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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 73 & 74

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 73 & 74

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel




ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷

✰{ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐇 (𝟐) }✰

He brought out his gun, aiming it at Godfather

“How could you do this to me!!” Aurelio said

His eyes was bloodshot, both in rage and the
feeling of getting betrayed.

“Aurelio!!” Cleopatra exclaimed. One could see if
care isn’t taken, he’s going to pull the trigger.

Godfather stared at Aurelio with a shocked look
on his face. His lips got bursted and was

Amour barged in the room and rushed to the
scene. The guards who went after her
immediately stopped when they saw the scene
before them.

“Aurelio, please bring down the gun” Amour held
his hand but Aurelio was still obstinate.

“Everyone, leave” Godfather said without taking
his eyes off Aurelio.

“But-” Cheetah who made to protest was
stopped by Viper

“You heard what Godfather said” Viper said and
dragged her out.

The rest followed, leaving just Aurelio, Amour
and Godfather.

“Aurelio, drop the gun!” Amour pleaded and
Amour finally relented.

Aurelio looked at Godfather and ran his hands
through his hair.

“Let me guess, you found out I ordered that
wretched woman to be kílled” Godfather

“How dare you!” Aurelio pointed back his gun at
him then clicked the gun, ready to $h00t.

“You really wanna $h00t me because of her? Do
you have any idea of who she is!! I instead did
you a favor!!” Godfather yelled, standing up.

Aurelio and Godfather began glaring at each
other. The tension in the room even became
more intense.

“That woman… Do you have any idea of what
she did to me” Godfather muttered, his voice

Aurelio clenched his fist tighter unto the gun.

“Did you ever ask me why I never approved of
your relationship with this girl? It’s not just
about her being a spy. It’s because I don’t want
you do the same mistake as me!! Falling in love
with someone who’ll only break you at the end!!”
Godfather raised his voice.

“Huh?” Aurelio raised his brows.

“A couple of decades back when I was around
your age, a lady arrived this clan as a maid.
With the purest smile I’ve ever seen, eyes that
could melt any cold heart. She became my
personal maid and I fell in love with her. I loved
her with everything in me, gave her everything
she wanted and she loved me back too.. Well I
thought she did” Godfather muttered.

“I woke up one day to see she ran away with
some of the clan’s wealth and left a note
behind. It was all just all a facade from her, it
was all just a lie for a her to get to my wealth
and once she had what she wanted, she left. So
I did what I had to do, I ended her” Godfather
said with a dark look on his face

The gun fell off Aurelio’s hand, making a thud
sound of the ground as he looked at Godfather
in shock.

No way, there’s no way his mother did all this.
His mother was the sweetest woman ever, she
wouldn’t do such a thing to him.

Aurelio’s eyes widened when another fact hit his
head hard. His mind suddenly went to one of
his discussion with his mother when she was
still alive.



7 years old Aurelio could be seen resting his
head on his mother’s thigh as she stroke his
hair with a warm smile on her lips

His twin sister was seen playing with the

“Mom..” Aurelio suddenly call

“A family is made up of a the kids, mother and
the father. Why is ours different? Why don’t we
have a father?” Aurelio asked.

Evelyn smiled as she stroke his hair. A tinge of
sadness could be seen behind that smile

“Let’s say our family wasn’t meant to be
complete. Some bad guys were against our
bond and in order for peace to reign sometimes
you have to be the bad person” Evelyn said and
Aurelio nodded, even though he understood
nothing of what she said

“Lio..” Evelyn muttered.

“When you grow up and you one day meet your
father. Please don’t h@ťě him, okay?” Evelyn

“Mom, why are you crying?” Aurelio muttered
and Evelyn cleaned the tears, she didn’t know
escaped her eyes.

“It’s nothing. Let’s join Amelia” Evelyn said and
they joined Aurelio’s sister to play


Aurelio blinked twice, coming back to reality. He
shook his head in disbelief, now it all makes
sense to him

Without warning, he landed another punch on
Godfather’s face.

“Aurelio!” Amour gasped.

“So because of that, you ended her life? Did you
even love her in the first place!! What if she was
forced to leave you? What if she was
thr_@tened! What if she actually had kids!!”
Aurelio yelled, tears could be seen in his eyes.

Godfather’s eyes widened. “A son?”

“You ki||ed my mother and my sister..” Aurelio
said with a broken voice and Godfather’s eyes
widened beyond compare.

Does that means Aurelio is his real son? He
adopted his real son without knowing? Evelyn
had a daughter too? He ki||ed his own daughter


“I’d never had imagine this will be how I’ll get to
know who’s my real dad. Had I known I’ll have
never wished to have one” Aurelio said.

“You have no idea of how I despise you right
now.. Believe me, the next time our paths cross..
You’ll díe!” Aurelio spatted and stormed out

“Aurelio!” Amour went after him

Godfather stormed on the chair with his eyes so
wide, it was almost popping out.

Viper and the rest who were outside, waiting to
know what will happen watched as the door
swung open at full force and Aurelio stormed
out of the room without sparing anyone a
glance nor word

“Aurelio!!” Amour made to go after him but
Flame suddenly held her wrist, stopping her.

“Just let him be. I don’t know what’s happening
but I feel like he needs some alone time” Flame

Amour looked at Flame before looking at
Aurelio’s car that was already leaving the clan

Amour bit her lips and sighed loudly.



Aurelio’s car roughly drove inside the mansion
and he got down the car. Tears was still
blinding his eyes as he walked to the entrance
of the building but before he got to the entrance,
he fell to his knees as he cried even more

There’s nothing he has ever thirsted for more
than vengeance, to kíll all those who were
responsible for the déad of his mother and
sister and now that he found out, it turns out to
be his father whom he had also wished he

Aurelio looked up at the sky as the memory of
his childhood flooded his mind with the tears
dropping off his eyes.

What does he do now?

The only thing that could calm his anger is if he
transferred his anger to something and luckily
there’s something,, or should I say someone.

Aurelio stood up and immediately walked in the



Amour walked through the garden in the
mansion, she didn’t know she was ever going to
miss this place but strangely she does

“Amour!!” Someone screamed her name from
behind and before Amour could turn the person
jumped on her, hugging her tightly

Amour smiled and hugged her back. “CoCo”
Amour smiled.

“I missed you so much!! You had no idea how
scared I was, I thought something would have
happen!! I thought I would have lost another
friend!!” Coralyn said loudly, already crying.

“I’m fine, don’t worry” Amour rubbed her back

“Are you sure you’re okay? What about those
bruises they gave you?” Coralyn asked,
checking her out.

“I’m completely fine” Amour smiled and Coralyn
smiled too.

She looked up to see Raven who was standing
not far from them, looking at her. She
immediately looked away and began leaving
when Amour looked at her.

“Give me few minutes” Amour said and
immediately went after Raven

“Sis!” Amour suddenly hugged her from behind

“Get away from me would you?” Raven pushed
her away with a deep frown on her face

“Is it me or do you look flustered” Amour grinned
and Raven rolled her eyes.

“Thank you for trying to help me.” Amour smiled

“Don’t think too much, it’s because of Boss
Demetrius I did it” Raven rolled his eyes and
Amour bit her lips.

“Raven.. He is déad” Amour muttered and
Raven’s eyes widened

Raven made to speak but Saint suddenly

“Hey there” Saint smiled and Amour smiled back

“Can I take Raven with me? I want to show her
something” Saint said and Amour nodded

Saint immediately took Raven away. From the
look on her face, she had something to say but
was too shocked to speak

“Amour” Flame walked to Amour who smiled

“I didn’t realize I missed you all so much” Amour

“I’m glad you chose him over the mission”
Flame said

“And I hope you do same Flame, you deserve to
be happy. Besides Demetrius is history” Amour
held Flame’s shoulder

“Yes, but with him gone another menace has
risen… Rexton” Flame said

“What?” Amour raised a brow

“Rexton escaped and with Demetrius gone
means he’s now the new leader. You know he
has this unhealthy obsession with you right?
Besides it’s not just it, I feel like someone helped
him escape” Flame said

“It’s Cheetah” Amour said without hesitation and
Flame furrowed her brows.


“Cheetah told me herself. She helped him
escape” Amour said

“You guys should keep an eye on her. Her
obsession for Aurelio and power will lead her to
a place that will be the end of her” Amour said.

“I need to go now. Aurelio might be-”

“Cheetah was the one who poisoned you” Flame
muttered and Amour’s eyes widened

“Cheetah poisoned you then. She’s the one
responsible for your miscarriage” Flame
muttered and Amour’s eyes widened even more

So it’s Cheetah, she’s the reason why she lost
her baby. The reason why she almost lost her

Amour folded her fist tightly and before Flame
could speak anymore, she walked out

“Wait, Amour!”



“Please, don’t do this to me. Please spare me, I
beg you” Arthur begged Aurelio who didn’t look
like he was going to give him a listening ear

A small cage was placed on his belly with three
huge mouse on his tummy. His hands and legs
were tied down and he was made to lay on the

The man had so many bruises on his face and
body, given to him by Aurelio.

“Godfather ordered you to kíll just my mother.
Why did my sister do to you then?” Aurelio
sneered angrily

He place a hot iron on top of the cage. The heat
made the mouse to become alert as they
sensed danger so they began finding a way to
escape the cage and the only way to escape
was to eat through the man’s belly so the began
biting and gnawing on his body

“Please!! No!! I beg you!!” The man began
screaming and struggling and screaming in

In no time the mouse are going through eat out
his intestines.

“Stop!! No!! She’s alive!!” The man screamed out
in fear.

Aurelio looked at him. “What?”

“Your mother died, but your sister is alive. The
bullet didn’t ki|| her, I noticed at the last minutes
that she was alive so I took her at the hospital!!
She’s currently at an asylum!!” The man said in
a rush

Aurelio’s eyes widened. His sister is alive??



At the hallways of the cellroom, Cheetah could
be seen standing there making a phone call. It
was the only place that had nobody around

“There’s chaos in the clan and Godfather is not
stable too. So I think this period of time is the
best moment to attack, don’t worry I’ll take care
of Viper” Cheetah said on the phone

“Great, anything else?”

“Not really, it’s just that-” Cheetah stopped
talking when she heard noise behind her.

She turned to see Amour approaching her
slowly with a smile on her face, a smile that
held nothing but danger in it

“You” Cheetah smirked, lowering her phone.

“Constantly trying to sabotage me, you tried to
turn Aurelio against me, you even lied on me
and I was almost beheaded, now I hear you
made me lose my baby” Amour laughed. Her
laughed fell completely the next second.

“That’s enough, I think you’ve wasted enough
oxygen on this earth. Don’t you think so?”

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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