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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 26

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Frankie ate just little from his breakfast of toasted bread, then he took coffee and stood, taking his backpack.

“Darling you ate little” Carolyn said beside him.

They actually ate breakfast together.

“I’m full” he smiled.

“I should have talked about this before now, but I kept forgetting” she said, and he looked at him.


“You got one over ten in your math assignment, when did you start writing your assignments?, I wish it continues that way, we’re getting somewhere” she smiled, taking her cup of coffee.

“I don’t know what made me do it either” he said, and Carolyn smiled as he gave her a peck on the cheek.

“Bye mum!” He winked.

“See you later darling” she winked back, and she smiled as he walked out of the house.

Her phone beeped immediately, and she checked.


From Philip.

“How stubborn, Frank inherited that from him” she muttered, drinking coffee.



After retouching her make-up, Malia dropped the mirror and smiled before stepping out of the car.

Getting to hug Axel tightly last night felt so good that she kept thinking about it all night.

His body on hers was warm and tender, she even fell more deeply, so deeply that she prayed that today should come fast so she’d see him again.

She adjusted her short skirt and was about to enter the bakery when a blue Maserati stopped in front of her car, and a chic looking lady came out.

Malia stopped moving immediately, and the lady smiled charmingly before flaunting her hair.

She got her phone and pressed it for a minute, and Axel came out of the bakery.

“Axel!!” She screamed, jumping on her heels.

“Jacqueline!” Axel smiled simply, and immediately he got to him, she hugged him tightly, shocking Malia.

Axel broke the hug, and Jacqueline pecked his cheek immediately.

“Hey stop” he smiled, and she hugged him again.

“Gosh!, I missed you Axel!” She pouted as he broke it.

“You said you were coming tommorow, trickster” he said.

“I just couldn’t wait to see you again!, And besides, I was already getting tired of France” she said sweetly, and Axel smiled again.

“Gosh!, You still have the most seductive smile!” Jacqueline chuckled, holding his hand.

“Where do you wanna go?” He asked.

“I missed Cali!, So let’s go on a tour together, but it won’t affect your deliveries right?” She asked.

“Nope, my boss gave me two hours break, let’s use it together” he replied.

“Aww!, Let’s go!” Jacqueline gushed, getting into her car with him.

They drove off, and Malia got in her car too, looking so down and sad.

She got a call from Flora about her morning conference, so she drove off sadly.



Beauty got down from Daniel’s car at the park and started walking to the Juniors block straight.

He tried starting a conversation during the drive, but she wasn’t giving him attention.

Daniel got out of the car and rushed after her, blocking her way.

“Leave me alone, I don’t wanna talk to you!”

“Till when are you gonna be like this?” He said.

“I dunno!, I’m late for class!” She snapped and made to leave, but he pulled her back and hugged her.

“I’m so sorry egg, I’m sorry” he begged, and she pouted before breaking the hug.

“I have to go” she said and left him standing.

Frankie’s car stopped next.

“Dude!” He smiled.

“Not going in?” Frankie asked.

“Was waiting for you” Daniel replied, and Frankie smiled.

“Junkie” he said, walking to class with him.

They got to class and met the history teacher already, and everyone is in class except Davina and Drayton.

“One demerit for the both of you, you know why” he said, and Daniel grunted before sitting.

“I barely have any mark that can be deducted for demerit” Frankie said, and everyone laughed as he sat.

“The pairing pattern will he pasted after this class, check out your partners on the info board” the teacher announced.

“Yes sir!” They all chorused, and the class started.

It lasted for an hour and immediately he left the class, everyone started loitering around.

“What’s up guys!” Simon shouted, sitting beside Frankie and Daniel.

“Nothing” Frankie replied dryly.

“Babe, I hope I get paired with you!” Micky said cutely.

“Same here!” Simon winked, and they all looked at Dooley.

She’s still on her seat, her face on her phone.

“What’s up with lady dragon?” Frankie asked.

“She got hurt, Daniel’s fault” Micky said.

“$h|t” Daniel stood, walking to her.

“Doo”he called, and she looked up.

When she saw it’s him, she returned her face to her phone, but he snatched the phone from her.

“Return my phone!” She spranged up, but he pointed it up, so her hands couldn’t reach it.

“Daniel I’m not smiling!” She said seriously.

“Lady dragon I’m sorry” he said, and she smirked.

“Lady dragon?”

“Dooley I’m sorry, we’re best buddies, we can’t fight yunno” he made cute puppy faces, and she hit his head .

“Dooley!” He rubbed his head, bringing down his hand.

She snatched her phone from him and rolled eyes before sitting, smiling secretly.

“We’re good now, right?” He asked, sitting in front of her.

“After you buy me the jellyfish earrings” she replied.

“The new popular earrings?” He replied, looking around.

Almost all the girls are wearing it, including Micky.

“Deal, want chocolates too?” He asked, and she nodded.

“Heard Davina narrowly escaped coma” Simon suddenly said.

“Ella, is that true?” A student asked.

Ella looked around , and when she saw all eyes on her, she spoke up.

“Well….kind of” she said slowly.

“The pairing pattern is out!” A student shouted from the door, and everyone rushed out to take a look.



“We’re surely meant to be!” Micky screamed when she saw she got paired with Simon and another student.

“I love you to the moon and pack” Simon chuckled.

“It’s to the moon and back, my dummy boyfriend!” She giggled.

“Oh no” Daniel muttered.

He got paired with Dooley and Ella.

“Welcome to my world!” Dooley winked.

“I h@ťě you Mr history!!!!” Frankie screamed, and everyone turned to him.

He got paired with Davina and Drayton.

“Worse pairing ever” Dooley laughed.

“I know, right?” Daniel joined in the laughter.



After the third period ended, Beauty stretched happily, it’s finally time for lunch.

“Mum packed lunch for me” Allyson said, bringing out her lunchbox.

“I love the cafeteria’s sushi, so I’ll just go with that” Beauty replied.

“Me too” Cody replied, and it was Beauty who stepped out of the class first.

She mistakenly bumped into Mara, and her teddy fell from her.

“I’m sorry Mara!, I was…

“You’re blind I know, but you should try to shine your eyes if you wanna walk past me, ok?” Mara glared.

“When she speaks, you either answer yes or no” Margo added beside her.

Without answering, Beauty picked her bear and walked away.

Allyson and Cody followed her, and Mara smirked.

“Did she just… walk out on us?”

“Her wall locker must be open right now” Margo replied, and they looked at each other before walking towards the locker room.


“That was cool Beau!” Allyson said when she was about to enter the junior cafeteria with Beauty.

“What?, Walking out on them?, It’s common sense” Beauty replied, and Cody smiled.

She almost bumped into another person, but he pulled her out of the way.

“Thanks Cody” she smiled, and he was about to stroke her hair when someone hit his hand away.

“Angel” Frankie said, and she turned to see him .

“Senior Frankie!” Her eyes brightened up, and she ran to him.

She took his right hand and pulled him away.

“Let’s go eat” Allyson pulled Cody into the cafeteria, but he kept looking back till they got in



It was empty when Beauty pulled Frankie in, and she hugged him tightly immediately.

“I missed you so much last night” she said cutely, and he smiled, hugging her back while stroking her hair

“I missed you more angel, did you sleep well?” He asked, and she broke the hug.

“No, I was missing you throughout” she pouted, and he kissed her hair.

“Do it again” she said, and he kissed her hair again, then she brought out her phone

He got it immediately, so he brought out his phone too, and they exchanged numbers.

Frankie hugged her again immediately, so tight as if she’s his airbag.

In her arms, he feels so important, complete and at peace.

The hug went on for almost two minutes, none is ready to let go.

“Senior Frankie” she suddenly whispered.

“Yes angel” he replied, and she slightly broke the hug to look at him.

His arms were still on her waist.

She stood on her toes and pecked his chin, then she looked at his lips, licking her own gently.

Frankie’s eyes were on her lips too.

“Can I…kiss your lips?” She whispered.


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