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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 69 & 70

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 69 & 70

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel

ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷


Aurelio held a cold look on his face, he was
dressed in all black.

“Get down the car Demetrius… We have some
talking to do”

Demetrius stared at him, both in confusion and
in surprise. Aurelio came in person? To him?

Demetrius men immediately got down the car,
surrounding Aurelio’s car as they aimed their
guns at him. They were like about 30 in number

Aurelio didn’t even move, he stood there with his
hands in his pocket. “It’s Demetrius I came for”
Aurelio said, looking at them.

Aurelio a step forth and they clicked their guns,
ready to $h00t him. Aurelio smirked at them.

“I’ll advise you not to move an inch, for the
second you do will be your last second on earth”
Aurelio muttered.

One of Demetrius men paid deaf ear and made
to pull the trigger but almost immediately, a gun
shot was fired. It took the man’s head, busting
his skull into two

The other men immediately stood more alert.
Aurelio smirked even more. “I warned you” He

The men looked up to see an helicopter flying
above them. The helicopter was high so they
didn’t hear it’s noise.

They could vividly see a figure pointing a sniper
at them and that figure was none other than
Flame with Cisco piloting the helicopter.

“$h|t! $h00t!!” Demetrius spatted and his men
began $h00ting at the helicopter. Flame
effortlessly took them down

Demetrius men made to $h00t Aurelio but
another bullet took him from behind. They
turned to see Viper coming out of the dark,
dressed in all black.

“It’s been long I’ve had a blood bath. Time for
the fun” He smirked and brought out a dagger
from his pocket

Holding his gun on one hand with a dagger on
the other Viper launched at them, $h00ting and
slashing throats.

Demetrius car immediately drove out of the
area. Aurelio hopped in his car and began
chasing after him

The chase was hot, every bend Demetrius will
take, Aurelio will also take. Some cars almost
collided against each other due to the speed
they drove across them.

Aurelio began catching up with Demetrius’s car
and he collided his car against Demetrius car
with the aim of making him look balance but
Demetrius wasn’t ready to back down

He sped up ahead of Aurelio. Aurelio smirked
and slowed down then took the road of the

Demetrius smirked and immediately brought out
his phone, calling Rexton.

“What do you want?”

“Track my phone down and come to the
location I am with our men, it’s time to take
Aurelio down” Demetrius said and immediately
hung up.

He looked back to see no traces of Aurelio,
meaning he outsped him but the moment he
looked from his eyes widened and before he
suddenly stepped on the brake when he saw
Aurelio’s car blocking his path.

Aurelio immediately brought out his gun and
shut at the car. Demetrius immediately bent
when the bullet took the front glass shattering it

Demetrius immediately picked his gun too and
opened his car. He got down his car and began
$h00ting at Aurelio as he ran to the woods
nearby for shield.

Aurelio shot back at him but it didn’t take him
for he had already sheltered himself. Aurelio
immediately went after him in the woods.

It was dark with only the sounds of crickets
renting the area filled with tall trees.

“You have nowhere to hide Demetrius. Just tell
me how to give back Amour’s sister’s memories
and I’ll think if I should let you live” Aurelio said
from his hiding

Demetrius smirked from his hiding. “So you now
know? That means my secret weapon is still
alive” Demetrius chuckled.

Aurelio immediately shot the direction he heard
Demetrius’s voice coming from and Demetrius
immediately ducked.

“$h|t” Demetrius hissed checking his
ammunition. He had little bullet left in his gun
and there’s no spare bullet.

“Give up Demetrius… No matter how hard you
try, you’ll never defeat me. And you know that,
that’s why you resort in using her to get to me…
Such a cheap move coming from you” Aurelio
said scornfully.

Demetrius gritted his teeth in anger and
immediately came out to $h00t Aurelio but
Aurelio swiftly shot his thigh

“f-__-k!!” Demetrius cried out.

Aurelio began running to him and Demetrius
hissed, running further into the woods while
turning back to $h00t Aurelio

Aurelio dodged the bullet by hiding behind the
trees while tailing on his back. Demetrius
stopped when he saw a river before him- a déad

He clicked on his gun but no bullet was coming
out. He steps behind him and he turned to see
Aurelio pointing his gun at him.

“The hide and seek is over” Aurelio said

Demetrius glared at him. “I need to find
something to delay him while I wait for Rexton”
Demetrius thought.

“I’ll tell you everything you need to know about
the memory editing procedure… If you fight me
on an arm to arm combat” Demetrius smirked.

Aurelio looked at his gun. He smirked and threw
it down then began advancing towards

“Bring it on” He muttered and launched at him



Amour stared at the moon from the window,
sighing for the uptenth time. It’s been more than
an hour yet Aurelio hasn’t returned.

Aurelio told her he was going to attend an
urgent meeting but she wasn’t buying any of
those, she saw the anger he was trying to mask
up earlier and just with that, God knows what he
went to do

She tried stopping him but he was obstinate.
Amour couldn’t help but have a bad feeling
about everything.

She sighed and close the window. Amour turned
to see Aurelio’s desktop computer was still on
so she went and made to turn it off when
something caught her attention

“Arthur Gonzales?” She read the name and
furrowed her brows. She has surely heard that
name before

Her eyes widened when she remembered.
Godfather!, he said that name on the phone
when she went to serve him

“Could they be the same person?” Amour
thought and clicked on the folder.

Her eyes furrowed when she saw all the
personal information of the person. The picture
of a man with only one eye, his age, occupation,
address, location and every other thing.

“Who is this person?” Amour thought and
brought out her phone, taking a picture of the
man on the screen before leaving the mansion


“Argh!!” Demetrius groaned when Aurelio gave
him another kick on the face. Demetrius’s face
was completely unrecognizable at the moment
as it was covered in ugly wounds and blood

Aurelio also had wounds on his face but it
wasn’t as much as Demetrius

Demetrius looked up at Aurelio and he noticed
on thing, Aurelio was breathing heavily while
holding onto the side on tummy.

“Is he wounded?” Demetrius thought

Aurelio walked to him and grabbed him by the
collar then gave him another heavy punch

“Are you ready to talk?” Aurelio muttered.

Demetrius swiftly punched Aurelio on his

“Argh!!” Aurelio groaned loudly, falling
backwards to the ground.

Demetrius gathered up strength and
immediately a sharp stick, aiming to stand
Aurelio’s wound. Aurelio swiftly brought out
another gun and shot his tummy

Demetrius froze on his spot with wide eyes. His
knees slowly dropped down to the floor.

“You think I’m stupid enough to just let my
guard down with you?” Aurelio smirked and
clicked his gun, ready to $h00t again.

Fear immediately gripped Aurelio.

“I’ll talk.. I’ll tell you everything you need to
know” Demetrius gasped as blood gushed out
of his mouth but Aurelio pulled the trigger

It took his tummy again..

“You’ve wasted enough of my time” Aurelio said
and pulled the last trigger.

Demetrius immediately stopped moving. Aurelio
breathed heavily, holding his wound that go
reopened and was already bleeding.

“Bastard” Aurelio cussed wiping off the blood
off his lips

He looked around the woods and began walking



Cisco safely landed the helicopter and Flame
hopped down, walking to Viper who was on a
phone call.

The air that was noisy with bullets flying around
became silent as the déad bodies of Demetrius
men decorated the floor with the blood.

Actually Aurelio who contacted Viper and asked
him to come with two other members so Viper
went for Cisco and Flame.

“Okay, take care if you sustained injuries” Viper
said and hung up then faced Cisco and Flame.

“So.. How is Boss?” Flame asked.

“He succeeded in eliminating Demetrius” Viper
said and Flame eyes brighten happily.

“Wow” Cisco smiled.

“He will be heading straight to his mansion so I
think we should also head back to the clan
before the cops arrive here” Viper said and
headed to his car.

He entered and drove off immediately.

Flame smiled happily. Finally the major
headache in her and Amour’s life is gone

She looked at Cisco and her smile fell then she
made to leave too but Cisco grabbed her wrist.

“Are we going to continue like this? We’ve been
giving each other the silent treatment for almost
a week now. Is it a breakup?” Cisco said

“Of course not!” Flame immediately said.

“Then why are you mad at me? Did I made a
huge mistake by trying to stop you from getting
into trouble?” Cisco asked and grabbed her

“Why? Why do I always have to be the one to
apologize in this relationship. For something I
know nothing of? I thought you loved me, then
why are you so secretive with me? Why are you
constantly hiding things from me?” Cisco

“What if I’m scared huh? What if I’m scared that
if you find out, you’re gonna leave me!” Flame
snapped back.

“I’m the third spy, here I’ve said it! Are you
happy!!” Flame said and Cisco froze, staring at
her with wide eyes.

“Just like Amour and Rexton I was sent here to
give them a helping hand in destroying this
clan. I’m the third spy” Flame said and looked at

She smiled sadly. “This look on your face..
That’s what I was so scared of seeing. What
now? You’re going to h@ťě me just like everyone
h@ťěs Amour huh? You’re gonna judge me too?
All my whole life the only thing I was thought
was how to ki||, how am I supposed to act like
all girls do? How am I supposed to love you like
other girls will do when I don’t even know how
to love myself” Flame spoke as tears poured
down her cheek.


Cisco pulled her in a hug when Flame was
about to continue speaking. He gently patted
her hair

“I’m sorry” He muttered.

Flame slowly closed her eyes and buried her
face on his chest, crying so loudly.

“Please don’t h@ťě me… Don’t judge me…
Please… Please don’t leave me” She hugged him
tightly as she cried



Rexton walked into the bush, pointing his torch
around in search of Aurelio and Demetrius. Due
to traffic he arrived a little bit late but when he
arrived he saw no one so he asked the men to
disperse and search for them.

Rexton immediately stopped walking when he
heard some rustling sound coming from a
direction. He turned to see a body laying on the

Rexton immediately became alerted and
brought out his gun, slowly approaching the

His eyes widened when he saw it was

“Father!” He immediately rushed to him.

Demetrius parted his eyes slowly. Earlier, he
actually pretended just so Aurelio could leave.


Rexton stared at him with eyes before he slowly
smiled. His next words shocked Demetrius to
the core

“Why should I?” Rexton muttered.

He chuckled and squatted in front of him.

“I mean, if you happen to be déad… All your
belongings will go to me and that includes the
clan so why should I save you” Rexton muttered,
slowly pointing his gun and Demetrius

Demetrius’s eyes widened. “Rexton.. I-I’m y-your

Rexton smirked even more.

“And you raised me to become this person so
you have yourself to be blame. Goodbye”
Rexton muttered and immediately pulled the
trigger twice.

The bullet pierced through Demetrius heart and
he díed on the spot.

Rexton smiled widely.



Amour stood outside the club staring at the exit
of the club while checking the time. The door to
the exit opened and a man walked out with two
women by his side.

One look at them, one could tell they were high
on alcohol. Amour checked her phone and it
was indeed the man, she immediately walked to

“Excuse me, are you by chance named Arthur
Gonzales” Amour asked

The drunk man looked at her from head to toe
with an unfriendly look on his face

“What do you want?” He drawled.

“Do you know anybody by name… Aurelio
Giovanni?” Amour asked and the man’s eyes
widened. It seemed like the alcohol immediately
cleared off his eyes at the mention of that name

“No.. No..” He muttered and immediately took to
his heels

“Hey!” Amour pushed those women aside and
began chasing after him.

Another hot chase began with the man running
like his life depended on it and Amour tailing
after him. Amour swiftly grabbed a stick and
aimed for his leg.

That tackled him and he stumbled down. Before
he could get up Amour grabbed his collar

“Please don’t kíll me!!” The man began begging
while crying.

“I swear I didn’t mean to kíll nor rape his sister. I
was just doing my job, please spare my life. I
have kids” The man cried with the only eye he

Amour’s eyes widened. “Who.. Who sent you?”
She asked.

The man looked down in fear. When Amour saw
he was willing to cooperate she landed a punch
on his face

“f-__-king speak!!” She spatted.

“It’s the leader of the Dark Bulls!!” The man
shouted out.

“It’s Godfather, he was the one who sent me to
ki|| them!!”

Amour’s eyes widened

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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