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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SEDUCE ME – Episode 48

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( His Redemption…. )


By; Succie.







Axton without hesitation decended on Ace, punching and kicking his face Although.

“Axton, please stop”. Megan begged.

Axton looks at her with stony eyes, and without thinking he threw her away.

Megan’s forcefully landed on the wall, she falls hard on the floor, coughing out blood.

With eyes burning in furry, he walks towards Ace who was already way to his death.

He raised him up from the ground, caging himself forcefully on the wall as his hands went to Ace’s neck, pressing it tightly.

“How dare you kiss her!!!!!!”. He roars.

“Ace”. Megan mutttered crying already.

Axton brings out the gun from his pocket and pulls the trigger directly on Ace’s skull.

“Ace!!!!!”. Freya screams waking up from her dream.

“Are you alright Freya”. Gatsby asked, dropping the drugs he got for her.

“Gatsby”. Freya mutttered hugging him so tightly.

Gatsby could feel her trembling, so he broke the hug, cupping her face.

“What’s wrong Freya”.

“I had a scary nightmare”. She said still trembling.

“Nightmare, what kind of nightmare”. He asked.

Freya gulped down hard, before speaking.

“Megan told me earlier, that she was heading over to the boss’s room, since he said he has something to give to her, so I decided to rest while waiting for you, and in the process I fell asleep”.

“And in my sleep, I saw Ace entering Inside the boss’s room, he forcefully pinned Megan to the wall and kiss her, and in my dream, Megan kissed him back and unfortunately, the boss caught them, and…..he….he ki||ed Ace, Ace died in my dream”. Freya said with a shaking voice.

Gatsby looks at her and laugh.

“What’s so funny Gatsby”.

“Do you love him that much to be having this crazy Dreams”.


“Is totally a fruitless dream Freya, is never going to happen, can you ask me why”.


“One, never in this life time, will Ace dare to enter the boss’s room, Ace is afraid of him, and he won’t ever think about entering the boss’s suite, and secondly, no one can forcefully kiss Megan, that little tiny girl is strong as a rock….if she can beat up Braxton whose so good at Taekwondo, and almost send Jupiter, whose strong as an iron, to the afterlife, what makes you think she’s just going to allow Ace pin her to the wall”.

“And lastly, Megan kissing Ace back is the bigger joke, why will she, when she’s Into the boss already”.

“How do you know that”.

“Am not a slow witted Freya, she wouldn’t do that to Jupiter, if she doesn’t have feelings for the boss”.

Freya sighs.

“I guess I was just be delusional”.

“Yes you were, rather than having silly dreams, why don’t you forcus on getting over your sickness, how you became sick all of a sudden is what I can tell, your eyes look swollen, did you cry”. Gatsby asked.

Freya takes in her lips.

“The illness took charge of me, that’s why I cried”.

“What’re you going to do without me Freya, your always acting like a baby”.

“But am your baby right”. Freya asked blinking.

Gatsby smiles lightly.

“Yes you’re, have you eaten”. He asked caressing her hair.

“Yes, even if I didn’t have the appetite, Megan forced me to eat”.

“Then you should take your drugs then”. Gatsby said.

Freya who didn’t want to create another reason for her, not drinking the drugs, reluctantly took the drug.

And after which, Gatsby helped her to lay on the bed, covering her with the duvet.

“Don’t worry Freya, your going to be fine alright”.

Freya nods, looking at her brother.


“Yes Freya”.

“Am sorry”.

“Sorry for what Freya”.

“Something happened and I know you’d be disappointed in me, I couldn’t stop myself”.

“Couldn’t stop yourself, what’re you talking about Freya, did you annoy someone again”.

Freya shakes her head.

“Then what”.

“I’ll tell you when the right time comes, but for now, am sorry, am so sorry Gatsby”. Freya said.

The fact that Ace wasn’t remorseful for what he did to her, break her heart a thousand times.

“Just go back to sleep Freya, so the medicine can work better”.

“Stay with me, still I fall asleep”.

Gatsby smiles, caressing her face.

“Alright I’ll, close your eyes now”. He said.

Freya close her eyes, and within a few seconds she slept off.

Gatsby looks at her and smiles, caressing her round baby face.

“Goodnight Freya”. He said and planted a soft kiss on her forehead, before leaving the room.



The doctor twisted opened, and Megan rush to door.

“What took you so long”. She asked.

Axton looks at her and smiles.

“Sorry, is my first shopping….did you wait that long”. He asked calmly.

Megan shakes her head smiling.

“What did you get me”. She asked excitedly.

Axton smiles and gives the shopping bag to her.

Megan quickly took the bag and went through it.

“A phone”.

“I figured out you needed one, there’s more”. Axton said with a smile.

His smile were just so enchanting.

Megan deep her hand inside the shopping bag and brought out a squared shape black box.

She opened it, and she gasps when she saw an infinity necklace, sparkling in front of her.

“Is this for me”. She asked smiling.


Megan smiles more widely.

“Hey Axton, do you even know what this infinity necklace means”. She asked smiling.

“Yes, is a symbol of an unending love right”. He ask.

Megan smile, she pecks his lips and hugs him.

“Seems you like the necklace more better than the phone”.

“Yes I do, I love it”. She broke the hug and gives the necklace to him.

“Why’re you giving it back to me Meg, you just said you love the necklace”..

“Yes I do, but it’s going to be more romantic, if you wear it on me”.


And Megan nods, Axton smiles.

“Alright then”.

He takes the necklace from her and wears it on her.

“Is suits you so well”.

“Of course its should, am Megan, everything suits me”. Megan said with a pose.

And Axton laughs.

“Your darm funny Meg”.

Meg smiles, and wrapped her hands around his neck, raising her toes.

“Your have being smiling and laughing so often this days, am I really that comic”.

“Not really, is just that everything about you always makes me smile”.

“Then lemme be the only one your going to smile this way to”.

“I thought what you wanted was for me to become a smiling guru”. He asked coiling his hands to her waist.

“I changed my mind, your smile is so enchanting and seducing, just smile and laugh only when am there”.

Axton tucked the strand of her hair to the back of her ear.

“Alright, I won’t smile at any girl except for you”.

“I never mentioned girls”.

“But that’s what you were trying to say right”.

Megan hits his chest lightly and Axton smile.

“Your beautiful Meg”.

“Thanks for the compliment Mister Axton”.

Axton smiles cutely, he caress her face and lean forward to her face.

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