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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 79 & 80

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 79 & 80

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel




ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷


“Dad..” Aurelio muttered as more tears poured
out of his eyes

Almost immediately a loud noise was heard as
one side of the clan blew up and immediately
fire began spreading through the clan

Amour diverted her gaze to where the fire was
coming from and her eyes widened. The fire
was wild and was propagating further to the
parts of the clan

“No..” Amour whispered in shock.

Rexton used that short moment of distraction to
get a hold of his gun. He immediately raised the
gun to Aurelio and made to pull the trigger when
a gunshot was fired.

“Argh!” Rexton groaned out when the bullet took
his hand.

“Aurelio!” Viper said, running towards them. He
was the one who pulled the trigger at Rexton

Aurelio looked up at Rexton with red teary eyes.
He immediately stood up and grabbed his gun

“No… No…” Rexton began shifting backwards
with wide eyes as he shook his head in fear.

“Aurelio, please.. I’m-”

Aurelio didn’t give him time to finish his phrase
before he pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced
through Rexton’s tummy.

Aurelio brought out the pocket knife he had and
immediately stabbed Rexton on the tummy

“Argh!!!” Rexton cried out in agony.

Aurelio didn’t stop there, he kept stabbing him
over and over as Rexton’s agonized cries rented
the area. Rexton’s blood kept splashing on his
face as he stabbed him continuously with tears
in his eyes.

Amour looked away when the view became too
gruesome to look at. Rexton suffered
excruciating pain as Aurelio continuously
stabbed him over and over till he stopped

Rexton’s screams díed down as he gave up the
ghost but Aurelio kept stabbing him on and on.
Viper sighed and walked to him then pulled him

“Aurelio..” Viper held his arm. “Enough… He’s
déad already” Viper said.

The knife fell off Aurelio’s hand as he wailed
loudly. This is the first time Viper will be seeing
him cry. Viper pulled him to a hug which Aurelio
didn’t push him off.

“I’m sorry” Viper said, glancing at Godfather’s
déad body. He closed his eyes.

Amour watched them from where she sat on the
ground with tears in her eyes.

Viper released Aurelio shortly, holding his
shoulder. “Let’s get everyone out of here before
the clan burns down completely” Viper said and
Aurelio nodded.

Viper carried Godfather’s body and began
heading to the exit while Aurelio walked to
Amour, he squatted before her and cupped her

“Are you okay?” He asked

“I’m sorry” Amour muttered and Aurelio smiled
though deep down the smile meant the
complete opposite of what he was feeling.

He carried Amour up in a bridal. “Let’s go” He
said before heading to the exit with her

Those who were rescued from the attack were
standing at a safe end, watching as the clan
burnt down. Some were scared, some were
anxious, some were worried

“Look it’s Boss Aurelio!!” One of them said and
all eyes turned to the direction

👥 Godfather!!

👥 No!!

Tears and lamentation began when they saw
Viper walk towards them with Godfather’s body.
It’s true Godfather wasn’t the nicest of all but he
didn’t treat them like trash and loosing him was
a big grievance to the clan.

Viper dropped Godfather’s body down and the
corpse immediately got surrounded as they
cried and wailed. Viper’s eyes immediately
began darting around the crowd and when he
couldn’t see her, panic struck him

“Coralyn? Coralyn!” Viper shouted and made to
run back in the burning clan

“Adrian..” Her meek and soft voice hit his ears
and he immediately turned to see Coralyn
sitting on a rock with a sheet wrapped around

“Coralyn!” Viper immediately rushed to her and
cupped her cheek

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Viper asked and
Coralyn immediately broke down in tears

“I was so scared. I thought something bad
happened to you when I heard that gunshot”
Coralyn cried

Viper sighed out and hugged her body to
himself, kissing her hair in the process. Coralyn
hugged him back, burying her face on his chest.


“Please spare me..” Bonnie begged

Just looking at her body you can tell she was
badly beaten up to a point she couldn’t even
stand up. Raven smirked as she looked down at

“You’ve collected 4 bullets.. 6 more bullets to go,
come on! Stand up, I thought you were tough”
Raven said, looking at the gun in her hand.

She grabbed Bonnie’s head and hit it hard
against the wall before aiming her gun at her.
She was about to pull the trigger when the smell
of something burning hit her nostril

Raven looked up to see dark and thick smoke
over the place and before she could say
something, the whole place suddenly caught

The ceiling that was on fire suddenly scrap off
and began falling. Raven was lucky to dodge it
but the same thing couldn’t be said for Bonnie
as it fell directly on

“Aarrrgghh!!!! Aaarrrgghh!!! Arrggghh!!!” Bonnie
screamed as her whole body caught fire.

Raven looked at the fire with wide eyes, she
looked at her surrounding with wide eyes. Some
strange images of place on fire began flashing
through her mind

“Argh!” Raven fell down to her knees as an
unbearable headache hit her.

Her eyes widened. She could now remember
how her parents díed, it was through fire and

Raven’s eyes widened even more when
everything began gushing into her like an
adrenaline rush.

Who she is, who Amour is, what actually
happened… Everything began resurfacing back
into her.

Another piece of the ceiling scrapped off and
began falling directly towards her.

“Raven!!” Saint immediately pushed her off and
they rolled to one end of the area.

Saint coughed loudly, sitting up to look at Raven
he shielded with his body

“Are you okay?” Saint asked

“Amour… I need to see Amour” Raven muttered
with wide eyes, her voice even cracked at the

Saint looked towards the direction of Bonnie to
see she was nothing but grilled beef. He looked
at Raven and grabbed her hand

“Let’s get out of here” Saint said and led the way


“Mommy!” A young girl was seen crying loudly
while trying to open a door but to no avail.
Tears filled her eyes as she tried to open the
door that was stuck

Her mother was inside one of the room that
caught fire. She was still struggling to open the
door when a larger hand palmed her small ones.

With watery eyes, she looked up to see it was
none other than Flame.

“Step away from the door cutie” Flame said and
the girl obeyed

With force, Flame kicked the door and it broke
itself open.

“Mommy!” The girl exclaimed and the woman
trapped in there rushed out, hugging her
daughter tightly

“Quick, let’s leave now before the fire intensifies”
Flame said said and they nodded then began
rushing out of the room

The mother and the daughter got out but just
when Flame was about to cross, some planks
fell down, blocking the door.

“f-__-k!” Flame cussed and made to push off the
planks but the fire was too much

She coughed as she looked around for an
escape route but could see none. Will this really
be the end for her??

Flame coughed even more as the smoke
thickened more. She looked around the burning
room and a smile escaped her lips

If this was going to be the end for her then she’ll
be happy coz even if it was short, she got to
experience what happiness feels like

From the goofy friends she made in this clan to

“Cisco..” She muttered and just immediately,
someone broke through the burning planks and
rushed in.

“Cisco? What are you doing?” Flame exclaimed

“Being heroic of course” Cisco smirked, tapping
off his clothes that caught fire in the process.

“You-” Flame made to speak when the roof
collapsed, blocking the entrance again

“What did you do! You should have just saved
yourself, what if we díe!” Flame shouted.

“Then we díe together” Cisco said and Flame’s
eyes widened.

“If you’re going to díe then I’m coming along,
you and me it’s a ride or díe” Cisco said

“Cisco…” Flame muttered, not knowing what to
do with him.

“Just say you love me” Cisco smiled and
cupped her cheeks.

He began leaning for her lips when suddenly a
“squish” sound was heard and the fire burning
at the entrance was extinguished.

Someone kicked the woods off the entrance

“Cleopatra?” Flame and Cisco chorused when
they saw her with a fire extinguisher.

“We’re not in a Shakespearean drama, get your
àss out of there before I change my mind”
Cleopatra said.

Flame and Cisco looked at themselves and
smiled. They held hands and immediately
rushed out of the room before it burnt down

“This fire extinguisher won’t be enough to stop
the fire in the whole clan but it’ll be enough to
pave us a way out. Let’s go!!” Cleopatra said
and led the way

Flame and Cisco followed immediately.


“Amour, you can’t go in there” Aurelio said trying
to stop Amour who kept trying to stand up

“But my sister and Flame they’re-”

“Amour!!” Amour stopped talking when she
heard someone call her name. She turned to see
Raven running towards her with traces of tears
in her eyes


Raven immediately hugged her, shocking
Amour. Raven broke down in tears in her arms.

“Big sis…” Raven cried

Amour’s eyes widened even more, her eyes
immediately welled up and she slowly hugged
Raven back.

Finally, the moment she’s been waiting for so

“Boss, what are going to do now” One of the
clan’s members asked

Indigo, Scythe and Vitto came out intact too.
Aurelio looked at the clan that was almost

“We’ll do nothing” Aurelio muttered and all eyes

👥 What??

“You heard me right, we’ll do absolutely nothing.
Don’t you want a life free of blood, gore, and
crimes? Don’t you want to know how it really
feels like to see life in the bright way?” Aurelio

“Everyone deserves happiness, it doesn’t matter
if we’re a maid, guard or even a leader, we all
deserve happiness.” Aurelio said.

“Just like a phoenix, let’s rekindle from our
ashes and make our future a bright one. From
today, I declare that The Dark Bulls is déad.
Let’s create a bright and just legacy” Aurelio
said and almost immediately claps rented the

👥 Boss Aurelio!

👥 Boss Aurelio!

👥 Boss Aurelio!

Amour looked at him and couldn’t help but



Amour finished dressing up in her night gown.
Aurelio helped her treat her wound so she was
feeling better

Godfather’s body was taken to the morgue
already, Aurelio shared Godfather’s wealth to all
the workers in the clan so they could settle their
lives with it.

Amour walked out of the bathroom to see
Aurelio laying down on the bed while staring
blankly at the ceiling.

Amour sighed and walked to the bed. She
climbed the bed and sat up, looking at him

“You’re not okay… You know you can always
count on me right?” Amour said and Aurelio
smiled lightly.

“Tomorrow, I’ll be going to asyum to meet my
sister and I can’t help but wonder, what if it’s
fake too? What if she actually díed… Am I a bad
luck? Why does everyone I love end up dying
before me and no matter how strong I get I can’t
save them” Aurelio asked

Amour sighed and cupped his cheek, Aurelio
looked at her. She used her thumb to clean the
traces of tears in his eyes.

“Don’t think that… Be positive, I’m sure you’ll
meet your sister tomorrow. Know that no matter
what, you have me by your side” Amour said
and kissed his forehead

Aurelio looked at her for awhile before he
hugged her waist, placing his head on her

“Can I stay like this for awhile?” Aurelio
muttered and Amour nodded, bringing her hand
to his hair.

“I love you” She whispered, gently patting his



Aurelio and Amour could be seen sitting in the
waiting room while holding hands. They arrived
not long ago and when they told one of the
workers who they came to see, they
immediately directed them to the waiting

Seconds became like hours for Aurelio as he sat
they nervously holding onto Amour’s hand.
Amour rubbed his shoulder and he turned to her

“It’ll be alright” She said and he nodded

Almost immediately the door opened and a lady
dressed in white gestured for them to follow her
which they immediately did so.

“We’re really happy you came by, it’s been 20
years since she was brought here by a man and
since then no one has stopped by to check on
her. She has a mental disorder, the sight of men
provokes this sense of danger and anger in her
to a point that if not tamed she can kíll the
person and she won’t speak to anyone, during
the first 3 years she was brought here all what
she kept saying was “Aurelio” or something but
after those years she stopped talking, all what
she does is stare blankly at space” The woman
narrated and Aurelio nodded.

They stopped in front of a door. “She’s in here,
are you sure you wanna see her? It’s pretty risky
for you since you’re a man” The lady said and
Aurelio nodded

“I’ll take the risk” Aurelio said and the lady
nodded before opening the door for him

Aurelio stepped in the room and his eyes went
immediately to the figure that was sitting on the
bed, playing with toys with a blank expression
on her face

Aurelio’s heart kept palpitating more and more
as he advanced towards her. He stopped before

“Amelia..” He called and the figure looked up

Aurelio’s eyes widened as he felt his heart
getting overwhelmed by a feeling he thought
has díed. It’s her, it’s really her..

Apart from the fact that Aurelio was a man and
she was a woman, they were almost identical.
Same color of eyes, same shape of lips,
everything was the same.

“Amelia” A drop of tear fell from Aurelio’s eyes.

He stretched his hand to touch her and she
quickly shifted away, hugging her body as she

More tears fell from Aurelio’s eyes as he stares
at her. He had no idea what those men did to
her will turn her to this.

“Amelia it’s me, Aurelio remember?” Aurelio said
but Amelia kept hugging her body.

Aurelio cleaned his tears and smiled,
remembering one of his conversation with her in
the past. “Mommy, Amelia is watching weird
things again” Aurelio said and Amelia
immediately looked at him.

“Au-Aurelio?” She muttered and Aurelio nodded
with a smile.

“Yes.. It’s me” He said.

Amelia’s eyes widened. She slowly brought her
hand to touch his face. Her eyes immediately
became watery

“Aurelio” She broke down in tears and
immediately jumped on him, hugging him

“I missed you” Aurelio said, crying too

“Aurelio!” Amelia kept calling as she cried loudly

Amour who was watching the emotional scene,
cleaned her tears and smiled.

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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