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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SHADOWS OF THE UNKNOWN – Episode 63 & 64

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( Supernatural Nexus… )


By, Summer Gold R






“Are you sure we shouldn’t wake the other up?” Natasha asked after some minutes.

“You said she’s the deity,that is we are safe” Lamia said.

They both sat down on the bench outside,it was bright because of the moon. Everywhere was super silent.

“If you’re sleepy,you can go in” Lamia said to her and she shook her head.

“I will be restless if I go in” Natasha said and Lamia smiled,he noticed she was rubbing her arm.

“Are you cold?” Lamia asked.

“I should have brought a jacket at least but I didn’t” Natasha replied.

Lamia carefully removed his hoodie and gave it to her,she looked at him and shook her head.

“If I put this on,what about you?”

“I’m not cold” Lamia replied and she finally took it from him,she wore it and they both continue watching in silence.

Like that,they didn’t get a single sleep or rest till the next morning.

“We should go in and get ready” Natasha suggested and Lamia nodded.

“See you” She smiled and went inside first.

Lamia also went in.


Minutes later,everyone of them were done and now outside waiting for Lamia who was still inside.

“You said the old woman left since last night?” Summer asked Natasha and she nodded

“So you really were outside till this morning? Alone?” Eugene asked.

“No,I met Lamia here first. I guess he was worried something might go wrong so I stayed with him” Natasha replied and Heaven rolled her eyes.

Lamia finally showed up.

“So,what are we going to do now?” Thatcher asked.

“I don’t think who we are looking for is here” Sadie said.

“Y’all should return to the villa” Lamia said and they all gave him a look.

“What do you mean?” Heaven asked

“This won’t work,I think I have a way out” Lamia said.

“Even if you have,we can’t leave you alone” Eugene said.

“You and Tasha can stay then” Lamia said.

“Eugene and her?” Heaven frowned and Lamia nodded.

“Are you sure about this?” Damon asked.

“You should leave already ” Lamia said.

After others left,leaving just Lamia,Natasha and Eugene,they both faced him.

“So what are you planning?” Eugene asked.

“Master said I will be able to smell her blood” Lamia said and they nodded.

“I think I should be able to get,even from here” Lamia concluded.

“Are you sure it will work?” Natasha asked.

“The demons should be able to help,I’ve shut them off for too long” Lamia said opened his two palms.

“Hold me” He told them and they both held him.

He shut his eyes and started trying to connect with his demons,after they all came together.

*Can you trace the scent of the blood?* Lamia asked.

*Thought you don’t need our help anymore* Dagon said.

*This Is no time to joke,trace the scent* Lamia snapped and they became quiet.

The three of them could feel the sudden breeze around them and like that they vanished into the air.



Everyone was in the control room when Lamia’s team came in.

“So soon” Cat-Girl said and immediately went to hug Heaven. Winter and Summer also hugged each other.

“We were planning to come over to that village since we found nothing” Bryant said.

“That would be a mistake” Thatcher said.

“So,you guys didn’t find anything either?” Chase asked and they all shook their heads.

“Where’s Lamia?” Artemis entered with the masters.

“It was Lamia who asked us to return to the Villa” Sadie answered.

“Alone?” Artemis asked.

“No,Eugene and Natasha stayed” Damon said.

Artemis nodded.

“I guess he finally decided to use what I expected him to use” Artemis muttered.

“Then,you all can take a break” She told them all and they exchanged glances before they started leaving one after the other.

“So how was it? How does the village look like?” Cat-Girl asked Heaven.

“Bad” Heaven muttered and Cat-Girl chuckled.

“But then,why did he ask Natasha to stay instead of you?” She asked.

“I don’t want to think about ur” Heaven said.



Lamia,Eugene and Natasha finally appeared in front of one small bungalow building,they looked around. It was the only house around that place,they faced Lamia.

“Where is this?” Eugene asked.

“This is where the scent brought us” Lamia replied and they continue standing there and looking.

“Who are you kids?” They heard a voice behind and they all turned at once,they faced the woman in her forties also staring at them.

“It’s her” Eugene and Natasha said at the same time but Lamia kept quiet,he only stared at the human in front of them,even though one could see she’s not really young,but still she was still looking like a human goddess,she’s so pretty.

Was that the reason why his father fell in love with her?? He wondered.

“Good morning” Natasha greeted and the woman came closer.

“Are you lost? Are you looking for someone?” She asked quite worriedly but the moment she saw Lamia’s face,the bowl in her hand dropped and her eyes widened.

“I guess she remember the face” Eugene muttered.

“Who….who….are you?” The woman asked,pointing at Lamia.

Lamia scoffed.

“I’m glad you recognize that face….He’s your son” Natasha smiled.

“My….my son….how come he…..” She couldn’t finish before breaking into tears. She went close to Lamia and tried touching him but Lamia moved back.

“I don’t like strangers touching me” He said and she stepped back,still tearing up.

“Why are you all here?” She asked.

“We need your help” Natasha answered.

“I will gladly help,I will” She nodded repeatedly and then looked at Lamia again,more tears escaped her eyes.

“What’s your name ma’am?” Natasha asked.

“Adele” She replied.

They all went inside after that,Natasha was the one who explained the reason why they are there and everything.

“Would you help?” Eugene asked.

She was quiet but then spoke up.

“I….don’t think I can” Adele whimpered.

“But why?” Natasha asked.

“I’m scared……The reason why he’s like that…..was all because of me…..I don’t think I can help in any way” She shook her head

Natasha went to sit beside her and gently hold her hand.

“According to what the goddess said,he was in love with you…Devils find it hard to hurt who they love,that’s probably why he haven’t really faced you since all these riot started,what if he’s also waiting for you to find him?” Natasha said.

She shook her head.

“I don’t know”

“Don’t you think you should take responsibility of what you’ve done? You think crying would solve anything? Because of you,many innocent souls died! You ruined everything,my father’s life and mine,it’s all because of you,so stop acting like the victim and take f-__-king responsibility” Lamia said angrily.

“Lamia” Natasha called

“Meet me outside” Lamia snapped and stormed out of the room.

“I’m sure he’s just angry” Natasha said.

“No,he’s right. I’m not worth to be called a mother,I should have kept on fighting……but I ignored my child”Adele said in tears.

“That’s why you need to do this…who knows he might decide to forgive you and you will leave happily ever after” Eugene said.

“I will think about it….give me time” she said.

Natasha and Eugene nodded.

“We hope to hear from you soon” Natasha said and she nodded.

They got up and went out.



Natasha entered Artemis’s office,she was sent for,reason why she came.

“You’re here,have your seat” Artemis said and in a confused state,Natasha sat down.

“What are you” Artemis asked after the long silence.

“I don’t understand” Natasha said.

“You met the deity” Artemis said and Natasha gasped.

“She’s really the deity” She covered her mouth with her palm.

“After meeting you,she made a decision and did what she have never done before” Artemis says.

“What are you talking about?” Natasha asked.

“Instead of Heaven…..she decided to make you the queen” Artemis said and Natasha’s eyes widened.

“What….is that?” She asked.

“It means the fate was changed and now you will be the one beside Lamia….as his mate and his queen” Artemis said and Natasha couldn’t believe her ears.

“What are you talking about?” The door opened and Heaven came inside with teary eyes,she was eavesdropping. Lamia also came in,he heard that from a far distance also.


“Tell me that’s not true!!” Heaven screamed.

“I’m sorry” Artemis shook her head.

“Why!!! Just why would the deity make me sad just to make her happy?!!! Why!! Why did she choose me first if she was going to change her mind?!!!!” She screamed in tears.

“I have no idea Heaven,I have no right to question her either” Artemis said.

Heaven ran out in tears.

Lamia looked at Natasha and then ran after Heaven.

He met Heaven where she was crying bitterly.

“Hey” He called and Heaven looked up,she grabbed him.

“Can’t you do something about this? You can’t possibly dump me for her,I’m going to die,please do something” She cried.

Lamia made to wipe her tears but she slap his hand off.

“Don’t wipe my tears and do something!!” She shouted.

“I’m sorry” Lamia muttered.

“What??……..are really going to….dump Me?” She asked with shaking lips.

“You will find someone better than me…..”

“There’s no one better than you!!” Heaven screamed and Lamia bit his lips.

“You’re acting like you’ve been praying for this,do you…h@ťě me that much? What is it about her?! Why is everyone always behind her?!!! What does she have!!” Heaven cried and ran away.

Lamia breathe out ,seems it’s really true. he doesn’t feel the usual spark when he touched her.

*It finally happened!!* Dagon said

*We should celebrate this* Dracula said.

Lamia smiled.

*let’s go find mate immediately* Loki said.

*See who’s rejoicing,I thought you wanted Heaven* Dagon said.

“I always follow wh@ťěver the deity want,don’t judge me* Loki replied.

*What’s the first thing we should do with Mate?* Gorgo asked.

*Mating of course!!!* they all shouted and Lamia’s eyes widened.

*Don’t act dumb and go find her,she’s by the riverside..hurry!*

Lamia grinned crazily and didn’t know when he sped and in a second,he was behind Natasha.

“Tasha” He called and Natasha turned and faced him.

“How is she?” She asked And Lamia shook his head.

“She will be fine” He said and walked to Natasha.

“How do you feel?” He asked.

Natasha grabbed him at once and slammed her lips on his own,sucking his lips hungrily,Lamia responded in the same pace.

They broke the kiss at the same time.

“I feel like this isn’t real yet…..I wish I can see the deity right now….I was actually going insane each time I see you with her” Natasha said tearfully.

“But always act like you don’t care” Lamia said.

“I just….wanted to avoid anything that would hurt you” She said.

Lamia pulled her hair back and smiled.

“Are you going to say the word to my face now?” He asked.

“What are you talking about?” Natasha asked.

“I heard you……*I love you…insanely* ” Lamia said in her voice and she blushed.

“I love you Lamia,crazily. I want to stay in love with you forever” Natasha said.

“I love you more,my pretty witch” Lamia said and their lips lock again.

Almost instantly,the rain started pouring all over them but they didn’t stop. The full moon stayed still on the Pearl tree,blooming gracefully while shinning on the lovers.

The kiss continued deeply as the rain poured freely on them.


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