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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 45

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( Beauty & Frankie… )


By, Naomi Cindy B.






“Repent!” Grandma shouted, ringing her bell again as she stepped into the staffs block with Franco.

“The end time is almost here!” Franco shouted.

Students started gathering to watch, making videos of the funny scene.

A lot were already laughing on the ground, some were holding poles so they wouldn’t fall as a result of much laughter.

The principal’s office is the last office in the staffs block, it was Franco who opened the door for her.

“Repent!” She rang the bell as she stepped in, Mrs Lewis stood immediately, bewildered by what’s happening.

“Franco?” She said surprisingly.

“Yeah it’s me, meet my grandma” he replied, gesturing at the woman.

“Repent!” She shouted again.

“Mrs Lewis the end time is near!, And hellfire is real!” Franco shouted.

“What the hell is happening?, I told you to bring your grandma and not a prophetess!” Mrs Lewis shouted.

“And she’s my grandma” Franco replied.

“You doubting me?” Grandma said, finally facing Mrs Lewis.

“No ma’am, I was just…

“Let’s pray before we say anything” grandma interrupted, swinging her big bible.

“Heavenly father!, Thank you for bringing me here in peace and not in pieces, a lot journeyed through the same road and passed away…. thank you for being with me and my grandson, and thank you in advance for what’s gonna happen here today, I pray that you’d punish all the corrupt people present here, people who take sides with their people just to punish the innocent, principals who take sides with their son-in-laws and heap blames on the innocent….

“Franco stop your grandma, now!” Mrs Lewis shouted.

Franco took the bell and rang it.

“Lord in your mercy!” Grandma said.

“Hear our prayers” Franco replied.

“Franco open the bible and read Psalm….

“Madam please leave!” Mrs Lewis shouted impatiently.

“No I can’t till you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior!” Grandma replied bluntly.


“If you have Jesus you wouldn’t be judging wrong, my grandson isn’t the one at fault but yet you insisted that he should bring it, in fact you need pure exorcism, I’m sure there are more than fifty five demons inside you” she replied, taking off her spectacles.

“Securities!” Mrs Lewis screamed.

“I’m a Deaconess and I’m looking at the demons inside you right now!, You need exorcism!, Franco hold her to the chair” grandma replied, opening psalm 25.

Franco started walking to Mrs Lewis.

“Securities!!!” Mrs Lewis screamed louder.

“The Lord is my shepherd!, Franco hold this woman!” Grandma replied, ringing her bell.

“Securities!!!” Mrs Lewis screamed again, and two securities came in.

“Throw her out!, Throw her!!!” She shouted, and grandma was held on both sides.

“No she needs exorcism!, She needs Jesus!, I need to pray for her and even her children!, My grandson is a future Reverend father!, He reads the Bible three times everyday!, How dare she accuse him of touching a girl’s bum when he h@ťěs being around girls!, She needs Jesus!” She shouted as she was taken out of the office.

Mrs Lewis held her forehead and fell on her chair, Franco smiled.

“What are you still doing here?” She questioned, and he walked to her.

“Just keep quiet if anything happens from now on, my parents are in New York so they won’t come down here for a meeting with you, you can only pester me if you’re ready to meet my sweet grandma again” he said and smiled.

“Thought you were a respectable woman, never knew you’re not worthy of it” he said and walked out of the office.

Mrs Lewis rested back on her chair.

“Should I just make my retirement faster?”



All the students started laughing hard immediately Franco stepped in, he paused by the door and smiled.

? Your grandma is a psycho!

? I know her, isn’t she the crazy Deaconess at the cathedral?

? My dad attends the cathedral so he tells us her story

? She’s one hell of he movie

?Mrs Lewis will never try inviting her over again.

“If you keep gossiping about Mrs Lewis, then get ready to be reported” Drayton said, entering the class.

Franco faced him and smiled.

“Aww, you wounds are still so fresh, sowwy Drayton” he smiled, and Drayton started walking away.

“That was just a tip of the iceberg, the next time you try to mess with me or any of my friends, I mean Frankie, Simon, Daniel, Dooley and Micky, I’ll almost ki|| you, I’m not scared of jail trust me” Franco said and walked past Drayton to his seat.

“?Aww, he’s so cool!

? I love him more!

? Back to your @zz Drayton!

? Franco is the real guy!

? Franco ki||arney!

? Franco Psycho!

? Franco wacko!

“You’re crazy, what was that?” Daniel laughed beside him.

“My sweet grandma” Franco winked, inserting a lollipop into his mouth.

“And she called you a future Reverend father?” Micky said.

“You read the Bible three times a day?’ Simon said.

“You h@ťě going close to girls?” Dooley said.

“I’m holy, trust me I only have five f_ckmates, I love girls!” Franco replied, and when Dooley tried hitting his head, he caught her hand and went closer to her.

“Hit me and I’ll kiss you” he whispered.

She took her hand from him and hit his head boldly, then he pulled her closer by the waist before leaning in.

Dooley’s eyes widened, and everyone gasped.

Franco’s lips was in front of hers, and he almost kissed her but he stopped and looked into her wide eyes.

The morning breeze blew in through the window and made her hair flow madly cute, making her look more beautiful.

Franco’s eyes widened, and he held her waist tighter, something moved in him immediately.

“You’re… pretty” he whispered, moving his lips closer to actually kiss her, but she raised her knee to his Ďïčk and kicked him right there, making him let go of her.

“f_ck you” she glared and pushed him, he fell on Daniel’s laps.

He looked back at Daniel and Daniel sent him an hard glare.

“Get up from my laps” he said, and Franco kissed his cheek.

“I love you!”

“Franco!” Daniel shouted and pushed him away.

Frankie came into the class in his mask and cap, and all eyes turned to him immediately.

“Twin brother!” Franco shouted, recognizing him even with the disguise.

Frankie took off his disguise and started laughing, Franco joined in the laughter, and when Frankie finally settled on his seat, they both stopped laughing.

“You’re a criminal” Franco said.

“And you’re mad” Frankie replied, and they started laughing again.

“Don’t tell me you jumped the fence” Franco said.

“And don’t tell me that old woman is your grandma” Frankie replied, and they both started laughing again.

Davina bit her lips on her seat, staring at Frankie, his lips to be precise.

The memory of that night flowed across her head again and she smiled, licking her lips.

“Let’s hang out tonight, at a bar!” Franco announced.

“A whole grandson of a Deaconess” Micky said.

“It doesn’t matter, and tommorow I’m hosting an house party at my place, grandma will be away so we’re free!” He shouted.

? Yay!!!!

“I and my babe will be the first ones to get there” Micky D’s, pecking Simon

“Of course!, The any bet catches the worm” Simon replied, and Franco’s head turned to him immediately.

The rest aren’t surprised.

“You mean…the early bird catches the worm?” Franco said.

“No it’s the any bet catches the worm” Simon replied.

“f-__-k!, Frankie what’s he saying!” Franco laughed out loudly.

“Ambassador of English assassination, that’s him” Frankie replied, and Franco laughed again.

“I’m speechless, Simon keeps getting worse, should we try taking turns to teach him English?” Dooley said.

“I know I’m trying, I know” Micky inhaled, and the history teacher came in.

“Your projects should be ready before next week Friday, for submission” he said.

? Whaaaat!

“What?, You guys haven’t started work on it?, Any group who fails to submit on or before Friday, each member will get five demerits in history, it’s as simple as that” he replied, and everyone started murmuring as he settled to teach.

His eyes suddenly caught Frankie, and Frankie hid his face.

“I saw you Frankie Styles!, You were suspended so why are you in school!” He shouted, and Frankie stood slowly.

“I love school, it has always been my passion, school is my fave” he said, holding his chest emotionally.

“I’m in love with Scott Hills high!!” He sang loudly.

“You’re a criminal” the teacher replied, and everyone laughed out loudly.


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