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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SCARY HOUSE – Episode 7

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Episode 7
Rick: there’s nothing here!
Cindy: believe me Rick this house is real bad..
Rick: u can’t make me scared, am not scared.
Rick’s POV
I don’t believe in ghost! It doesn’t exist..
I rushed back to d door with boldness to scare d dog away assuring myself that it’s just a mere dog but when I opened the door, d dog was no where to be found..
Mtcheeeew stupid dog(laughing) it’s gone..
Cindy: Rick will u b serious and try to see things like me..
Ghost do exist and it’s right here in this house and am sure they er watching us right now!
Me: enough Cindy!..
**As they were discussing, d someone passed through d door inside d house both Cindy and Rick turned and behold it was their mum Sarah..
Sarah: Cindy u er up already
Cindy: yes ma.. mum u shouldn’t b moving alone in this town it’s scary
Sarah: No baby it was actually fun viewing d area… have this in mind Cindy ” Ghosts don’t exist ok”
Cindy: mum they do
Sarah: soothe urself (walking upstairs)
Cindy went to her room leaving Rick in d sitting room who focused on d TV..
Rick picked up d remote and changed d channel, he sat comfortably to watch when d channel suddenly changed itself..
What just happened?
Rick took up d remote again changing d channel but it changed itself again!
Rick’s POV
I think something is wrong with this TV..
I stood up moving close to d TV, I really wanted to watch football badly but d TV is misbehaving! I angrily picked up d remote again and changed d channel and suddenly d remote hung on d air as if it was held by an invisible hand and d channel was changed again!
I dropped almost dead on seeing that, I wanted to scream but I held myself! How possible?
No it’s just an imagination
Am beginning to imagine things..ghost don’t exist!
I walked boldly and switched off d TV turning to walk to my room when some one shouted angrilly very close to my ear with a quack voice “WHY DID U SWITCH IT OFF!!!!!!!” I turned fearfully at d voice but I didn’t see anyone!
Who’s there? Show urself!!!
I started shifting backward and b4 I knew, I broke into a run out of d sitting room in d nearest room which was Cindy’s…I could hear some one laughing in d sitting room!!
Rick! What happened why er u like this? Cindy asked feeling surprised d way Rick entered her room shaking and breathing heavily!!
Rick: u er right Cindy, this house is bad
Cindy: I told u
Rick: we won’t stay here any longer! I will talk to mum and dad.

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