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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILVER BULLET – Episode 1 & 2

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{Legend Of The Mafia Goddess}

Theme: Getting Revenge.

Written by Dynamite O.

Episodes 1 ⚔️ 2



Revenge is a dish best served cold, and that’s what Sylvia craves most in this world.

She was born with her brother Felix to a great Mafia Don named Shadow, who ruled a popular mafia empire called Flames Clan. Flames Clan was popularly known for being the most dangerous, notorious and wanted of all mafia clans. But however, this all changed when Shadow’s friend, Thorn betrayed and attacked his empire for being more success than his.

In that fight, many lives were claimed, and the whole empire was destroyed to nothing. Sylvia was the only one who survived that day, and she ran off to a distant place where she could never be found.

Witnessing the loss of her only brother and father made her into a bitter-hearted girl, who wanted nothing but revenge. She swore with her blood that she’d destroy Thorn and his empire.

She was now a homeless orphan who was looked fown upon by everyone. But a kind-hearted person called godmother Emerald decided to recruit and help Sylvia.

She trained Sylvia vigorously for several years till Sylvia grew and became strong enough to defend herself. She established her own empire and named it Silver Bullet.

Because Sylvia was such a strong, quick-witted, ski||ed, beautiful Mafia, it made her clan more popular than Thorn’s, making him jealous again.

He wanted to be the only ruling mafia in the world. he’d never allow a girl take his place, it’d make him seem like a weakling. He immediately grew immense hatred for Sylvia and swore to ki|| her at all costs.

But, will any of them succeed? Who’d win at the end? What happens after Sylvia meets the ki||er of her family after several years?

There’s so much blood to shed, so many secrets to be revealed, so much suspense to experience, and deaths to be avenged.

Don’t miss out on this epic Mafia ride. Get your popcorn ready and start reading the story now.


Sylvia, an 11 year-old was sitting on top of the rooftop edge, having a wide view of the empire beneath her, the empire that she’d inherit someday.

She had her legs swinging with a huge smile on her face. She was never scared of heights, she loved viewing things from very high places, it was her usual hobby.

She has long silver hair and fierce silver eyes, which made her look so beautiful. She was an exact replica of her father.

Her brother Felix who was 2 years younger than her had brown hair and brown eyes. He was a replica of their late mother, and he was practicing swordfight alone on the rooftop, wielding his sword left and right.

Suddenly, an explosion happened, causing the whole empire to shake. Sylvia lost her balance sitting and almost fell to her death, but she quickly held on to the edge and pulled herself back up.

Their father, Shadow came running to the rooftop, panting and sweating. He had blood on his face and palms. It looked like trouble was going on in the empire.

Sylvia ran and hugged her Dad tightly, while Felix dropped his sword and ran close to him.

” What’s going on Dad? Why did the ground shake? Is something wrong?” Sylvia asked concernedly.

” Why’s there blood on your hands?” Felix asked too, feeling slightly agitated.

” Felix, Sylvia, the empire is under attack. My friend Thorn, he betrayed me and attacked the empire. He wants to destroy me completely, and I want to protect you both from him.” Shadow explained.

” No, Dad… You have to stay with us. You can’t leave for any reason.” Sylvia said, hugging her father more tightly and he caressed her silver hair.

” It’s alright Diamond. I won’t ever leave you, not for any reason at all. I’d use all my blood and soul to protect you both.” He promised.

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard, and Shadow let out a deafening scream as blood poured from his mouth. He left Sylvia and collapsed heavily to the ground, causing the children’s eyes to widen.

It’s not that they’ve never witnessed murder before, it’s the fact that their only father got shot right before their eyes. It was too horrifying to bear.

The name of Thorn’s empire was called Goldeneye Clan. His mafiosos arrived at the rooftop already. They were all masked, and were the ones who shot Shadow from behind.

” No!!!” Felix and Sylvia both screamed, bending down to their father’s body.

” Get those children alive! If any of them tries to escape, blow them off to death.” Their second-in-command named Rain ordered.

At this point, the children slowly left Shadow’s body and began to step backwards. The mafiosos walked towards them even faster, so they turned ran to escape.

The mafiosos chased and shot at them severally, but they kept missing because the children were dodging the bullets ski||fully. They were also trained as well.

They got to the rooftop edge and stopped to prevent falling off. There was no way to escape, and the mafiosos were right behind them, ready to $h00t if they made any wrong move.

” Felix… Don’t move.” Sylvia whispered with her heart in her mouth, but Felix was stubborn himself, so he turned back to the mafiosos.

The first one tried grabbing him by the arm. He sharply pulled out a small knife and pierced the guy’s eye, making that eye useless.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!” The mafiosos stepped back with pains as blood came out of his eyehole.

The other mafiosos quickly tried to grab him before he’d make any more moves, but it was too late. Felix brought out two more knives and pierced their eyes, making them scream and step back from him.

It gave him space to run, so he ran forward and took his sword from the ground.

More mafiosos came to attack him. He slashed them and began spreading their blood all over like nothing, ki||ing each of them so easily. Blood even stained his face.

Imagine, a 9 year-old boy!

” You guys are incompetent. Who was mindless enough to send you guys?” Felix said when he paused a little, then one of them made to pierce him with a sword.

He blocked the sword quickly and pierced the mafioso’s heart, and he pushed in the sword more till it came out through his back.

” Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgghh!” The mafioso screamed, then Felix left his sword in his body.

Sylvia just stood there, watching as her brother became a ruthless fighting machine. A mafioso came running towards her with a knife, but she dodged quickly, so he missed and came running to the rooftop edge.

He tried to stop, but it was too late. He slipped and the knife fell from him and landed beside Sylvia, then he fell off with a resounding scream.

The knife dropped beside her before he fell, so she took it and went to help her brother fight.

Felix was currently ripping out the last mafioso’s heart when Rain stealthily walked up to his back. He pulled out his gun and aimed at Felix’s head.

He was about to pull the trigger when Sylvia got to him and stabbed his head from behind, dragging it down. The gun fell from him and his mouth dropped open, attracting Felix’s attention.

Felix turned to see Sylvia. Rain dropped dead, so she grabbed Felix’s hand.

” Come on, let’s get out of here.” She said.

They both ran to the rooftop edge, but Felix was hesitant and released himself from her.

” But Sylvia, we won’t make it. We might die if we try to jump off.” Felix reasoned.

” But it’s our only chance.” Sylvia said.

Felix was speechless for a few minutes, looking worried. He finally gave a fearless look and nodded, agreeing with her.

They hugged very tightly, both stained with so much blood. She was frightened, and Felix could feel it as her heart kept pumping wildly against his chest.

” I’ll miss you so much. I love you, Felix.” She said, hugging him even tighter.

” I love you too, Diamond.” Felix called her. Shadow was the only one who fondly called her that name, which made her miss him even more that she cried on Felix.

They broke the hug, and they closed their eyes tightly. They held their hands with every firmness they could give.

Without wasting time, Sylvia stepped on the air first and fell, leaving Felix’s hand. Felix also tried to follow, but suddenly got held back by a mafioso out of nowhere.

” I got the kid! I got him!” The mafioso shouted as Felix struggled with him, and more mafiosos came to the rooftop.

” No, Sylvia!!! No!!!” Felix screamed and struggled, but the mafioso lifted him off the ground and carried him away.

Sylvia could see everything as she kept falling down the tall building. More tears slipped out of her eye, and in the next second, she saw a flash of light with a gunshot sound. They must have ki||ed Felix.

” No!!! Felix!!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

She was about to hit the ground when it suddenly opened up, and she fell through, landing in a pool of water with a splash.

The mafiosos saw her landing safely, and they started falling down the rooftop to capture her.

Sylvia came to the surface with a deep gasp, then saw the mafiosos falling towards her. She was a fast swimmer, so she swam out of the pool in seconds.

She ran away from there as fast as her two legs could take her. The mafiosos landed on the pool of water and followed her fastly.

She suddenly tripped on a rock and fell, landing on her knees and palms. She got injured and began bleeding, unable to keep running temporarily.

The mafiosos already swam out of the water and were beginning to catch up, but some steps before they could get to her, the whole empire blew up and engulfed them in its flames as their screams were the last thing she heard.

She protected herself with her arms and crawled away, so the fire didn’t reach her. She stood back on her feet, running away from the burning empire without looking back.

She lost everything that day. Her family was the only thing she had, but they were now gone forever.

Tears poured out of her eyes as she replayed the traumatizing scene in her head, and she ran further and further away…


Sylvia was having a bath in her bathroom, sitting in the cold water with her eyes closed.

She was currently replaying the scene in her head. She sighed out and opened her eyes, revealing their stunning silver colour.

She stepped out of the bathtub and got a towel to dry herself. She could never get the gory event out of her head, not when she still needed to get back at Thorn for what he did to her.

She already swore with her life to make him pay. Wh@ťěver it costs, she’d go to the extra mile just to make him bleed at her feet.

She stepped out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around her upper body. The first person she met was Barbie, her closest friend whom she sees like a sister.

Barbie was different from Sylvia though. Sylvia still had some sympathy left in her heart, but Barbie was cruel and wicked. She had black hair and loved wearing black outfit, but she acted Ɓîtçhy to everyone except Sylvia.

Sylvia was now grown, looking more changed over the years. She had segzy curves, beautiful face and the perfect body outline to die for, even hotter than Barbie. She was 25, but Barbie was 24.

Baribe leaned closer to Sylvia’s face, but Sylvia didn’t even move, looking blankly. She blew a hair strand from her face and stood normally.

” Good morning sleepyhead. I came to your room this morning before, but you were asleep.” She said.

” Thought you were gonna kiss me.” Sylvia replied and went to put on an outfit.

” I’m not lesbian. Even though I h@ťě men with passion, I’d never stopped so low to that.” Barbie retorted.

Barbie yawned and stretched before bringing a bubble gum to her mouth, then she started chewing on it.

” A mafioso recently betrayed. He was fished out this morning. Guess who it is.” Barbie reported.

Sylvia was already dressed in a white singlet and black shorts, then she walked up to her.

” Is it Bomb?” She asked.

” Wrong. It’s actually Cash.” Barbie said.

Sylvia expressed no sign of surprise, just staring like she could see right through Barbie. Her eyes were so fierce and scary, but Barbie was never scared of her. They both survived together after all.

” I actually thought it was gonna be Bomb. He’s like the most notorious jerk in this empire, but Cash isn’t even that notorious. Can’t believe he’d do such a thing.” She said.

” He’s tied up in the Torture Arena. I tried to get him to confess who he works with, but he didn’t open up even after torturing him with nail belts.” Barbie said.

” I’ve got an even better idea to make him open up.” Sylvia said, walking out of the room and Barbie followed.

Minutes later, they both arrived at the Torture room. Before Sylvia left, she took a black mask and wore it over her face. The only person that can see her face is Barbie, she doesn’t allow any other person to see her.

Cash was panting and trembling with wounds all over his body, tied down to an electric chair and he was made to directly face the burning fire.

The other clan members were watching him like a satisfactory entertainment, murmuring loudly.

As soon as Sylvia and Barbie stepped in, they went dead silent, shaking with fear. Sylvia wouldn’t dare punish them for making noise, but Barbie would. She looks sweet, but she’s deadly.

” That’s the Ɓîtçh.” Barbie said and stopped walking, but Sylvia went to stand right beside Cash.

His eyes had been removed, so he was blind right now. But he could smell her presence and began trembling even more.

” Please… I’m so sorry. I’ll never do that again.” He begged.

Sylvia stared emotionlessly, not feeling a single iota of pity for him right now.

She h@ťěd betrayal with passion. It reminded her of Thorn, the enemy that she wants to shed his blood most. Being reminded about Thorn only meant trouble.

She became angry, glaring at him furiously. She dashed off and got some torture items, from a corner, bringing it back to him.

She dropped it noisily beside him, and he flinched.

” Light him up.” She ordered.

The electric chair got activated, and sparks flew out of his body as he got shocked to death. He screamed till his voice reached outer space.

” Stop.” She ordered, and the electric chair got deactivated.

He was shaking and sweating, looking so pitiful. Blood came out of his wounds even more, pouring to the ground.

She grabbed a torch from the torture items, glaring soullessly at him.

” Confess. Who did you work with?” She asked.

” It was Thorn . Hewas the one who forced me to give him information about the empire. He held my only sister captive and said he’d ki|| her if I didn’t agree. I didn’t want to lose her and so… I betrayed the clan.” He confessed.

Did he just say he gave Thorn information about the clan? Hearing his name alone sparked more fire in her before. She was bursting with anger as her eyes turned red-hot.

Without thinking twice, she put the torch’s tip into the fire, making sure it caught fire before shoving it into his mouth. She began burning his insides with it.

” Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” He screamed agonizingly as his mouth caught fire and began burning up.

TBC. To Be Continued.

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