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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The room was embraced by the gentle caress of sunlight, casting a warm glow upon us as Lacey and I sat on the bed. In the midst of her tears, ” I will always trust you lacey, that I promise”

My fingers delicately wiped away each tear, and I murmured sweet words to soothe her troubled heart ” what happened was just a mistake on my part, it won’t happen again ”

” You promised?” I nod

“I’m here for you, Lacey. If I ever do anything to anger you, don’t forget to put me in my place” I whispered, trying to create a comfort zone amidst her emotional storm.

Attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere, I pat her head softly “You know, they say laughter is the best medicine. How about we trade some jokes, and you’ll forget what brought those tears?”

She chuckle ” I doubt you’re funny ”

” That’s harsh ” I place my hand on my chest and she chuckle ” you are really looking good this morning, tell me something”

She bite her lower lip ” what?”

” Do you have some kind of spell, I can’t seem to take my eyes off you ” tucking her hair behind her ear, she giggle, cheeks turning red.

” That’s not true ”

” It is ”

In a tender moment, I leaned in to kiss her, intending to taste her even more. However, at that exact moment, haunting images flashed through my mind like unwelcome apparitions. Christine, appeared in vivid recognition, I couldn’t think of anyone else but her, her smiling face hunt me for that split minute.

A sudden horror gripped me, and I found myself pushing Lacey away, confusion etched across my face. Why now? Why was her face in my head, it was more like I was about kissing her? This haven’t happened before, it has never happened before, I don’t think about my previous women.

First that horrible dream and now this?

” Arthur?”

I struggled to comprehend why these memories chose this moment to resurface, disrupting a tender connection I was trying to forge with Lacey. One will think something is wrong with me? Am thinking the exact thing.

” Arthur!!!” Lacey High-pitched voice brought me back.

Staring at Lacey, I couldn’t shake off the images that lingered in my mind. “Lacey, I…” I faltered, grappling with the unexpected rush of emotions. She looked at me with concern, her eyes searching mine for an explanation.

“I promise, it’s not you,” I mumbled, running my hands through my hair in frustration. “It’s just… Something, I have to deal with something”

Lacey, as if sensing the turmoil within me, gently placed her hand on mine. Those eyes of hers filled with curiosity “Arthur, are you sure you’re okay? You look really frustrated”

Taking a deep breath, I decided to change the topic “it’s fine lacey, what do you think about working as a model in my company?”

As I spoke, I could see the understanding in Lacey’s eyes. The complexity of emotions danced in her gaze, a mix of anger and empathy, but she didn’t act on them, just smiled and then shake her head ” I don’t think I can be a model ”

” Why not?” I was slowly losing interest in this conversation, they is no way I will want other men to see her in lingerie, over my dead body but what just happened keep interrupting my thoughts, I can’t seem to stop thinking about her.

It’s been years since I’ve thought about her this way. I never imagined her face would haunt me at a moment like this.

” Excuse me ” getting up, I grab my cigarette, a lighter and walk out of the room, run my hands through my hair when I sit on the couch in the living room, Linda walk in at that moment, our eyes meet and she smile.

” Have you eaten?” She asked ” I should make breakfast”

” No, lacey already did ” replying her, I look away and blow out the smoke ” where were you?”

” Out” she reply ” to visit my daughter, it’s her death anniversary today ”

” Oh ” could that be why she keep appearing in my head and the minute I close my eyes? Or is it just stress?

” Why? Is something bothering you?” I turn and look at her, I notice how her eyes dance in anticipation, is she expecting me to say something to her?

” No ”

” You should visit Christine sometimes”

” Not interested ” I reply and silence engulf us, I avert my gaze from her ” she is your daughter, she is nothing to me ”

” Is it ” she reply, voice calm ” don’t you think soon guilt will ki|| you, images of her will haunt you in the process”

” What are you saying” I look at her, smiling…she is smiling, not like before but that smile, it’s evil.

” Excuse me ” she walk out of the house once more, for some reason, I clench my hands to my chest and try to catch my breath, why is this happening all of a sudden, I don’t understand this feeling.

First she appear in my dreams and now I literally see her everywhere? How is that possible? Am I hallucinating now? But why Christine? Why her?

If am to say this to lacey, she will think I still like Christine, she will think am not over her, the fact that Linda knows exactly what’s happening to me is strange, is not like her curse or wh@ťěver is working, so why?

Is this some sort of drug? I doubt it.

Lacey sat alone in the library, two weeks had passed since her heartfelt conversation with Arthur. However, instead of feeling closer, she sensed his growing distance. “Curse this time of the month,” she muttered, wincing at the cramps that seemed more intense than usual.

Miss Linda was still nowhere to be found, leaving me isolated in the building. My phone buzzed for the second time, and upon seeing Edwin’s name, i frowned. His persistence was becoming unnerving, and Arthur’s frequent business trips left little opportunity for them to connect.

“Lacey,” Edwin’s voice cut through the air as I answered the call, and sighed. “You’ve been ignoring me.”

“Did you send that video to Arthur?” I asked, my frustration evident. “Why can’t you leave us alone? What do you really want—my inheritance? My father’s company?”

“You,” Edwin replied, surprising. I chuckled dismissively, suspecting his ulterior motives.

“Are you trying to fool me again?” I questioned.

“No,” Edwin paused. “I like you, Lacey.”

“You have to be joking,” I retorted, unconvinced.

“Am…” Edwin attempted to continue, but i hung up the moment Arthur entered with a glass of milk and a warm smile. Probably concerned about my cramps, he offered me the glass milk ” are you still feeling horrible?”

I rob my stomach and nod ” the cramps is horrible ”

” Drink this, I will take you to bed ” collecting the glass of milk, he stare at me ” who were you talking to?” I look at his eyes, no he isn’t suspicious, just wants to know.

” Edwin”

” What?”

” He has been calling so I just decided to hear him out”

” Block him ” Arthur drop the tray and then grab my phone ” I will do it for you ” watching him, I clench my hands, why is he acting this way? He did promise he will trust me but he keeps acting up ” here ” he straightforward his hands to hand over the phone but I just stare at him” lacey ”

“You promised to trust me,” i expressed, observing his tense demeanor.

He run his hands through his hair ” it’s not like that ”

I stand up ” You need trust for this relationship to work ” looking at him, my frown deepen “Are we even in a relationship? I don’t remember you asking me out,” i remarked, heading toward my room. Arthur intercepted, holding my hand. Stopping me from taking another step away from him.

“I’m sorry. Forgive me,” he pleased
“forgive me ” his hands move to my waist ” I was quite disappointed you saw your period ”

” What do you mean ” I smile

” You know what I mean ” leaning close, he kiss my forehead, he keeps doing this often, I can’t remember the last time we kissed, is something up with him?

” Arthur?”

” Hmmm” he pat my head, smiling” what is it ”

” Let’s go out ”

” Okay ” he walk out of the library and I frown, something is definitely up with him, it isn’t like him for not to kiss me, is they something going on in his head? Is he growing tired of me?

That will be too soon, I mean we haven’t even done it for long, for two weeks he has literally forgotten about segz or kisses, I would say he keeps avoiding me ” Arthur?” I catch up with him, in his bedroom, he turn around and $h00t me a confused expression.

” Is everything alright?” I notice a phone close to his ear ” wait for awhile” I nod, shut the door and sit on his bed, during this time I watch him, how his facial expression keep changing with each of his words.

My eyes lower to his lips, he lick the lower and I bite mine ” what is it” he drop the phone and look at me ” are you tired of staying indoors, want to go to the aquarium with me?”

” You mean where I can see different fishes?” I mumble, feeling excited, he chuckle and nod.

” Yes ”

Getting up, I smile ” let me get dressed” taking two steps out, I stopped and then quickly move to his direction, that confused look is back on his face but I didn’t give him time before I kiss him, he didn’t push me back but never reciprocated the kiss.

I withdraw and stare at the horror look on his face ” Arthur?” he look away

” Get dressed, I will set up the car ” he hurried out of the room, leaving me standing, I felt horrible, no…that wasn’t the right word, is was more like he felt disgusted by the kiss.

By me.


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