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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 79

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Axel woke up early, he needs to go to Malia’s place and ask for the latest development about Beauty.

She still hasn’t been found, though the cops have been combing the whole city for any sign of Jax, but it seems he knows how to hide well, no sign of him anywhere.

The awkward air between him and Malia is still there, they haven’t spoken about the case but he just stays with her for support so she won’t feel alone.

He got down from bed and decided to bath before leaving the room.

He entered the bathroom and came out after some minutes to dress up, then he left the room and was surprised that his mum is not in the dinning, setting the table.

“What’s up?, Is she still sleeping?” He muttered and opened the door to her room.

He saw her in bed, still sleeping peacefully.

He smiled and went in, walking to her bedside.

“It’s unusual for her to sleep this long, he said and sat beside her.

He was expecting her lids to move, but it didn’t, then another odd thing is her chest, it’s not moving, showing any sign of breathing.

“Mum” he called gently, taking her hand, but it slipped off.

His eyes widened.

“Mum!” He shouted, climbing the bed with her.

“Mum! Mum!”

She’s already as cold as ice, she’s not breathing anymore, and her eyes won’t even open, she’s gone.

“No mum….mum….no!!!, Mum!!!!, This can’t be!, Mum!!!, Mum!!!!, Mum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”



Everyone is present except Frankie who’s busy roaming the streets like a madman.

He hasn’t slept in the house or bath, eat or brushed or even talked to anyone since Beauty’s kidnap, he joined the cops to look for her.

Simon is present, Micky too.

“I never knew it was wrong, that’s why I supported it when they started” Malia said childishly.

“Gosh, I blame this on your parents who passed away early, and when they were even alive, they never stay at home, it’s always one business trip or another, so how will they have the time to lecture you about the risks?” Carolyn replied.

“She started dating when she was fifteen” Daniel said, and Malia nodded.

“That’s right, and I….I lost my virginity when I was sixteen” Malia replied, and Carolyn’s eyes widened.


“Yeah, to my first boyfriend back then” Malia cried slowly.

“Gawd, how could you even…. Malia!” Carolyn spranged up, and Malia cried more.

“Never knew it’s wrong” she hiccupped.

“Now I see why you saw nothing wrong with what Frankie and Beauty did, are you even aware of the dangers involved in underage s*x?, You were supposed to educate Beauty, what if Frankie already did it with her?, Then it’d have been disastrous cos at her age she’ll find it pleasuring and keep wanting more till she becomes an addict, it’ll ruin her life” Carolyn said.

“Exactly what I was trying to say!, But no one listened to me!, No one saw things from my perspective, she’s just sixteen, yet he sucked and licked her like it’s nothing?, I trust Frankie if they didn’t get caught, he’ll go as far as f-__-king, I don’t even wanna imagine cos I h@ťě him right now!” Daniel replied.

“Malia, when all these is over, you and Beauty should see a s*x educationist, it’s important” Carolyn said.

Malia was about to reply when her phone rang.

It’s Axel, and her eyes widened when she saw it’s him.

She swiped green and could already hear him crying.

“Axel!” She spranged up fearfully.

“Lia….mum..mum is….mum is….dead” he cried devastatingly, and her eyes widened.


She ran out of the house immediately.


Frankie came out of a convenience store and entered his car, looking so unkept and mad.

He has a cigar box with him and a lighter.

Immediately he got in, he picked a cigarette from the box and lightened it, then he made to start smoking but his hand stopped in front of his mouth.

He looked at the cigar and dropped it reluctantly, then tears fell from his eyes.

“Where could she be?, Where did that animal take her to, just where!!!!!” He screamed at the top of his voice hit his hand on the steering, crying so loud.

“What is he doing to her?, How’s she doing?, What’s happening to her right now I’m dying!!!!” He cried with dried lips, hitting the wheel again.

“I miss her…. insanely….I do” he sobbed, wanting to rest his head on the steering, but his eyes widened when he saw something.

Though he’s wearing a blue mask and a face cap, but he was holding a packaged dogfood as he came out of the store.

Dogfood…. exactly what Jax feeds to Beauty, and the fact that he’s wearing mask and cap is another confirmation that it’s him.

Jax entered a taxi and the taxi drove off, Frankie went after the taxi immediately, following it unsuspected.

He got his phone and dialled Daniel’s line to tell him about it, but he’s not picking.

He kept following Jax as he dialled the line for the second and third time, but he still didn’t pick, then he called Malia but she’s not picking too.

He called Franco, and when he picked, the phone went off as a result of flat battery.

“d@mn!” He cursed and dropped the phone.

He concentrated on following the taxi, and for two hours straight, he was still following.

The taxi entered a forest, and Frankie stopped his car.

He came out and started tailing by leg till the taxi stopped in front of a building, a vacation house,the only one in the forest.

Jax came out and the taxi driver drove away, then he removed his mask.

He smiled as he stared at the dogfood.

“I can’t let my toy starve till death, I’m a caring master” he said and laughed out before opening the gate.

He went in and Frankie came out of his hiding place.

He rushed to the gate and went in stealthily, tiptoeing till he got to the main door.

He placed his hand on the knob, but he wasn’t able to open it.

He walked away from the door and went to the next door, but it’s still the same.

Every door he tried to open were impossible to open.

He was still on that when he suddenly started hearing faint cries from a certain angle.

His eyes widened, and he strained his ears to listen well.

The angle is straight, so he tried opening the next door, and luckily it opened.

He tiptoed in and the cries became louder and louder as he walked.

He finally got to a door and opened it, then he saw another door.

Seems like the cries is coming from there.

He rushed to open it, and he met a dark room.

Beauty’s cries became loud and clear, and he quickly located the switch by the wall.

He put on the lights, and his eyes widened when he saw Beauty’s state.


“Boo!, I knew you’d come for me” she replied with a glad smile, and he rushed to her.

Though the bruises and wounds on her body and face are much, but what matters right now is getting her out of here, fare from the monster.

He started untying the ropes she was tied with.

“Frankie I love you, you won’t break up right?, Promise me that we’re still on, I love you so much….

He continued untying without talking, and she was about to talk again when she saw Jax behind.

“No!!” She screamed, but before Frankie could get it, Jax hit a spanner on his head, and blood ran down his head as he stood.

“Frankie!” Beauty screamed in tears.

“Who are you to tail me?, You think I don’t know?, I’m not not daft, and I knowingly left the gate and that door open, you walked right into my trap” he said.

“I promised to ki|| you” Frankie replied and started throwing punches at Jax.

Jax was laughing as he received the punches, it was as if he’s receiving zero.

“Die!!!!!!” Frankie shouted and continued punching him, but his punches are no match for Jax’s energy.

He made to throw the twentieth punch, but Jax held his hand tightly.

“Play over” he smirked and before Frankie could process the meaning of that, Jax shoved a knife into his stomach.

Blood came out of his mouth and stabbed stomach immediately.

“No!!!!!, Frankie!!!!” Beauty shed hot tears, and Jax smiled before removing the knife.

He stabbed him again and again, and Frankie’s blood pumped on his face.

“You’ll be the one to die instead!, Die!!!!” Jax laughed and stabbed Frankie again..

“No!!!!, No please!!!!” Beauty screamed.

Frankie looked at her and smiled with his bloody lips.

“Tonight…is the happiest night of my life, I’m dying for love, I don’t regret it” he muttered as his eyes started closing.

Jax stabbed again



And again….

“Boo bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


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