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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 55

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( Beauty & Frankie… )


By, Naomi Cindy B.






Frankie’s mouth continued sucking on her with vigour, she kept Mõ@ɲing silently.

When he cupped the other one in his palms, she gasped for breath sharply.


He let go of her Ɲīpplë to look at her, and she bit her lip.

“Sorry, couldn’t keep it in” she said cutely, and he smiled before kissing her tempting lips, then he kissed her Ɲīpplës before resuming the sweet sucking.

She started Mõ@ɲing loudly again, and he had to cover her mouth with his palm as he sucked her like a baby.

He went down to her tummy and kissed her bellybutton, then the waistband of her pants.

“You can pull it down” Beauty said, referring to the pants

“Not yet angel” he replied, coming back to her lips.

He kissed them lightly before falling beside her, then he covered her body with the duvet.

“Are we stopping already?, I don’t want to” she pouted childishly.

“Angel listen to me…


“Really?” He looked into her eyes.

“I’m listening” she pouted again, and he smiled before stroking her hair slowly.

“I want more too, but if we go deeper, it won’t go well” he said.


“You’re still so young and….

“I’m sixteen and I’m not a kid” she interrupted.

“No one is saying you’re a kid angel, I’m just saying we can’t go deeper right now” he said.

“But I want it” she replied, burying her face in his chest.

“I want it too but angel…

“Then let’s do it”


“Bear…” She squinted.

“I’m ready to wait till you turn eighteen before I get down with you” he said.

“Eighteen?, That’s a whole lot of time no!” She complained, sitting up.

“I won’t be happy with myself if we try it out now” he said

“Why?, You don’t love me?” She replied naively.

“It’s not about feelings baby, it’s about protecting you” he said.

“Protecting me?”

“Yeah, once we do it once, you won’t be able to stop, I don’t want you to become an addict now, studies comes first angel” he said, and she sighed.

“Come on angel” he said, holding her face.

“It’s ok, let’s hope I’ll be able to wait” she replied, hugging him.

He smiled and kissed her hair before going down on the bed with her.

“You’re gonna sleep here right?” She whispered, rubbing his chest.

“No, what if Daniel comes to check on you at midnight?”..

“The door is locked, he’d knock and you can quickly hide in my dressing room” she replied, and he smiled, kissing her lips.

“I love you angel”

“I love you more boo bear” she smiled, snuggling closer to him.

Five minutes later, she slept off in his arms.


Malia got back home and was surprised that no one is in the living room.

She checked the study maybe she might be writing assignments, but she met Daniel and Dooley in there.

“Big sis Malia” Dooley smiled cheerfully.

“Hey Doo, she winked, and Dooley giggled.

“Big sis!” Daniel said cutely.

“Get lost” Malia rolled eyes, and Dooley laughed as she left the room.

She went straight upstairs and knocked on Beauty’s door, but no answer came.

“Is she asleep already?” She mumbled and tried opening the door, but it has been locked from inside.

She understood immediately, so she smiled and left for her room straight.

Her phone dinged, and she smiled excitedly when she saw it’s Axel.

“Hey handsome” she picked happily.

“Hey squirrel” he replied, and she laughed, falling on the bed.

“That name” she giggled.

“You got it from our first meeting” he replied.

“Funny” she said with a loud exhalation.

“What?” He asked.

“I just want to ask a question”

“I’m all ears” he replied.

“How do you feel about me?” She asked, and silence ensued for long.

“You can take all the time you want to figure it out, but but just promise me that you won’t break my heart with your answer, and you won’t keep me waiting” she said.

“Lia” he called.

“Yes handsome?”

“I can never hurt you, please trust me,I’m not that kind of person” he said.

“I badly wanna trust you but my past experience won’t allow me Axel” she replied.

“I understand, I’ll earn your trust bit by bit” he replied.

“I’ll wait, till you’ll be able to tell me you love me more” she said.

“Have you had dinner?” He asked.

“No, what about you?”

“I finished eating five minutes ago, you should eat too Lia” he replied, and she smiled.

“What should I eat?” She asked.

“Anything you want” he replied

“No choose for me, I really don’t know what to eat”

“Something that’ll digest quickly like…. Noodles” he said.

“Garnished?” She asked, and he laughed.


“You want me to choose that too?” He giggled.

“Of course” she replied with a pout.

“Garnished” he said, and she smiled, getting up from the bed.

“I’m going to get it done myself” she said.

“Will you video call me?, I wanna watch as you cook” he said.

“Yes!” She gushed cutely, rushing to the kitchen.



“Did you find the page of the article?” Daniel asked, looking up from his book.

Dooley searches for the articles online and forwards to him, then he collates them on his laptop.

“No” she replied, not taking her eyes away from her laptop.

“Be fast, we still have much pages to cover” he replied, yawing slightly.

He got a slice from the pizza and started eating.

“Page 196” Dooley said, and he started typing with his left hand.

Dooley stopped for a while and stared at him as he ate and typed at the same time.

It’s crazy that he even looks handsome like that, she couldn’t stop staring till he caught her.

“Doo” he called, and she quickly looked away.

“I caught you!, Why were you staring?” He grinned.

“Because you look like a monkey while eating pizza!” She shouted to cover up, and the pizza fell from Daniel.


She bit her lip slightly, looking at him.

Daniel changed his facial expression to straight, then he returned to working on his laptop.

“Danny” she called, but he didn’t reply.

That got her worried that he’s mad at her.

“Daniel” she called, but he ignored her again.

“Daniel!!” She shouted, not knowing when tears dropped from her eyes.

Daniel looked at her and his eyes widened.

“Lady dragon you’re crying?”

Dooley wiped her tears, but new round fell immediately.

“This is serious, Dooley” he stood and rushed to her side,then he pulled her up and started wiping her tears.

“Why the tears?” He asked worriedly, searching through her eyes.

“Stop ignoring me it hurts” she hiccupped.

“I promise ok?, Please stop crying” he replied quickly.



“I….I…I like…

“Tell me” he probed, and she shook her head.

“Nothing” she said.

“You can talk to me yunno?” He said, holding her face gently.

Her heart raced faster at that close contact.

“Hug me, please” she muttered shyly, and Daniel didn’t think twice before pulling her to himself in a light hug, but she snaked her arms around him immediately, hugging him tightly.


She only tightened it again without replying, and he had no choice but to stay for her.


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