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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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By: Ella N.K

‼Copy at your own risk‼


Not edited, expect errors.




____________CHAPTER 54&55___________

“What, Gray!!! He exclaimed when he entered and saw Gray lying lifelessly on the cold floor.

Blood was gushing out of his head,mouth,nose and some other parts of his body.

He was beaten mercilessly to the point of death by some tugs,sent by Vina,she was actually with them while they beat the life out of Gray.

Even while in the cell,she still made arrangements for her evil plans to be carried out.

She had all her evils planned.

“Gray…….Nolan called sorrowfully, trying to carry him up.

Nolan was already in tears,the way his friend laid lifeless on the floor really broke him.

This is his fault,if it wasn’t for their court case that he’s handling, all that would not have happened to him.

“Gray…Gray…. Open your eyes. You have to open your eyes,Nora needs you.

“Hey,man. Open your eyes,you need to open your eyes. Nora will k!ll herself if you leave her” he continued to cry.

He pulled him up to the bed and made him lay straight.

He checked his heartbeat and noticed it’s still beating and he’s still breathing,but not as he should,which means he’s almost gone.

“He’s still breathing! He screamed and started searching for his car keys that he flung at the other end when he got in and met Gray in that state.

He continued to search until he finally found it close to the television.

He picked it up immediately and heads for Gray.

Even though he was too heavy for him to carry. Nolan gathered all the strength in him.

He jacked him up,putting him on his shoulders and walked down the stairs in a wobbly way.

Gray is too weighty, plus the condition he’s in doubled his weightiness.

He kept wobbling till he got to the entrance door and opened it,it wasn’t easy though, but his Friend’s life is on the verge of death.

So he had to gather every strength in him left,to get Gray to the hospital as fast as anything before it becomes too late.

Finally, he reached his car and opened the door, got Gray in,and like flash, he got to his seat and ignited the car engine and drove off.


“Mom….Nolan isn’t picking, this is the tenth time I’m calling him,but he’s not picking” Peyton paced around.

She was getting scared, she was restless and no one was able to calm her down.

Gray isn’t picking, neither is Nolan picking.

It was getting too hectic, too hectic that she couldn’t control herself nor her tears.

Nora on the other hand was crying bitterly.

What must have happened to her boyfriend and twin brother that neither of them was picking.

Nolan actually left his phone on silence after picking the call from Gyeongisan.

How that happened, he does not know.

“Nora and Peyton. You both need to calm down,I believe they’re fine,trust me. Alejandro said, trying to cheer them up.

“Then why is neither of them picking, if they’re fine? Nora questioned.

Alejandro ruffled his hair and didn’t know the answer to give her.

Brenda sat in between Peyton and Nora, cheering them up.

“It’s okay,my babies. Gray and Nolan will be fine, okay? She said, holding their hands tightly.

“I will be back,don’t go anywhere,don’t even go close to the entrance door. I will be right back” he said and picked the car keys.

“Where are you going? Brenda asked,worriedly.

“To Cray’s. I need to know and make sure they’re okay.

“I can’t just sit here and do nothing. If Vina wants to harm or k!ll anyone, then it should be me and not my son or Gray” he said and stomped out.

“Open the gate” he ordered the guards.

Although, they refused to open it at first,cause Nolan instructed them to not let anyone out before he left.

But being the father of the house, and the fact that he tops his son,they didn’t want to argue with him.

They opened the gate and he drove outside of the mansion.

Few movements of the car wheels away from the compound.

Someone was seen,masked and hiding behind the flower bushes outside of the compound.

Alejandro didn’t drive too far when he got a punctured tyre.

“d@mn! Why does it have to be now? He said and got out of the car,heading to the punctured tyre.

The masked person came out of hiding place.

Alejandro turned to head back to the mansion, but he met a gun pointed at him.

“Any last words? The person asked and opened the mask to reveal the face behind it.

It was Vina!

Alejandro gasped and started moving backwards.

“Any last words?” She asked again and was about pulling the trigger.

A gunshot was heard loudly.

“Ahhhhh! Came a heavy scream.

Another loud gunshot was heard again, followed by the same scream.

The gun she held fell off her hands as she fell to the ground,groaning in pains.

It was excruciating.

Her legs were shot,paralyzing and making her unable to move.

It was the police.

Unknown to her, the whole compound was surrounded with the police,even before she got there.

They made no sound,there was no siren noise,even their cars were parked far far away.

Hell gave the DPO the information and knew where Vina’s next target would be.

The DPO sent out more men,and planned everything accordingly,so that Vina won’t be able to escape.

They had to $h00t her legs to paralyze her,so that she won’t be able to run away.

Four police men came out and went close to the bleeding Vina, carried her up.

The other one drove the police Van in and Vina was taken inside,she was bleeding so badly.

The police already caught the other one that escaped too. Including Vina’s accomplices.

“You and your family are safe now” the DPO smiled and said to Alejandro who was still in shocks.

Brenda, Peyton and Nora came out when they heard the gunshots.

“Please ma’am. You all have to be inside,Master will k!ll us if anything happens to you”Cross said.

“Didn’t you hear gunshots,what if my dad is in danger” Nora queried.

“We did and that’s why we are heading out to check” he said.

“We are coming with you” Peyton and Brenda said at the same time.

“No ma….

“Out of the way, else you will lose your jobs” Brenda said and they all went out.

They saw Alejandro and the police just seconds away from the mansion.

“Oh my God! What happened? Brenda asked her husband.

He explained what happened the moment he left the mansion.

They couldn’t believe it, like,how far Vina can go just to achieve her evil deeds.

Brenda and Peyton walked to the van where she was in,the disgust on their faces when they saw her.

“Where are my sons?” What have you done to them? Brenda asked.

“Hahahaha,they’re dead and gone” she laughed and said,even with the pain she’s passing through.

Brenda landed her a delicious peppery slap,and ended up giving her a bruise.

She laughed again,evilly.

“How dare you,you heartless w!tch!

“What have you done to Nolan? Peyton asked, grabbed her on her top and starting slapping, beating and punching her unstoppably.

The police tried to stop Peyton, but she was so determined to disfigure Vina’s face till she’s satisfied.

They managed to get hold of her,and she bursted out crying.

“We’ll handle and deal with her mercilessly” the DPO said.

“Nolan where are you,I know and believe you’re alright wherever you are.
I know she was just ranting and trying to mock us” she whimpered.

Vina is a very Ç0çƙy person and does things that baffle everyone.

A very heartless human being that shows no mercy.

“Stop crying,darling, be strong for Nolan and your baby,I believe they’re okay” Brenda said.

Even though they were happy that Vina has been captured, they were still worried about Gray and Nolan.

What if she succeeded in harming them.

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