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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILVER BULLET – Episode 15 & 16

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{Bloody Valentine}

She successfully ripped off the Goldeneye tattoo along with his skin and threw it to the ground. Shadow went limp again, slowly dying from all the torture.

” Now, tell me. Where is Thorn?” Sylvia asked, panting heavily.

Shadow suddenly began laughing like she just told a joke, despite all the blood and pains.

” You really think I’ll tell you just like that? Well you better ki|| me because I’m not ready to tell you anything.” He said.

” Fine, keep suffering then. But you will tell me one way or another. Every single soul in this world has a weakness, including you. And I’m gonna find it, and use it to make you talk.” She swore, going out with the rest of the mafiosos.

” Although, I can tell you one thing.” He suddenly said with a cough, making her turn back to him.

” I won’t tell the exact location, but I’ll give a clue. Thorn has an ex named Rose. If you meet her, maybe you’ll meet him.” He said.

Sylvia gave no expression and faced Storm.

” Lock this place up tight, and increase the room temperature, make it thrice as hot.” She ordered.

” Yes Bosslady.” He said, then they all walked out.

The door was closed shut after that, and the lights got turned off. Shadow could start feeling the heat already as it increased at an alarming speed. He felt like he was getting cooked alive and started sweating.


Phoenix was currently kneeling in front of Thorn with her head bowed. He stood in front of her with a cigar in his mouth, smoking as usual.

” I’m so sorry Boss.” She apologized for the trillionth time, but he ignored her for the trillionth time as well.

She has been here for many hours like that, apologizing non-stop.

” You had one chance to ki|| Bosslady for me, but you blew it. You ruined our empire’s chances of becoming the number one mafia clan. Not only that, you couldn’t even return with the new second-in-command you brought. What a surprise!” He said, laughing loudly.

” But… It wasn’t my fault. I was knocked out unconscious by the second boss, so I didn’t…” She tried defending herself, but a thunderous slap from him sent her crashing flat on the ground.

She held her slapped face and gasped as she began heavily bleeding from the nose. The bandage on her face was it to be removed, so it got stained.

” My empire isn’t a joke for anyone to laugh at. I ki||ed Shadow years ago just to have my clan in the top, and I won’t hesitate to ki|| anyone who tries to be better than my clan. Got that?” He spat angrily at her, and she made a quick nod.

He took another puff from his cigarette and blew out smoke, calming himself down.

You’re gonna make yourself useful. Find anyway to ki|| Bosslady and bring down her clan, and I’ll make you the new second-in-command.” He spoke, walking out.

Phoenix eyes widened on the ground, hoping that she heard well. The chance has finally come.

Despite the blood running from her nose, she stood and smiled, and even laughed with joy.

” Get ready, Bosslady. You’ll be surprised by my visit.” She spoke to herself.


Virus asleep on a bed, receiving some liquid through her arm from a drip. She has been in coma for a long time now.

Her skin had changed into a deep purple color, like she had no blood in her body and yet she was still breathing. Her hair fell from her head overtime, so she’s completely bald.

She opened her eyes and gently sat up on the bed. She felt the syringe in her arm and removed it, then stood from the bed.

She looked around the clinic curiously, trying to remember how she got here. Her eyes stopped on a mirror, and she went closer to it only to see a purple freak with bald head.

She screamed in horror upon seeing herself and landed on the bed. She looked at her arms and touched her face, still not believing it.

” I’m purple! Why the f-__-k am I purple?” She panicked and held her hair.

She finally remembered the snake bite in the toilet and shamelessly lifted up the hospital gown she was wearing , looking at her Pů$$¥. The bite was healed and gone, so she lowered the hospital gown.

” What the f-__-k happened to me? Why do I look like this?” She cried, tears slipping out of her eyes as she palmed her mouth.

” Noooooooooooo!!!” She screamed dramatically after checking herself out again, falling to the ground.


Lucy was going to her room to have a shower. She got there and opened the door, but was shocked to find that her room was changed.

Instead of black, the walls were painted red. Most of the dark items she had got replaced with red bears and flowers. Rose petals were all over the floor and on the bed, and the room smelt like roses as well.

She slowly stepped into the room with wide eyes, still looking at everything.

” Who did this?”

Her answer was given when she turned back to the door, only to find Storm standing right in front of her. Her eyes widened even more because he was holding a freakin’ gun to her head!

She started trembling, but he smiled, pulling the trigger of the gun at her.

Instead of a bullet, rose petals shot at her face, startling her. She staggered and fell to the ground in a frenzy.

” Happy Valentine’s day.” He said with a sweet smile, stretching a hand to her on the ground.

She looked at him strangely and collected it, but when he pulled her up, she served him a straight punch on his heart.

He coughed and stepped back, holding his chest. The flower bouquet he held fell from him as well, right in front of Lucy.

” I’ve told you to leave me the f-__-k alone! How many times do I have to tell you that? Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” She screamed like a lunatic, shaking her head crazily.

She stopped freaking out for a moment and held her head, closing her eyes with a deep sigh. Storm took the opportunity to come and hug her.

When she felt his arms wrap around her, her eyes opened sharply and she grabbed him, hauling him across the room. He landed heavily on the ground, breaking his spine.

” f-__-k!!!” He screamed, squeezing his eyes in pain.

It wasn’t over because Lucy grabbed a gun from her table and aimed for his forehead. She slowly pulled the trigger, but someone quickly ran in and slapped the gun from her, making the bullet hit the ground beside his head.

” Sandy?” Lucy said surprisingly, and Sandy went to help Storm up.

She didn’t say a word to her at all and just helped him walk out. He groaned because of his broken back and fell, so she mounted him on her back and carried him out.

” f-__-k!” Lucy screamed. She grabbed the gun and shot a teddy bear on the ground, bursting it off completely.

” I h@ťě you!” She screamed again, $h00ting the wall, then to the flowers and just everything in the room.

Treynor came out of a corner, watching as Sandy carried Storm away. He felt so hurt and looked down at the beautiful necklace in his hand.

He planned to give it to her when he saw her coming and entering Lucy’s room. He squeezed the necklace angrily and dropped it on the ground, walking away.


Agony was strolling through one of the sections in the empire, passing by a cherry tree. He sighed and rested on it for a while.

It was night already.

” What’re you doing?” Eagle asked from above, and he looked up to see him sitting on a tree branch.

” Nothing special. I’m just looking for Treynor. Have you seen him today?” Agony asked.

Eagle climbed down the tree and stood in front of him, leaning on the tree as well.

” No. I’m also looking for Storm.” Eagle replied.

” Really? Well that makes us even.” Agony said.

Easter suddenly appeared, flashing a bright smile at them as she came. The two boys stood off the tree at the same time, but she faced Eagle.

” Are you busy?” She asked.

” No, not at all.” He replied.

She smiled again and brought out a red alcohol bottle with a red ribbon on it. Agony’s countenance became weird and unhappy.

” I know you like drinking, so I specially brought this for you to wish you a happy Valentine’s day.” She gave it to him and winked.

Agony grimaced slightly, clenching his fists.

Eagle smiled as he checked the bottle out. His smile slowly disappeared, then he looked at Easter slowly.

He hugged her fast and tight, causing her to gasp. She smiled and hugged him back as well.

Agony stood in his place as they made him feel invisible. He doesn’t care about them, it’s the fact that he doesn’t have a date for Valentine, and they’re making him feel more lonely.

He kicked the ground and stormed off quickly, then they broke the hug.

” Thanks a lot. I really appreciate this.” Eagle said.

” Yeah, but where’s Agony? Wasn’t he just here?” She said, and they looked around but couldn’t find him.

They left his case and began talking about something else, walking away from there.


Barbie walked to the empire’s pool alone while holding a towel.

She was wearing a black lingerie. She got to the pool and dropped the towel, pulling off her lingerie to reveal her black bra and P@ŋtîēṣ.

She looked much hotter and secure that way as she exposed her lovely curves. She didn’t feel comfortable taking a shower in her room, so she came here.

She did a jump and landed in the pool, splashing water around. She stood in the water and flipped her hair segzily, as water streamed down her face.

Bomb happened to be passing by the pool when he saw movements in the water and turned there. He saw Barbie and his eyes widened in shock.

He began to stare at her curves as they got bathed in the water. He had never seen her like this before, and she looked super hot. He gulped.

He quickly went away from there and hid behind some bushes, watching her from there. He bit his lip naughtily as dirty thoughts and fantasies kicked into his mind.

How secure would she look without the bra and P@ŋtîēṣ? He was dying to know.

They got interrupted when a loud alarm began ringing everywhere, and Barbie stopped swimming. She immediately got out of the water and wrapped the towel over her B-__-bs before leaving.

” Maaaad!!!” Bomb squealed, getting excited as he left too.


Easter was already in the research lab, her eyes glued to the screen as she clicked her keyboard seriously.

Barbie got there panting and stopped behind hér back. She was back in a new outfit, but her hair was still wet.

” What’s the emergency?” She asked.

” A dark figure was spotted walking in the hallways. The lights there got messed with, but the security cameras are still intact. There’s blood ariund as well.” Easter reported.

Barbie looked at the screen, and truly the dark figure was there, but walking slowly.

” Can you figure out where the person’s headed?” Barbie inquired, and Easter changed the screen to another camera.

It showed that the person was heading straight for the research lab, and her eyes widened.

She pulled out her two fighting knives and faced the doors. Sandy and Easter stood too, all their eyes were on the door in anticipation.

There was sudden silence since the alarm stopped blaring. The air turned chilly cold as suspense reigned among them. It was like waiting for a bomb to explode.

The doors got opened, and Barbie glared, running the figure standing there. Light shone on the figure’s face, and it turned out to be Sandy.

Barbie froze in shock, right in front of her. Her eyes were red, and blood was on her face. She looked scary and was staring back at her.

She grabbed Barbie’s neck, choking her as she lifted her up. She threw Barbie away, and she landed on some computers as she yelled in pain.

Sandy looked at the lights in the room. She glared hard at it, and red-hot lasers shot out of her eyes, destroying the lights. Darkness covered the whole place, and they panicked.

Easter dragged out a sword handle. When she clicked a button on it, a glowing red metal came out of it, becoming a sword. Ít becane a light saber.

She found her eay around with the sword and fot to the spot where Sandy was standing, but she wasn’t there anymore. She heard shouts from behind her and turned, only to meet Sandy standing there.

She fot startled and stepped back. Her heart was in her mouth when she saw how Sandy’s 3yes looked so red and evil.

” Sàndy, what has fotten into you? Why are you doing like this? This is not how I created you! Come back to your senses!” She yelled and dropped the light saber to shake her shoulders, but Sandy held her arms and raised her off the grounf that way.

She pulled her two arms, and they seprated from her body. Blood spilled from the arms as Easter dropped to the ground.

” Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgghh !!!” She screamed horrifiedly.

Sandy grabbed her head and twisted her neck, and Easter went silent. She ripped her head out of her body, then dropped her dead corpse on the ground.

She turned back and met Baebie running to her dangerously with her knives. Barbie tried to stab her chest, but Sandy raised her palm, so the knife went through her palm instead.

Sandy grabbed her hand like that, then pounded her head with her other fist.

Barbie’s head spinned crazily, then she collapsed unconscious. Sandy grabbed her legs and began pulling her out of the Research Lab.


Surprisingly , her room was decorated in Valentine’s theme. Roses were everywhere, and a smile was on her pretty face as well.

She was wearing a red dress tonight. Despite all the problems and trouble at hand, she just decided to ignore it all for a while, for the sake of Valentine.

She held a rose flower an brought it to a statue resting on the wall. The statue was in the image of her late brother, Felix.

She smiled as she dropped the rose in his statue hand, then she held it.

” I miss you, little bro. Happy valentine.” She smiled, sadly.

Tears were thr_@tening to come out of her eyes as she remembered the horrible scene that took everything from her, including him. She quickly wiped the tears off and went to sit on her bed.

A knock happened on her door, and she sniffed before going to answer. She opened up and a floor mafioso was there.

” Shadow… He escaped from the room. He’s not there anymore.” He said alarmingly.

” What!” Sylvia exclaimed.

TBC. To Be Continued.

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