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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SHADOWS OF THE UNKNOWN – Episode 25 & 26

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( Supernatural Nexus… )


By, Summer Gold R.



“Then kiss me too” Heaven cut in and Lamia’s eyes went wide.


“You can’t?” Heaven asked.

“Lamia! What are you doing here? I’ve been searching for you!” Eugene came over and grabbed Lamia.

Heaven walked away and Lamia sighed out.

“f-__-k,you just saved me” He muttered and touched his chest.

“I heard her,so you really kissed Natasha?” Eugene asked as they walked to Lamia’s room together.

“Yeah,somehow” Lamia replied.

“And now she want you to kiss her also?” Eugene grinned.

They got to the room and Lamia faced Eugene.

“Do I really act too sweet to mistake it as something else?” He asked and Eugene laughed.

“Stop laughing,I’m being serious. Right now I’m totally confused,I don’t know what to do,when I’m with Heaven,Natasha gets mad at me and I have to make it up to her by spending time with her also,when I’m with Natasha,Heaven gets mad and always want to be the only one I talk to,and I have to apologize again for what I don’t even know,I think I’m going crazy” Lamia fell on the bed.

“You sound like a fed up boyfriend” Eugene said.

“Exactly,and I’m not even dating any one of them. Even if I want to do that now,I don’t think I can,I’m sacred as $h|t” Lamia muttered.

“Scared the other person might ki|| you?” Eugene teased.

Lamia sighed and said nothing.

“Who do you like more?” Eugene asked.

“Honestly,the truth is……..I don’t know” Lamia mumbled.

“Really? But the fact that you kissed Natasha but couldn’t kiss Heaven proved something,don’t you think?” Eugene asked.

“She knows how much I h@ťě it when she’s sad,it always gets me every time,so how do expect me to choose Natasha over her? Anytime she cries,I just feel this heartbreak and it hurts to see her that way” Lamia said.

“What about Natasha?”

“I h@ťě it when she’s mad at me too,I have to do anything to make her forgive me,oh geez,can we stop talking about them? I’m tired” Lamia said and closed his eyes.

“Won’t you get up and freshen up so we can have breakfast together?” Eugene also fell beside him.

“I want to sleep,just for thirty minutes” Lamia muttered sleepily.

Eugene smiled and raised his head to look at Lamia’s face.

“Don’t try any rubbish or I will ki|| you” Lamia warned.

“What rubbish are you talking about? You think I will kiss you again or something…….”

“Eugene!” Lamia snapped.

“Oh sorry” Eugene moved away from him and also closed his eyes.



All the six are gathered together,ready to leave for the assignment given to them.

“Why are we all putting on all black? Was it planned?” Eugene asked.

“Wow that’s true” Sadie smiled.

The three masters finally showed up and they all stopped talking.

“Be careful and make sure you return back before midnight” Master Lilith said.

“Yes master”

“You can go” She said and immediately they all vanished.

Master Lilith faced Liam and River.

“They will be fine right?” She asked.

“They will,probably” Master Liam replied and she sighed out.

Heaven was at the rooftop alone,her mind drifted to Lamia as she sat down and she was imagining him sitting right next to her right now.

She bite her lips sadly,she haven’t seen him since their little encounter in the morning.

“I miss him” she mumbled,fumbling her palms gently,she doesn’t even want to imagine Lamia and Natasha being together right now,she just want to stop herself from thinking about anything.

“Nothing is going to happen,they are just going for an assignment” She said to herself and sighed out.

“Are you okay?” Speedy sat beside her.

“Speedy?” Heaven called and Speedy smiled.

“You really know who is who” She said and Heaven chuckled.

“I know you will be worried about Lamia now” Speedy said.

“I don’t want him to get hurt” Heaven muttered.

“He will be fine” Speedy said.



The six all appeared at the same time,just on the road leading to Valerie woods.

“This is scary” Sadie mumbled as they all turned around,checking out the lonely road,it was getting really dark so fast.

“What are we doing first?” Eugene asked,seeing Lamia still looking around.

They all faced each others.

“Aren’t we supposed to go into the woods If we want to trigger the beast?” Summer asked.

“But,the people who died never went into the woods,and still they died” Sadie said.

“I think we will have to follow what Summer said,it’s not as if we are humans to begin with,the beast might not be attracted brutally to us” Thatcher said and everyone was quiet.

“Say something Lamia and Natasha,aren’t you both supposed to be our leaders?” Sadie asked.

Lamia and Natasha exchanged glances.

“This is not the real mission,we don’t have leaders here” Natasha mumbled.

“Let’s start practicing it now” Eugene said and Lamia sighed.

“I think we should separate from here” Lamia suggested.

“You mean we should walk separately? We don’t even know when the beast might appear,we can’t fight it if we separate” Summer disagreed.

“There should be a way to call others if the beast appear to a group” Natasha said.

“Let’s walk in twos” Lamia said.

“The beast might appear to anyone,but at the same time,what if it’s not one? Remember different cuts we discovered on the victims bodies?” Lamia reminded them.

“Oh that’s true,it’s possible we have more than one. But if that’s true,isn’t that even more dangerous for us?” Thatcher asked.

“Why don’t we just start with a step first,we don’t even know if it’s gonna appear or not” Lamia said.

“Fine,let’s hurry up then. How are we moving?” Eugene asked.

“I will go with Sadie” Thatcher said.

“Natasha and I will go together” Lamia spoke up.

“I guess I have no choice then” Summer rolled her eyes at Eugene.

“Let’s move then” Natasha said.

They all entered the road that leads to the woods,after walking a bit and got to where the roads separated.

“Let’s meet here again” Lamia said and they all nodded.

Sadie and Thatcher went left.

Eugene and Summer went right.

“This is the only way left” Lamia pointed at the straight ting road before them.

“Yeah,let’s go” Natasha said and almost went forward but Lamia grabbed her hand.

“As much as I love how brave you are,still it annoys me so much,how can you go forward just like that? Come on” Lamia held her hand.

Natasha smiled.

“I don’t like depending on people’s strength……”

“I’m not like other people,I’m Lamia” Lamia said.

Natasha gave in and they started walking together,hand in hand. Their swords on their other hand. As they walked silently,only the steps they took could be heard,hitting on the dry leaves on the ground,the night kept getting more darker and darker.


Thatcher and Sadie were still walking in the dark woods,it was way too quiet for a normal woods,no sounds of bed or animal was heard.

“Sadie” Thatcher called after a while.


“Can you feel anything at all?” He asked.

“Not at all……” As soon as she said that,she felt her hand shaking.

“f-__-k it” She spat and Thatcher looked at her shaking hand,she grabbed it with her other hand but it kept moving in different directions in aggressive way.

“Do you have your book?” Thatcher asked.

“No I didn’t bring it with me” Sadie groaned painfully.

“Geez” Thatcher mumbled,looking around.

He quickly bent down and began sweeping the leaves on the ground until the perfect sandy soil came into view,he picked a thick stick and raised it up.

“Can this help?” He asked.

“I can manage at least” Sadie immediately took the stick from him and squatted on the floor,she began drawing what her hand have in mind.

Thatcher watched speechlessly as the image started coming together one after the other.

About two minutes later,Sadie stopped drawing and they checked it out. It was an image of the light realm villa,they could see four students standing at the arena.

“That looks like us” Thatcher said and Sadie nodded.

“But…..Natasha and Lamia are not there” She mumbled and looked at Thatcher with fears on her face.

“Do you think the road they took is the most dangerous?” Thatcher asked and Sadie swallowed.

“What do we do?” She asked.

“Let’s search for others” Thatcher suggested and they immediately turned back and began running back to where they separated.


Eugene and Summer were also walking together but the only thing they could feel is the heavy wind blowing round the dark woods.

A suddenly wind blow pass Eugene’s face and he stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Summer asked.

“I feel somehow” Eugene said.

“Like how?” Summer asked.

“Let’s go back” Eugene said at once and without waiting for Summer,he turned and started walking back to where they separated from.

“Wait up!” Summer ran after him.

After running for about thirty minutes,they got to the spot at the same time with Sadie and Thatcher.

“You also came back?” Eugene asked in shock.

“There’s problem” Sadie said.

“What do you mean?” Summer asked.

“Sadie drew something in the woods,I think Lamia and Natasha are in danger” Thatcher said and Eugene’s eyes widened.

“That’s not true” he said.

“Where they went to is the most dangerous” Sadie said and Summer gasped.

“We should go look for them” Eugene said.

But the moment they all turned to go through that way where Natasha and Lamia went,they met themselves back on the road of Valerie.

“What’s going on?” They all mumbled,checking themselves.

“We need to look for them,what are we waiting for?” Eugene said and they started running into the woods again,but it happened again the second time,they met themselves instead on the road of Valerie.

They continue to try running into the woods but each time,they always end up back on the road.

“Ahh!!!” Eugene screamed in frustration.

“We have no choice at this moment,let’s find a way to call the masters” Summer said.

“There’s no how we can call them unless they come” Sadie said.

“Are you sure they know what’s going on right now?” Thatcher asked.

“Ahh!” Sadie groaned out,her hands are beginning to shake again.

“What is that?” Eugene and Summer asked.

“We need something she can draw on” Thatcher said.

They looked around,nothing like sand.

“I can help” Eugene said and moved out of their midst.

He sighed out and closed his eyes,his palms pointing at the road,they could perceive the smell of burn coming out of the road,the little space Eugene was on started cracking.

“Add more pressure,almost there” Summer said.

“Ahhgggghhh!!” Eugene groaned out loudly and the road cracked finally,pushing out sand.

“Great job” Summer muttered and made a stick from the ball of fire she made.

“That’s going to be hot” Thatcher said.

“That’s true” They muttered.

“Let me try doing that” Thatcher mumbled,his own eyes went shut this time around and soon numbers of different places where Pens are, appeared In front of him. He picked up one with his mind.

He opened his eyes and a book and pen appeared.

“You should have done that first!!” Summer and Eugene yelled at him.

“Trust me I didn’t think of it before” Thatcher gave the book and pen to Sadue and she started drawing.

Eugene covered up the cracked road,the drawing didn’t take a minute before Sadie was done. They all checked

“What the f-__-k!!” They all screamed at a time,fears filled their faces.

In the drawing was Lamia and Natasha holding their swords and fighting against……

“IT’S THE BEAST!!!” They shouted.

Sadie’s drawing just revealed what the beast looks like.

“This is not good,we need to get back to the villa right now!” Eugene said.

“How do we do that? Are the masters even seeing all these?”

“Why’s nothing happening? Master Liam said they would help” Summer said.

“I think…..Natasha and Lamia are the chosen ones who are supposed to fight again the beast….The fate our masters always talk about” Sadie muttered and their eyes widened.



Lamia and Natasha are still walking without stopping until Natasha spoke up.

“Lamia” She called and Lamia faced her.

“We’ve passed this place before” She said,pointing at the same mountain they came across just few minutes ago.

“That’s……..true” Lamia mumbled and they looked at each other.

“But….how come? We are going in a straight line,we didn’t turn at all” Lamia said.

“I have no idea” Natasha mumbled.

A very heavy wind started blowing,so much that the leaves on the ground arose in the air and began going to their direction.


They both screamed out each others names at a time and their backs turned against each other,they both point out their two hands toward the leaves in form of wind coming.

Lamia’s eyes turned green and Natash’s own turned red and black.

The leaves stopped and the wind stopped also,but before they could even heal from that shock,they felt the ground shaking and then slowly the large shadow covered them up.

They both swallowed hard as they turned in slow mo toward the creature in front of them,their backs still on each other.

Their eyes grew wide the moment they saw the beast.

The beast was vicious! It’s definitely going to be more than ten times taller and wider than a normal giant monster.

He posses three heads all together,he had large red eyes and demonic horns on his two heads . His entire face was covered in thick black scales when he opened his mouth it revealed several rows of large pincer of teeth. His body was bulbous and his horns sticking out randomly from his scaly skin.

The beast have a razor-sharp forearm talons on it’s Teeth. His claws looked as if they would slice off a suit of armor with just one strike. His eyes were bloody red and with anger inside them.

When if took a step forward,both Lamia and Natasha radically died internally without living a single breath in them as they continue staring at the beast walking toward them.

“Lamia…..what… we do? I’ve tried to teleport but it’s not working in this woods” Natasha managed to say in a whisper.

“I think….it figured out we are not humans. He will definitely find another way to get rid of us” Lamia whispered back.

They were getting weaker each second,it was as if the beast presence sucked up their powers.

Almost immediately,the beast eyes started releasing arrows toward their directions. Natasha closed her eyes,waiting for the worst that would happen.

Lamia quickly pulled Natasha into his chest and covered her up,all the arrows and about Twenty entered his back at once and he let out a painful gasp,he was still hugging Natasha.

Natasha opened her eyes.

“Lamia!” She gasped and tried moving away but Lamia didn’t allow her. Natasha tried using her powers but seems like someone keeps stopping her.

“I will…… be fine” Lamia stuttered.

More arrows penetrated from the back and he let out a groan.

“Lamia please let me go!” Natasha cried out,staring into Lamia’s eyes and in a dine minute,blood started rolling down his eyes,shocking Natasha.

“Lamia….Lamia!!” Natasha screamed. The beast already disappeared but she didn’t even notice until Lamia fell on the ground unconsciously.

His back wasn’t bleeding but blood already covered his face.

“Lamia!!!! Lamia please stay with me!! Lamia!!!!” She screamed.


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