swear to hell, I’mma rip you apart and feed you to Sylvia’s dogs!” She barked at him, making him flinch.

She stormed out of the clinic, but bumped into Bomb on the way.

” Hey, what are you still doing here? Didn’t I tell you to get yourself out of the empire within two days?” She said with a raging attitude.

” I’m here to check upon the baby. And, I still have 24 hours left in the empire.” He said, and she scoffed.

” I already told you to forget about the d@mn baby. This baby is a goner! I’m gonna abort it before the end of today!” She shouted at him.

” And I won’t let that happen. This is the first child that I’ll ever have. I’ve f-__-ked ladies before, but only through the an*s. you’re the first woman I’ll f-__-k in the v**ina, making you the first mother of my child as well.” Bomb retorted shamelessly.

A sharp slap greeted his face from Barbie, which sent his face off and stung him to the core. He held his face still stunned and turned back to her.

” You… Laid your hand on my face…” He muttered unbelievably.

” Get the hell outta my life! Leave the empire in peace! Forget about any pregnancy, I don’t care about you! I f-__-kin’ h@ťě you with passion! It irritates me to keep seeing you here! Just leave, ki|| yourself or disappear! Make the ground swallow you up!” She shouted h@ťěfully with passion, then pushed Bomb to the ground and stepped on him before walking out.

Bomb stood back up, putting on a dark and disturbing look. He looked like he could murder someone.

” I swear Barbie. If you ki|| that child… I’mma end up digging your grave.” He swore seriously and left his spot.


Thorn came to visit Scarlet and Smoke on the roof. It’s the second day since they’ve been there, and the situation they were in was horrifying to witness.

They were both stripped naked and nailed to two seperate crosses like Jesus Christ. They had blood on their bodies because they’ve been tortured with whips and attacked by different animals at night, and they were both constantly groaning from pain. They have even been starved of food.

Thorn smirked a devilish grin as he started walking to them.

He picked up a bottle from the ground and squirted out a creamy substance from it. He decided to have fun with Scarlet and rubbed it on her B-__-bs, squeezing them segzually.

” Aaaaaah!” Scarlet awoke with a sharp Mõ@ɲ, which made him keep on caressing her melons.

He started squeezing them harder as time went on. It got to a point that Scarlet couldn’t take it anymore and began screaming as he gave her rough and brutal squeezes.

” No! Please, have mercy!” She shouted, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

He pinched her Ɲīpplës hard and pulled them, making sure that she wept blood. He left her after that and went to Smoke.

He grabbed Smoke’s Ďïčk and began stroking it. Smoke tried to keep in his Mõ@ɲs, and Thorn started the torture by pulling his Ďïčk.

Smoke could only scream and wriggle in agony on the cross. Thorn pulled his Ďïčk more like in a tig of war, till he started peeing blood.

Smoke’s cries filled the entire planet. Thorn left them both and went back into the building.

He went straight for the hallway and through a mysterious door. It led to another room entirely that was freezing cold, but Thorn seem unaffected by this.

There was ice, dripping water was frozen and Thorn was even breathing out the cold from his nostrils. The room was like a deep freezer.

In a corner, the figure of a freezing woman was seen, and she was wearing tacky and tattered clothes. She was shaking like f-__-k.

” Enjoying the cold weather?” He said teasingly and laughed, going for the poor woman.

He picked her up by the head, revealing her face. She had lots of marks and blemishes on it, as well as frozen blood all over. She looked terrible.

” I’ll keep torturing you like this till you tell me where those children are. I want them, Wendy. Or I’ll cut off your nose right now.” He thr_@tened mercilessly.

” No!” She shouted, and her voice even echoed around the room.

” Have it your way.” He muttered and punched her nose, breaking ofd the bone completely.

Wendy screamed immediately, and blood began pouring out of her nose. Thorn dropped her and she began to cry agonizingly as he left the icy room.


Sylvia arrived at Spain already in the empire helicopter. She parked it safely in the forest and made sure nobody was around, then went into the streets to find her way to the bar.

She has her mask on right now, and she allowed her white hair to be exposed, flowing with the wind.

This time, she has a GPS tracker with her, so it was easy to locate the bar in minutes.

She arrived and went in, looking directly at the counter. She saw only the female bartender there and wondered where Black could be.

She made to dial his number when his call popped up coincidentally. She didn’t waste any time before picking it up.

” Hi. First time calling. Also, where are you? I’m at your workplace, but I’m not seeing you behind the counter.” She said.

” Come meet me in the alley behind the bar.” He spoke in a cold tone, making Sylvia anxious.

The call ended like that, then she put the phone away and went to the alley behind the bar.

The alley was surprisingly quiet and dark when she got there. The only light there was from a bulb, and it wasn’t even walking properly.

Black was standing under that bulb, looking down. Sylvia started walking to him cautiously as she felt goosebumps on her skin.

” Black, what’s going on? Why did you tell me to meet you here?” She asked and got to him, and he lifted up his head to look at her.

His look is giving her chills right now. He isn’t looking friendly or welcoming at all, just highly disturbing.

” You have a great look today.” He complimented instead and didn’t hesitate to touch her hair. She kept staring at his face in worry.

” Black… Why are you acting strange? Is there something you want me to know?” She said, causing him to leave her hair and look at her gravely.

” Bosslady of Silver Bullet Clan, the top notorious, popular and most wanted clan in the whole world. You’re the brain behind that clan, right?” He spoke, and Sylvia felt struck by lightening on hearing those words from him.

She couldn’t even move. She felt the great urge to turn back and escape, but her legs weren’t responding. She felt like she was magically glued to the spot.

” I actually didn’t know your true identity before, until the last time we met. You hid your hair the first time we met, which didn’t allow me to quickly recognize you. You’re such a great trickster.” He said again and added a knowing smirk, then started to stroke her hair.

” You know nothing about me.” Sylvia got her voice and stared at him gravely as well, which made him smile even more.

” I know everything about you, Bosslady.” He replied.

Sylvia tried to move away from him, but he sharply grabbed her hands and placed cuffs on them. Sylvia stared at the cuffs in shock as she got trapped.

” What are you doing? Let me go this instant, you criminal!” She shot at him.

” Actually, you’re the real criminal here, and you’re going to jail. I’m an officer.” He revealed and held out his ID, and Sylvia felt her throat run dry.

” You… You played me.” She muttered, almost quietly.

” And you made my work more easier. For years, I’ve been trying to capture you and your whole gang, but knowing your location was difficult. I searched and searched, but found nothing. I got fired because of my failure, and decided to work as a bartender, where I met you. Now I have you in cuffs, and there’s no way you can escape. I’ll hand you over to the station, and I’ll get my job back.” He said, grabbed her arms and began taking her away.

” No! Let me go! You can’t do this! f-__-kin’ stop!!!” Sylvia shouted endlessly, but he wouldn’t listen.

She kicked him and made him fall directly on his face. She tried to quickly escape, but he grabbed her leg and make her fall as well. He decided to cuff her legs as well and carried her on his shoulders.

” Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgghh!!! No!!!!” Sylvia screamed crazily, struggling insanely to be free from him.

He got to a Black Maria parked on the roadside and carelessly threw her into the back. He locked it up well to make sure she couldn’t escape, then he went to the driver’s seat and initiated the car.

” Black, no! Freakin’ stop!” She shouted over the engine noises. He didn’t listen and began to drive off speedily.

Sylvia became quiet afterwards, then she sat up and rested on the wall of the car. She sighed, starting to accept the fact that she really got caught. Her hands and legs are cuffed, so there’s no possible way she can escape.

She began to regret not taking Shadow with her. If he was here, she’d probably not be in a Black Maria right now.

She even imagined herself in the orange prison wear, and how she’d look in jail. So this is where it all ends? This is how she won’t get her revenge on Thorn?

She became sad and even began to cry noisily as she remembered everything she went through. It made Black annoyed, and he pressed the pedal to increase the car speed so that he won’t hear her anymore.

A heavy bang happened on the car rough, causing the car to slightly lose control. Black quickly got the car under control to avoid crashing.

” What the f-__-k was that?” He asked allowed, and his answer was provided when he heard lasering noises.

The roof over Sylvia was being cut open in a wide circle, and she could see it. After it was cut complete, it was kicked down, revealing Shadow’s face.

Sylvia couldn’t feel more extreme joy on seeing him. She smiled very happily with the tears on her face, and Shadow dropped into the car.

” You came for me.” She said as he began lasering the cuffs away from her limbs. The laser was actually the shape of a pen.

” I couldn’t possibly keep watching and allow you go to jail, at least not now. I sneaked into your helicopter before you left.” He explained, finally freeing her from the cuffs.

She stood immediately and gave him a tight hug. Shadow embraced her back, closing his eyes warmly on her.

Black suddenly appeared in the back with them. He left the car on auto-drive, so right now they were speeding insanely on the road in a straight line.

” Who the f-__-k are you?” Black said, making them break the hug. Shadow frowned greatly on seeing him, but Black’s eyes widened immediately.

It was like staring right into a mirror. The two were perfect replicas of themselves, you couldn’t tell them apart.

Shadow made the first action by punching Black in the face. Black crashed to the ground as a result, and Shadow grabbed his shirt at front, lifting him up.

He threw Black to the car wall, which made the car shake. Black groaned on the ground as he coughed out blood.

Shadow came for him again, but Black quickly stood and threw a quick punch at him. Shadow staggered back but didn’t fall, then they glared at each other.

” Who the f-__-k do you think you are?” Black inquired.

” I’m gonna become your worst nightmare if you don’t let my girl go.” Shadow replied angrily, shielding her behind him.

Sylvia’s eyes pulled in surprise. She called her his girl?

Black ran to Shadow and was about to hit him on the face when the car suddenly bumped into something, causing them all to lose balance and fall.

The car got on track again, then Shadow quickly got up and peeped at road. They were heading straight for a red brick wall with gasoline containers in front of it.

” S**t, turn the f-__-kin’ car around!” He shouted, but it was too late.

Before they could do anything else, the car ran into the gasoline containers and exploded along with the brick wall. The car went flying and somersaulted multiple times before landing to the ground in flames, and it exploded again in a terrible catastrophe.

TBC. To Be Continued.

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