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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SEX SLAVE – Episode 12

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segz slave
Episode 12

Writer’s POV
She was rushed to the hospital immediately by Clara and the the other boys. Clara was confused as where the bullet came from.
She knew the boss has so many enemies but they made sure no one knew their operation that day.
Could there be a leak out??
Or could be a spy??
She didn’t know what to think as the doctors attended to Mica.
She did a great job, the job she couldn’t do on her first mission. Why should she be shot??? She thought as she sat at the hospital sit outside.
After about one hour later, the head doctor came out from the emergency room Mica was.
Clara knows him very well, he is actually Kebby’s family and personal doctor.
“Is she fine now, what happened??? “Clara asked standing up from where she sat.
The other boys has already gone home leaving her to take care of things.
How cruel!!
“Calm down!!! Who is she because i have never seen her before??? “He asked instead. He asked because he knows everyone in the mansion.
“She is someone very important. So tell me, how is she??? “She asked again.
“Well, she is out of danger. The bullet did go deep into her, so she will be fine in a few days”he explained.
“Thank you doctor”Clara said feeling thankfully
She didn’t know why she is being like this, she has never being attached to someone before. Being an orphan.
“Okay, how much is the bills”she asked.
“Well… It is a huge amount of money. I suggest you tell Kebby about it since she is very important “he said.
“Do i have to see her now??? She asjed suddenly.
“She needs all the rest in the world right now, she is asleep and i advise you don’t disturb her”he said and left and Clara only nodded.
Clara’s pov
I needed to go back to the mansion and inform Kebby about the development.
I called Tom to come drive me vack because i needed to see boss. Within a few minutes he arrived.
“I need you to drive me back to the mansion “i told him.
“Let’s go then”he replied as he lead the way out of the hospital. We got in immediately and drove out.
After few minutes we arrived at the huge mansion, I alighted as I walk straight to Boss’s room..
I knocked on it but got know response, I wanted to knock again when l heard his voice from inside.
“Come in”he said.
I got in to see him coming out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his abdomen.
“What?? “He rasped.
“Did you hear what happened to Mica?? “I asked.
“What happened to her?? “he asked as he sat on a chair.
“During the operation she was shot but before I could reach out to you, you have already left with the goods”I explained.
“She did a good job”I added.
“I asked what happened to her not all this summon “he said.
“She was shot”i said but he didn’t look shock or surpised.
“You already knew?? “I asked amused by his reaction.
“Yes”he said simply.
” You’re not going to inquire about how she is doing?? “I asked.
“Why will I??? Hmm??? It is not my business”he blurted out.
What is wrong with this man??
“Boss, i came here to tell you about the bills, it is a huge amount of money, you’re the only one who could help ” I explained.
“I don’t have any f-__-king money to waste”he said.
“Please boss, help her. She can’t stay in the hospital forever”i pleeded on my kneels.
“And I said i don’t have money, so get out”he thundered but I refused to go.
“Why are you like this, she was on a mission for you. We all know that mission wasn’t part of her job here. She was suppose to be a segz machine not some kind of drug delivery. If you really want her to die or spend her life in the hospital forever, call the doctor and inform him. Stop making the innocent girl suffer”i rasped but got slapped instead.
I know i will be slapped but it’s worth it.
“She is not innocent Clara so just leave my room and never talk to me in that manner if you don’t want your head on a plater “he thundered angrily.
“Get out!!! I said”he screamed at me and i scurried away.
I think Clara is a nice person
This boss cha

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