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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Supernatural Nexus… )


By, Summer Gold R.




“Here’s your room” The maid opened the door for Natasha and she entered with her luggage,she stood in akimbo,looking around the whole room while her shining black long hair stayed at ease,Natasha sighed out in dissatisfaction.

“It’s not totally my taste” She muttered.

“Huh??” The maid asked what she had said since it was too low for her to hear.

“I’m staying here alone right? I don’t want a roommate,I don’t like staying in a room with others” She faced the maid.

“No,this place is yours alone” The maid said and Natasha nodded.

“Then,you can go”

The maid immediately walked out of the room and Natasha rolled her eyes.

“She wasn’t really lying” She muttered and fell on the bed with a loud sigh.

“Why am I tired??” She mumbled and sat up again.

“I need water” She mumbled in her lowest voice and soon enough,the door opened and a maid came in with a bottle of water.

“Here She said and Natasha took it from her.

“Leave” She muttered and uncapped the bottle,she gulped down everything at once and pressed the bottle,it vanished from her hand.

“I want to sleep…….” Before she could finish,she heard the sound of alarm all over the Villa.

🎙 It’s time to come out for your first dinner party here everyone.

“Geez,what is this?” Natasha grumbled but she got up anyway,she used her eyes to drag one of her bags closer to herself. She opened it with her eyes and started searching for what to wear.


Damon was walking alone to the dinning hall,Lamia was walking in the front,his two hands tucked inside his trousers while looking around,Damon also kept his eyes on him walking slowly behind. Chase suddenly appeared beside him in a speed snap,the air from his speed blow Damon’s clothes and he turned.

“There’s something weird about him right??” Chase asked,looking at Lamia. Damon also returned his focus on Lamia.

“I didn’t say anything” He said coldly.

“You don’t have to say it,I personally feel like he’s weird,I mean,how can he have such a lame power?? He’s really a loser like Natasha said” Chase smirked and tapped Damon’s shoulder twice before speeding off.

Lamia was still walking calmly,He wouldn’t deny the fact that everything seems amazing to him,the villa looks like a complete palace to him.

‘I should get a camera tomorrow’ he said inwardly.

All of a sudden,someone wrapped an arm around his neck and he flinched.

“What the…..” He stopped when he saw Eugene.

“Wait,did you just get scared of a touch?” Eugene asked looking surprise.

Lamia said nothing as he looked at Eugene blankly.

“Oh sorry” Eugene muttered and immediately dropped his arm still hanging around Lamia’s neck. Lamia continue walking but Eugene followed.

“I’m Eugene” he said. Lamia sighed and said nothing.

“I guess you don’t like talking…right??” Eugene asked.

“Now that you know,why not stop?” Lamia asked and Eugene stopped walking.

“Thanks” Lamia muttered and walked away,leaving his side.

“Wow” Eugene muttered.



The students were all present in the hall already,surrounding the table,only Summer,Lamia and Natasha are absent.

“Wow,you girls look more pretty now that I’m seeing you close” Eugene said and Speedy smiled.

“Thanks anyway” She said.

Damon was the first on left side roll,Winter sat next to him,followed by Skylar,Speedy,Thatcher,Bryant,then Chase.

Opposite them.

Heaven was facing Damon,Eugene facing Skylar,Ruben facing Speedy,Cat-Girl in front of Thatcher,Sadie facing Winter.

“Where’s your sister?” Thatcher asked Winter.

“Probably dressing up” Winter smiled.

“Are you two really twins?? You don’t look the same no matter how I think” Eugene said,looking at Winter.

“Must all twins be identical?” Speedy scoffed.

“No,but I like Identical twins” Eugene smiled.

Seems lile everyone was talking aside Sadie who only focused on wh@ťěver she was drawing.

Damon on the other hand was staring at Heaven who was sitting opposite him.

“Can you stop staring? My soul is getting tired” Heaven suddenly spoke up and everyone turned at once.

“Who,are you talking about?” Cat-Girl asked.

“The person sitting opposite me…..Damon” Heaven answered and they gasped.

“Wow,she just said his name” Eugene muttered.

“Why are you staring at her tho? Do you like her??” Skylar smirked.

Damon scoffed and ignored her.

“Where are the rest?? I’m hungry please” Bryant groaned.

“Who are the three left??” The three masters walked in and they all stood up at once.

“Summer,Natasha and Lamia” Winter answered.

“Wait,Lamia isn’t here??” Eugene asked like he’s surprised.

“No,why??” Skylar asked.

“Nothing” Eugene muttered.

“You will have to wait for everyone to be here before you eat” Master Liam said when they sat down again.

Summer and Natasha both came in at once,passing different doors.

The others looked up and gasped at once,no doubt they are both dripping with segziness and hotness right now. They are both totally dressed up in dinner gowns,their hair let down also,even though they are both looking pretty,any one could tell Natasha shine bright than anything else,she’s like a complete beauty goddess,her long hair blowing from one side to the other as she maintained eyes contact with Summer who also didn’t stop looking at her blankly,but inwardly she was feeling so angry,throughout her whole life,she’s used to being the most beautiful every where she finds herself,but this time around,no doubt Natasha is far more prettier,but she would never admit to that,never.

“Gosh,she’s the definition of beauty”

“They are so beautiful”

“I don’t understand,to me Winter is far prettier than Summer,just that she’s not a fashionista” Skylar rolled her eyes

“You’re pretty” Bryant said beside her and she smiled

“I know” She muttered.

“Enough stare,you two should come over and sit” Master River spoke up and they both walked to the table and ended up sitting next to each other.

“Where’s the last person??” Master Lilith asked.

“I’m here” Lamia appeared.

“Good,join your mates” Master Liam said and Lamia started walking,Skylar’s eyes followed his every steps with smile playing on her lips. The only seat empty was the one at the center of the table and Lamia gently pulled the seat back.

“Seriously? He’s going to look like our leader that way” Damon spoke up and Lamia stopped,his eyes fell on Damon and their eyes connected.

“Will you come and sit here instead then??” He asked calmly.

“His voice is soooo cool” Speedy whispers to Skylar but she couldn’t reply since she was lost staring at him.

“No,sit down there Lamia” Master Lilith said.

Lamia looked away from Damon and Damon scoffed. Lamia sat down and the first person he sighted was Natasha whose seat was just a few legs from him,Natasha wasn’t looking at him tho.

Master Liam started walking round them,his two hands behind him as usual.

“You’re welcome once again to the villa” he said.

“As you all know,this villa is meant for supernatural beings like y’all,and you are obviously here for a purpose. While being here,there are rules you must follow” He stopped and master River took over.

“’re not allowed to use your abilities outside this villa,hence hurting humans. 2….You can’t leave this villa unless with any of the masters permission or when on missions. 3…..You can’t hurt your fellow mates….”

Natasha raised her hand up,interrupting.

“What is it??” Master Lilith asked.

“Number 3 is quite impossible” Natasha said and everyone looked at her.

“Are you planning to hurt anyone??” Skylar asked with a frown.

“I h@ťě nosey people,I can at least teach them a lesson when they do $h|t with me right?? Not like I will ki|| them tho” Natasha said.

Master Liam chuckled.

“It’s only natural for fights to occur between y’all” He said and master Rover continued.

“Your training sessions starts every morning from 10am to any time…..”

After listening to the rules,they started eating and drinking,they partied till 2am in the morning before everyone went to bed.



Master River was sitting down,looking into some books on the table,the last second he looked up,master Liam was already sitting down opposite him.

“Oh gosh you startled me!” He screamed and the book fell from his hand.

Master Liam smirked.

“You should at least try walking sometimes!! Pass the door for once!!” Master River yelled.

“Why?? I’ve never for once questioned you when you use your abilities” Master Liam said.

“This is different! Come on” Master River groaned.

“Are you hiding something?” Master Liam asked.

Master River sighed and took the book on the floor,he placed it on the table.

“I’m just looking into their histories” He said.

“Hey!! How did you get that book!” Master Liam yelled and immediately grabbed the book from him.

“Geez,you’re so selfish. I want to know everything about them too” Master River said.

“You can start when I’m done” Master Liam scoffed.

“By the way,Sadie have been locked up by her own parents………”

“Don’t say it” Master Liam muttered and stood up.

“Don’t let the other students hear about it” he said and master River nodded.

Master Liam vanished and he groaned.

“He will never learn how to be a human right??” Master River mumbled and sighed out loudly.



Cat-Girl walked out of her room with her cat in her hands,she smiled brightly and touched the cat’s head.

“Hey Luna,do you like this place?? As for me,I love it. I’ve never lived somewhere so big” She chuckled and kept on talking as she walked,she suddenly saw Heaven walking.

“Oh” She smiled and ran after her,the blindfold covered her eyes as usual.

She was putting on a white dress,her blindfold is also white,she must really love white alot. Everything she’s been wearing since yesterday have been white all through.

“Hey” Cat-Girl said.

“Good morning,Cat-Girl” Heaven said and she gasped.

“How.. How do you….”

“I can smell you and your cat,since my eyes aren’t working,my nose is sensitive in that aspect” Heaven smiled.

“Oh,that’s amazing” Cat-Girl nodded as they began walking together.

“What’s the name of your cat?” heaven asked.

“Luna” Cat-Girl answered.

Heaven was about talking when suddenly someone ran past them,almost making Heaven fall.

“Ohh!” Cat-Girl dropped Luna and immediately caught Heaven.

“Thanks” Heaven said.

“Hey!!!!” Cat-Girl yelled at Summer who was already coming back,she was wearing a sport bra and leggings,her hair packed in ponytail,she was actually jogging.

“Hey blindy,I thought you said you can feel everything,you should have known that I was coming!” Summer yelled.

“That’s harsh! Are you even human?!” Cat-Girl shouted.

“If I am one,then I wouldn’t be here dummy” Summer snapped.

“Summer!!” Winter shouted as she caught up with them.

“What! Do you expect me to apologize just because she’s mind? Watch where you’re going” Summer Hissed and jogged off.

Winter sighed and faced Heaven.

“I’m sorry….she’s just in a bad mood” She muttered.

Heaven ignored her and bent down in front of Luna,she carried her and gave her back to Cat-Girl before walking away. Cat-Girl also followed her leaving Winter standing.

“Gosh that girl be ki||ing me” Winter roughed her three colors hair,mixture of white,blue and purple. Sometimes it changes to pure white,sometimes blue and sometimes Purple,depending on her mood.

“Calm down Win” She mumbled and sighed out,she let out a faint smile and her hair became blue before she walked away.



Slow steps,one after the other,Lamia takes as he walked through the empty and quiet garden,the wind storm following him quietly too,blowing through the flower petals,opening them,the butterfly cried happily as they all descend on the opened sweet flower juices.

He continued walking,every steps of his giving life to the creatures in the garden,he stopped somewhere when two butterflies rested on his shoulders.

“You must be so happy” He said lowly without moving.

A second later,his ears suddenly became sensitively stretched,someone is about walking into garden. The two butterflies flew away and Damon appeared.

“What are you doing here alone??” Damon asked.

Lamia ignored him and made to pass the other side but Damon held his shoulder and pulled him back,Lamia landed on the floor.

“I h@ťě being ignored” Damon said and squatted in front of him.

“Tell me why you’re here” he said.

“Why should I tell you??” Lamia asked and Damon chuckled,but almost immediately he frowned and punched Lamia angrily on the face that his lips bursted.

“I don’t like using my vampire side during the day….don’t make me break my own rule,I know…windstorm is not the only power you have,what are you hiding?” Damon asked.

Lamia touched his lips and he saw the blood.

“What is the meaning of this?” He asked and Damon chuckled.

“I guess you want more” he muttered and fold his fist in a punch,he raised his hand up and almost hit Lamia but the hand suddenly hanged in the air,Damon became motionless in the spot,he couldn’t move.

Lamia looked up in confusion and there was Natasha standing in akimbo.

“What…..did you…..”

“I knew it,you’re a loser who allow others bully him” Natasha scoffed.

Lamia stood up gently and Damon vanished,he immediately looked at Natasha.

“What did you do to him??” He asked.

“Nothing much” Natasha smirked.


The three masters were having breakfast in the private dinning hall,all of a sudden,A nak*d Damon fell from nowhere and landed on the table heavily.

“What the h*ll!!!” The masters shouted at once with wide eyes


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