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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Episode 31


“Two choices?” Karen asked and Mr Smith nod his head with a smile. “It’s not hard, unless you refuse to do it, one” Mr Smith said and take a deep breath.

“I’ll give you any amount you want, anything you want to travel out of Korea with your family, and you must break up with Jayden, you will never come back ti Korea” Mr Smith said and Karen nod her head.

“What’s the second choice?” Karen asked. “You’re very smart” Mr Smith said with a smile. “we are very smart in my family, please go straight to the point” Karen said.

“The second choice, if you don’t do what I want I’ll kîll you and also kîll your mother and kid brother, I know your Mum very well, but there’s nothing I can’t do, trust me her superior can’t do anything to me because I have the money” Mr Smith said.

“I thought you will be different from your wife, I wonder how Jayden childhood is, it most be very tough for him, poor boy” Karen said. “The choice is yours, choose the one that is more suitable for you” Mr Smith said.

“I don’t need your f-__-king money and I am not breaking up with Jayden, I am ready to risk anything for him, just bring it on Mr Smith” Karen said. “You don’t know what I can do” Mr Smith said with a smirk. “Bring it on, I was born to be fearless, I am not afraid of you, I wonder how you value money than your son happiness, rich people sûck” Karen said. “Let’s see who wins” Mr Smith said.

“Bring it on sir” Karen replied. “It’s better you accept my money now, I’ll change your life, the only thing you have to do in return is to leave Korea and my son” Mr Smith said. “Thank you sir, can I go out now?” Karen asked. “Sure, you can I give you two days to get back to me” Mr Smith said.

“My answer is no, so don’t wait for me please do your worst, I am not a coward” Karen replied and get down from the car, she bow her head and walk away, luckily for her Henry was waiting for her, he saw her when he entered Mr Smith car. “Hey come inside” Henry said. Karen nod her head and get inside the car. “What are you doing here?” Karen asked.

“Is it a crime to visit my friend?” Henry asked. “It’s a crime to visit your friend early in the morning” Karen replied and Henry chuckled. “Anyway I came to pick you up for work” Henry said. “Are we working in the same place?” Karen asked with a smile.

“No I just decided to give my beautiful friend a ride since I am not going to work today” Henry replied. “Why aren’t you going to work?” Karen asked. “Because I am the boss” Henry replied and smile widely and Karen hissed out loud. “I am Jealous, how I wish I can be boss of my own” Karen said.

“I can make you one” Henry replied and Karen gave him a knock on his head. “Hey did you realize I am driver” Henry said. “Yeah, you can just drive us inside the ocean” Karen replied. “Huh, I can’t do that, I am not ready to dîe” Henry said.

He stopped the car outside the company and Karen came out from the car. She gave Henry a knock on his head before walking toward the company, she was surprised to meet Jayden leaning on the gate. “you scared me what are you doing outside?” Karen asked.

“I am waiting for you, who’s that guy?” Jayden asked. “Oh Henry, he is my friend did you know him?” Karen asked. “I don’t know him, but I don’t like it when you’re close to another guy, I want to be the only guy in your life, was he the reason you came late?” Jayden asked.

“Common, how can he be the reason, I’ll tell you the reason I came late, let’s go inside first” Karen said.

“Alright, let me help you with your bag” Jayden said. “No please” Karen replied. “Why you don’t want the workers to know we are dating?” Jayden asked. “There’s time did everything, we just started” Karen replied. “Let’s walk hand in hand then” Jayden said. “No” Karen replied and run inside. “Hey baby” Claire said with a smile. “Aren’t you surprised to see me?” Karen asked with a frown. “I am, I just don’t wanna show you how surprised I am” Claire replied and Karen chuckled.

“I catch you” Jayden said and placed his hand on her waist. “What are you doing?” Karen asked. “I am holding you, is there any problem with that?” Jayden asked. “Good morning sir” Claire greet with a head bow and Jude flash her a smile. “I hope you slept well?” Jayden asked. “Yes I did sir” Claire replied. “Let’s go inside” Jayden said.

“So Miss can you tell me the reason why you came late” Jayden said. “Sure your father came to my house today, he offered me money to leave you” Karen replied. “What how could he!” Jayden said. “He thr_@tened to ki|| me and my family if I didn’t do what he wants” Karen said. “So who did you choose? Did you choose me or you choose money?” Jayden asked. “I choose money of course” Karen replied and Jayden stood up immediately. He picked up his car key and walked out. He record what his father told him when he went to meet him yesterday.

‘Dad!’ he called with a frown. ‘Go straight to the point son’ Mr Smith replied. ‘Dont you want me to be happy?’ Jayden asked. ‘you will be happy as far as you head my company well’ Mr Smith replied. ‘i can’t head it well, if you don’t allow me to choose who I want’ Jayden replied. ‘That lady isn’t good for you, it’s better you stick with Luna, but if you can’t, I sm sorry I won’t have a choice than to hurt her’ Mr Smith replied. ‘Dont try it Dad!’ Jayden replied, he bow his head before walking out angrily and Mr Smith chuckled.

End of flashback.

“Where are you going to?” Justin ask. “I’ll be right back” Jayden said and walked to the parking lot, he get inside his car and drove out of the company crazily. He keeps going against the traffic rules, his mind is occupied on how, he is gonna put his father in his place that he doest know what he’s doing. He parked his car outside and place a knock on the door and the security open the immediately. “Welcome sir” he greet. “Is Mr Smith in the house?” Jayden asked and pushed the security away. “Yes, he is the only one in the house” the security replied and he rushed to his father study. “Mr Smith, how could you do a thing like that? Did you want me to he miserable all my life” Jayden yelled. “She must have told him, I really underestimate her” Mr Smith muttered. “Why did you do it? I don’t know you to be heartless” Jayden yelled. “Jayden have your seat” Mr Smith said and point at a chair. “I am not sitting down with you” Jayden replied glaring hard at him. “Please do” Mr Smith repliy.

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