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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Arthur Walk back to the
mansion, looking around, I stare at all the
useless guards placed outside, if it was this
easy for Edwin to get in, I don’t need any of
them ” fired ” I mumble while five of them look
at me shocked ” you’re all fired ” my gaze move
to Angelo who is stepping out ” including you
Angelo, get out of my house”

” Sir?” Angelo look at me shocked ” I do not …..”

” Do not make me repeat myself, I said you all
are fired ” walking back in, I shut the door, lock it
in the process before sitting down on the couch,
the house feels empty, maybe I drink too much

I can’t think straight right now, everything that
happened during lunch hit me, I still have no
idea why lacey will kiss him or even lie to me if
that’s not true, what am I supposed to believe
and above all, who sent me that video? Is it
Angelo? One of the guards? Or Linda.

Suspecting Linda will be going overboard but
that woman still holds a grudge against me, she
might not say it but she wants me to be alone
and same time wants me to have someone.

” Arthur?” Hearing that voice, my gaze move to
the stairs and I watch lacey walk down, those
blond hair radiate light, short blue dress, I could
see her thighs, almost her underwear ” are you
home?” Everywhere dark, even the moon refuse
to grace us with it’s presence.

She turn on the switch and stare at me, the light
blinding ” turn it off ” I growl, avert my gaze
while she did as I said, why was she looking at
me like that, she kissed that bastard herself so
why fake those look.

She turn on candles then stand at my front, I
look at her while she mumble” Hi” what does
she want now? Is not like I regret anything I said
earlier, seeing her keeps making me angry,
seeing her reminds me of that d@mn video.

” Get out of my sight ” she step back and I stand
to my feet ” I don’t want to see you ” before I
could leave the living room, she hold my hand, I
look back and stare at her crying

” Please trust me ”

” Aren’t you supposed to be scared?” Moving
back, I grab her by her hair and pull her close ”
am not in my right senses to be with you or
even around you ”

” Why not?” She growl ” I want to be around you,
you asked me to love you!!!”

” And the very next day you kissed the man you
truly love ”

She slap my hand from her hair ” I feel nothing
for Edwin ” her voice getting high pitched, she
frown ” what do you want me to do, how do I
prove it to you that I never kissed him back and
we never had segz, I can never sleep with another
man ”

Furrowing my brows I mumble” I never said you
two had segz”

” You must be thinking that” she step closer ”
why won’t you trust me ”

” Because you lied ” ignoring her, I proceed in
walking upstairs but she won’t stop following,
her footsteps fast, trying to catch up…..
stepping into my room, she did same, shut the
door while I look for my cigarette, anger boil in
me when I realized they are gone.

” I burnt them ”

” You what!!!” Looking back, I clench my hands ”
lacey ”

” They are not good for you ” she step closer ” I
did it for your own good ” trying to catch my
breath, I calm myself down, alcohol…..I need
something to drink, I might actually lose myself
this night ” Arthur ”

I look at her ” what ….” Voice died down when I
notice she has taken off her clothes, I stare at
her, naked, the moon finally contribute to her
beauty, even when am this angry with her, just a
look in her direction, am already this hard.

” What are you doing?” I growl, this is not the
best time for me to touch her, I might lose it and
hurt her even more, worst than before ” get out ”

” No ” she step close ” I want you to touch me,
why won’t you touch me ”

” Not today lacey ”

” Why not?”

” I do not want to see you” I don’t want to make
same mistake like last time, am too angry, I also
drank earlier, it will be too hard on her.

” Should I go to Edwin?” Those words made me
to stop moving, I look at her, how determine she
is ” if you won’t touch me am sure Edwin will do
more and…..” I had no idea when I grab her neck,
pull her close and seal her mouth with mine.
She part her lips and I deepen the kiss, it was
nothing sweet.

I knew she wanted to break the kiss and catch
her breath but I didn’t permit that, using Edwin
name right in my eyes? Biting her lower lip, she
gasp and I felt blood but that didn’t stop me, my
eyes didn’t close for one minute, I watch the
look of pain in her face and strangely they is
still hint of pleasure.

Finally letting go, I withdraw, drop my hands
from her neck and watch her fall down, trying to
catch her breath, bending down, our eyes meet
and I smile ” never use Edwin name to blackmail
me ever again ” the smile slowly vanish from
my lips ” you won’t like the outcome”

Getting up, I take off my clothes while lacey
move backwards ” what are you doing?” She
gasp, the look in my eyes are completely

” Am giving you what you want”

” Am not interested anymore ” she stand to her
feet to run but I grab her, lift her up and throw
her on the bed ” Arthur” fear evident in her voice.

” You wanted to run? Why?” Taking off my
underwear I join her on the bed ” are you scared
of me?”

” Yes” she growl, tears forming in those eyes ”
you’re not the Arthur I Know, your eyes”

” What’s wrong with them?” Holding her hand I
pull her close, she look at me, whole body
trembling with fear.

” They are scary, you’re scary” she shake her
head ” I don’t want this, please let go of me ”

” Finish what you started ” turning her around, I
didn’t wait for her permission before th-ru_sting in
from behind, I couldn’t think straight, all I could
feel was pleasure and the need to punish her.

” Please stop ” she growl ” it’s painful, you’re
hurting me ”

I had no idea how long I was in, all I knew was I
needed to go faster and rough… I wanted to
erase Edwin from her whole system and by the
time I was done and pulled out, I noticed she
had already passed out, images flood my brain
” lacey?” Fear, fear that I might have ki||ed
another person close to me hit me.

I lost myself once more ” lacey, you have to
wake up ” leaning close, I exhale when I notice
her heart still beating, what did I just do to her?
Getting up I stare at my hands, it’s just like
before, nothing has changed

Even the loads of therapy I took, it didn’t help
issues, why do I always end up losing my mind?
Doing things I might regret ” please stop, I don’t
want this ” lacey voice made me look at her, still
unconscious on the bed but tears stain those

Grabbing my underwear, I put it on, wear black
trouser, black T-shirt, grab my car keys and walk
out of the room, I can’t stay close to her, at least
not now” sir?” Linda voice made me stop, I look
at her ” do you still think Christine is better than
lacey?” I watch how she smile ” isn’t it time you
let lacey go, for your own peace of mind ”

” Linda ”

” We both know how you get whenever this time
is close ”

” Stop speaking like am cursed”

” Arthur ” she shake her head ” I have known you
since you were a child, this is not a cursed, it’s a
sign from above, you are not meant to have
anything….you always get too involved in them
and end up destroying it ” clenching my hands
she purred ” you should let go of her, before you
ki|| her ”

” Once she wake up ” forcing the words out of
my mouth, I clear my throat ” tell her she is free
to go” leaving the mansion, I step into my car,
shut the door, clench my hands and try to catch
my breath.

Letting lacey go doesn’t mean I will permit
Edwin to be with her, no matter how you view it,
she is mine ” George” I mumble after he pick the
call ” I need you to send to find out where Edwin
is, I will like a few words with him ”

” Arthur, don’t tell me you’re planning on…..”

” just do as I say ” I hung up and exhale.

Using Edwin to open my eyes, Linda….you’re


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