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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SHADOWS OF THE UNKNOWN – Episode 47 & 48

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…( Supernatural Nexus ) ♣️


By, Summer Gold R



Lamia opened his eyes gently,it was morning already and he was on the bed. He wanted to close his eyes back but he heard Eugene spoke to him from the other side of the room.

“How are you feeling now?” Eugene walked over to him and sat down on the bed with him. Lamia sighed out and sat up straight.

“It was you? Last night?” Lamia asked,trying to remember what had happened the other night.

“No,Natasha came to call me” Eugene muttered and Lamia nodded.

“I wish it was all a dream” he said and Eugene held his hand.

“Why didn’t you tell me about your pains? Why did you keep everything to yourself? I mean,I know that you hear stuffs but I didn’t know it already got to the point of bleeding and passing out,I feel so mad at myself” Eugene said.

“And now I’m totally becoming a monster,did you see the…..”

“The claws” Eugene completed and Lamia breathe out.

“I don’t think Natasha and Heaven noticed,they only told me about your eyes and how your ears were bleeding….”

“Don’t talk about those two,please” Lamia muttered and Eugene arched his brows curiously.

“Why?” He asked.

“I don’t………”

*You’re more lazier than I imagined*

*How can you pass out since last night for goddess sake*

Lamia groaned as he listened to his so called demons.

“What’s going on?” Eugene asked and Lamia looked at him.

“I’m totally confused,but the little I know…….I’ve got some annoying demons inside me and finally I can hear them speak to me and they says something crazy last night about Natasha and Heaven being my mates..”

“What?!” Eugene’s eyes widened.

“I can’t let anyone find out about this,not even those two,that’s if this is true. I will never tell them,I will just find a way to get the f-__-k out of here and…..”

“If it’s true,you can’t escape” Eugene interrupted.

“You mean I will stay here with this crazy $h|t of me having two mates? I don’t even want any mate and now…two??”

“If it is true,there’s something called mate bond,you won’t be able to stay away from your mate,but now two??” Eugene sighed out.

“I have a lot to think about right now”

*We can help you with anything*

*Just name it*

*Really? Anything?* Lamia asked inwardly.

*Yes sure!* that one said excitedly.

*Good,can you keep the f-__-k up and don’t talk again?* Lamia said and there was silence.

“Finally” Lamia breathe out.

“What are you planning to do? You can’t keep this to yourself you know?” Eugene said. Lamia haven’t replied when the door opened all of a sudden and Thatcher broke in.

“You scared me!” Eugene half yelled.

“Guys,some woman in white dress just arrived in the realm,and the masters kept bowing for her,I think something is going on” Thatcher said.

Eugene and Lamia exchanged glances and Lamia spoke up.

“They bowed for her?” He asked and Thatcher nodded.

“I guess the light realm also have a queen like the dark realm does” Lamia muttered.



The three masters were standing while a woman who looks like she’s in her late fourties was sitting down,she was looking extremely beautiful like a goddess,her white dress was looking as Stainless as snow,she have this diamond necklace around her neck,shining brightly every now and then.

She’s Artemis,the woman who became a goddess after birthing the first devil,the king of all supernatural beings. She was the founder of the light Villa but never stays. She’s the goddess of the wilderness,moon and wild animals,in a word,she stays somewhere deeper than the supernatural world,but still she go around wearing her white robe.

She was made a queen over the light supernatural beings.

“I felt a strange but familia energy here last night” she said.

“A strange energy?” Master Liam repeated.

“I can still smell it…those demons…are familiar”

The masters exchnaged glances.

“We have something to tell you” Master River said.

“What Is it?” Artemis asked.

Master Lilith immediately brought forward the book,showing him the picture of the supernatural king.

“That’s my son,what about him?” Artemis said.

The masters looked at each other.

“We have a student who looks exactly like this, goddess” Master Liam said.

Artemis stood up slowly in shock.

“What did you just say?”

“We have a student who look exactly like this” the masters responded.

“And you all kept it a secret from me?!!” Artemis growled angrily.

“No! We just found out” Master Lilith immediately said.

“Bring him….Right here” Artemis said calmly.

Master Lilith left the lounge.


Some minutes after,Lamia walked in with master Lilith and Artemis couldn’t believe her eyes,she got up slowly from her seat,her eyes not leaving Lamia.

“Son” she called.

Lamia raised his brows and glanced at the masters dumbfoundedly.

“Son” Artemis whimpered again and hugged Lamia.

“Son??” Lamia asked and Artemis broke the hug.

Master Liam nodded.

“What’s going on?” Liam asked.

Artemis faced the masters.

“Excuse us” She ordered.

They bowed and walked out at once.

Artemis walked away from Lamia to the book on the table while Lamia stood still,watching her and then he spoke up.

“Who are you?” He asked.

Artemis turned her face to him.

“I’m the mother that birthed the king” She said and Lamia raised his brows.

“By mean……the king….the one in the book,who look just like me?” Lamia asked curiously and she nodded.

“Isn’t it obvious?? I can smell his blood inside of you……”

“Don’t say what you’re trying to say” Lamia cut her off.

“You can’t escape it child……That’s your father” Artemis said and Lamia chuckled sarcastically.

“In another word…..He’s the beast in the wood” He said and Artemis nodded.

“Does the masters know or y’all are making a fool of us by bringing us here to capture him when you know……….”

“It’s not about that child,He’s there that way…..because…..of a human” Artemis said,at the point of tears.

“I don’t want to listen to that….I just have a favor to ask” Lamia said.

“What favor?”

“How to get rid of these demons inside of me,in my head” Lamia said.

Artemis shook her head.

“I’m sorry but……that’s not possible. But I can help you control them,I will train you,I will do everything…….”

“Don’t see me as your family or wh@ťěver you’re thinking” Lamia muttered and turned to go.

“Don’t you ever want to know why you were abandoned in the woods?” Artemis asled and Lamia stopped.

“Are you not going to find out why I said your father’s predicament started because of a human,don’t you want to find out why he became a dark beast of thousand years who suck humans blood? Don’t you want to find out what your powers can do,what your families are like,your mother……..”

Lamia faced her.

“Without knowing all those things…….I’ve suffered my whole life before I found myself here. I don’t think I care any longer why I was abandoned. If I were my mother,I would definitely do the same,coz just take a look at me…how am I different from the beast in the woods?” Lamia sniffs and wiped his tears.

“I came back because you finally shifted out your demons side,,if you give me a chance,everything will change from now on and we will figure things out….”

“I don’t want it” Lamia snapped and stormed out.

Artemis breathe out and her breath threw the nearest table across the room,her hair changed from black to white,she finally succeeded in suppressing her sadness and she sat down.



Everyone was seated,total silence covered the whole hall,they all heard about who Lamia really is and they are still in shock. Summer was the one who broke the silence.

“If the beast is Lamia’s dad…..why should we all fight against him?” She asked.

“Because he will keep on hurting humans,this is like a revenge or something” Sadie said.

“Must Lamia get involved? He might act like he doesn’t care,but still,it’s his father we are talking about here” Thatcher said.

“Exactly,it’s going to be a tough one” Bryant muttered.

“So in a word….Lamia is like a young master here? Isn’t that Amazing? His granny is rich” Cat-Girl said and they all groaned.

“Okay fine,I’m just trying to cheer everyone up” she said.

“Where’s he?” Ruben asked.

“He refused to come out of his room since” Thatcher muttered.

Natasha tried getting up but Eugene pulled her back.

“Let him be…..for now” He muttered.

“I’m worried” Natasha said.

“Me too,but don’t worry,he will be fine” Eugene said and Natasha sighed.


Lamia was sitting down on the floor,his back on the bed with his eyes closed. He’s still finding it to believe what was going on,why is everything happening so fast? How can the best in the woods be his own father? How can he have five demons inside him? How did he ended up having two mates,everything was making him go crazy and he needed answers but they aren’t even coming.

*Do you feel like talking now??*

Lamia sighed out when he heard that,not like he have a choice anymore.

*I’m not in the mood* He replied.

*We will do the talking*

*How about we start by introducing ourselves?*

Lamia nodded.

*I’m Loki,if you ever feel like ki||ing anyone just by blinking your eyes,I will do that* Loki said.

*Gorgo is what you will call me,I’m capable of doing anything* Gargo said

*I am Dracula,* Dracula introduced.

*This is Dagon,also known as…the most dangerous side of Lamia,the devil’s son,I laugh a lot but I’m really dangerous* Dagon laughed.

Lamia nodded.

*And lastly,I am Abaddon. Demon of destruction. I can destroy a whole city at once,so don’t use me for fun* Abaddon said.

*I’m not using anyone of you,I am better without you* Lamia said.

*You might regret saying that soon if you finally need our help* Dagon said and Lamia rolled his eyes.

*But,are you not hungry?* Loki asked.

*We still have alot to talk about* Lamia said.

*Go on* Dagon said.

*What was that about the mate stuffs you said last night?* Lamia asked.

*Of course Heaven is our mate* Loki and Gorgo said.

*Don’t mind these losers,they are probably blind to think Heaven is our mate,a perfect witch is what we want and that’s nobody else but….* Dagon stopped there and then…

*Natasha!* Dagon,Dracula and Abaddon chorused.

*So you think I should be happy about this or something?* Lamia asked.

*You have two mates* Dagon said.

*Dagon,you’re the loudest,you’re opposite of me* Lamia said.

*Exactly why we will soon be best of friends,just like you and Eugene* Dagon said.

*Time to go,leave my head* Lamia said.

*Why don’t you try to let us out soon? Just to have fun?* Dracula asked.

*I’m not using anyone of you like I said,get out of my head!* Lamia snapped and they kept quiet.

Lamia sighed out loudly.



Lamia came in and met her in the sitting room,she was sitting down with her legs crossed.

“You came” She said

“Why did you call me?” Lamia asked.

“If you really heard me calling you,that means you are really a replica of your father” Artemis said and Lamia frowned.

“What does that mean?” He asked.

“I called you through the blood bond and you heard me” Artemis explained.

“Why am I here” Lamia asked,ignoring what she said.

“This Villa is rightfully yours” Artemis said.

“Usually,we accept alot of students,but because of what we are facing and must overcome at this moment,we had to choose according to what the diety said,bringing forth all the fifteen of you…..”

“Tell me it’s not what I am thinking,I will never become any f-__-king master……”

“You’re my grandchild” Artemis said.

“Oh wow,now you know you have a grand child,fine let’s assume my mother threw me in the woods,why didn’t you ever search for me??” Lamia asked.

“I searched,I did. But I could only smell our offspring by their demons,your demons never came out until last night which is why I am here……”

“What If I died before those demons came out?”

“That is another word for impossible,we never dies,and that is why your father is there in the woods,struggling…..”

“You mean ki||ing,not struggling” Lamia said.

“You wouldn’t say that if you know the reason why he became that way” Artemis said.

“Well I don’t wanna know so spare me of all these explanation of yours okay?? I am never going to be what you want me to do,you don’t even have any right over me to begin with” Lamia snapped and made his way out of the room.

“Are you not going to do anything about your mates?” Artemis called back and Lamia stopped.

“You think you can hide it forever?” Artemis asked and Lamia faced her.

“Do you know what a mate bond is? You won’t be able to avoid them forever,you have to do something or it might be dangerous……”

“What do you mean by dangerous?” Lamia asked.

“Your demons want the both of them,but what about you?” Artemis asked.

“I don’t want anyone to be in danger because of me,so it’s better to let go of them both” Lamia muttered.

“As if you can do that” Artemis muttered.

“I can……”

“Then,let’s see” Artemis said.

Lamia disappeared out of the room.


Lamia appeared outside and he exhaled,he was about walking away when he heard his name.


He turned back and there was Heaven standing.

“f-__-k” Lamia said under his breath and Heaven moved closer to him. Lamia moved back

“Are you really avoiding me like I predicted?” Heaven asked.

“How about we talk tomorrow? I’m too tired…..”

“We need to talk now” Heaven said and held his hand,Lamia’s heart started beating fast.

“Heaven please…..can you let go of me?” Lamia asked and Heaven raised her brows.

“Why? Did something happen? Are you sick?” She asked worried and touched his forehead.

“What the f-__-k” Lamia muttered,he could feel his whole body reacting in a crazy way.


“Stay away from me,please” Lamia said and Heaven tried moving back but as if it was too late.

Uncontrollably,Lamia grabbed her waist and a gasp escaped her lips when he pulled her close and slammed his lips on her own.

They both appeared in Lamia’s room,kissing hungrily,he doesn’t seem to be in his right sense,he was craving so badly for her and nothing more.

Minutes later,Lamia started taking off her clothes…..


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