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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 52

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The second class is on but Beauty is not concentrating at all.

She hasn’t been concentrating since the beginning of the day anyways, all her mind is with Frankie.

Is he ok?

He’ll be in pains

Is he mad at me?

I just want to get out of this class right now.

I want to see him.

All these are running through her mind, and she kept stabbing her book with her pen absentmindedly

Cody has been watching her, wondering what could be wrong.

He was about to tap her when the teacher got to her

“Beauty Holland!” He called a little bit loud, and she woke up from her daydream.

“Huh!” She spranged up.

“What were you thinking?” The teacher said surprisingly

“I need to pee” she replied and rushed out of the class.

The teacher ended the class immediately, and Cody stood to go check on Beauty.

Allyson knew he’s going to her, so she held his arm.

“Don’t go” she said, looking at his face.


“Don’t go to… Beauty” she said slowly, still holding his hand.

Margo appeared beside them and forcefully pulled her away from Cody, making her fall on the ground.

“Ouch!” She winced, hurting her wrist.

“Allyson!” Cody made to rush to her, but Margo held him.

“You can’t touch another girl, haven’t I told you?, Our engagement is next week!” She shouted hotly.

“Wait till after the engagement before claiming ownership over me” he replied and pushed her away too.

She landed beside Allyson, and he helped Allyson up, taking her out of class immediately.

“Are you hurt?” He asked.

“Yes,my wrist” she replied, wrinkling her face.

“Let’s go to the infirmary” he said, pulling her along with him.

She looked at the hand he’s holding and smiled, feeling on top of the world with that contact.

“Cody” she called when they were just about to enter the infirmary.

“Yes?” He faced her, and she hugged him tightly immediately.


“Sorry I just wanna do this” she replied, hugging him tighter.



“Are you guys the only ones in this school?, Why is trouble always in your circle?, How could you visit a bar!” Mrs Lewis shouted at the wounded students in front of her.

They all kept mute.

“Not only that but you also got in a fight with students from another school!, What name does that call us?, You guys won’t really rest till you ruin everything right?” She continued.

“They started it” Dooley said.

“Shut up!!” She yelled, and Dooley pressed her lips together.

Mrs Lewis held the table, looking at them all.

He can’t invite any of their parents over.

Franco has a psychotic grandma.

Daniel has a psychotic sis

Dooley has a psychotic sis

Simon’s parents are always not around, same with Micky’s.

“Community service for the rest of today” she said.

“Mrs Lewis!” They all whined.

“Should I rather forbid y’all from participating in the sports festival?” She said.

“Community service” they chorused and left the office.

“We’re done for… this is mad” Simon said.

“Community service?, There’s nothing I h@ťě like it, eish!” Dooley complained.

“Should we just quit school?” Franco said.

“Not everyone is like you” Daniel replied.

“Must you always be an antagonist?” Franco rolled eyes.

“Let’s get it done fast please, i can’t believe we won’t go for lunch” Micky said, holding her stomach as she left with Simon.

“Daniel let’s work in the library together!” Dooley said, grabbing Daniel’s hand.

“Why?, So you’d hit my head anyhow?, No” Daniel replied and took his hand from her before leaving.

Dooley felt bad immediately, and she bit her lip.

“You’re obviously in love with him” Franco said beside her, and she looked at him.

“Get lost” she rolled eyes and walked away.

Franco touched his chest as he watched her backside, it was racing madly.

“f-__-k, I got caught, Frankie is a wizard” he muttered.


Beauty couldn’t find Frankie in his class when she went there, so she started walking around the whole school, searching for him.

She got her phone and sent him a text.


She hasn’t taken another step when he sent a reply.


She ran all the way there but he’s not on any of the benches, so she texted him again.


No reply came after two minutes, and tears started accumulating in her eyes.

“He’s mad at me” she sniffed, covering her face with her palms.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind.

She quickly took her palms away from her face, recognizing his scent.

“Boo bear” she said, and he kissed her neck.

“I missed you” he said, and she quickly faced him.

“Why the tears?, F*vk” he said and started wiping her tears quickly.

“I love you so much Frankie, we’re not breaking up right?, Please don’t do it,I’m so sorry I just wasn’t in my right senses and…

He cut her off with a slow kiss, and she blinked cutely, her eyes still shinning with tears.

He broke the kiss and wiped the remaining tears on her face.

“Break up?, No baby, we just started” he said.

“Promise?” She hiccupped.

“Promise” he replied, and she hugged him tightly.

“I’ll just die if you leave me please don’t try it Frankie, just please” she said, tightening the hug.

Frankie cringed cos of the pain from his stomach, and she quickly broke the hug.

“Your stomach!” She gasped, unbuttoning his uniform till the last one, then she saw the bandaged wound and started crying again.

“This must hurt a lot I’m so sorrrryy!!!”

“Such a crybaby” he smiled, holding her small face.

“It doesn’t hurt that much, cross my heart” he said, and she started hiccuping.

“Trust me I don’t feel much pain, the knife didn’t penetrate deep” he said, wiping her tears again.


“Yes angel” he smiled, kissing her forehead afterwards.

“I love you so much” she said.

“Much more angel, and I’ve started work on my project last night” he said.


“I promised you so yes” he replied, and she stood on her toes to kiss his lips.

“My boo bear” she whispered

“My angel” he whispered back and kissed her lips again before hugging her.

Davina is by the door, making a video of everything.

Drayton suddenly appeared and pulled her away.

“Leave me alone!” She snapped when they got to the end of the hallway.

“Our wedding date has been set” he said, and her eyes widened.




Malia has been smiling throughout, though she’s a jovial person who wears a smile always but it’s extraordinary today.

Thinking of the kiss with Axel last night took over her day, she couldn’t get her mind off his sweet lips.

She got back to her office after lunch and got her phone to ring him, but someone barged in.

“Jacqueline?” She stood, and Flora rushed in.

“Boss I’m sorry, she forced her way in and…

“It’s ok, leave” Malia cut her off and she rushed out.

“What are you doing here Jacqueline Jason?” Malia asked, and Jacqueline smirked.

“You should know since you took away what’s mine!” She barked.

“I don’t take trash” Malia replied

“I’m talking about Axel witch!, How dare you kiss him with your darn lips! ” Jacqueline shouted jealously

“Aww, i find it cute when you bark” Malia replied calmly.

“Malia Holland!”Jacqueline shouted.

“Jacqueline Jason what?, So because we kissed, you’d ki|| yourself?, Go ahead!, I never knew you saw us I’d have done more than kissing!” Malia said.

“What!” Jacqueline said, walking to her.

“Yes Ɓîtçh!” Malia replied and when Jacqueline got to her, she tried grabbing her hair…. Axel came in.

“Axel” Jacqueline muttered shockingly.

He looked at the two of them, and Malia smiled at him.

He returned it and walked to her.

Right in front of Jacqueline, he grabbed Malia by the waist and she gasped.

Jacqueline felt her breath seizing.

“I missed you throughout today, I kept thinking of you so much that I made two wrong deliveries” he whispered, and Malia’s eyes widened.

Before she could talk, he pressed his lips gently on hers, and she slipped her arms on his shoulders immediately, caging him to herself.

Jacqueline fell on the ground without getting pushed, but she stood immediately and rushed out of the office.

Axel broke the kiss and smiled at Malia.

“I missed you more Mr handsome” she whispered, kissing his brows.

“Your offer to work here, is it still valid?” He asked, and her eyes widened.


“I want to stay close to you, that way I’ll protect you better” he said.

“Gosh, I love you” she said and returned her lips to his own immediately.



“I just wanna die right now” Franco said tiredly, walking into the class with the rest .

They’re just completing their community service.

“Me too” Daniel replied tiredly.

“Let’s avoid Dream high school students next time” Simon muttered.

“Can’t believe I washed the toilet” Micky whispered.

“Remind me not to visit a bar again” Dooley said tiredly, and they all fell on their seats.

Frankie started laughing at them mockingly.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t come to the bar last night”

“Shut up!” They all shouted.

“The team colours are out on the paste board!!!” A student shouted, and everyone started rushing out of the class to see the team they fell in.

Dooley almost fell by the door, but Franco held her waist, pulling her back.

“Easy, don’t wound yourself” he said gently.

She released herself from him and rushed away.

Franco touched his heart and smiled, feeling the loud thuds again.

“I really fell for her” he muttered, and he suddenly felt a presence behind.

He looked back, and his eyes widened when he saw Frankie.

He has a slow devilish smile on his pink lips.

“Frankie!” Franco gasped.

“Will you take off your clothes yourself?, Or do you need my help?”


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