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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 33 & 34

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 33 & 34

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel

ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷


“If you don’t wanna talk, pick a color.. Red if you love me and blue if you don’t”

The rose fell off her hand in shock..

“Wh- What does this mean?”

She didn’t even have time to think when the clock hanging on the wall made a noisy “tick” sound and she turned to look at it.

“OMG!! It’s already 8AM? I haven’t yet prepared his breakfast” Amour jumped out of the bed and rushed out of the room.

He didn’t see him outside the room nor in the bathroom. Did he spend the night out of the clan?

Amour shrugged it off as she walked in the kitchen. Coralyn was seen preparing breakfast

“I guess you slept late last night when I didn’t see you in the kitchen so here! I made boss’s breakfast for you” Coralyn smiled.

“Awwwn thanks so much CoCo” Amour hugged her before carrying the tray, heading back to Aurelio’s suite

“Those two… I’ll really be happy if boss falls for her” Coralyn smiled and faced back the counter.

“Coralyn…” A maid walked in the kitchen.

“Hmm?” Coralyn hummed.

“Sir Viper wants you to serve him his breakfast” The maid said and Coralyn immediately frowned.

“What? Why me! The last time I checked I’m not his personal maid so why should I be the one to be serving him” Coralyn ranted.

The maid just shrugged and walked away. Coralyn groaned loudly before she began making his breakfast

Few minutes later, she was done so she began heading to his suite.

Coralyn released a loud groan as she stared at Viper’s door before opening it.

Viper who was busy reading a book while sitting on a sofa looked up at her.

“Don’t you know how to knock?” He spoke and she rolled her eyes before walking to his dinner table, dressing the table.

“Won’t you ask me money for today?” Viper said and she glared at him before continuing what she was doing.

Viper smirked..

“Aren’t you normally the one talking and I’m the one glaring. Why are roles suddenly inversed” Viper said yet still no reply from her.

Her silence only means she’s either embarrassed or angry.. Or maybe the both.

Viper smirked even more… A little payback for all the bugging and disturbance he’s been giving him won’t hurt right?

Viper stood up and walked towards her.

“Here, your breakfast. Stop annoying-” Coralyn gasped when he wrapped hands around her tummy from behind.

“What do you think you’re doing, let me go!” Coralyn gasped but he pulled her closer, her back crashing against his broad chest.

“Thought you were giving me the silent treatment” Viper whispered to her ears, teasingly brushing his lips on the area under her ear. He smiled slightly when he saw the bite he gave her was still there

Coralyn took in her lower lips.

“Viper, I’m-”

“That’s not what you called me last time” His deep voice hit his ear.


“You said my real name last time.. I want to hear it from you again” Viper said and Coralyn remained mute

“You’re really too stubborn huh?” Viper said as his hand held her first button on her shirt.

“Adrian!” She immediately said.

“Good… Now I want you to promise me that you won’t disturb me nor you won’t bother me again about what you saw at the graveyard and in exchange I’ll stop teasing you too… Though I know you like it” Viper said, his hand slipping in the gown of her pocket.

“I promise!” Coralyn immediately said with her eyes closed.

Viper smiled and took a step away. Coralyn released the breath she was holding.

She shot Viper a glare who stood there smirking at how red her face was..

“You monkey! Pervert!” She shouted before running out of the room.

Viper chuckled before he sat down to take his meal.

Meanwhile Coralyn stopped running when she was few meters away from his room.

“That monkey!! How dares he! Urgh! He’s so… Argh!” Coralyn screamed, stomping her foot on the ground

She felt something in her pocket so she dipped her hand and her eyes widened when she brought out a fat bundle of cash with a paper attached to it

✰ You said today’s your mom’s birthday so get her a gift… You can use the rest of the money for yourself. Try and look pretty for once in your life

“He dares call me ugly too? Fool!” Coralyn exclaimed loudly.

She read back the letter and a small smile crept up her lips. The smile immediately fell when she realized she was smiling

“Why am I smiling for that specie… f-__-k!” Coralyn frowned as she marched away.



Amour walked in the suite only to see Aurelio already sitting at the dining table while pressing his phone.

Her gaze immediately went to the floor the moment he looked up at her.

“Good morning Master” Amour said and began dressing the table, trying as much as possible not to look at his face

She could feel his gaze on her and that only made her more uncomfortable. She doesn’t understand why she feels so shy around him this morning

Is it because of the roses and what she said last night?

But she didn’t see him when she woke up, what if he never spent the night in the clan? That means it isn’t him and he was just imagining things in her head.

“There’s only one way to be sure” Amour said inwardly before finally looking up at Aurelio.

“Master, did you spend the night outside the clan?” Amour asked slowly.

“Yes” Aurelio said while pressing his phone.

“Umm… So you’re the one who mistakenly drop the roses on the bed right?” Amour asked carefully to make sure she didn’t anger him in anyway.

Aurelio’s gaze left his phone to her.

“Yes, I’m the one but I didn’t mistakenly drop the roses.. I did it, for you” Aurelio said and Amour’s eyes widened as her heart skipped a beat.

“Wait.. No, it can’t be. He isn’t confessing to me right? Impossible! But I asked for it… But no wait, it still can’t be possible. I’m dreaming right?” Amour kept screaming inwardly.

“Y-Your breakfast is served. Enjoy your meal Master” Amour said when she didn’t know what to say

She turned and began rushing to the exit when his next words stop her déad on her tracks.

“Eat with me”

Amour blinked twice to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Is all this just a dream?

She slowly turned to him and nodded, dragging her feet to the seat next to his.

Aurelio kept his phone and dished out her food before his food. He began eating immediately while Amour stared at him.

“He even looks handsome while eating” She thought.

Aurelio looked at her and she immediately began eating. The moment the food met with her tongue she began drooling as the hunger that escaped her head the moment she saw the roses came back.

Aurelio stared at her in astonishment as she ate really fast like she has been starved for days. He smiled before facing back his meal.

“This is so good!” She giggled to herself as she ate.

She finished eating her plate and smacked her tongue in her mouth, still wanting more.

Her eyes went to the spare plate of chicken before she looked at Aurelio with puppy eyes.

“You can have more, I’m not hungry” Aurelio said and she grinned before diving in immediately.

Few minutes later, the chicken was gone.

“I’m too full” Amour squeezed her face as she rubbed her tummy that was hurting.

Aurelio finished his meals before facing her to see the crumbed of food around her lips.

“You eat like a baby..” He muttered and turned her to himself before picking a tissue from the tissue box, cleaning her lips with it.

Amour just stared at his face as he did, her heart racing incredibly fast that she feared he might hear it.

Aurelio stopped what he was doing as his gaze remained on her lips. He slowly ran his thumb on her lower lips.

He cupped her cheek and Amour’s eyes closed as their lips met. Their lips moved slowly and in sync against each other.

Amour’s hands that clutched tightly on her gown slowly loosened as she brought it to his hair.

Aurelio pulled her closer, eating up her lips like it was the sweetest thing ever.

Aurelio pushed the plates on the table down to the ground before placing her on the table with him standing in between her thighs

His hands gently rubbed her waist as he feasted on her lips, unable to get enough of those lips.

“Master..” Amour Mõ@ɲed cutely.

Aurelio broke the kiss, staring piercingly at her eyes as they both breathed heavily. His hands remained on her waist.

“Who am I to you?” Aurelio whispered.

Amour’s heart raced even more as she stared at him. She opened her mouth to speak when a knock came up.

“Boss? Godfather is demanding for your presence” Saint said from outside before leaving.

Aurelio glared at the door before facing Amour.

“I’ll be back” He said and pecked her lips one last time before leaving.

Amour’s gaze followed him till he left. She touched her lips and smiled sheepishly.

“Jeez.. Look at the mess we made” Amour gasped, getting down from the table to clean the mess on the floor

She left the room to return the plate back to the kitchen. Her hands kept touching her lips once in awhile and she smiled as she reminisced the kiss.

She halted when she heard soft cries coming from a balcony.

“Hmm, who’s that?” She wondered and went to peep only to Cheetah crying.

Amour didn’t want trouble so she turned and made to leave when;

“Amour? Is that you?” Cheetah said and she turned to her.

“Hey” Amour waved awkwardly

Cheetah sniffed and wiped her tears, crying even more..

“What.. What is wrong?” Amour asked, slowly approaching her.

“If you have this person you’ve been in love with for more than a decade but he never noticed you and now you suspect him of being into another woman, how will you feel?” Cheetah sniffed.

“I’ll feel really heartbroken” Amour said.

“The man I was talking about is Aurelio” Cheetah said and Amour’s heart fell.

“Ever since we’ve been young, I’ve always had eyes for him and no one else but he never noticed me. And now I’m hearing that he’s into another woman though I don’t know the woman” Cheetah said while crying.

“Oh..” Amour said, already feeling bad.

“It hurts to see him happy when I’m not the reason behind that. To see him smile when I’m not the reason behind that..” Cheetah said, holding her chest as she cried even more

“I’m.. I’m sorry” Amour said and looked away.

“You’re working for Aurelio right? Please help me talk to him about my feelings for him… At this rate I think I’ll just ki|| myself” Cheetah said.

“No! Don’t think that” Amour said

“Then please help me, please..” Cheetah held her hand

Amour bit her lips as she looked at her. She slowly nodded.

“Really? You’ll help me?” Cheetah’s face immediately brightened

“Yes” Amour forced a smile.

Cheetah immediately hugged her “Thank you! Thank you so much Amour, I knew you were a good person” Cheetah smiled

Amour slowly hugged her back.

Cheetah smirked viciously..

“As expected you’re too gullible. Anyways, I don’t mind a little help from you into getting my man. Aurelio will do wh@ťěver you tell him to do so once I’ve gotten him, kílling you will be a piece of cake” Cheetah thought.



“This is too hard!” Indigo whined as she did the 6th pushup.

“You’re doing 20 or else we’re not leaving this room” Saint said.

“f-__-k you!” She shouted as she did the 7th one with great difficulty

The door swung open and Flame marched in followed by Cisco who held a tired look on his face.

Flame walked to the weights and began lifting them.

“Babe, please” Cisco sighed

“I already told you to stop calling me that!” Flame snapped, dropping the weights down

“I love you” Cisco said..

“Do you have my virginity” Flame asked

“What? No”

“Then don’t f-__-king talk to me!” Flame spatted and made to leave but Cisco pulled her back and slammed his lips on hers.

Indigo and Saint eyes widened immediately as they stared at them.

It took Flame all her control not to reciprocate the kiss. She pushed Cisco away and raised her and to punch him but when those things three letter words ran in her mind she paused.

“I love you” Her mind was refreshed of how he confessed to her last night and her heart skipped a beat.

“I h@ťě it! Stop doing what you’re doing to me!” Flame said frustratingly before leaving the room

“Babe!” Cisco went after her.

Indigo and Saint looked at each other with shock in their eyes

“What the hell did I just see. Cisco loves Flame? Flame a virgin? What the-” Indigo muttered

“Eww, upon all girls it had to be her. She f-__-king looks like a man it’ll be like Cisco is gay” Saint twisted his face

“Shut up!” Indigo smacked his head

“Ouch! Hey! Respect me okay? I’m 10 minutes older” Saint said and Indigo rolled her eyes.



Amour sat down on a couch in deep thoughts. What Cheetah said kept ringing in her head.

“She loves him for that long?” She thought and felt more bad.

If it’s true that Aurelio is into her then that will make her the bad guy.

“Besides they look so good together. He’s strong, and she’s strong too. She will be able to protect him when danger arises. Unlike me, what do I have?” Amour said trying to convince herself it’s for the better.

But the question still lies; Can she really stand it seeing the two of them together?

The door opened and Aurelio walked in. The task godfather wanted him to execute wasn’t really that hard so it was given to another member.

Amour immediately stood up when Aurelio walked towards her.

“You look uneasy” He said.

“It’s… It’s about Cheetah” Amour said and Aurelio frowned immediately but he urged her to continue.

“I saw her crying earlier and Master I think she loves you a lot. Maybe you can give her a chance for her to show you how much she loves you.. Besides you two really go well together, she’ll protect you when needed and also she has known you for long and I’m sure the bond is there, just waiting for it to be ignited” Amour said with a forced smile on her face

Aurelio stared at her for a short while

“What about you? Do you want me to be with her. Say it and I’ll do so” Aurelio said.

Amour swallowed hard and looked away.

“I’ll take that as a yes then” Aurelio said and walked away, heading to the door.

Amour stared at him leave with a pained look on her face. Just the thought of them being together was already ki||ing her

Aurelio held the door knob and turned it.


He halted and turned around but was taken by surprise when Amour flew to his arm with her head buried on his chest.

“Don’t go, please” She muttered.

“I can’t even stand the thought of another woman being in your arms. Just the thought of you kissing another woman and doing the things you do to me is unbearable. I’m sorry, I don’t want you to go to her, please..” Amour said, looking up at his eyes.

Aurelio stared at her in surprise. He honestly didn’t expect her to say it but that’s what he wants… For her to admit she’s feeling the same thing he feels for her.

Aurelio let out a small smiled and held her chin, pressing his lips softly on hers

Amour’s eyes immediately shut down

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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