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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 40

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Insomnia might just creep into her system with the rate at which her sleeplessness keeps growing, it’s even worse today.

She kept rolling from one side of her bed to the other, hugging Coco tightly to herself while thinking of Frankie.

“I miss him, is he ok?” She muttered slowly again, licking her small lips slowly.

She has even thought of calling him, but then she remembered she forgot her phone in Cody’s car, so there’s no way.

She rolled to another part of her bed and eventually fell on the floor.

“Senior Frankie” she said in a babyish way, sucking her lip as her heart continued yearning fervently for him, she’s as restless as hell

She’d have asked Daniel, but she broke the vow of not talking to him once already, she has vowed not to break it again till he apologizes properly.

Her mind went to Malia, and she spranged up, adjusting her kitten headband on her head before leaving the room.

She knocked on Malia’s door before opening it, peeping in.

“Baby doll” Malia smiled.

She was sitting on her bed, chatting with Axel on her phone.

“Can I sleep here tonight?” Beauty asked.

“Of course!, come here already” she widened her arms, and Beauty rushed into it.

Malia hugged her tightly.

“Is anything wrong?, Worry is steaming off your body” she said.

“I miss him so much” Beauty replied, and Malia smiled.

“First love can be so hard at times, but don’t worry he’ll come around, I trust Frankie” she said.

“Can you ring him for me?, I forgot my phone in Cody’s car and i really need to hear his voice” Beauty said.

“Ok baby” Malia replied and picked her phone, dialling Frankie’s number.

It connected quickly.

“Hey playboy” Malia said, and Beauty’s heart started beating fast as she craved to hear his voice.

“Malia” Carolyn’s voice said.

“Mrs Styles?, Why are you answering his phone?” Malia replied.

“Frank will murder me before my time believe me” Mrs Carolyn said.

“What exactly happened?” Malia asked quickly.

“He was brought home by my neighbor next door, Frank was found unconscious in front of a bar, he drank himself till he fainted” Carolyn said.

“OMG!, Is he ok?” Malia asked.

“Thankfully yes, he’ll be fine when he wakes up tommorow morning” Carolyn replied, and Malia inhaled.

“Please take good care of him” she said.

“Sure, why did you call though?” Carolyn asked.

“I needed to ask him something, but I guess I’ll call him tommorow” Malia said.

“Ok, take care”

“You too Mrs Styles” Malia replied and hung up.

“He’s not ok” Beauty said, ready to cry.

“Come on, you heard when his mum said he’ll be ok before tomorrow morning” Malia replied.

“I want to be in his arms right now,I just want to be beside him” Beauty said.

“It’s ok, come here” Malia pulled her into a comforting hug, and Daniel sighed.

He has been watching from the unclosed door.



“Why the hell would you drink to the point of passing out in front of the bar!, I told you not to drink more than your system can take Frank!” Carolyn shouted, rushing after Frankie as he descended the stairs.

He has his backpack strapped on his back already, and for the first time in history, he’s wearing the school uniform.

“Mum can we just forget about it?” He said.

“Don’t give me that crap Frank!, What if something happened to you when you were out in front of that bar!, Do you even ever think about me?, I’m your mum!, You said you love me but it’s all a lie!” Carolyn shouted, and Frankie faced her at once, hugging her tightly.


“Frank why are you doing this to me?, Why do you always make me worry” she said gently as he stroked her hair.

“I’m sorry mum, it won’t happen again, and don’t ever tell me i don’t love you, I love you mum” he said.

“Then take your school serious, start taking interest in school and stop doing things that makes me worry” she said.

“Promise” he replied, and Carolyn smiled before breaking the hug, then she pecked him.

“Hope you aren’t feeling hanged over?” She asked, arranging his hair with her fingers.

“No mum,I’m fine” he smiled.

“Aren’t I so lucky to have the most handsome son in Cali?” She said proudly, and they both laughed as they walked to the dinning for breakfast.

“So…why did you drink?, That was your first” she asked, and he looked at her.

“Something came up” he replied.

“What exactly?”

“I broke the heart of someone I fell for, and I’m trying to mend it” he replied, and her eyes widened.

“My son is in love?”

“I never believed it till I started going crazy, love is a bastard, it got me real hard” he replied, and Carolyn rushed to his side of the table.

“Who’s the lucky girl?, Tell me!”

“Another day mum” he replied, drinking from his milk before standing.


“Bye mum” he pecked her and left the house.

“My darling is in love?, Yes!” Carolyn shouted.


Throughout the drive to school, Frankie’s mind was focused on Beauty, and he kept looking at his phone.

He didn’t sleep a wink last night, waiting for a reply from Beauty was all he did till daybreak,but none came.

He sighed as he drove into the school park, and he didn’t meet any of his friends as he walked to his class.

He stopped in front of the Juniors block and stared hard at the window where Beauty sits, she’s not there.

He badly wants to catch a glimpse, but it’s not possible, so he started walking slowly to the seniors class, but Immediately he passed by the door of the broadcasting room, Someone pulled him in and shut the door.

He was about to scream when he saw the last person he was expecting to see, Beauty!

She pinned him to the door firmly, and he was looking down at her small figure.

“Angel” he whispered softly, and she smiled prettily, showing him her phone screen

Cody actually returned her phone Immediately she got to school, and the message was the first thing she saw.

She showed him the message on her screen, and he looked her in the eye.

“You love me” she smiled brightly, and he kept staring, unable to say a word.

Her vanilla scent, her pretty headband, her cute nose and kissable lips…. d@mn!

He missed those.

“Senior Frankie I….

She hasn’t finished when he changed their positions, pinning her to the door instead.

His lips found hers immediately, and her eyes went shut as he kissed her softly.


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