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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 16

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( Beauty & Frankie… )


By, Naomi Cindy B.







Everyone laughed like maniacs immediately, and the teacher sighed before leaving.

“They deserve it like hell” Simon laughed.

“Frankie is an idiot” Daniel said, going out of the class in search of him.

Just by his desk column, he bumped into Dooley.

“Oh!, Sorry!” He said awkwardly and made to leave, but she pulled him back by the arm, taking him out of class.

“I’m hosting an house party at my place tomorrow night!, Everyone is invited!, Pool party is involved so get your bikinis!” A girl announced suddenly.

? Whoa!!!!!!

“Should we attend?” Micky asked Simon.

“Of course babe! Let’s rock the party together!, Couples outfit!” Simon winked

“We should go shop for it right after school” Micky said.

“I can’t wait!” Simon chuckled, and Micky sat on his laps.

“It’s been a while since we had a deep kiss, your mum interrupted us last night” she pouted cutely.

“We’re in class, come on” Simon replied.

“No no I want it now…now now…now babe. Now!!” She started shouting

“Ok ok fine, I’ll give it now….” Simon replied, holding her face.

He started leaning in slowly, but a loud sound made them stop.

It was actually the math teacher in front of the class, he hit his palms on the table.

Micky quickly rushed to her seat.

Despite the fact that it’s early in the morning, the class is a total mess already.

“Class 3!, Are you guys even aware of the fact that you’re seniors?, Stop disgracing this school!!, Hair dryer?, Hairpins?, Massager?, Nail polishes?, Makeup boxes in class?” He said sternly.

Everyone started hiding their items for the fear of seizing.

“Settle down , it’s time for lectures right now” he said calmly.

?Yes sir!!!

“And where’s the troublemaker?, He’s not in school?”

“He’ll be here shortly” Simon replied.

“Dooley?, Daniel?”

“They’ll be here shortly too” Micky quickly replied.

“We’re treating calculus today” the teacher said, writing it on the board.

“I h@ťě calculus!” Simon muttered.


Dooley took Daniel to the rooftop before letting him go, and they faced each other.

“Why the f_cking awkwardness?, Let’s just forget you saw it, take it to your grave” she said

“You’re the one who kept acting awkward, not me” he replied, and she sighed.

“No more awkwardness, ok?” She said, and he nodded.

“Good boy!” She hit his head.

“Ouch!, Maybe we should just maintain the awkwardness, stop hitting my head” he pouted, rubbing his head as they descended the stairs together.

They heard a loud uproar from the junior class and looked at each other.

“Frankie!” They chorused and ran there.

They rushed into the class and met Margo on her chair, but everyone’s laughing hard.

“What’s happening?” Daniel said.

“Her b*tt is glued to her chair” Allyson laughed.

“What the f_ck!” Daniel laughed.

“Frankie is just…what the hell” Dooley laughed, leaning on Daniel.

“You mean…it was senior Frankie’s doing?” Cody said.

“I never said that” Dooley replied and left the class with Daniel.

Margo kept trying to stand, but all her efforts were fruitless, and the students kept laughing loudly.

The first period teacher came in, and everyone quickly settled down.

“Goodmorning everyone!”

“Goodmorning Mr Maxi!”

“Today, we’ll be talking about…

“I’m stuck here!, How dare you teach when I’m stuck!” Margo shouted, and Mr Maxi quickly rushed to her.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t f_cking know!!, Get me up from this chair!” She shouted rudely.

Mr Maxi gave her an hand which she held, then he pulled her with all his might, but she still wasn’t able to stand.

Everyone laughed loudly again.

“How I wish Beauty is here to watch this” Allyson said, making a video.

“I know, right?” Cody replied.

Mr Maxi pulled Margo again, and he was able to get her up this time, but her skirt tore with the chair, and her short thighs came to view,but that wasn’t the end.

Immediately she stood, she bumped directly into Mr Maxi, and they both crashed into the nearest desk, going down together.

They got stuck in the middle, and Margo’s arms got hurt by the desk metal.

? Whoaa!!!

“Frankie!!!” Margo screamed.



The first class was about to end when Frankie came in, and everyone started laughing.

“Frankie Styles, what did you do again?” Mr math asked.

“Styling things” he winked.

” You don’t care about the people around you?, You wounded three people today!, Three!”

“So what!, They wounded Beauty too but you guys kept quiet about it, but now that I got back I’m at fault?, Stop being f_cking bias!” He shouted, and Mr math pointed at him.

“You have the habit of talking back at adults, be respectful for once Frankie”

“I don’t wanna be, and teachers like you make me wanna quit school everyday” he replied and went to his seat.

? Whoaaa!!, Frankie is so cool!

? Frankie I love you!

? Frankie my role model!

? That was bam!

The teacher left the class quietly, and Frankie exhaled.

“Frankie my man!” Simon jumped on him immediately.

“I’m not in the mood to joke around” Frankie replied, untangling his arms from himself.

“What?, You made class 3 proud” Dooley said.

“Right now I can leave Simon and date you, you’re so protective of our Beauty” Micky said, and Simon smirked.

“Say that again”

“I mean… Simon is my one and only” she winked, and he blushed.

“Let’s just go for snacks, or should we just bunk off?” Daniel said.

“Yes!, Let’s bunk off!” Frankie shouted, brightening up.

“Bunk off!” They all chorused and rushed out of the class at a time.



Malia has been behaving down since morning, even at the management meeting, she was being cranky.

Fiona noticed and decided to ask as she escorted her back to her office.

“Boss, are you ok?” She asked.

“Fiona, just let me be” she replied slowly, resuming her walk.

“Then coffee?, Cinnamon drink?, Juice?” Fiona said in an attempt to cheer her up.

“Fiona please…

“But it’s rare to see you sad, I can’t stand it” Fiona interrupted.

“Let’s talk an hour from now ok?, I don’t wanna do talking right now” Malia said gently.

“Should I…. order the bread from Alvarez?” Fiona replied, and Malia stopped to look back.


“Yes boss, seems like you like it. I’ll order it, peradventure it’ll help you calm down” Fiona replied , and Malia smiled lightly.

“Ok fine, and have you ordered the car I told you about?”

“Of course!, It’s in the park already”

“Simon will come for it later, I’ll be in my office” Malia replied, and Fiona smiled as she entered her office.

She fell on her seat and looked at the pile of documents on her table.

She hasn’t been able to work on one since morning, cos her fingers feels weak anytime she thinks about Axel’s sudden snubbing attitude.

“Is he planning to cut me off?, I thought we agreed to be friends?, Why did he…shun me?, Gosh!, This is crazier than I thought” she said, holding her forehead.

She almost slept off, but the opening of the door made her look up.

Axel came in with the bakery nylon containing the breads, and she never bothered to stand till he dropped it on the table.

She didn’t look him in the eye before giving him her debit card.

“Your secretary payed already” his Șëx¥ voice replied, and she didn’t reply as he started walking to the door.

He was about to hold the knob when he slowly turned back.

“Miss Malia” he called, and she looked up.

“I was in a bad mood in the morning, and….and that’s why I did that….” He said gently.

“It’s ok, bye” she replied, but he remained standing.

“I’m sorry” he said, and she looked him in the eye finally.

“I’m sorry miss…

“My name is Malia, hearing you address me by miss is annoying” she interrupted.

“But you’re older and you’re rich…

“Oh Axel please stop, I already told you it doesn’t matter, we’re friends ok?” She interrupted.

“Then you’ll have to give me time, it’ll take a while before I get used to calling you by your name” he replied, and she finally smiled.

“And I’m your friend, you can share your problems with me but please don’t snub me” she said seriously.

“I’m sorry once again” he replied, and she finally stood.

She walked to him and before he knew it, she hugged him.

“Miss…I mean… Malia..” he said shockingly, and she broke the hug.

“Take care of yourself Mr handsome” she smiled.

“You…too” he replied with a slow smile as he left the office.

“Yes!, Gosh I got my strength back!” Malia jumped.

Fiona came in immediately.

“Can you reschedule the meeting for 5?, I guess I’ll overwork today” she said


“No buts, do as I say Fiona” she interrupted, and Fiona smiled before leaving the office.


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