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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SEDUCE ME – Episode 9

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Sophia enters the huge kitchen holding a large tray in her hand.

She has just finished serving the mobsters.

She sighs, loosing her hair from it’s ponytail.

Her long blonde hair falls down to her br@ length, making her look so beautiful right now.

Her face were small and innocent.

“Sophia, Sophia”. Jacqueline said entering the kitchen.

“Oh Jacquie”. She said.

“Your prayers has finally been answered”. Jacqueline said smiling.

And Sophia looks at her, trying to figure out where she was coming from.

“Your friend has been realese from the torture room”.

“Really”. Sophia asked as a huge smile appears on her face.

“Yes Sophia, I saw her myself, she was going with Freya”.

“But whose Freya”. Sophia asked.

“She’s a member of the clan with great fighting ski||s…..your friend has finally been realese without dieing”. Jacqueline said excitedly.

Sophia smiles and tries to leave but Jacqueline held her.

“Where’re you going”. She asked.

“You said Megan has been realese right, I want to see my best friend, I miss her so much”.

“You can’t”.

“Why not”.

“We maids aren’t allowed to patrol around the clan, except we’re on duty”.

“But how can I be able to see Megan Jacquie, this mob is so big, its largeness can contain a full country”. Sophia said looking sad.

“Don’t be sad Sophia, as long as Megan is still alive here in this clan, your going to see her okay”.

And Sophia nods smiling.


“What…I…ugly duckling”. Freya said with a scoff as she walks.

“Here comes my pretty damsel”. Gatsby said smiling.

Freya Scoffs.

“Pretty damsel my foot”. She said.

“What’s wrong Freya, who made you angry”. Gatsby asked.

Freya looks at her brother.

“Am sure you must have heard the news right, that Megan is my roommate now”.

And Gatsby nods.

“Yes I did, is she giving you a hard time”.

“She’s really so annoying Gatsby, can you believe she called me an ugly duckling”.

Gatsby laughs.

“She called you that, that girl really knows how to give name….first she called the Boss a wizard from cartoons and now she called you an ugly duckling”. Gatsby said laughing.

Freya hits him.

“Stop laughing, cos is not funny”.

“Sorry baby sis”. Gatsby said caressing her face.

Freya sighs.

“Maybe am really ugly that’s why Ace can’t look at me right”.

“Don’t underestimate yourself Freya, your beautiful in your own way, don’t let Ms feisty girl’s words get to you”.

“And what about Ace, do you think he’ll be able to look at me one-day”. Freya asked.

Gatsby sighs.

“I don’t want to give you false hopes Freya, but let’s hope he does one-day”.

Freya nods sadly.

“Let’s go out, your brother is going to get you lots of ice cream of different kinds”.

Freya smiles.

“Really Gatsby”.

And Gatsby nods.

Freya climbed his back, coiling her hand around his neck.

“Let’s go”.

“What’re you eating lately, your so heavy”. Gatsby groans.

“I love you brother”. Freya said kissing his cheek.

“Grouse, stop doing that”.

Freya pecks his cheek again.


Freya laughs.



The street of the night was quiet like a grave yard.

The only sounds that could be heard was the breath from both Kent and Axton.

“Will he be here soon”. Kent asked.

Axton looks at him and nods.

Kent keeps looking at him.

“What do you want to say”. Axton asked.

Kent smiles lightly.

“I heard you already release her and even made Freya her roommate”.

“I only did that because she’s not afraid of dieing, unlike some people”.

Kent frowns.

“And who won’t be afraid of dieing, I love my life Axton, I haven’t had s*x, like I want to”.

Axton looks at him and shakes his head.

Kent looks at Axton and smiles before talking.

“You also treated her, is this going somewhere”.

Axton glared at him.

“It won’t happen again Boss”. Kent sharply said.

A car park in front of them and both Axton got down from the car.

They haven’t walk up to the car, when some men from the second car fired their guns at both Axton and Kent.

The gun hits their chest, and both fell flat to the ground.

The leader from the gang smirks.

“Go get the diamond”. He orders.

His men went to Axton’s car, they took the diamond and handle it over to their Boss.

He opens the box and when he sees the sparkling diamond, he smiles.

“Let’s go”. He said turning to leave.

But he stopped on his track when bullets hits his men.

He turns behind him and sees Kent and Axton already up in their feets.

He staggered backwards.

“I…thought your dead”. He stuttered.

Axton looks at him with deadly eyes.

“You can’t easily ki|| me cos am way smarter than you”. His angry voice said.

Kent looks at him and smiles.


“Why do we need bulletproof Axton”. Kent asked.

“His a very corny man Kent, am sure he won’t go as we planned, his a greedy man who will love to have both the diamond and the money to himself”.

“But you can easily take him down before he even dares to pull the trigger”. Kent said.

“He wants us to fall into his trap, we’ll fall into it likes he wants, but we’ll take him unaware”. Axton said.


The man knowing his surely gonna die, quickly enters his car and drove off.

“I can’t let that demon get me, I can’t let him get me”. He said driving, with his eyes fixed on the box containing the diamond.

He smiles thinking he has escape from Axton’s wrath, but he got the shock of his life when Axton jumps in the bonnet of his car.

His heart sinks seeing the face of the demond in front of him.

He tries speeding the car, so Axton could fall off, but Axton stayed firm.

He made his way Inside the car through the car window.

And the man gasps in shock.

“No one messes with me, and lives to tell the story”. Axton said.

He kicks him and the man flew out of the car, through the car door.

Axton halts the car and came out from it.

The man tries to run, but Axton gave him flying kicks that sends him to the ground.

He didn’t wait for the man to talk, before designing his face with his heavy punches.

The Man was bleeding all over his face.

“Please have mercy on me Axton, am sorry”. The man begged for his Life.

“Sorry is the most h@ťěful words I despise in the world of English words….you thought you could pull a fast one on me, but you were wrong, am Axton and no one can outsmart me”.

“Please have mercy on, it won’t happen again, I’ll give you the money, is in my car, please don’t ki|| me”. The Man begs.

“Go against me and see your dealth and since you did that, send my greetings to the devil himself”. Axton said and finish up the man with his bullets.

Kent came to the scence and sees the man in a pool of blood, Dead.

“What now”.

“Take the money and have it shared among the mobsters, the diamond should be kept in the treasure room”.

“Alright Axton….but before that can we go somewhere”.

Axton looks at him.



Axton looks at Kent with a frown.

“So this where you wanted us to go”. He asked as his eyes met with some strippers who were dance stripping with the pole on stage.

And it looks so irritating to him.

Kent smiles.

“Is going to be fun trust me”.

“Is jam-packed with Ɓîtçhy ladies, I’ll pass, you can stay here if you want”. Axton said leaving the bar.

“Axton wait, your going to love it here”. Kent said going after him.

Axton came out from the bar completely, and then he sees people running out from a burning building.

“There’s a fire, there’s a fire, someone please help!!”.

People from the burning building screams, running.

Axton looks at the burning building and his burning house from ten years ago flashback to him.

Strings sounds echoes in his ear, and he held his ear trying to breath.

“Brother, please help me, save me”. The voice of his crying sister years ago, echoes in his ear.

And Axton could clearly see his sister inside the burning house.

“Sofia”. His voice from back then calls her name.

“Brother, am so scared save me please”. Sofia cries.

Axton held both sides of his eair, as the burning sounds from ten years ago echoes in his ear.

He falls to the ground gasping for air.

“Axton are you alright”. Kent said rushing to him.

But Axton keep gasping for air, as the memories of the past keeps flashing back at him.

A painful past, he thought he has longed forgotten about.

“Brother, save me please”. Sofia’s voice cries.

He could remember trying to go inside the building, when it exploded, and the fire threw him to a distance.

Axton could picture how their house was burning so furiously that day.

His sister’s smiles appears.

Their happy moments together as siblings keeps flashing back at in a rush.

And how their house explode.

“Sofia!!!” . He screams as blood floats down his ear and nostril.

He passed out.

“Axton!!”. Kent yells at his name.


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