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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 5

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“I’ve been drinking, I’ve been doing things I shouldn’t do!!”

“Overthinking, I don’t know who I am without you!!”

“I’m a lier and a cheat, I let my ego swallow me….. Whooo!!!!”

Malia sang off the beat as she drove home from work that evening.

She kept throwing her head sidewards, driving fast.

“Malia on the road, other cars must bow!, Yes Whooo!!!” She screamed.

She suddenly heard screams from across the road, and she stopped singing.

“Thief!, Thief!!, Thief!!!” The sound came loud and clear, and her eyes widened.

“Thief?, Thief?”

Despite the fact that she’s in the middle of the road, she stopped the car and rushed out of it, flaunting her hair hotly.

Without minding the obstruction she caused with her car, she traced where the voice came from, then she saw a guy chasing another guy who’s holding a bag.

The one with the bag is obviously the thief.

“Ok Malia, let’s catch a bastard” she smiled, stepping back a little bit.

She took off at once, her hair flowing with the air as she ran after the thief.

The guy is really a good runner, but she’s obviously better, even with her heels.

A little bit before she’ll get to him, she took off her left heels shoe and threw it at him.

It caught his head, and he fell on his face.

She ran the remaining meter to him and snatched the bag from him first, then she turned up his face and slapped him.

“Useless!, Brainless!, Senseless!, Fool!” She said, slapping him as she said each word.

The street cops appeared and took him from her.

“Thanks miss” they said.

“It’s nothing, I’m a good citizen” she replied, and they took him away.

She stood and faced the owner of the bag, then her breath seized immediately.

Her eyes widened at the hottie in front of her, he’s got f_cking beautiful eyes!, His lips!, His whole face…his body structure!, He’s too hot, so much that she started fanning herself with her palms.

“Thanks miss, not everyone can do what you did” he smiled, and her eyes widened more.

‘My future husband’ she thought dreamily.

“Miss?” He waved his palm in front of her, and she woke from her daydream.


“Thanks” he smiled again, and she gave him the bag.

She kept staring as he walked away, till he entered a taxi.

“Wait!, His name!, His phone number!” She got back to her senses and started running after the taxi, but it left already.

“$h|t!” She dipped her hand in her hair, breathing heavily.



Malia came in looking tired, the maid took her bag from her immediately, taking it upstairs.

“Big sis welcome!, come join us for dinner!”Beauty said from the dinning room.

She’s sitting there with Daniel.

“I’m not interested” Malia replied and fell on the couch heavily.

“Why?, Did something happen at work?” Daniel asked.

“I lost my future husband” she pouted.

Daniel and Beauty exchanged glances.

“I can’t believe this! I should have asked for his phone number at least!, Oh my future husband!” Malia grunted, throwing her legs up.

“Your dramas can never be over” Daniel shook his head.

Malia quickly spranged up when she remembered something.

On his bag earlier, she saw Alvarez bakeries .

“Does that mean…he works at the bakery?, Yes!, I got it!, I’ll have to visit the bakery, now I got my appetite back!, Yay!!!!” She shouted, going upstairs.

“She’ll never change” Beauty said as Daniel dished dinner for her.

“Trust me” Daniel replied, stroking her hair.

She ate from it and nodded.

“I knew you’d become a great chef, it’s so delicious!” she said.

Daniel cooked the meal actually.

“Thanks egg, now eat as much as you want, I prepared everything for your school, you just have to adjust to your new environment”

“I hope I get cool classmates and friends” she replied, and Daniel smiled.

Malia came back downstairs, and the maid dished her food for her, she had a taste and smiled.


“So.. what’s the outcome of the meeting?” Daniel asked.

“The meeting?” Malia smiled like a witch.


As Malia got pulled from Mr Kirkwood, she held his tie tighter, choking him more.

Mrs Lewis is obviously in a dilemma right now, unsure of what to do as Frankie left the hall already.

“You dare say trash about my future?, I h@ťě men like you!” Malia said stubbornly, still pulling the tie.

Poor Mr Kirkwood started gasping for breath, and Malia stopped pulling when she remembered something.

“Wait!, I saw you in five stars hotel last night!, You were with a lady!, Was that your wife?” She said, letting go of the tie.

Mr Kirkwood looks shocked.


“A lady?, Mrs Kirkwood is clocking 40 soon, so who was that?” Mrs Lewis said.

“My….my… friend” Mr Kirkwood stuttered.

“You were kissing her!” Malia said.

“Mr Kirkwood?” Mrs Lewis said shockingly.

“Should I go to your house and tell your wife about your doings?, Or would you rather pretend like this didn’t happen?” Malia smiled like a devil.


“Wow!, You’re incredible big sis!, But senior Frankie must be a troublemaker” Beauty said, drinking some water

“Believe me he’ll cause another trouble tommorow” Daniel replied.

“Gosh!, I’m meeting my future husband tommorow!” Malia gushed.



After a delicious dinner of pasta, Jasmine and Frankie went to the bedroom for the real deal.

“We’re doing it till midnight” she said as he took off his pants and shirt.

“Don’t you trust your boyfriend?” He replied after taking it all off.

He was about to start taking off his underpants..

“Jasmine!, My love!” An husky male voice sounded outside, and her eyes widened.


“What!, You said he’s in Africa!” Frankie said fearfully.

Jasmine’s dad is a soldier.

“I don’t know!, He’ll ki|| you if he meets you here!” Jasmine replied fearfully too, she was already shaking.

Frankie made to start putting on his clothes again, but Jasmine grabbed him.

“No time!, Hide!”

She threw him in the closet and shut the door.

She threw his clothes behind the bed, Mr Marley came in.

“Dad!” Jasmine smiled to hide her nervousness.

“My love” the hefty looking man smiled.

“You were supposed to be in…

“Africa?, There was a change in dispatch, I’ll be going to China, and my flight got rescheduled for tommorow” Mr Marley said.

“Oh” Jasmine said awkwardly.

“My love are you ok?” Mr Marley asked.

“Of course dad!” She smiled, and four soldiers in uniform came in.

They went to the closet and made to carry it.

“Wh…why are they carrying it?” Jasmine asked.

“I got it just last week, and the handle broke already?, I’m returning it” Mr Marley replied.

Frankie’s eyes widened inside the closet.

“Father Lord, save me this once and I promise to see p@zzy and run” he prayed silently.

“Huh!, Tonight?” Jasmine said shockingly.

“Yes, the shop is still opened when I was coming”

“But…I can continue using it like…

“No my love, no one sells fake things to me” Mr Marley interrupted.

“Boys!, Carry the closet!” He ordered, and the four soldiers carried the closet at each angle.

“No…no…no” Jasmine whispered as they carried it out of the room.

“Father Lord, in your hands I lay my life, accept me in your kingdom” Frankie whispered.

When they got to the front of the mansion, the hands of one of the soldiers slipped off the closet, and it fell heavily,…

The closet door opened, and….


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