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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Episode 43


“Are you done?” Mrs Smith asked with a frown. “That’s not our initial agreement Mrs Smith, you promised to help me get your son by all means” Luna said.

“Luna I think, we need to see when you come back, don’t cause more trouble, come back tomorrow, or else don’t call my number again” Mrs Smith said and end the call.

“Shît, why will she end the call! How dare her” Luna yelled and throw her phone across the room.

“Hope Mrs Smith isn’t backing out? I must have Jayden, Jayden is mine, I need him to boost my fan base, I will planning to introduce him to my fans next week and this happen” Luna shouted.

“Calm down Luna” Mandy said. “Don’t tell me to calm down, you brought this sîlly idea, Jayden won’t have fall in love with that pig, if I don’t ask her to seduce him, why did I listen to you? I guess I am stupîd, Mr Smith will still be supporting me if Jayden didn’t fall in love with her, what am I going to do now?” Luna shouted.

“There are many things you can do, you need to calm down first, you will take your man back from her just relax” Mandy said.

“I don’t wanna listen to your advice anymore, I think I need a new manager because your brain is róttèn” Luna said. “I am the one that started this, you should have at least allow me to finish it, I believe you will get your man back” Mandy said.

“My Dad didn’t even want to see me anymore, and Mrs Smith have also changed, I hope that woman I called my mum didn’t tell her anything, because I will kîll her with my bare hsnf if she did, she have never support me before, I hàtè her” Luna said.

“you can’t hàtè your mother, that woman did nothing wrong to you” Mandy said.

“And you think I can’t hàtè you for saying this?” Lunar asked. “You can’t hàtè me, I am your best friend” Mandy replied.

“I can hàte you Mandy, I like and choose you to be my manager because we are not difference from each other, don’t make me hàte you!” Luna said.

“Where should I drive you to?” Mrs Smith drivet asked. “To the house of course, why are you asking me f00lish question” Mrs Smith said.

“I am very sorry ma” the driver said. “What ever just drive” Mrs Smith replied and plug in her head phone. “Wait! You know my orphanage home right?” Mrs Smith asked.

“Sure I can never forget there, that’s your favorite place before” the driver replied. “I didn’t ask you all this question, drive me there” Mrs Smith said.

“Alright ma, the children will be very happy to you” the driver said and Mrs Smith chuckled. “But don’t you think it’s too late to go there ma?” The driver asked. “Did you wanna lose your job?” Mrs Smith asked. “I am very sorry ma,” the driver replied.

“Mum I deserve some explaination right?” Sky asked and Mrs Martin nod her head.

“You deserve some explaination that’s not necessary, anyway Karen is still your sister but not my biological daughter and she’sy biological daughter, because I have been taking care of her since she’s two year old, I didn’t give birth early when I married your father just to take care of Karen, I give birth to you five years later, Karen mother is dèàd” Mrs Smith said and Sky breathe out in relief. “I thought she’s not my sister, I would have cry myself to dèath” Sky said.

“Why?” Mrs Martin asked. “Because she’s the best sister in the world, but wait did Karen know you aren’t her biological mother, I am sure she doesn’t know” Sky replied.

“She did, I can’t claim what’s not fully mine, I told her myself so she’s aware” Mrs Martin replied. “Your type is rare mum” Sky said and hug her mother.

“And Karen type is very very rare, she has been taking care of me since five years ago, she’s the best daughter in the world” Mrs Smith said. “I know right, but why dont you tell me?” Sky asked. “Because I don’t want you to disrespect or treat your sister bad” Mrs Martin said and Sky scoffed. “Disrespect? Did I even respect her before? Don’t you know telling me will make me respect her” Sky said and burst into laughter.

“I will surprise her when she comes back” Sky said with a smile. “Surprise her with what?” Mrs Martin asked. “Surprise her by calling her sister Karen” Sky said and burst into laughter.

“Huh? Sister Karen, I can only imagine” Mrs Martin replied. “I can even call her now” Sky said.

“Don’t she must be very tired, you can call her tomorrow” Mrs Martin replied. “Alright Mum, but what did that cunny woman came here for?” Sky asked. “She said she came to check on me, and zge also pledged with me to help her apologize to Karen, I guess she’s a change person now” Mrs Martin said.

“The problem I have with you is that, you trust easily, how can you trust that woman, I don’t trust her a bit” Sky said. “Common, she’s truly a change person” Mrs Martin said.

“Alright, if you say so, the doctor will soon be here, I like him like màd” Sky said. “Did you remember that I am not a gay?” Doctor Max said coming inside the ward. “I didn’t say, I wanna date you sir” Sky replied.

“I know, how can you date someone that’s old enough to be your father” Doctor Max smirk. “Mrs Martin, how are you feeling now?” Doctor Max asked. “I am fine, all thanks to you” Mrs Martin replied and doctor Max shake his head negatively.

“All thanks to your daughter,” doctor Max smile. “Yeah, but I also need fi thank you for successful surgery” Mrs Martin said. “Your daughter made our work fast, by paying for the surgery fast” doctor Max said. “The both of you are right, I am hungry for fûck sake and I sm very sure mum is also hungry” Sky said.

“You ate some hours ago” doctor Max replied. “We eat every minute in our house” Sky smile. “I will only bring food for your mother” doctor Max said. “Don’t do that beautiful old doctor” Sky said and doctor Max burst into laughter.


“I am listening Miss” Jayden said and Karen scoff. “Is it not obviously that your mother has many secret, I guess she has secret with Luna that was the reason why she was forcing you to Marry her” Karen said. “Did you know the secrets?” Jayden asked.

“Why will I know? Why will she loves someone else child more than her own if she didn’t have secret with her” Karen replied.

“I don’t think she does, she wants me to marry Luna because her father js one of the share holder, they think pairing me with her will make me get married fast, because I don’t believe in love until I listen to your music on Instagram, I have been crushing on mask singer not knowing it was you, the funniest part is that I stop crushing on her since I meet you” Jayden said and Karen smile. “Maybe we are met for each other” Karen replied. “There’s no maybe, we are met for each other” Jayden said. “I second that” Karen smile.


“Time to bath for my baby” He said and dip his hand in the water, he moved his hand to my pûssy and I quickly push his hand away. “What are you trying to do?” I asked and he burst into laughter.

What’s funny? Why’s he opening his teeth? “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything, I just want to ease the pain” he said still laughing.

“Just say the truth” I replied with an eye roll.

“I can’t possibly f-__-k you again, I am not that cruel, thank you for giving me your virginity” he smiled widely. “You also keep your virginity for mez your type is rare” I said. “I am not the type that fûck around” he replied and carried me from the Jacuzzi, after bathing for me and dropped me on the dressing table.

He applied cream on my body. He walked to his bag and brought out his big shirt. He moved closer to me and wear for me, he picked up a hair dryer and started drying my hair with it. “My boyfriend is caring” I said and he scoff.

He packed my hair in a ponytail and smiled at me.

“Where did you learn all this from?” I asked him.

“I do watch romantic movies sometimes” he said and I burst into laughter.

“I thought guys doesn’t love romantic movies” I said.

“Says who? Maybe I am a girl then, if it’s not romance don’t bring it closer to me because I won’t watch” Jayden replied.

“I am not surprised, you look like my gender” Karen said.

“Maybe I will wear one of your skirt to business meeting tomorrow” Jayden replied.

“People will think that you’re màd” Karen replied and Jayden burst into laughter.

“Alright aren’t you going to bath?” I asked him. “Sure am going to have my bath now” he replied and walked away.

I lye down flat on the bed waiting for him to come out, I suddenly hear him scream and I sprang up immediately. “Jayden!” I shouted before rushing to the bathroom.

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