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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 65 & 66

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 65 & 66

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel



ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷


“Release her” He muttered.

“What?” Godfather muttered

“I said release her… Now” Aurelio said fearlessly,
staring directly at Godfather.

“Aurelio are you cràzy! She was sent to kíll you
and you wanna let her go that easily? She let
Rexton escape and also she shot you!” Cheetah
shouted before realizing what she just said.

Aurelio slowly turned to her. “Shot me? The last
time I checked I wasn’t having amnesia so I
clearly remember who shot me” Aurelio
muttered, looking at her.

Cheetah swallowed hard, looking away
immediately. The crowd was already
murmuring amongst themselves

👥 What is happening??

👥 Boss do knows that she’s a spy right?

👥 Did she enchant him or something??

Aurelio walked to the guard standing beside
Amour. He snatched the key from him and
began unlocking the chains on Amour.

“Aurelio!!!” Godfather barked angrily. His face
was so red of anger, with his veins literally
popping out on his neck.

Aurelio finished removing the chains from
Amour. A soft whimper escaped Amour’s lips
when Aurelio’s arms met with the wounds on
her back as he lifted her up in his arms.

“Aurelio, if you take one more step with that spy
I swear, I’m going to disown you of your title as
underboss.” Godfather said in a warning.

“Nobody is stopping you from doing so” Aurelio
muttered and began walking away with Amour

The crowd divided in two, making way for them
as Aurelio walked with his head facing front.
Amour looked at Aurelio’s face before looking at
the crowd who looked at them

👥 This is insane!! He gave up the title of being
the next Godfather for someone who was sent
to ki|| him

👥 I’m speechless

👥 What the hell is happening!!

Aurelio got to his car and placed Amour on the
passenger seat. He got in the driver’s seat and
immediately drove off, leaving the clan without
a second thought.

Cheetah stared as the car drove out of the clan
with a stupefied look on her face. She looked at
Godfather whose eyes was bloodshot in rage.


Godfather stormed out of the area immediately.
The rest of the members just stared at each
other in confusion.

Flame who wasn’t exempted from the shock,
stared at space with wide eyes. She released the
breath she was holding, smiling lightly.

“She chose him over the mission” Flame
thought and looked at Raven.

Though Raven held a cold look on her face, she
could see some warmth in it meaning she was
just as relieved as her.

“Babe” Cisco called and Flame glared at him.

“Why did you stop me?” She said, anger was
clearly evident in her voice.

“What? You could have gotten yourself in
serious trouble” Cisco muttered.

“If something had happened to her, I wouldn’t
have forgiven you” Flame muttered and stormed
out of the area.




Amour’s eyes kept darting around the area with
stunned eyes. She had no idea Aurelio owned a
place as luxurious and as classy as this.

Well what was she expecting? He’s not just a
mafia but a wealthy millionaire.

Aurelio placed her on the bed inside a spacious
room which she presumed must be his room.

“I called nanny Helen, she’ll be here any minute
from now and will take care of your wounds”
Aurelio said.

“Who’s Helen” Amour asked.

“Sir Aurelio” A lady’s voice was heard.

Amour’s diverted her gaze to the intruder to see
an elderly lady. Her white black hair which hand
strand of white hair was packed in a neat bun.

“Here’s nanny Helen.” Aurelio gestured and the
woman who smiled in response

“Nanny Helen, meet Amour my girlfriend” Aurelio
gestured at Amour. “Amour, meet nanny Helen.
She’s the one that raised I and Viper when we
were a kid” Aurelio said before walking to the

“I’m sorry for calling you at such a short notice
nanny” Aurelio said and Helen smiled

“It’s fine, you know I’ll always be available for
you and Adrian” Helen smiled

“Please treat her wounds and help her clean up”
Aurelio said.

“Okay, but what about you?” Helen said,
gesturing down with her eyes.

Aurelio looked down at her direction to see the
side of his shirt was soaked with his blood from
his wound.

“I’ll treat it myself” Aurelio said and Helen

Aurelio nodded and smiled warmly at Amour
before heading to the bathroom

Helen walked to Amour with a smile on her face.

“You’re so beautiful… No wonder Aurelio got
swayed. Let’s get you treated shall we?” Helen

Amour nodded slowly. Deep down, she couldn’t
help but feel really guilty about what happened.



The members could be seen sitting around the
table. The room was as silence as a graveyard
with everyone lost in their own world.

No one could imagine something like this
happening. Their leader just quitted, shocking
everyone to the core.

Cheetah was seen cracking her fingers as she
replayed that scene of Aurelio leaving with
Amour over and over in her head. The more she
replayed it, the more her anger rose

What does that Ɓîtçh has that she doesn’t

She suddenly hit her fist loudly on the table
when she couldn’t longer take it.

“f-__-k!!” She screamed.

“You just gave me ear infection with your voice”
Saint said and Cheetah shot him a glare but he
smirked in return.

“Now that Boss, sorry Aurelio has quitted who
do you think will be the next heir to the clan”
Cleopatra asked.

Cheetah furrowed her brows. Now that she
thinks of it, the clan is going to be needing a
replacement and after Aurelio, she is the closest
to Godfather meaning she’s going to be the one

A smirk slowly crept up Cheetah’s lips. “The clan
is going to be mine” She thought.

This is really a blessing in disguise to her



Inside a room, Rexton could be seen laying on
the bed with tubes connected to him as the
machine beeped slowly at intervals.

The room was so silent. Suddenly his eyes
swung open and a loud gasp escaped his lips
as the first thing that met his sight was the

“Where… Where am I?” He muttered, with his
eyes darting around the area.

He slowly sat up despite the pain when he
realized he’s in his room.

“I escaped” He smirked but he smile fell when he
remembered something.

Rexton unplugged all the tubes from his body
and got down the bed, walking out of the room.

The maids bowed respectfully at him, some
looked shocked to see he was back but he didn’t
spare them a glance.

He barged into a room with a furious look on his
face. Demetrius who was discussing with
Bonnie and Clyde turned to look at him

“You’re awake son” Demetrius smiled.

“You bàstard!! You heard my cover was blown
yet you did nothing to save me. If I didn’t do a
dangerous bargain I would have probably díed
in their hands” Rexton spatted angrily

Demetrius smirked. “Why should I wedge a war
to save you? You’re my son so you should know
how to get out of that situation. If you díed then
that will mean I wasted my efforts in training
you to become my heir.” Demetrius shrugged,
smoking from his cigarette.

“You f-__-king bàstard!!!” Rexton shouted.

“Watch your tongue kid” Demetrius warned.
Rexton glared at him as he heaved heavily. He
slowly smirked and then chuckled.

“Since you didn’t ask what the bargain was… In
order for them to set me free, I spilled the beans”
Rexton smirked and Demetrius immediately
looked at him

“What are you talking about?”

“I spilled the beans… I told them everything they
need to know about Amour so I’m sure at the
moment we’re speaking she’s six feet under”
Rexton smirked.

“Rexton!!” Demetrius roared and Rexton laughed

“Have fun defeating them without your precious
secret weapon” Rexton laughed and left.

“f-__-k!!!” Demetrius thundered.

Rexton smirked as he walked away. Nothing
brings him greater satisfaction than get his
father so angry.

“I know you’re still alive Amour. There’s no way
Aurelio will let them kíll you. I will find you and
trust me.. You will be mine, whether you like it or
not” Rexton thought as he walked.



Amour slowly opened her eyes and let out a
silent yawn as she sat up slowly on the bed.

She slept off immediately her wounds got
treated so she didn’t get to speak with Aurelio.

Her eyes looked around the room to see no one
was there.

“Aurelio?” She called but no answer.

Amour winced as she got down the bed, her
whole body was still aching badly especially her

With slow step, she walked out of the room. Her
eyes wondered around as she walked through
the hallway while holding the wall for support.

She stopped walking when she saw Aurelio at
the balcony, watching the sunset while sipping
a glass of whiskey.

Aurelio turned when he felt someone was
approaching him.

“Love?” He called looking surprised.

“You’re still weak, you should be resting” Aurelio
said, holding her arms when she got to him.

“It’s fine, I just wanted to see you” Amour
smiled. Her smile fell almost immediately and
she looked up at Aurelio in the eye.

“I’m sorry. You went against the whole clan for
me. I don’t want you to create enemies because
of me so please you can go back to Godfather

“It’s fine” Aurelio smiled.

“Actually I’ve been contemplating on quitting for
awhile now” Aurelio said.

“Really?” Amour muttered and he nodded.

“Yunno, when you got poisoned and I actually
got to know you were pregnant that made me
think on something. What if you didn’t lose the
baby? Is it the kind of environment I’ll have
loved for my kids? A world where drug dealing,
ki||ing, violence is everyday’s meal” Aurelio said
and looked at the sunset.

“I don’t want my kids to be like me. I don’t want
them to ever experience the life I lived. I want
them to grow and live like normal kids of their
age to experience what parent’s love feel like, to
fall in love, date, party, do what all teenagers do”
Aurelio smiled

“And for that to be possible I had to give up on
being a mafia. I want to build a new life with
you Amour, a life I’ve always dreamed of”
Aurelio held Amour’s hand.

Amour stared at him with tears in her eyes. She
smiled and cleaned her tears, holding his hand

“Aurelio, about my past…”

“It’s okay, you don’t need to feel pressured in
telling me. You can tell me later” Aurelio smiled.

“Honestly, I suspected something was off with
your sudden change but so far as your love for
me was true that’s what matters” Aurelio said.

Amour felt so overwhelmed, feeling on top of
the world to have a man like him.

“I love you” Amour smiled.

Aurelio pecked her lips. “I love you more” He

She smiled even more and placed her head on
his shoulder as they watched the sunset



The hall was buzzling with the crowd as they
kept murmuring amongst each other. What
happened yesterday was still the talk of the clan
as it came as a shock to them

This morning, Godfather announced he’ll be
choosing the next Underboss so he asked
everyone to gather

The hall immediately became silent when
Godfather stepped in

👥 Good morning Godfather

Godfather walked till he took his seat before
nodding in reply. His face held no traces of
warmth in it, that just shows yesterday drama
still had a toll in his mood.

“We all know why we are gathered here.
Yesterday, the clan’s next ruler gave up on his
role because of some petty love nonsense. I’m
still not over it and trust me he’ll regret it. But as
the rule says, a new leader should be chosen”
Godfather said.

Cheetah smiled, fixing her hair.

“The newest underboss for our clan will be..”

Cheetah smiled triumphantly and took a step
forward but was frozen on her spot when she
heard Godfather’s next word

“The newest underboss for our clan will be…
Viper” Godfather declared.

Viper who was looking completely uninterested
immediately looked at Godfather in shock

“What?” He muttered

“What!!!!!” Cheetah exclaimed loudly

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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