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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Lacey Wake up, I had to use my hands
to cover my eyes from the ray of sunlight. “Good
morning,” hearing that voice, one could tell it’s
from an elderly woman. Sitting up, I stare at her,
opening the window, and then our gaze meet.

“Who?” I furrow my brows, confused as to where
I am.

“Sir Arthur’s nanny and will be serving you for
now.” Now that hit my head, making me
remember everything that happened last night,
the file, signing, and Arthur trying to calm me
down from my nightmares. “If you are fully
awake, your bath has been prepared.”

“My bath?”

“Sir Arthur made me know that you happen to
be his girlfriend and also his secretary.” She
looks at me so seriously that if I say no, she
might be seriously disappointed in Arthur, and
telling her my problems might just make her pity
me. I don’t want that.

“Alright.” Getting up, she smiles.

“You will find your clothes on the bed, and then,
please don’t forget breakfast. Sir Arthur will be
waiting.” Smiling, I nod before walking into the
bathroom. All of this is weird and confusing.
Why is she behaving in that manner? One would
think I have gone to the past where I’m her
master’s wife.

Arthur did tell her I’m his girlfriend. I guess that’s
why she is behaving in such manners. My gaze
moves to the mirror. I look at myself, how down
and sick I look. I couldn’t even sleep properly at
night; the nightmares won’t stop.

Taking off my clothes, I get into the bathtub and
exhale. All my body feels relief in the water. It
feels like somebody has stolen some weight off
my shoulders. I close my eyes, trying my best
not to think about everything happening to me.

“Miss,” a knock sounds on the bathroom door.
“Your phone will also be placed on your bed.”

“Thank you.” For some reason, I’m sure Monica
will be super worried, confused as to where I
am. Today is the BTS concert.

Taking my time, I finish my bath, wrap my body
with a towel, step out, lock the door, close the
curtain, and then decide to apply my lotion.
Seeing that Arthur placed all my clothes here, I
decide to wear a white underwear for a change
and the same color bra.

Putting on the black trousers, I select a blue
long-sleeved shirt instead of white, tie my hair
into a high ponytail, grab my phone, turn it on,
and stare at twenty missed calls from Lacey. I
knew it; she is always scared, acting like my

“Lacey?” She picks up the call immediately. “Oh
my god, please tell me you’re safe. I’m on my
way to your office just to make sure.”


“Don’t do that to me.” One can tell that she was
crying. “I thought something serious happened
to you, like your father selling you out for
money.” Picking up my file, I step out. Walking
in a hallway with lots of pictures, this really
looks like some ancient mansion.

“I’m fine, just decided to move out of his house.”

“Why didn’t you say anything to me?”

“Packing that late, I slept off…sorry.”

“I’m still going to see you in your office; we will
talk better there.”

“Alright.” Reaching the end, I walk downstairs to
the dining room. How did I know that? Because
immediately I move to the even floor, I find
Arthur sitting on a chair, paper in his hands,
glasses on. He looks really focused on wh@ťěver
that is.

“Good morning, Lacey,” his voice calm, he didn’t
bother to even look at me. “You need to eat
before we leave.” I had expected him to lock me
in here, saying I can’t work for that six months.

Pulling a chair, I stare at the breakfast. Fried
egg, bread, butter, coffee, and then tea. Refusing
to say anything, I just begin to eat having no
intention to talk to him. After five bites, he
spoke, breaking the silence.

“I sold the company,” he mumbled. “They plan
to turn it into a bread industry.”

“You what?” Looking at him, he takes off his
glasses and smiles. “How could you do that?”

“That way, you no longer have a job.”

“You have to be kidding me.” Dropping the bread
on the table, I look at him. “What about the
people working there?”

He furrows his brows. “I definitely don’t look like
someone that cares, do I?”

“Wow.” I gasp. “Doing all this just for what?
segz?” Looking at him, I clench my hands. “You
think locking me in here will make me want to
do anything with you? You’re sick, a sick
psychopath!” After venting my anger, I notice
how he kept staring at me. “What?” His eyes
look completely void of emotion.

“Who do you think is doing this to me?” he
mumbles, confusing me with his words.
“Hypocrite.” I frown at his last sentence, wanting
to say something, but he beat me to it. “First of
all, you have no say in what I do with my
company. Secondly, I never said I will lock you
up in here.” He stands to his feet, walks to the
other side of the table, approaches me, turns me
and my chair to his direction before placing his
hands on the chair and looking at me.

For some reason, his blue eyes burn with
something else, something I don’t understand. “I
want you to be close to me. You will be working
in my desirable company, not as a secretary…
just someone that sits in my office and advises

“That’s not a job.”

He smiles. “All I care about is you being where I
can see. His hands, out of nowhere, suddenly
touch my cheek, and I flinch. That didn’t stop
him; he still touches me. I only glare at him. “Get
used to my touch soon.” His eyes get darker.
“I’m not a patient man.” Withdrawing, I watch
him grab his keys, glasses, and a document.
“Meet me in the car,” and then he vanishes out
of my sight.

So, I even know the way out of this mansion?
It’s so huge and empty. Finishing the bread, I
decide to drink some tea and then walk out of
the building, finding myself on some empty
balcony instead of the exit. I curse, “Mother
f-__-ker,” and then try to get out of this d@mn
maze that looks more like a mansion.

One could imprison someone here. Finally
stepping out, I smile brightly at my
accomplishment, hop into the car, and then we
drove out. Looking outside the window, I ask,
“What’s this company about?”


“Clothes?” I look at him, and he nods. “What
kind of clothes?”

“Women’s clothes, but especially lingerie.” I look
at him. “Or you could say underwear. Mostly, we
hire models to make a commercial.” Nodding, I
look away. That’s not a bad business idea.
Women’s things do sell faster in this modern
age. “So what do you think? Is it a satisfying
company?” He asks, and I look at him.

“Seeing how obsessed you are with women,
selling their underwear is something I expected,”
he smiles at that. “So what’s the name of the

“Victoria’s Secret,” he mumbles, and I
immediately look shocked. Oh my freaking god,
that’s where I buy my stuff. He looks at me, a
red sign on the traffic light. “You look shocked?”

“It’s nothing.”

“I don’t think so.” He smiles. “Is that where you
also buy your preferable?” My face heats up
from embarrassment. “Is it pink color?” His eyes
suddenly turn dark. “I do hope most of them are

“I’m not a child.” I furrow my brows, and he

“It will look good on you.” I watch him smile, and
I completely look away. I only have a few pink
underwear, and after this, I’m burning them.
Completely. “We are here.” The moment we step
into the company, Arthur seems so busy that I
wonder how he lives such a life.

Arthur Look at his wristwatch, I
frown at the time—almost six. I have been
working nonstop, from one meeting to another.
Lacey must be tired of sitting alone in my
office. “Arthur?” Diana steps into the meeting
hall after everyone left. “You look really down.”

“More like stressed.” Getting up, I notice George
isn’t here. “Why are you here, done with the
photo$h00t?” I stare at her. She loses her gray-
dyed hair, and those eyes look at me with
expectations. “Not today.”

“Why not?” Holding my hand, she licks her lips.
“I have missed you.”

“Find someone else to bother.”

“Is it because of that blonde?” She frowns. “The
one sitting in your office?” I look at Diana; I
know how much of a psychopath she is.
Knowing how she will react will just put Lacey
in a more uncomfortable zone.


“Then what?”

Picking up my file, I $h00t her a glare. “I said not
today; get your act together.” That will keep her
down for a while. She keeps acting like a greedy
child. Running my hands through my hair, I
could feel how tired I am.

My phone ringing alerts me; I stare at the
screen—George. “Speak.”

“The weapons and drugs,” his voice is really
low. “The police are here, checking each ship.
They said something about being tipped that
someone has been shipping such things.”

“f-__-k.” The day just keeps getting worse.
Walking into my office, I shut the door, drop my
files on the table. “Why don’t you try to distract
them while I make another call?”

“Alright.” Cutting the call, I stare at Lacey, who is
standing up from the chair, looking worried.

“Is everything alright?” I ignored her before
calling Angelo.


“I need you to send twenty-five of your men to
the location I will send to you. Start some
random $h00ting, and the moment we get the
goods out of there, they will completely leave

“You got it.” Dropping the phone, Lacey furrows
her brows, probably confused.

“$h00ting?” She mumbles, and I love closer to
her. “Don’t think I care, but are you okay? You
have been working nonstop, and…”

I didn’t wait for her to complete her sentence
before I pull her in for a hug. “Hugging you.”

“What are you doing?”

“You promised not to touch me without my
consent.” She tries struggling out of my grip.

“Just a hug, Lacey, I promise.” Placing my head
on her neck, I inhale her scent. “Nothing more
but a hug.” She stops moving while I try to get
my thoughts together. Pulling back, I stare at
her flushed face. “Strawberry, you smell like
strawberry.” She moves back, and I smile. “How
about we go and eat dinner?”

“Wh@ťěver.” She averts her gaze from me, and I
exhale. “And this is not a job. Sitting here doing
nothing is boring.” She turns around and looks
at me, standing an inch from her. She steps out,
my hands curled up in fists, trying to stop
myself from touching her.

“Can I kiss you?” Her eyes widen from that.

“No.” She answers without hesitation, and I
exhale. I did try. “You look…”

“Frustrated.” Looking at her, I run my hands
through my hair and frown. “If I don’t kiss you
soon, I might run mad.”

She frowns. “I was going to say scary.” I watch
her walk away after that, which made me frown.
She thinks I’m scary? Before she could reach the
door, I grab her arm and turn her around. She
looks surprised.

“Don’t run from me,” I mumble. “Try to
understand me too, Lacey. I can’t be the only
one trying this hard.” She pulls her hand out of

“I never asked you to do any of this.” I watch
how strong-headed she is. “If it’s up to me, I
would prefer you leave me the f-__-k alone.”
Watching her leave, the fact that if I wanted to
kiss her, it could have been easy, made me

If she doesn’t say yes to that soon, I might do
that without her consent, and trust me, I won’t
feel bad. Not one bit.

Walking away from Arthur, I can feel
his eyes on me, and it sends shivers down my
spine. What does he mean by saying he might
kiss me without my consent? The nerve of this
man. I continue my way to the door, trying to
shake off the discomfort that lingers after his

As I step out into the corridor, my mind races
with conflicting thoughts. I never signed up for
any of this. Being his “girlfriend” or wh@ťěver
this arrangement is, is not something I asked
for. How did I get tangled up in this mess?

The evening air outside the office building feels
refreshing, and I take a deep breath, trying to
clear my mind. Tonight has been a whirlwind,
from waking up in this bizarre mansion to
finding out Arthur sold the company. And now,
the revelation about his new business venture –
Victoria’s Secret.

What did I get myself into?

Reaching my car, I glance at my phone.
Numerous missed calls and messages from
Monica. She must be worried sick. I quickly dial
her number, hoping to reassure her that I’m

“Monica?” I speak into the phone.

“Lacey! Oh my god, where are you? Are you

“Yeah, I’m fine. I… I need you to come and get
me.” I said in a hurry ” this might be my last
chance ”

” Where are you ”

” Am heading towards the coffee shop we
always go, you can find me there ”

” I will be there ” hanging up, I place my phone in
my pocket but before I could call a taxi, a hand
grab my arm, I turn back and look at Arthur, the
look in his eyes made me realize how angry he
is and that he might have heard the whole

I might have made a big mistake” Arthur”


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