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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SEDUCE ME – Episode 52

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( His Redemption…)


By; Succie.






★ ( LED ASTRAY ) ★


“Wow, you look so cute in this photo skylight”. Megan said smiling pointing at the picture of Axton when he was still a kid.

Both were sitted in the bed, watching a photo album together.

“Really heart bug”. He said caressing her hair softly.

“Yeah….I guess you have always been so handsome”.

“Of course I am, you said it yourself, that God created me on the Sabbath day….am world wide handsome you know”. He said.

Megan laughs.

“Your crazy”. She added laughing.

“I guess this is kent right”.

Axton nods, resting his head on her shoulder.

“Wow, he didn’t change one bit….Guess you both have known each other for long”.

“Yes we have, he was already in the clan when I was brought in by Godfather Colombo, he has always been the friendly type”.

“And I guess this must be Jupitar right”.


“She must’ve really being birthed with the bad girl vibe, she’s has always been raising her middle fingers up, since childhood”.

“That’s Jupitar for you Meg, she’s so filled with energy and she has always loved being a bad @zz, that’s why Kent often call her bad girl with the vibe”.

Megan smiles.

“And who this”. Megan asked pointing at the picture of a boy.

“Oh that’s Chevy….my adoptive brother”.

“Wow, his so cute”. Megan said smiling.

Axton frowns.

“Really”. He asked.

“Yes, his really so handsome…..

Megan stop talking when she saw the frown on Axton’s face.

“But your more handsome and cute”. She said playing with his cheeks, and Axton smiles.

“I love you so much Meg”. He said hugging her, caressing her back in the process.

“I just remembered something”. Megan said with a smirk.

Axton breaks the hug and looks at her, cupping her face.

“What could that be”.

“You love me right”.

And Axton nods.

“And I have succeed in seducing you right”. She asked again.

“Yes you did Meg”. He answers caressing her face lightly.

Megan smirks.

“That’s means you still own me something”. She said still smirking.

“What’s with the smirks for, your acting like a witch right now…What do I own you”.

“Your Ďïčk”. She answers raising her eyebrows flirtily.


“Have you forgotten…we made a deal that, if I fail in bringing you out from your sad shell, that your going to ki|| me, but if I succeed, I’ll cut off your Ďïčk, do you remember now”. Megan said with a witchy smile.

“Do….must you remember that”. Axton stuttered, shifting away from her.

Megan chuckles.

“There’s no way am gonna forget such a deal”. She said smiling.

She takes a scissors from the drawer and face him.

“Where should I start from, your Ďïčk cap or your balls”.

Axton quickly got down from the bed.

“Stop playing silly jokes Meg”.

“And who said I was jocking, come closer lemme me butcher it, and serves it like barbecue to the mobsters”. Megan said with a witchy smile on her face.

“You also back out too, you said you will never love me, but you did, you said you will never have s*x with me, but you did”. Axton rushly said, as both walked around the table in circles.

Megan smirks.

“But I didn’t place any condition about you cutting any part of my body right….so come to mummy”. Megan said flirting with the scissors going to him.

“Ahhhhh”. Axton screams increasing the pace of his feet.

Both continue running around the room, as Megan chase him around with the scissors.


“Wow, I can’t believe Megan really brought down Serpent, I heard she’s one of the posion ivies best fighters”. Vito said.

“Too bad for her, that’s why the saying goes, don’t judge a book by its cover…..I knew Megan having a little tiny body, isn’t just for a show”. Felony said dipping her fork inside the dumplings.

“So what’s going to happen to Serpent now”. Dakota asked.

“Guess the boss is going to ki|| her”. Dakota said placing her shoulder on Vito’s shoulder.

“I love you Dakota”. Vito said crimping their hands together.

“I love you more Vito”. Dakota answers.

Felony sighs and drops her cutleries.

“Gosh, you both are annoying”. She said and leaves.

Dakota and Vito looks at each other and giggles.



The lights from the morning sun shines on Fallon’s eyes, she squeeze her face as a result of the sunlight, before waking up.

She sits up on the bed, arranging her scattered hair, as tons of headaches hits her.

“Why does my head aches so much”. She mutttered massaging the two sides of her head.

She couldn’t remember anything from last night, on how she emotionally confess her feelings to Kent.

All she could remember was what happened before she got drunk.

“What happened last night….how did I get here”. She asked, but it was the quietness of her room that replied her.

The door twisted opened and Artemis enters with a tray, and in it was a plate of hangover soup, soley prepared by her.

Fallon frowns on seeing her.

“What’re you doing here”.

“You drank so much last night, and I made some hangover soup to ease your headaches”.

*She still has that caring personality in her*. Fallon said inwardly, smiling secretly.

She clears her throat and looks at Artemis.

“What’re you waiting for, give it to me, my head still hurts”. Fallon said.

Artemis smiles and drops the tray in front of Fallon.

Fallon began sipping the hangover soup, through the spoon.

“How’re you feeling now Ce….Fallon”.

“Better I guess….Are you did one who brought me back to my room”.


“Don’t tell Fallon I was the one who took her to her room”. Kent’s voice echoes in her ear.

“Why not”. Artemis asked.

“I don’t want her to remember what she said last night”. Kent replied.

“What did she say”.

“You don’t have to know, just tell her, you were the one who took her to her room and took care of her”.


“Uh-huh”. Artemis mumbled waking up from her thought.

“Were you the one who brought me back to my room”. She asked again.

“Ye….Yeah….Yes, I was the one who brought you back to your room”.

Fallon sighs.

“I thought he was the one who brought me here”.


Fallon looks at her and shakes her head.

“Nothing”. She said and continues eating, trying to hide how hurt she was.

When she was done eating, Artemis parked the plate.

“I’ll come check on you later”. She said, but no reply came from Fallon.

Artemis sighs and was about to leave, when Fallon said.


Artemis looks at her.

“Thank you”.

Artemis smiles before leaving.

Fallon sadly lay on the bed.

“What were you thinking Fallon, that’s his going to take care of you in your drunk state, when his busy f-__-king a p@zzy”.

“Get your @zz together Fallon, this is not who you used to be….But it hurts, it hurts so much”. Fallon said crying silently.


“Someone looks happy today”. Lennox said when he sees Artemis walking towards the power room smiling.

Artemis looks at him.

“Oh Lennox”.

“You look happy this morning”.

“Have I always being cranky”.

“Really, you didn’t know”.

Artemis smiles.

“Fallon is starting to soft herself towards me, I know she hasn’t forgiven me just yet, but I won’t give up still she forgives me completely, for what I did”.

“Fallon might be a little bit of a hard shell but she’s still have a heart, she’s going to come around, don’t worry”.

Artemis nods her head.

“I hope so too…Thanks Lennox”.

“Your welcome Art…..And am sorry for lashing out that you were a lesbian”.

“You don’t have to apologise to me Lennox, anyone in your position, with no idea that Fallon is my sister, will have probably think thesame”.

Lennox smiles.

“Can we start all over again”.

Artemis chuckles.

“Were we fighting”.

“But we weren’t friends, let’s start over again Artemis, and I promise not to impose my feelings on you….Can we be friends”.

“Sure, let’s give friendship a try”. She said.

And both smiled at each other.



Ace sits in his room in deep thought, his face was filled with sadness.

“Should I just stop with this feelings of mine”. He asked sadly.

He saw the lovey dovey between Axton and Megan last night and how Megan happily agreed to be Axton’s girlfriend.

“Is not like I go against the Boss….And am not even sure if what I feel for her is really Love…All I know is that I feel this connection with her, is it really Love or…..”

Gatsby barge in.

“Oh my Ace, I thought your already dead, why is it hard to see you lately”.

“What’re you doing here”. Ace asked.

Gatsby smiles and sits beside him.

“Here”. He said giving him a can of cereals.

“Why’re you giving this to me”.

“I went shopping me Freya and I decided to get you this, since you love it”.

“Thanks”. Ace said and Gatsby smiles.

“About Freya, did she tell you anything”.

“Anything like what”.

“You know….Anything”.

“No she didn’t, she has being acting a little bit weird lately, but she’d say she was going to tell me something, but only at the right time”.

Ace sighs and nods.

“Do you have any idea, on what she wants to tell me”.

Ace looks at him, and reluctantly shakes his head.


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