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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Supernatural Nexus… )

CHAPTER 79&80(Finale)

By, Summer Gold R


Like,Comment and Share,this is the last chapter,
at least do something for once🙄



Lamia and Natasha finally entered the hall and
everyone groaned.

“I’m sorry guys,really sorry” Natasha apologized
and Lamia cracked,she glared at him and he
stopped. They both sat down.

“What were you two doing?! I was starving
badly” Chase said. Speedy blocked his mouth
with a chicken.

“You can eat now,stop screaming” She said and
they laughed out.

“Let’s make a cheer first….for a…..successful
battle” Natasha said and raised her glass up.

“Yeah right” Lamia muttered and everyone
raised their glasses also.

“Cheers everyone” Natasha said.

“Cheers!!!!” They chorused and started to eat.

“Guys,I have something to do” Eugene said and
everyone looked up.

“What is that?” Ruben asked.

Eugene winked at Natasha and she smiled.

“Why are you winking at her?” Lamia asked

“Seriously” Oakley chuckled beside him.

Eugene got up and pulled Summer up,she froze
immediately,is it what she’s thinking??

“I’ve almost wanted to tell you this,I think this is
the right time” Eugene said.

👥 Awwwnnn

Summer blushed.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” Eugene asked like a
gentleman and Summer nodded immediately.

“Yesss!!!!!!” Speedy and Skylar screamed out.

Eugene and Summer kissed right there.

“That’s enough,no love allowed here” Lamia
said and everyone laughed.

“You do more than that with my sister,do you
want to get punished!” Eugene asked as he sat
down with Summer again.

“Next please” Natasha said.

“Next what?” Chase asked.

“Oh come on,I know more want to confess so do
it now” Natasha said.

“I guess she’s referring to me” Thatcher
muttered and stood up.

“Sadie!!!!!” Skylar and Speedy shouted and Sadie
bite her lips.

“I love you Sadie,like a lot” Thatcher said.

“She loves you too” Speedy said and everyone

“Let her talk,come on” Summer laughter.

Sadie nodded gently.

“I love you too” She uttered.

“Wow” Lamia and Eugene said and made a high

Sadie and Thatcher kissed each other too.

“Any other one? I’m enjoying this” Skylar said.

Winter kept eating without saying a word.

“I have a confession” Damon suddenly spoke up
and her hand tightened around her cutlery.

Everyone listened.

“The truth is… was not intentional…but I bit
Winter” Damon said and everyone gasped. .

Winter looked up and Damon also faces her.

“Since then…..I’ve been having sleepless night
because of you,I can’t even think straight
without thinking about you,,I’m going crazy,I
might really become crazy if you don’t feel the
same way,because….I badly want you” Damon

“That’s romantic” Speedy bkinked her eyes.

Everyone waited for Winter to speak up.

“Wow” Oakley muttered and caught Bryant
staring at her.

“What” She asked in a whisper.

“I want to kiss you” Bryant muttered and her
heart skipped a beat.

“What are you talking about” She immediately
looked away and gulped down her drink.

Bryant chuckled.

“I feel the same way too” Winter finally said in a
tiny voice and Damon breathe out.

“Wow!! Congrats dude!” Ruben and Chase

“Love all over,cheers again!!!” Summer


“To us singles also” Speedy said.

“Cheers!!” Chase,Ruben and Speedy raised their

“Bryant and Oakley,what about you two?”
Natasha called.

“Oh cheers” They both said and everyone


After the general dinner,Lamia and Natasha
joined Lamia’s parents and Artemis to have a
drink together.

“You’re so pretty” Griffin said to Natasha as she
poured him a drink. .

“Thanks father” She smiled and sat down
beside Lamia.

“Yeah she is” Adele also said beside Griffin.

“Can I ask a question?” Lamia asked.

“Go on child” Artemis said.

“Were you also born as a supernatural being like
me?” Lamia asked Griffin who immediately
looked at Artemis.

“Of course…..but his father wasn’t immortal,
neither was I” Artemis said.

“Then what happened?” Natasha asked.

“How come he became the king?” Lamia also

“Because he was the duelling place for them….I
was pregnant with him,there was a great
pandemic decades ago,I wanted to escape
because the humans were dying,your
grandfather died with that,while I was running
away,trying to protect myself and my child.

Those spirits entered inside my innocent child
and that was how he was born with more than
ten demons inside him.

“Ten?!!!” Lamia and Natasha screamed.

Griffin chuckled.

“No wonder he never gets old” Lamia scoffed.

“You’re the same,you’re immortal too” Adele

“But,what about you? You will get old someday..
..Me too” Natasha mumbled sadly.

“No you won’t,as long as their bloods are in your
body,then you are one” Artemis said and Lamia
held Natasha’s hand.

“I will always protect you,if it ever gets to a point
where I won’t be able to,then I will make sure we
die together at once” He said and Natasha

“Such a lover boy” Griffin teased.

“You did more than that” Artemis snapped at
him and they laughed.



Lamia and Griffin maintained the eyes contact,
Griffin came to tell him he’s about leaving the
Villa with Adele.

They will finally be able to live together as
lovers after so many years.

“You will visit often right?” Lamia asked.

“Sure I will” Griffin smiled.

Lamia ran to him and hugged him tightly,he
didn’t know when he started shedding tears.

“I’m going to miss you….a lot” He said and
Griffin smiled.

“You won’t miss me….I will make sure I see you
everyday,should we make somewhere to meet
everyday?” He asked and Lamia broke the hug.

“I will love that” He said.

Griffin wiped his tears.

“I love you son” He said.

“I love you too….I love you” Lamia said and they
hugged again.

Adele came in a minute after.

“Baby” she called Lamia who also went to hug

“I’m going to visit you often,I promise” He said
and Adele smiled.

“I’ve always wished to cook for my child.. I can’t
wait to do that” She said and Lamia nodded.

“Cook a lot,I will eat everything” He said and
Adele nodded happily.

Griffin joined them and they all hugged.



“Wow,this is where our parents live?” Eugene
asked as they all came out of the car.

Lamia,Natasha,Eugene and Summer finally
came to see their parents.

“Mm mm” Natasha nodded happily

“I wonder what their reaction would be” Lamia

“I really can’t wait” Summer smiled.

They went in,Natasha’s mom was in the living

“My gold!!!” She screamed the moment she saw
Natasha,she ran to hug her immediately.

Her dad came out on hearing that.

“Is that really my princess?” He asked.

Natasha broke the hug with her mom and went
to hug her dad.

Eugene bit his lips.

Lamia touched m Eugene’s shoulder and he
looked at him.

“You don’t have to feel bad,they probably miss
her” He said.

“Oh…kids” The parents finally saw them.

But then,Natasha’s mom kept staring at Eugene.

“The scent” Her dad spoke up first.

“Daddy……I found him” Natasha said,grabbing
Eugene’s hand.

Their eyes widened.

“Don’t tell me…..”

“It’s him mom…..My twin” Natasha said.

“How….how did you….”

“Son!!!” The mom screamed and pulled Eugene
into a hug without thinking twice,tears of joy
rolling down her eyes.

Summer and Lamia smiled.

“It’s really him,his scent never changes,oh son,I
missed you” She broke into tears.

Natasha’s dad also moved closer.

“You have the right to h@ťě me……I failed to….”
Eugene hugged him before he could finish.

“Why should I h@ťě you? I miss you everyday”
Eugene said.

His mom was still crying,she joined the hug.

“We are so sorry son” She cried,Natasha also

“We are invisible” Summer whispers to Lamia
and he chuckled.

After the perfect family time,Lamia and Summer
were allowed to sit.

“She’s my girlfriend” Eugene introduced

“And he’s my boyfriend” Natasha also pointed
to Lamia.

“Your highness,forgive us” both parents bowed
snd Lamia looked at them.

“How did you know?” Natasha asked.

“It’s there” They pointed at the wrist crown .

“Oh” Natasha mumbled.

“Can’t believe my daughter is going to be the
queen” Her mom said and Natasha blushed

“Summer,you’re so pretty too. My son have such
a nice taste” Eugene’s dad said.

“I will prepare a meal….”

“Let’s join” Summer and Natasha immediately
stood up and followed her while the men
remained in the room.



“What the f-__-k are y’all doing?!” Eugene groaned
in disappointment while training the students.

The light realm have a lot of students now and
the villa is well signed under the governments
just meant for teenagers with special powers.

They attend to train and master their powers
well….it’s been months already and alot of the
old students left while some remained as
masters who came and then leave for their
different houses.

“We are so sorry master!!” The students
chorused with a bow.

“Y’all can take a break,go on” Summer said and
they all rushed out.

“Gosh,their sword ski||s keep getting worse,they
should be glad I’m the one and not Lamia”
Eugene said and Summer chuckled.

“You don’t have to be so mad,they arrived just
weeks ago,the seniors are really good now
thanks to you” Summer said and pressed her
lips on his own.

“Guys,don’t tell me you’re still here” Sadie and
Thatcher entered,they are also masters in the
academy,Damon and Winter are there also but
not in presently.

Oakley and Bryant are presently on vacation,
nobody have rested since they started dating,
Oakley send every moments to Lamia,they are
still best of friends,their bond keeps getting
stronger and Natasha doesn’t even get jealous
anymore,she’s used to their sweet friendship

“It’s tonight,we should start getting ready. I’m
sure the others will be there,I can’t wait to meet
everyone again” Sadie said.

Tonight is finally the coronation in the
supernatural world,Lamia and Natasha will
finally be crowed officially today as the king
and queen.

“Have you called Lamia?” Summer asked

“I will do that on our way home,we should go
get ready” Eugene said.

“Then,see y’all tonight” Thatcher said and shook
hands with Eugene.

They all walked out of the training hall together,



The maids were busy getting Natasha ready but
she was looking like she wasn’t interested.

“Your Highness……do you like your hair? We
didn’t make up like you said” One of the maids

“Where’s Lamia?” Natasha asked.

“His majesty is….”

“Get him for me,y’all should leave,please leave
me alone” Natasha said.

They all bowed without arguments and left the
suite,three minutes later,Lamia came in.

“My queen…..”

“Why are you just coming? It’s almost five
minutes since I sent for you,I want you so badly
but you don’t seem to love me again,it’s unfair”
Natasha said and immediately tears started
rolling down her eyes.

Lamia who was already used to it said nothing.

Well our dear precious Natasha is in her third
month of pregnancy and it’s like a whole work
on Lamia because she want him every second
of the day.

“I was also getting ready my queen,I’m sorry” He
said and kissed her tummy.

“I don’t like this dress at all” Natasha shook her

“Baby,you’ve changed five dresses today,c’mon
you look perfect this way” Lamia said.

“Are you sure? You still love me right?” She

“I will love you till I breathe my last” Lamia said
and kissed her.

He pulled her up gently.

“You look so hot as usual” Lamia said and
Natasha smiled.

The door opened and a guard came in.

“Your majesty,Sir Eugene and Ma’am Summer
are here”



said loudly when Lamia placed the crown on
Natasha’s head.

Griffin was the one who crowned Lamia.

Every Single supernatural beings were present
and they all bowed.

“Long Live the king and queen!!!!” The chorused

Lamia smiled at Natasha.

“You’re the most amazing person I know my
queen” He said

“I love you so much and I won’t ever stop loving
you” Lamia added.

“I love you too my king…I love you…insanely”
She said and Lamia captured her lips at once


I purple y’all 💜💜

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