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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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When Peyton got in,May didn’t spare her a minute as she started asking questions.

Peyton told her everything and her mouth was left opened in agape.

“I think boss likes you,or should I say in love with you”

“I have noticed how he behaves around you lately” May said.

Peyton choked on the water she was drinking, after hearing what May just said.

“Could it be true?” Cause he has been acting weird really.

“You’re talking nonsense,May” please bring in the things let’s make the food,she said trying the close the topic.

“Just know we are still going to talk about this when you get back,May said to Peyton as they began chopping the vegetables.


“Peyton” umm,the flight is by 6:30 am tomorrow. So,I was thinking maybe I should come pick you up,Nolan said.

“I don’t mind” thank you sir,she said smiling for no reason.


“Pey” why are you packing? What’s going on? Skai asked Peyton who was packing some clothes into her rolling box.

“Sorry I’m telling you now,Skai” my boss and I are traveling.

“OMG” why does it have to be so prompt? Gosh! Skai said,frowning a bit.

“I know,right” you won’t believe I was informed today. I still don’t know why I agreed to go with him,but I just did.

“Hmmm” I smell something fishy between you and your boss.

“What are you hiding from me?” Skai asked, raising a brow.

“What do you mean?” I’m hiding nothing,nosy poker. Peyton joked.

“We’ll find out soon” cause the Peyton I know wouldn’t do this. Something is definitely going on.

“Do you like your boss?” She asked.

Peyton swallowed hard before saying no,but her heart was saying something else.

Peyton couldn’t sleep all night, she kept thinking about the trip.

She just kept thinking about everything, including Nolan.

****NEXT DAY****

5:00 am in the morning.

Peyton was woken up by her phone’s ringtone.

It was Nolan calling to remind her about the flight so she doesn’t over sleep.

“Good morning, sir” she greeted and Nolan greeted back.

“I will be at your place in the next 20 mins,he said and hung up.

Peyton got out of the bed and hurriedly got ready.

She was done in no time.

She went to Skai’s room but found her still sleeping. She didn’t want to wake her up,so she left a note instead.

“You look beautiful” Nolan complemented the moment he saw her.

“Thank you” she simply said.


They were on board already and the plane was about taking off.

Nolan noticed the uneasiness on Peyton and wondered what could be the problem.

“Are you alright?” He asked calmly.

“I’m fine” she said, but she wasn’t looking fine.

The plane began taking off slowly,she became more uncomfortable.

Nolan sensed it immediately.

Yes,she’s scared of take offs and landings.

Just then,she felt Nolan’s hand holding hers and she felt better just like that.

“Relax” he smiled and said.

Peyton exhaled loudly, like a log of wood has just been lifted off her shoulders.

She smiled back and relaxed.

The rest of the journey was in silence until the got to their destination.

They both left to the hotel Nolan had already booked, not far from where the competition was going to take place.

Nolan showed Peyton to her room and went to his.

It was well decorated,with a queen sized bed,purple and a little touch of pink bedsheets.

It was a VIP room,likewise Nolan’s.

Everything in the room was just magnificent. These were all Nolan’s handwork.

He just wanted her to feel comfortable.

He just wanted to make good use of this opportunity by trying to make her know he’s not really who she thinks he is.

She got in and slumped on the bed,tiredly.

“What a day” she said and went into the bathroom to have her bath.

Minutes later, she was done. She laid conformably on the bed when a knock came.

“Who’s there?” She asked.

“The attendant, ma” the person answered from outside.

She opened the door and saw him carrying food.

“Who’s the food for?”

“You” room 250 made an order minutes ago.

“Gosh!” This must be Nolan.

He must have told them the wrong room unknowingly,she thought and collected the food.

“Thank you” she simply said and closed the door.

Peyton wore something better,cause what she was wearing was too short and revealing.

So she wore something better before leaving to give Nolan the food.

She still doesn’t know why she did not knock before entering, but she entered anyway.

The moment she opened the door……

Nolan who just got out of the bathroom, wearing only his boxers that clung very tight on him,making his stuff kind of bulgy,with his hot segzy body,and hard chest.

His hair dripping wet, as he used the towel to dry his body making him look even hotter.

He looked like a hot model.

Peyton neither moved nor said anything, but stood still and kept starring at him in amazement.


??? I don’t want to say anything sha?.


Long comments please,we have a lot of talk in these chapters o.

No short comments, make me laugh small??.

Blue hearts my lovelies???Peyton couldn’t sleep all night, she kept thinking about the trip.

She just kept thinking about everything, including Nolan.

****NEXT DAY****

5:00 am in the morning.

Peyton was woken up by her phone’s ringtone.

It was Nolan calling to remind her about the flight so she doesn’t over sleep.

“Good morning, sir” she greeted and Nolan greeted back.

“I will be your place in the next 20 mins,he said and hung up.

Peyton got out of the bed and hurriedly got ready.

She was done in no time.

She went to Skai’s room but found her still sleeping. She didn’t want to wake her up,so she left a note instead.

“You look beautiful” Nolan complemented the moment he saw her.

“Thank you” she simply said.


They were on board already and the plane was about taking off.

Nolan noticed the uneasiness on Peyton and wondered what what the problem is.

“Are you alright?” He asked calmly.

“I’m fine” she said, but she wasn’t looking fine.

The plane began taking off slowly,she became more uncomfortable.

Nolan sensed it immediately.

Yes,she’s scared of take offs and landings.

Just then,she felt Nolan’s hand holding hers and she felt better immediately.

“Relax” he smiled and said.

Peyton exhaled deeply like a log of wood has just been lifted off her shoulders.

She smiled back and relaxed.

The rest of the journey was in silence until the got to their destination.

They both left to the hotel Nolan had booked already, not far from where the competition was going to take place.

Nolan showed Peyton her room and went to his.

It was well decorated,with a queen sized bed,purple and a little touch of pink bedsheets.

Everything in the room was just magnificent. These were all Nolan’s handwork.

He just wanted her to feel comfortable.

She got and slumped on the bed.

“What a day” she said and went into the bathroom to have her bath.

Minutes later, she was done. She laid conformably on the bed when a knock came.

“Who’s there?” She asked.

“The attendant, ma” the person answered from outside.

She opened the door and saw him carrying food.

“Who’s the food for?”

“You” room 250 made an order minutes ago.

“Gosh!” This must be Nolan.

He must have told them the wrong room unknowing unknowingly,she thought and collected the food.

“Thank you” she simply said and closed the door.

Peyton wore something better,cause her nightie was a bit short,so she wore something better before leaving to give Nolan the food.

She still doesn’t know why she did not knock before entering, but she entered anyway.

The moment she opened the door…..

Nolan who just got out of the bathroom,wearing only his boxers that clung very tight on him,making his stuff kind of bulgy with his hot segzy body,and hard chest.

His hair dripping wet, making him look even hotter.

Nolan was still trying to dry his body with the towel,looking like a hot model.

Peyton neither moved nor say anything, but kept starring at him in amazement.


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