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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SEDUCE ME – Episode 55

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“Megan, Megan”

“Bestie, Bess”.

Both Fallon and Jupitar called Megan in their own way, as they search around the premises of the clan.

“Where could Megan have possibly wander off to”. Jupitar asked with a worried face.

“From the little time have known Megan, I can testify she’s smart, she possibly can’t get lost here in this mob, she can calculate her in and out”. Fallon said.

“And where’re you heading at Fallon”. Jupitar asked.

“I don’t want to believe that Megan has been abducted”.

“But you know is impossible right, Megan is good at martial arts”.

“I know that that’s why……” Fallon stops halfway when her eyes met with the lights coming from a distance.

“What’s going on over there”. Fallon asked pointing at the direction from where the light was coming from.

Jupitar and Fallon looks at each other before heading towards it.

They got there and their eyes began scanning the whole place.

“Is someone cerebrating a birthday”. Fallon asked.

“Who could that be”.

Both hear a painful gruts coming from someone, and their eyes immediately fell on Vito.

“Vito”. Both said rushing to him.

“What happened to you, why’re you all bloody”. Jupitar asked, while Fallon looks at him.

“Is…Dakota”. Vito said struggling to speak, since his neck was slit by Dakota.

“Dakota”. Fallon asked.

“Yes….she…took….Megan…with her, she’s….the spy, she…already… left….the…clan…with….Serpent, she…she…took Megan too……Megan is…is…in…Dan…ger”. Vito manage to say, before meeting his death.




“What do you mean by the entire CCTVS footages of the clan were hacked!!!!”. Axton yells at Artemis.

His eyes were red, and his body and brains were boiling in rage of anger.

“I can’t seem to find any of the footages from thirty minutes ago still now”. Artemis as her hands worked so hard on the computer.

Axton’s brain went Gaga the more.

“Just do something, find anything, I need to find out what happened to Meg, and why she’s not here!!!”.


But Kent stops halfway, when Axton looks at him dangerously.

Right now, his glare was even more frightening than his glare, before he met Megan.

Fallon and Jupitar rushed in immediately.

Fallon and Kent’s eyes met, but Kent was the first to look away.

“Axton, Megan has been kidnapped”.

The little hairs in Axton’s skin stood up immediately.

“What do you mean by that Jupitar”.

“Is Dakota, she has being the spy along, she sedated Megan and that why she was able to abduct her, she already left the clan with Megan, including Serpent too”. Fallon said.

Kent looks at her.

Axton was about saying a word, when Jigsaw’s face shown on the TV screen.

“Looking for your sweetheart”. Jigsaw said with a wicked smirk.

Axton folds his fists angrily.

“Where’s Meg, what have you done to her!!!”. He roars angrily.

Jigsaw laughs.

“Seeing how your about to cry, it means you must really love her”.

“Cut the craps and give Megan back, or I’m going to beat you to a pulp and disarranged the letters of your names!!!”. Jupitar yells.

Kent and Fallon throws him an angry glare, and if glares were bullets, Jigsaw would have been dead by now.

“You want to see her that badly, fine, am going to show you where your sweetheart is, is all in your hands to save her”. Jigsaw said.

And Megan was shown in the screen afterwards, she was inside an Aquarium filled with water.

Thankfully there were no fishes in it, but her blood has stained the water inside the Aquarium. And to top it, all she was unconscious.

“Megan”. Kent, Fallon, Jupitar and Artemis mutttered with shocks written all over their eyes.

“What did heck have you done to Meg!!!!”. Axton yells.

All the Veins in his body were already showing and seeing Megan in a pool of blood inside an Aquarium, was already bringing back the demon that has already been cast out of him.

“I didn’t do anything, like I said before, Megan’s life is all in your hand, I already gave you an expo on where she is, the ball is in your court”.

“I swear to you Jigsaw, am going to ki|| you!!!”. Axton yells.

“Instead of wanting to ki|| me, why don’t you save your sweetheart instead, the more you delay, the more life drains out of her, your time is clicking titok, titok, tikok”. Jigsaw said laughing like a wizard.

The call disconnected.

“What’re we going to do Axton, Megan is in total danger”. Jupitar said with so much worries.

Axton runs his hands through his hair, and right now, he felt like going mad.

“Artemis, check which Aquarium is that”. Axton said trying so hard to control his tears.

Artemis nods, as her fingers made chanting sounds on the keyboard.

“I can’t find the location of the Aquarium boss”. Artemis said as her eyes move side by side looking at the computer screen.

“Why can’t you find it’s location”. Kent asked.

“Seems like the CCTV cameras of the aquarium Megan was kept in has been tampered with, there isn’t any signal showing the location of the Aquarium”.

“Jigsaw is sure pulling a fast one on us”. Jupitar said crimping her fingers angrily.

Axton made to leave.

“Where’re you going Axton”. Kent asked.

“Am going to looking for Meg”.

“But you don’t know where that Aquarium is”.

“I don’t care, I don’t care if I search the whole Aquariums in Russia!, Am going to find Megan”. Axton said and storms out of the power room.

“Any signal yet”. Fallon asked.

Artemis shakes her head.

Both Jupitar and Fallon sighs at the same time.


Axton rushed out of the mob in his Benz in great speed.

He dashed into the smooth road of the street, increasing the speed of his car, not carrying about the pedestrians, motorcycles or cars on the road.

All what his head was filled with is saving Megan.

Tears like rain were already falling down his eyes, as he increase the speed of his car.

Axton’s car pulls into a halt, when he got to an Aquarium, he quickly enters, his eyes scans around the tons of Aquariums, but he couldn’t find Megan.

He runs out of it, and went to another Aquarium, but Megan wasn’t there, instead he met lots of people who were taking pictures of the fishes swimming inside the Aquariums.

Axton was already going mad, he has being going to different Aquariums in Russia, but Megan wasn’t in any of it.

His phone rang, and he picked it sniffing back his tears.

“Hello Fallon”.

“Have you found Megan”. She asked.

“No, I haven’t, and is making me go crazy”. Axton said sobbing like a baby.

“I think I have an idea on where Megan might be”.


“It didn’t come to my notice before, but now I have, I think the aquarium Jigsaw shown us, is an abandoned Aquarium”.

“You think so”.

“Yes, an Aquarium was abandoned three years ago, I’ll send you the address, hopefully, I think that’s where Megan is”.

“Thanks Fallon”. Axton said.

And immediately he ended the call, Fallon dropped the address of the Aquarium.

Axton checked the message and without hesitating, he enters his car and zoom off.

He rushly entered the Aquarium, and just like Fallon said, it’s was abandoned.

Axton began searching each and every of the Aquariums, till he saw an Aquarium filled with blood, with Megan floating in it, like a dead leaf.

“Meg!!!”. He screams as balls of tears falls down his eyes.

He began hitting the glass of the Aquarium, and since it was made with toughened glass, it was so difficult to break.

His elbows were already swollen and bleeding already, but he didn’t care, all what he wanted right now, was to save Megan.

After what seems like an eternity, the glass of Aquarium broke and water splashed out from it.

Axton was f-__-king drenched from the water that splash on him. He quickly entered inside the Aquarium, and brought out Megan, whose hands and legs were both tied, and her mouth sealed.

Axton hurriedly untied Megan, unsealing the tape in her mouth.

“Meg”. He muttered caressing her face, but Megan was already becoming pale.

He lay her on her back and open her airway, as he did the cardiopulmonary resuscitation on her, crying as well.

He continuously did CPR, but yet Megan wasn’t showing any sign of coming back to life.

“Meg, Meg, please wake….Please”. Axton said crying, as he continues giving her a chest compression, performing rescue breath as well.

And the tears he was shedding right now, could form a river.

“Meg, please wake up, wake up, my life will be meaningless without you….Please Heart bug, wake up”. Axton said crying like a child, still doing the cardiopulmonary resuscitation on her.

Megan suddenly gasps for air, coughing out bloody water.

“A…A…Axton”. She mutttered weakly.

Axton immediately broke into tears, as he hugged the weakend Megan.

“Am sorry Heart bug…Am so sorry”. He cried hugging her tightly.


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