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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 67 & 68

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 67 & 68

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel



ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷


Viper who was looking completely uninterested
immediately looked at Godfather in shock

“What?” He muttered

“What!!!!!” Cheetah exclaimed loudly

Cheetah looked at Viper with wide eyes. Viper
couldn’t hide the shocked look on his face as he
looked at Godfather.

One person began clapping, then two and next
minutes the hall was heating up with loud
claps. Godfather gestured for Viper and he
slowly began walking towards Godfather

Coralyn clapped for him with a slight smile on
her lips. She didn’t know if she should be happy
or worried

Cheetah stared at Viper with bloodshot eyes.
How!! Why him!! How the hell did he got

“Godfather..” Viper muttered as Godfather stood

“Adrian, amongst all the members here you’re
the closest to Aurelio so I trust you have picked
some of his traits in leadership. I know you’re
going to do a great job as my successor.”
Godfather said, placing his hand on his

“But.. Godfather I’m not your real son nor your
adoptive son” Viper muttered.

“It doesn’t matter. The talent and ski||s is what
matters.” Godfather said.

Viper looked down. He turned his gaze towards
where Coralyn was standing to see looked
happy yet he could see she was worried.

If he refuses now, then Cheetah will
automatically be picked and if Cheetah takes
over the clan, that just means they’re all

“Fine, I’ll be your successor.. But on one
condition” Viper said.


“You won’t dictate to me what I do with my life,
I’m not Aurelio who’s your adopted son. I’ll do
what pleases me with me my original life. I’m
free to love, date and marry who I want” Viper
said with a straight face.

Godfather’s gaze darkened and he turned his
gaze to Coralyn. It was no secret to everyone in
the clan that there’s a romantic relationship
between Viper and Coralyn so Godfather knows.

“She’s been in this clan for more than 2 years.
There’s no way she’s going to betray us”
Godfather thought, staring at Coralyn.

“Fine” Godfather said and walked away.

Godfather didn’t like that idea but he didn’t have
a choice. Just the thought that Aurelio had to
put him in this situation made him angrier

“I’ll make sure you crawl back begging me to
take you back Aurelio” Godfather thought as he
left the hall.

Viper breathed out and smiled, looking at
Coralyn. Coralyn slowly smiled back.

👥 Boss!! Boss!! Boss!!

If looks could ki||, Viper will be déad by now due
to how much Cheetah was glaring at him. She
stormed out of the hall immediately out of rage.



Amour woke up few minutes ago to see the bed
was empty so she left the room in search of
Aurelio. The moment she stepped foot out of
the room, her nose was welcomed with a
delicious aroma floating in the air.

She followed the aroma and that let her to the
kitchen. A smile escaped her lips when she saw
Aurelio there

He had an apron as he mixed the flour while
peering at his phone, following the tutorial.

Amour looked at the counter to see the chicken
she smelled from afar and couldn’t help but
smile more. Was he cooking for her?

Aurelio was so concentrated in what he was
doing that he didn’t notice her presence, not
until she hugged him from behind.

“Love..” Aurelio called, looking slightly surprised.
He smiled and pecked her forehead before he
resumed following the tutorial.

“Did you cook for me?” Amour asked

“Of course. You’re still recovering so I didn’t
want you to stress” Aurelio said with his eyes
glued on his phone.

Amour smiled more. “What are you making?”
She asked cutely

“I’m making cake for desert”

Amour nodded before she walked to the counter
and hop on top of it, swinging her legs to and
fro as she watched him cook.

Aurelio finished then he poured the mixture in
the cake molder before setting it in the oven.

“Do you know an even more delicious desert
than cake?” Amour smirked

“What?” Aurelio muttered, coming closer to her.

“Me” Amour grinned.

Aurelio smirked and wrapped his hands around
her waist while standing in between her thigh.

“It’s not really wise to tempt me in this state”
Aurelio smirked.

“I love danger” Amour winked.

Aurelio chuckled and pecked her lips. “You’re
becoming to naughty” He said, tucking a piece
of her hair behind her ear.

“I have a sister” Amour suddenly said.

“Really?” Aurelio asked and she nodded

“It’s Raven, our newest recruit. I and Raven we
were inseparable not until our parents got ki||ed
in a war, leaving us with completely nothing. We
struggled to survive, ate from the dumps until
Demetrius found us” Amour said

Aurelio furrowed his brows. “Demetrius… He’s
the head of our rival clan” Aurelio muttered.

“Yeah, he found and took us in. I thought he
was our savior, little did I know he was taking us
to hell. He forcefully took away my sister from
me and in exchange of my sister’s life I had to
be his tool. I had no choice to agree. He trained
me for 6 years and all through those years, I
never saw my sister. Not even once” Amour said
and sniffed. She brought her hands to her eyes
to clean her tears

“I’m sorry” Aurelio said softly

The words rolled out of his mouth in a soft way,
but deep down his heart was already burning
with anger.

“I became Lady Red, his strongest weapon… I
kílled all his enemies for him till I was sent on a
mission to kíll his biggest target- you and
Godfather” Amour said.

“My mission was to eliminate you two and for
that to be possible he thought of wiping my
memories and implanting fake ones to make
sure I wouldn’t think of betraying him once I get
to your clan. Flame and Rexton were sent along
to back me up. Now weeks ago, he gave me
back my memories, only for me to realize he did
the same thing he did to me to my sister and
now my sister h@ťěs me and wants to kíll me. In
exchange for Raven’s memories I had to
eliminate my targets” Amour said.

“That’s it.. That’s everything about me” Amour
smiled sadly

Aurelio breathed out. He cupped her cheek and
pressed his lips softly against hers for some
seconds before he broke the kiss.

“I’m sorry you had to go through all this..
Because of me, to think that I’m the key of you
gaining back your sister’s memories if you ki||ed
me” Aurelio muttered.

“That’s never gonna happen! I’m never gonna do
that to you, that’ll kíll me” Amour quickly said.

Aurelio cupped her cheek and smiled. “I know”
He said.

“I promise I’ll take it as my duty. I’ll find ways to
make your sister gain back her memories, I
promise” Aurelio said

“Thank you” Amour smiled

Aurelio smiled and hugged her. The moment he
hugged her, his smile fell and was replaced with
the darkest look Aurelio has ever had on his

“I swéar you’re gonna díe by my hands
Demetrius” He thought, glaring at nothing in



“This clan looks boring without Boss” Indigo
sighed out.

“Hey should we quit too?” Vitto muttered.

“Good idea” Indigo winked.

Scythe shook his head as he watched them. He
stood up from his seat

“Who wants coffee?” He asked.

“Me!” Indigo and Vitto chorused.

“Coming in a jiffy” Scythe before leaving the lab.

Indigo’s gaze followed him till he left the lab.
She sighed out.

“Why is he friendly when we’re in group but he
avoids me when it’s just the two of us. Is her
mad at me?” Indigo thought sadly.

“Digo?” Vitto called and she faced him


“I have something to tell you, something I’ve
been keeping in me for a long time now” Vitto

“What? You love me is that it?” Indigo winked

“I love you Indigo” Vitto muttered.

“Huh?” Indigo’s smile immediately fell. “You’re
joking.. Right?” Indigo laughed nervously

Vitto smiled and took her hand. “I’m not, I really
do love you… A lot” Vitto muttered.

Indigo stared at him for a while. She bit her lips
and looked down, searching for what to tell him

“Vitto, I’m sorry I-“

“It’s okay” Vitto cut her off.

“It was clearly evident that you saw me as a
close friend and I don’t want to ruin it. I just
wanted to get it off my chest” Vitto smiled.

“Thank you” Indigo smiled slowly.

“You should tell him how you feel, Scythe is
really hot. It will be easy for another girl to win
him over” Vitto said.

“Huh? What? I_I’m not interested in his okay?”
Indigo quickly said, trying to hide the blush on
her face.

Vitto scoffed scornfully. “I see” He said

Almost immediately, Scythe walked in with their
cups of coffee.

“Thanks bro” Vitto muttered when Scythe gave
him his own

“Here’s yours” Scythe handed the other one to
Indigo who took it with a cute smile on her face

She took a sip from it and her eyes brightened.
“How do you know I didn’t like my coffee too
hot?” She said

Scythe just smiled and took a sip from his own
cup. Indigo stared at him, she didn’t know when
she smiled

Vitto looked at the two of them and smiled
lightly, taking a sip from his own cup

“You’ve won this round Scythe” He thought.



The bar was usually relatively empty on day
time, just few people were seen occupying the

Cheetah was seen, drinking like a fish. She
finished her sixth bottle and ran her hands in
her hair.

No matter how much she drinks, she can’t seem
to get drunk. The flashbacks of all her failure
kept resurfacing in her mind.

“Ahhh!!!” She threw the bottle against the wall,
shattering loudly.

The people in the bar turned to her.

“Miss this will be added to your bill” The
bartender said but she didn’t spare him a

“Drinking? Has it gotten to this level?” A voice
spoke, sitting down next to her.

Cheetah turned to her side to see it was Rexton.
She looked back front and resumed drinking

“Let me guess, another of your dream was
crushed” Rexton chuckled

“Get out” Cheetah said and glared at him.

“Aren’t you tired of that clan? Don’t you wanna
be finally respected and treated like the queen
you are?” Rexton said and Cheetah looked at

“Join me, join our clan and have everything with
a flick of a finger. Since you can’t shine by
being the good girl, it’s time to shine by being
the villain of the story. Let’s destroy them and
take over the clan” Rexton smirked

Cheetah looked at him from head to toe. She
slowly smiled.



Demetrius was sitting like a king in his car while
his men drove to the clan. One of his men’s cars
followed behind him

His head was down, pressing his phone when
his car suddenly came to a halt, shaking his
slightly. He looked up with a pissed look on his

“What’s happening?” Demetrius muttered

“There’s a car. It’s blocking us from passing” His
driver muttered

Demetrius looked from and truly a car was
blocking their way. The door of the car opened
and a figure stepped down.

Demetrius furrowed his brows when he saw it
was none other than Aurelio.

Aurelio held a cold look on his face, he was
dressed in all black.

“Get down the car Demetrius… We have some
talking to do”

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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