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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SCARY HOUSE – Episode 10

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**Scary House!**
Episode 10
like seriously is this a dream! Greene said fearfully..
Sarah: what er we still waiting for? Honey u have seen for urself, lets leave here now!
**Greene was in shock, as he looked around d tattered house, wind blew d windows and d torn dirty cottons were flying like flag..
suddenly d black man appeared sitting on an empty chair staring quietly, Greene was for d first time scared so he ran with his family heading to d door,
he opened d door and they made their way outside d house… immediately they got outside, d outside of d house automatically became d inside and it seems as if they were back in d house…
Cindy: what! I thought we were outside! how come..
Sarah was scared she hugged Cindy tightly and Rick held unto Greene who was so surprised and scared at d same time!
Greene’s POV
I thought things like this don’t exist….
I only see situations like this in stories, movies but it’s happening right under my nose..
God save us!
Rick: Dad d black man is coming to us!
Cindy hid her face in her mom’s clothes as Sarah clinged to Greene..
d face of d black man became visible and to their greatest surprise, d man doesn’t have eyes, nose or mouth! he was faceless
Cindy immediately remembered her dream about d kid she saw which was same as this black man!
Sarah could only scream but her voice was fading as she couldn’t shout out!
Greene: d@mn u! what do u want from me and my family!
d black man immediately stopped moving, he pointed at Cindy and said with a thunderous voice..
black man: u didn’t listen d words of this little girl haha..
her spirit belongs to this house!.and so is everyone of u matter how hard u try to run, u will still find urselves here..
**d black man spoke without mouth to d surprise of Greene and d was as if someone was talking behind him..
d black man: Greene what a pretty wife u have here! (moving closer to Sarah)
Sarah tried shifting backward but she was stiffed at a particular point!
black man: ur greatest mistake was stepping ur foot into my territory!!
**d black wanted to harm Sarah when Greene picked up a stick about hitting d man when he suddenly disappeared and d house returned to d beautiful house they knew, it was as if nothing happened!
d@mn! we won’t stay here any longer! Greene shouted angrilly
Cindy: dad we er trapped here.. we can’t get out!
if only u listen to me we wouldn’t have been in this problem..
u all thought I was insane..
Cindy’s POV
I walked angrily to my room, some how I knew we were already trapped here..
I entered my room shutting d door, I turned to see d scary eyes of my dolls and teddy bears staring at me, I summoned courage and moved to bed sitting down, immediately d light went off and a boy appeared to me..
it was d same boy I saw in my dream..
I was faceless just like d black man!
to my surprise I wasn’t that scared he only looked at me and spoke..
I wonder how they manage to speak without mouth
boy: Cindy(in a whisper) how er u..lets play hide and seek
me: what do you people want from us.. we made a mistake entering ur house pls let us go
boy: (laughing) ur spirit always belongs here! that’s why u always dream of this house! this is where u belong Cindy..
d boy disappeared and light turned on again!
**Greene, Sarah and Rick were still in d sitting room as They tried opening d door but it wasn’t complying..
Greene: we er indeed trapped here(sad)
I caused everything!. pls forgive me, I could have listened to Cindy
Sarah: don’t blame urself! I believe we will scape through this!
Greene: how?? there’s no way we can challenge that black spirit!
**as they discussing, sth suddenly entered Sarah’s body and started behaving strange..
Greene: what’s wrong honey
**Sarah made no response, her eyes were turning red and her fingers growing long
Rick: mum u er scaring us!
Greene: Rick get back from her! she’s not ur mum, I think she’s been possessed!

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