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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SEDUCE ME – Episode 47

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“I can see your awake already, bad girl vibe”. Kent said with a charming smile.

Jupiter looks at him and scoffs.

“So your still alive”. She asked, lightening up a cigarette.

“And what’s that supposed to mean”. Kent asked taking the cigarette from her.

Jupiter looks at him with a frown.

“Not allowed, says Chevy”. Kent said dropping the cigarette in a ashtray.

“Wh@ťěver, anyways who was that tiny girl that almost ki||ed me”. Jupiter asked, posing like a badass.

The earring in her lower lip, did justice of bringing the complete bad girl vibe in her.

“Oh, Megan”.

Jupiter raise her eyebrows.

“Megan, why am I hearing her name for the first time”.

“You and Chevy have been away from the clan, since two years now”.

“So is she a member of the mob”.

“No she’s not, she was brought to the clan alongside with her friends, recently”.

“Then what she doing with Axton”.

“She’s on a contract with him”.

“What kind of contract”. Jupiter asked.

“You’d be shock when you find out”. Kent said.

Jupiter looks at him.



Sophia was washing the dirty dishes, when someone wrapped his hands around her waist.

Sophia smiled and face him.

“What’re you doing here Tornado”. She asked cutely.

Tornado smiles, caressing her hair.

“I came to see you, but why’re you washing the dishes, I thought you said the boss stopped you from working here as a maid”.

“Am just helping Jacqueline out, she said there will be tons of works to do”.

“Yeah, that’s because the party girl is back”.

“You mean Jupiter”. Sophia asked.

“Yes Sophia, she’s the party kind of girl, though she has been away for two years now, but now that she’s back, partying won’t take a break here in this clan, until she leaves”.

“I heard some mobsters saying both ain’t related”. Sophia said.

“That’s true, we don’t know the full story though”.

“I see”.

“Will you come with me to the party”.

“Am I allowed to go”. She asked.

“Your no longer a maid Sophi, of course you can, don’t worry about the mobsters touching you, I gat you, so your going right”.

“Since Tornado is going, then I’ll go too”. She said cutely.

Tornado smiles, caressing her face.

He planted a light kiss in forehead.

“See you later Sophia, I’ll get you something to wear”.

“But not an exposed clothes alright”.

“Are you a Reverend Sister”.

Sophia’s hits him lightly and he laughs.

“I was just joking, I’ll be going now”. He said and turns to leave.


Tornado face her.

“Do you need anything”. He asked.

Sophia shakes her head, she went to him and hugs him.

“What’s wrong Sophi”.

“Nothing, I just feel like hugging you”. Sophia said, tightening her arms around him.

Tornado smiles hugging her back.


Megan sighs anticipating wheather to enter Jupiter’s room or not.

She heard she has woken up already and wanted to apologise to her.

*Jupiter loves strawberries, she can go crazy for it*. Jacqueline’s voice echoes in her ear.

Megan sighs and looks at the fresh red strawberries in the tray she was holding.

“Who’re you”. Jupiter asked, since Megan was backing her.

Megan turns to face her.

Love shines on Jupiter’s eyes the moment she saw the strawberries in the tray.

“Are those mind”.


Megan hasn’t answered her question, when Jupiter began disseminating the strawberries inside her stomach.

“This taste so good”. Jupiter said munching on them.

“Does that mean you have forgiven me”. Megan asked.

Jupiter takes a closer look at Megan, and the strawberry in her mouth fell.

“Your the girl who almost ki||ed me!!”.


Megan’s eyes rolled around the ceiling, as Jupiter’s eyes were on her.

“So your trying to seduce my brother”. Jupiter asked.


Jupiter chuckles.

“Then why does it seem his the one seducing you”.


“You love Axton don’t you Megan”.

“No, I don’t”.

Jupiter smile.

“I know you were going to denied it, but you can’t lie to me Megan, am a girl too, and your just like me, who gets jealous when someone is closed to the person I love”.

Megan looks at her.

“And that’s why you did that to me right, thinking am a Ɓîtçh trying to steal Axton from you right”.

Megan takes in her lips.

“Am sorry”.

“Is fine, and am impressed with you”.


“Although, I haven’t seen it myself, but Kent told me, Axton is becoming human lately, he smiled and kissed you, which is unlike him, tell me Megan, did you cast a spell on him”.


Jupiter looks at her and laughs.

“I was just jocking Megan”.

Megan looks at Jupiter and smile.

*She isn’t mean, like I thought she’d be*. Megan said inwardly.



“Are everything intact for our next mission”. Axton asked Artemis whose hands were dancing on the keyboards.

“Yes boss, since Braxton gave the details of Lorenzo McDonald, I was able to hack into his resident”.

“Good job Artemis”. Axton said.

“Big bro!”. Jupiter exclaims happily, as she enters the power room.

Axton looks at Artemis and she bows before leaving.

“What’re you doing here”.

“Wow, what happened to your scary voice, I remember always getting triggered by it, is this as a result of Megan’s hardwork”. Jupiter asked smiling.

“How did you…..f-__-k, Kent told you right”.

“I love Megan I swear, what did she do to my big brother”.

“What do you mean”.

“Your still Axton, but in another version, your face isn’t as scary and stony like before, even the way you talk, its no longer sends fear down the spine of anyone”.


“Yes, your face is more like a human now, does Chevy knows about this, am sure his going to be surprised, you should buy Megan a gift, she really deserve one I swear” Jupiter said.

“What kind of gift”. Axton asked.

“Your really going to buy her a gift, wow, do you love her”. Jupiter asked curiously.

“Are you going to tell me or not”.

“Figure it out yourself, as for me, I want to host a party”.

“So you haven’t changed”.

“Nah, am still Jupiter, the bad girl with the vibes”. Jupiter said raising her two middle fingers up.

“Get lost”.

Jupiter giggles.

“I was planning on doing so….but make sure you get my best friend a gift alright”.

“Megan, your best friend….really”.

“Yes, finally, have seen someone who’s brain is still intact here in this mob, so it won’t be bad, making Megan best friend, I mean she’s slowly taming my brother, she’s slowly making the impossible possible, you should hold her tight, am telling you”.

“Shut up and get lost”. Axton said.

Jupiter giggles and leaves.

“A gift”. Axton mutttered.

He went to one of the computers and went to goggle.


Axton typed.

His eyes strolls down the different options, and when one caught his taste, he smiles and puts Lennox on call.

“Hello Boss”.

“Tell Meg to wait for me in my suite, I have something to give to her”.

He looks at the computer screen and smile.



Mega walks around the room, patiently waiting for Axton.

Lennox has delivered the message, just like he was asked to.

“I wonder what he has for me”. Megan mutttered.

She took a picture of Axton that was perfectly hanged on the wall.

She smiles.

“His so handsome”. She mutttered with a cute smile.

The door twisted opened, Megan drop the picture and rush to the door.

“Axton, your…….Ace”.

“I know I was going to find you here”. He said.

“What the heck are you doing here, Axton is going to ki|| you, if he finds you here, leave”. Megan said trying to take him out, but Ace forcefully pins her to the wall.

“What the heck are you doing Ace, let go of me, am still mad at for what you did to Freya, so don’t add to it”.

“Your mine Megan and mine alone!!” He yells and captures her lips with his own.

As if she’s electrified by something, Megan began to kiss him back.

The shopping bag on Axton’s hand fell off, when he sees the scence in front of him.



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