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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 30

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? Cody Aston is getting engaged to Margo Lewis!

? Another contract marriage?

? Davina and Drayton isn’t enough, now the two juniors?

? This is too much, Cody h@ťěs her.

?I wonder why he once dated her

The rumour was circulating around the students that morning as they made their way to class.

Cody’s face was straight as he walked through the hallway, all eyes are on him, and everyone is surely gossipping about his upcoming engagement.

He still finds it hard to believe, but it seems like it’s really gonna happen for real, and he’s so helpless right now, so helpless that he wants to cry.

He entered the class, and when he saw Beauty, he swallowed hard.

All eyes turned to him.

“Cody….is the engagement news true?” Allyson asked, and he looked at her.

“Are you really…. getting engaged… with Margo?” She asked, and he looked at Beauty who was holding a brown teddy to herself.

He didn’t reply before taking his seat, then Margo came into the class, smiling idiotically.

“Yes!!!, The rumours are true!, I’m getting engaged to Cody soon!, Cody is mine from now on!, Touch him and you’re dead!, As a girl if you make any contact with him I’ll ki|| you, he’s off limits!” She announced happily.

“Get that into your f_cking skulls everyone!” Mara added.

Cody’s hands were shaking on the table, so he placed them on his laps, and they continued shaking as he thought of what’s about to befall him.

“Guys!, There’s a swimming practice today!, Senior Frankie will be swimming under the supervision of the sports master!” A girl announced.

?I can’t wait!

? His abs!

? I need to see those again

? He’s always extra Șëx¥ while swimming!

“And also…the broadcasting group is back!!!” Another one announced.

? Whoaaa!!!!!!

“Check the blog!”

Everyone started checking, well except Cody and Allyson.

Allyson’s mood changed immediately she heard about the engagement, so she’s not in a good mood.

“Senior Frankie joined the broadcasting club?, Then I’m joining too!, I’ll get to see more of my boo bear” Beauty smiled.

“Bees!!!!!!!” A student screamed in the hallway, and everyone ran out of the class immediately.

Indeed, there are bees everywhere in hallway.

“What the f_ck!” Allyson shouted in horror as everyone ran to safety.

Beauty stood there, eyes wide, mouth opened, too confused about how to start running.

An hand grabbed her, and she started running with the person, thinking it’s Frankie.

They kept bumping into students, but that didn’t stop them from running till they got out of the block.

He stopped, his back still on her.

They were both breathing heavily, and she was about to call him Frankie when he faced her.

“Cody?” She said shockingly.

“Are you ok?, The bees didn’t sting any part of your body… right?” He asked, holding her shoulders.

She quickly stepped away from him.

“I’m fine, thanks” she smiled.

By now, everyone has ran out of the Juniors block, and they all gathered in front of it, a lot got stung by the bees, but the last person to come out was worse.

All her face was decorated with large swells from the bees stings.

She held a red headband in her right hand.

“That’s my headband, the one I kept in my wall locker” Beauty said surprisingly

? Why did she get affected so much?

?Her face must hurt a lot

? How pathetic.

She raised the headband up.

“I was trying to steal this from your locker Beauty, but I got bees instead” she confessed.

“You were trying to steal my headband?”

“It’s so pretty, and i saw when you were placing it in your wall locker, I decided to steal”

Daniel ran into the circle, and he got hold of Beauty immediately.

He actually heard the news about the bees, and he ran here immediately.

“You’re ok right?, Tell me the bees didn’t sting you” he said, checking her out.

“I’m fine, Cody saved me” she smiled, and he hugged her quickly.

“I’m so glad”

Frankie was watching from the balcony in the seniors block, he was breathing heavily too cos he ran all the way there to check on Beauty.

When he saw she’s ok, he took a deep breath.

“How did it happen?” Daniel asked after breaking the hug.

“She tried to steal my headband, and she met bees” she replied, pointing at the girl who was already crying.

“How did bees get into your locker?” Daniel wondered aloud.

Insecticides were brought by the school securities, and they started spraying down the bees while the girl was taken to the hospital.

The slightly stung ones were attended to in the infirmary.

“f-__-k!” Margo spat in disappointment.



“Are you really gonna join the broadcasting team?” Dooley asked, sitting on Frankie’s table.

“Do I look like I’m joking?, Come on” he replied.

“Finally Frankie is interested in something concerning school” she smiled, stroking his hair.

“It doesn’t involve pens and books, that’s why I’m joining, but if it’s not fun I’ll pull out” he glared and hit away her hand.

Her hand mistakenly hit Daniel who was just coming in.

“Ouch!, Lady dragon!” He winced and started rubbing his eyes.

“Daniel are you ok?” She quickly rushed to him, touching his face.

“I’m fine, must you always hit?” He hit her hand away.

“I’m sorry it wasn’t intentional, are you sure you’re fine?” She tried touching his face again, but he hit her hand away again.

“I’m fine, no one knows when you might hit so don’t touch me” he stick out his tongue and sat beside Frankie.

“Guys!, Let’s go on a group outing this weekend” Simon suggested.

“I’m in” Frankie and Micky chorused.

“I’m out” Dooley and Daniel chorused.

“But why” Simon pouted.

“We have our projects to face, so f_ck off” Dooley said.

“But it’ll be fun” Micky pouted too.

“Dooley and Daniel are out, we’ll just go alone” Frankie said.

“Yes!” Micky and Simon stuck hands.

“You three don’t dare go anywhere without us” Daniel rolled eyes.

“Then go with us” Frankie winked.

“Senior Frankie!, The sports master wants you in the swimming hall” a junior said by the door.

Frankie left the class and made his way to the hall, but just as he was about to enter, he slipped on something and fell, hurting his head.

It’s actually a banana peel.

“$h|t!” He grunted, sitting up slowly as his head started bleeding slowly.

“Frankie!” The sports master rushed out of the hall, shocked to see his state.

“My arms aren’t hurt, I’m fine” he smiled, standing up.

“But still,. You’re bleeding from the head, let’s get you to the infirmary”



After Frankie’s head hit treated and plastered, the nurse insisted that he should lie down for five minutes and rest, so he was doing just that when Beauty rushed in.

She heard about it during class, and she had to rush down here worriedly.

“Senior Frankie!” She said loudly, and he sat up on bed.


He hasn’t finished when she hugged him tightly.

“Angel I’m fine” he smiled, inhaling much of her vanilla scent as he hugged her back.

When she broke it, she touched the plastered spot, and he smiled.

“I’m not feeling pains” he said, and she hugged him again.

“Gosh!, I was scared seriously”

“I’m fine” he replied, and when she broke the hug, she kissed his nosetip, then his cheeks.

“You didn’t pick my calls again last night” she said, pressing his lips with her thumbs.

“They was because mum almost caught me” he replied, stroking her hair.

“Snowdrop almost caught me too” she whispered, sitting on his laps, and they both laughed.

All of her is driving him crazy, but he even wants more, he’s getting addicted.

“Should we go out tommorow?, I can lie to snowdrop that I’m going to Allyson’s” she said, tracing his brows .

“Sure, I’ll just ditch my friends for you” he replied, and she kissed his brows.

“You’re so perfect boo bear” she smiled.

“And you’re so pretty angel” he replied, leaning in with the intention of kissing her lips.

Beauty’s eyes went shut Immediately, and she could hear her heart beating so loud as she expected it.

A little before their lips would touch, Daniel came in, and his eyes widened immediately.

“What the hell!” He shouted, and they both disengaged quickly.

“Snowdrop!” Beauty said shockingly.

“Dude” Frankie called, standing up.

Fire was burning in Daniel’s eyes as he walked furiously to Frankie.

Before Frankie could say another word, he punched him thrice, sending him to the wall.

“Did you just try to kiss her?, I clearly told you to stay away from her!” He yelled, punching him again and again.

Frankie spit out blood as he fell on the wall again.

“Snowdrop stooop!!!, Please stop” Beauty started crying.


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