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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 9

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“It was an hectic day, can’t believe I slept throughout the last class” Frankie yawned.

“You should really quit school, it’s not for you” Dooley replied.

“Finally someone reasoned with me, but mum is my only problem!” He replied, and Simon hit his head.

“Ouch!” He rubbed the spot and was about to get back at him when Daniel appeared with Beauty and her friends.

He actually went to the junior class to get her.

“Beauty!, Till tomorrow!” Allyson waved.

“Bye Ally!, Cody!” Beauty waved back as they both got in Cody’s car.

The car drove off.

“How’s your wrist doing Beauty?” Dooley asked.

“It’s not as hurtful as before, it’s better” she replied, holding up the wrist.

“That’s great news, that monkey Drayton ruined your first day” Micky said.

“No, Allyson and Cody made it fun, they’re so lively” Beauty replied, stylishly looking at Frankie who was on his phone.

“Wow” Simon winked, and Beauty smiled before finally settling her eyes on Frankie.

The wound on his lips is still fresh.

“Senior Frankie” she called softly, and he pretended not to hear.

‘No, please, I don’t want to look you in the eye’ he thought, concentrating more on his phone.

“Senior Frankie?” She called again, and Daniel nudged him.

“Huh?” He finally looked up.

“Your lips must hurt a lot, why don’t you get it treated?” She said.

“I’m fine, seriously” he replied without looking at her, he looked at Dooley instead.

“I’m not the one talking to you” Dooley said.

“I need to go, I’ll see you guys tomorrow” he replied, avoiding Beauty’s eyes till he opened his car door and went in.

He drove off quickly.

“He must still be mad at me, he got hurt because of me” Beauty said guiltily.

“Egg, you don’t have to feel guilty” Daniel said.

“That’s true, stop making guilty faces” Dooley added, and she nodded slowly.



“Gawd, how can she give me butterflies without my permission, this should better stop” Frankie said to himself as he came out of his car.

The time is past 6pm, his mum will still be in the boutique, but that was proved wrong when he got to the doorstep.

He started hearing voices immediately he held the knob.

One of the voices belongs to his mum obviously, and the second one….it belongs to the person he h@ťěs most in this world.

His father!

“Carolyn, I’m not doing this out of pity, I’m doing it because Frankie is my son, I have every right to take care of him too” his voice said.

“Philip, I told you times without number that I’m capable, I can take care of my son so I don’t need your money” Carolyn replied.

“But Carolyn…

And that was when Frankie barged in angrily, they both spranged up.

“Frank!” Carolyn said surprisingly.

“Son” Philip said as Frankie walked straight to him.

Before Carolyn could get what’s happening, he punched Philip on the face, sending him to the nearest couch.

“Frank!” Carolyn quickly held him when he was about to give him another punch.

“What the f_ck are you doing here?, To donate?, I don’t need your f_cking cash man!, I don’t need it so get the hell outta here!” He shouted, trying to free himself, but Carolyn held him tight.

“Frank stop right now!, Stop!” She shouted, tightening her grip on his tummy.

“Get the hell out!” Frankie shouted again as Philip stood with bleeding nose.

“Philip leave, please” Carolyn said.

Frankie finally released himself from her and got the money envelope from the table.

He threw it at Philip’s face.

“If you spend one more minute here, I’ll ki|| you!” he glared dangerously.

“Philip leave” Carolyn said, and Philip left silently.

“Frankie why would you punch your father!” Carolyn shouted.

“He is not my father!, I h@ťě the f_cking sound of that mum!” He shouted back hotly.

“Cut him a slack will you?” Carolyn replied.

“Why would I!, And I thought I told you not to allow that cankerworm into this house again!, Are you still in love with him after what he did?” Frankie said thoughtlessly.


“Yes tell me!, Are you?”

That was replied with a loud slap on his cheek.

His already bursted lips produced blood, and Carolyn regretted it immediately.


He wiped the blood and started going upstairs.

“Frank!, Frank I’m sorry!, Frank!” Carolyn ran after him.



Malia was already at home when Daniel arrived with Beauty.

She’s sitting in the living room with a tray of bread in front of her.

She’s eating bread, accompanying it with juice down her throat as she watched a soap opera.

“Welcome honeys!” She said cheerfully, drinking from her juice.

“The last time I checked, you h@ťě anything involving flour” Daniel said surprisingly.

“I switched preferences, baby doll how was your first day, come gist me” she replied, and Beauty went to her.

She sat beside her and hugged her.

Daniel shook his head and went upstairs.

“Senior Frankie is mad at me” Beauty said slowly.


“He got hurt because of me, he fought senior Drayton for pushing me.

“What!, Drayton pushed you?, I’m so gonna tear him apart tommorow!, Gosh!, Your wrist” Malia took the bandaged wrist and kissed it.

“I’m so sorry baby” she kissed her hair, then her chin.

“Can you help me talk to senior Frankie?, he’s avoiding me” she said sadly, and Malia stroked her hair.

“You take things to heart too much, but don’t worry I’ll talk to him” she said.

“I love you big sis” she hugged Malia, and Daniel came downstairs.

“I’m starving” he yawned and entered the kitchen.

“Argghhhhh!!!” He screamed, and Malia ran in with Beauty.

There are almost hundred loaves of bread on the counter from Alvarez bakeries.

“What’s this!, Why are there so many breads?” Daniel said, holding his chest.

“They’re our meal for the next five days, I sent the maid home for now since she won’t need to cook” Malia replied.

“I love bread though” Beauty said, and Malia faced her.

“That’s my baby!” They both stuck hands and left the kitchen together.

Daniel held his head tight.

“Why did I have to be the only boy, God why!!!, I h@ťě bread!!!!!!”, Malia!!!!!” He screamed.



Daniel woke up late, and just when he made to rush into the bathroom, beauty came in, dressed for school already.

“Egg, I’m so sorry” he apologized.

“It’s ok, but I won’t be able to wait for you, big sis will drop me off” she smiled

“No wait…

“It’s been a while since I swam, I’ll just swim before classes starts, bye!” She said and brought in her blue teddy.

“Jumbo says bye!” She said, waving the teddy arm before leaving the room.

Daniel rushed into the bathroom.



Frankie came out downstairs all dressed, he met Carolyn at the dinning room, setting breakfast on the table.

“Frank breakfast is…

He ignored her and started going for the door.

Carolyn rushed after him and hugged him from behind.

“I swear it I wasn’t in my right senses Frank, you know I’d never do that if everything was right, I’m so sorry my world, you know how much I love you” she said gently.

“Mum I’m getting late” he said in same tone, removing her hands from his tummy.

He faced her and hugged her.

“I was never angry” he said.


“How could I possibly get angry at you” he replied, and she smiled as he broke the hug.

“Then eat breakfast, I made your favorite pasta myself” she said.

“No mum, I have no appetite, I’ll see you later” he smiled lightly and kissed her hair before leaving the house.

Carolyn sighed.



Frankie came there straight from the park, he hasn’t stepped the class.

He has been swimming since ten minutes ago, unconscious of what’s going on around him.

Anytime he sees Philip, his mood gets muddled, and he swims in puddles of the ugly memories for long.

“Senior Frankie!” A familiar angelic voice called, and he stopped swimming to look back.

She’s standing there, looking cutely Șëx¥ in the swim suit. Beauty!

The way the suit hugged her tiny body was too crazy, so much that he couldn’t close his mouth as he stared.

Butterflies started throwing a big party in the pit of his stomach immediately, his heart raced and echoed in his ears as their eyes met and locked.

She started walking to him, and he got back to his senses when she got to the poolside.

He started walking out of the pool very fast, but she jumped in and swam fast to him.

She swims madly fast too, so she got to him in no time.

She wrapped her arms on his body from behind, holding him down.

Frankie held his breath immediately, her touch was electrifying!

His head went blank, and his eyes widened as his heart raced faster.

“I’m sorry that you got hurt because of me senior Frankie, but can you stop avoiding me?” She said childishly.

The warm breath from her tiny nostrils kept hitting his back, and his body started vibrating.

Million things happened to him at a time as he stood still.

“Senior Frankie please” she said again.

He opened his mouth to talk, but the hall door opened…

Daniel entered.


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