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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SEXY TOMBOY – Episode 4

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{ Head’s Over Heels….}?

THEME; Craving For The Whole Of Her.


Written By, Lisa.




❄︎ •~?? ????? ??~•❄︎

“I told you it’s hurt when I hit right??” Brianna said and began walking towards them…

Daphne and Hailey who sensed she might be dangerous are already shrinking backward but Alexa remained unmoved.

“Anna!!” Iris stood up weakly and rushed to grabbed Brianna just when she was about to reach Alexa.

“Stop please…I’m okay…” Iris whispered in a pleading tone

“I don’t care,, this fools really need to be thought a lesson…” Brianna said and Alexa started laughing

“You want to teach me a lesson?? Did I hear that Correctly? You don’t know who Alexa Briggs is? The only daughter of President Fredrick Briggs ,, you really don’t know? I dare you to lay your hands on me and you’ll spend the rest of your lifes in jail you ugly thing!!” Alexa spatted with an eye roll.

Brianna loose it completely and made to walk up to Alexa but Iris blocked her way.

“You’re gonna get restricted…I don’t want you leaving the school cos of me,, just ignore her okay?”Iris said

Alexa smirked and look at Brianna before suddenly grabbing Iris hair again.

“Aaaarrrhh!!” Iris winced

Brianna walked up to them and grabbed Alexa’s hair and she lets go of Iris immidiately

“Let me go….you ugly….” she couldn’t finish the word when a deafening slap landed on her face.

“Paarh!!” The slap echoes loudly and everyone gasped.


?️She really hit her??

“How dare you…” Alexa shouted almost in tears and made to hit Brianna but she caught her hand and landed another resounding slaps on her two cheeks consecutively. More hotter than the first one.

Her ears and eyes stopped working at once and she went flat on the floor. Daphne and Hailey gasped as thier hands flew to thier mouths.

“I repeat how dare you hurt my friend??” Brianna yelled and Iris hold her, she is already crying.

“Anna please…”

“No!!!, No one hurt you and go scott free…tell me is this how you’ve been living and you didn’t think of telling me about it?” Brianna shouted hotly.

“Anna…”Iris sniffs.

Brianna turned to Daphne and Hailey who were already trying to run…

“Stop or you’ll be admitted in the hospital in less than a minute…” she said and they both stopped on track.

“The three of you…on your knees right now!” she added and Hailey immidiately kneel beside Alexa who was still on the ground.

“At the count of three…” Brianna yelled and, Daphne fridget and immidiately pulled Alexa up and made her kneel. Then she also kneel beside her.

Alexa was already crying cos she can’t hold the tears again. A lots of students are watching and that’s what pained her the most. Some where even making videos while laughing hard.

A whole Alexa Briggs being hitted in a harsh way in front of everyone.

“Now apologize…” Brianna said pulling Iris to thier front.

“I don’t want to…” Daphne said and Brianna jumped and gave her a heavy kicked and her face got ruined immidiately.

“Apologize right now..I won’t be repeating myself” she said

Hailey broke into tears.

“We’re sorry…” she said and Alexa eyed her with her other eye which was still working a little.

“No….I mean I’m sorry,, please spare me..I won’t do it again, I promise!!” Hailey stuttered, crying so much.

Brianna turned to Alexa and Daphne, they are still not speaking.

“I’m sorry…” Daphne immidiately said, avoiding her eyes.

“I’ll never apologize.. Never!!!” Alexa shouted in tears.

Brianna made to walk to her but Iris pulled her back…

“Let’s just go…Brianna…please!!” she pleaded and Brianna wiped her tears with her thumb before pulling her away from there.

“What are you all looking at? You lowlifes!!” Daphne shouted and everyone watching run off like a flash.

Hailey stood too and they both pulled Alexa who was still in tears and like that they dragged her away.



••~K4 DORM~••

“Hahaha!!” Kai laughed out loudly and Kayden and Kyle rushed to him at once.

“What’s so funny? You’ve been laughing for hours now” Kayden snatched the phone from him.

“Haha!!” Kayden laugh too and fell on the Kai who was already on the floor

“What’s funny? Lemme see” Kyle pouted, trying to grab the phone from Kayden who’s face was glued to the screen.

“This is very funny!” Kayden hand the phone to Kyle and his eyes widened.

“I know right? I wished it has season two!” Kai said.

“What is funny about this video? I mean your girlfriend is being hitted this way and you’re laughing as if you’re watching some comedies!!!” Kyle said, replaying when Daphne got kicked.

Kai watched it again and fell on Kayden, They began laughing maniacally again.

“Have they gone crazy finally?” Kingston said, coming out of his room.

Kyle passed the phone to him and His (kingston) eyes widened too.

“Who is she?!” Kingston asked, zooming Brianna’s face to look at her closely.

“Why?” Kyle asked.

“What did you mean why?? I’ve never seen her before that’s why I’m asking?” Kingston rolled his eyes and threw the phone at him.

He began walking out but his phone suddenly rang from his inner pocket and he stopped to look at the caller ID.

The same person he h@ťěd so much with everything in him. His Mum.

He didn’t picked and allowed it to ring countlessly.

Just then, her text popped up and he checked with a frowned on his face. He pocket his phone and walked out.

Kyle sighed and turned to Kai and Kayden. They are still laughing so much and he wonder what’s so funny in what they watch.

“Kai….she is your girlfriend for crying out loud!!” Kyle yelled and hit his head

“Bullsh!t my girlfriend? I don’t even feel a thing for her!!” Kai laughed

Kyle made to talk but the door opened revealing Daphne.

“Baby!!” Daphne broke into tears and rushed to hug Kai in tears.

On the other hand, Kai’s face was glued to her bandages faced and he his trying his best not to laugh.

“Hahahaha!!!” Kayden suddenly pointed at her face and began laughing

Daphne frowned and shot him a glare

Kyle pulled Kayden up and dragged him to his room. But his loud laugh could still be heard.

“I got hitted and you didn’t even asked how I’m faring…babe, did you even love me at all!!” Daphne resumed crying

“I’m sorry….I didn’t know” Kai said pitifully

“It’s fine…I thought you seen the video…”

“What video?”

“Nevermind…just kiss me…” Daphne pouted and Kai immidiately kissed her.

She responded and he wrap his hand around her tiny waist deepening the kiss. He carried her and took her to his room without broking the kiss.

What comes next was her loud Mõ@ɲs which filled the whole Dorm…


“Is that how you’ve been treated meanly and you refused to tell me? They are the reason why your face are already paled and has bruises all around but you always lied you hurt yourself?” Brianna shouted angrily

“I should have tell you…I’m sorry!!” Iris cried.

“I’m really dissapointed at you Iris,, why are we friends then….I literally told you everything going on in my life but you his yours,, all your smiles were all fake…you’re actually hurting inside but you kept telling me you’re fine…..How could they ordered you around like that……”

“I’m sorry Anna..I promised it’s won’t happen again!!” Iris said

Brianna sighed before hugging her.

“It’s definitely won’t happen while I’m still here…I’ll break thier bones and sold it off the next time they lay thier hands on you…I’m sorry for coming late Bess forgive me huh…” Brianna pat her back and Iris nodded.



“Mum I’ll be back!!” Sabrina rushed out of the house and Isadora raised her brows before looking up from the TV show she is watching.

This is the forth time she is rushing out that way today and she can’t help but feel something is not right.

Nevertheless, she sat back and resumed what she was doing.

Sabrina rushed to the bus station and board a bus quickly, she totally forgot to take her car cos she was in so much hurry.

She checked the time on her phone again and fear gripped her.

“I’m dead!!” she muttered beneath, wishing the driver could just arrived at her destination already.

Few minutes later,the bus stopped and she got off quickly after paying the bus fare.

She rushed into an apartment and there was a guy waiting already. Her face scanned through the room and her eyes widened when she saw how the two ladies was already unconscious on the floor.


“Call me Boss….” The guy being referred to as Derek shouted in his cold husky voice.

“Boss…” Sabrina corrected quickly

“How dare you took thirty minutes to get here?” Derek turned to her with his cold hearted face and her heartbeat doubled

She could hear it loud and clear. She checked her phone.

“It’s just 10 Minutes….De- Boss!!, I swear….I came immidiately I saw your calls….” Sabrina stuttered shifting backward as he walk closer to her.

“Are you saying I’m lieing right now?” Derek yelled, his voice echoed the whole room.

“I didn’t…” her phone suddenly rings interupting them.

Sabrina made to checked it but Derek grabbed it from her and smashed it on the floor.

“Aarrgghh!!” Sabrina screamed and covered her ears.

“For disobeying me I’m not discharging you tonight…” he said and two hefty mens came in.

“Lock her up!!” he ordered and the two guys grabbed Sabrina at once. They dragged her away forcefully as she struggles from them.

He turned to the two unconscious ladies before kicking them angrily

“Stupid sets of people!!” He yelled and picked his cigarettes on the table. The whole room was covered with smokes.

Actually Derek is a drug dealer, A physchopath and he was suspect to be in trafficking.

He has a company that loaned out cash so no one ever suspect him cos he his totally a different person outside.

Sabrina is oweing him more than a billion dollars and no one knows what she used the money for.

No one knew about it except her…Not even Isadora and Brianna.



The cool breeze of the house was the only thing heard from the magnificent building as everywhere was as silent as a grave yard.

The whole house was painted white with beautiful and luxurious arts designed pasted around the walls and every corner of the room.

Im the luxurious living room was An elderly woman sitted with her legs crossed while flipping over a newspaper with her shade daggling her eyes adding more to her beauty.

She was still flipping around while sipping from her wine when the two maids rushed in and bowed to her. Thats made her looked up..

She removed her glasses and put the newspaper on the table to face them.

“Ma’am the table is all set..” one of them spoke

The woman nodded and they both bowed before leaving.

She made to pick the paper to resume reading again but her phone Interrupt..

She checked the caller ID and a smile escaped her lips, she sit properly before picking up.

“Hey Son!!” She smile broadly

“Mom…” The voice of a guy came up.

“What’s up? How is Washington??” The woman asked again.

“Guess what mum??”

Just when she was about to reply, a little girl of about a. 16 years old rushed in, smilling so much.

“Mum….guess what??” she smiled cutely and made to hug the woman but she didn’t allow her.

She stood up and a frown escape the girl lips.

“Tell me son…I’m so excited” the woman smiled

“Isn’t that Ariel?” The guy asked over the phone.

“Yes…don’t mind her,, just being childish again, so tell me what’s the surprise?” The woman walked up to the window.

The girl being referred to as Ariel immidiately frowned knowing fully who she is speaking with.

Thier elder brother Adrian….Well they are three!!

Adrian is the eldest and he spent almost all his life in Washington managing thier father’s company over thier…less people have seen him before and also known him, Thier mums favorite.

Kingston is his immidiate brother…unlike Adrian thier mum cherish so much, she and Kingston are the opposite they h@ťěs each other so much that one will deny if they are really mother and son.

Ariel is the thier only sister and she is 16 currently In grade 12 in highschool.

The woman suddenly screamed while giggling and Ariel fold her fist on the paper she was holding.

She actually got to perfect score in her test for the first time, she was so excited to show it to her but she never really paid attention to her.

Ariel stood up disappointed and made to walk to her room but the woman already hang up.

“Ariel!!” She called and Ariel turned to her with a smile.

“Yes mum!”

“Go and get ready quickly, the Briggs are coming over for dinner tonight and I don’t want you to look less healthy, you’re a wealth and you should try looking like one for once” The woman said and Ariel frowned. She nodded and matched to her room angrily

The woman sat with a smile playing on her lips, she resumes reading and just then someone entered and immidiately she saw who it is.


Her smile vanished and her face turn to a cold one.

“You’re late!” She said coldly

“So?” Kingston replied in the same tone.

The woman rolled her eyes glaring at his dressing from head to toe. The bad boy dressing code again…the one that pissed her off the most, he even have the nerve to dyed his hair color blonde.

Just to pisses her off.

“Why did you call me here??” Kingston asked.

“The Briggs are coming and you know what that means….”

“Bunny!!” he suddenly heard a faint tiny voice from the stairs and he looked up to see Ariel rushing to him.

“Baby…” He hugged her warmly as soon as she got to him.

Mrs Wealth rolled she’s at them and tore her gaze away.

“I miss you so much bunny!!” Ariel giggles cutely and peck his cheek.

“Me too baby!” Kingston smile and cupped her cheek.

They are actually the closest and some would think they are something else rather than brother and sister..cos they love each other so much.

To Kingston, she his the only one that matters to him and his only family…same as Ariel.

“I got a perfect score!” Ariel said and Kinston smile.


Ariel Nodded.

*Enough with this reunion nonsense….our visitors are arriving soon!!” Mrs Wealth spoke,walking yo the big and luxurious dinning room.

Kingston and Ariel exchange glances before following.


The Briggs arrived moments ago and everyone was already eating silently. Except Kingston tho,, he was busy with his phone and Mrs Wealth eyed him numerous times already but he cared less.

“Darling…what happened to your face?” Mrs Wealth said to Alexa.

Alexa faked a winced and Mr Briggs face expression changed.

“Some random new tomboy girl hit her, can you believe she’s from your school?” Mrs Briggs said

“My school??” Mrs Wealth said and turned to Kingston.

“I heard she just got accepted recently” Mrs Briggs chirped in.

“And what have you done about it?” Mrs Wealth said to Kingston.

“What did you expect me to do? She wouldn’t hit her if she did nothing wrong?” Kingston replied and thier eyes widened

“King!!” Alexa faked a tears

“Kingston!!” Mrs Wealth yelled.

“I told you Dad, he did not love me, how can I get married to someone who feel nothing for me?” Alexa started crying

“What marriage are you talking about? I hope it’s not me?” Kingston flared up.

“Who else will it be?” Mrs Wealth snapped

“It’s might be her Dad, I cared less about than as long as it’s not me….”

“It’s you Kingston and their is nothing you can do about it, your engagement is in two weeks and you’re getting married shortly after” Mrs Wealth said

“Mum.. “Ariel called and Mrs Wealth shot her a glare

“How did you expect me to get married to someone I don’t feel anything for….” He suddenly hiccuped and everyone turned to him

Even he was surprised

“Bunny, did you just hiccuped?” Ariel said

“Why did you just hiccuped when you don’t love her?” Mrs Wealth asked.

“I didn’t…mean to.. it’s must be a mistake, I really don’t love her….he hiccuped again but this time it’s comes constantly and it’s didn’t stopped for once.

“You love me? You really love me??” Alexa Shouted crazily, running around the house….

TBC ?.

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