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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 23 & 24

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 23 & 24

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel

ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷

✰{ 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐈𝐓! }✰

Aurelio’s car drove into the clan and he got out of it

👥 Welcome back, boss

👥 Good evening boss

The members kept greeting him as he made his way towards the entrance of the building leading to his suite.

He got in and began heading to his suite when he saw someone wearing a mask walking out of the hallway that leads to the torture cells.

Aurelio stopped on his track and began watching the person. The figure pulled off her mask, revealing none other than Cleopatra.

She looked back at the cell where she locked up Amour and smiled to herself to leaving, looks like she didn’t notice Aurelio.

“Did Godfather order some people to be tortured?” He thought and just decided to mind his business.

He began walking towards his room when he heard a scream that immediately made his freeze


He immediately looked towards the direction the voice came. Could he be hallucinating now?

He shrugged and made to walk away.


Without thinking twice again, he immediately turned and began running towards the direction he heard the voice.

“Amour! Amour!” He called her name, peeping through all the cells in there.

“Aurelio..” The whisper hit his ear and he immediately rushed towards the cell.

He opened it and immediately blocked his nose when the gas hit his nose.

He finally spotted an unconscious Amour, laying on the ground with blood running out of her nose.

“Amour!” He quickly rushed towards her and raised her head, tapping her cheek.

“Amour..” He called and immediately carried her in his arms, running out of the cell with her.

👥 I’m I hallucinating?

👥 Boss… Is that him?

👥 No, wait what? Boss is carrying the thief?

👥 This isn’t true… No way!

Aurelio ignored the stared and whispers as he rushed to his room with Amour in his arms.

Thankfully, he met Viper on the way. Viper couldn’t hide the surprised look on his face when he saw him carrying Amour, looking worried too!


“Call the clan’s doctor, now! And tell him to be here before 10 minutes if not let him go shop for his coffin coz he’s déad” Aurelio said and went to his suite.

He placed Amour on his bed and took her wrist to check out her vitals. Thankfully, it was still beating.



“Seriously, a an amusement park? After days of begging me to take me out, all you saw was a amusement park.. Wow” Flame said sarcastically.

Cisco got down the car and pulled her out, heading to the entrance of the park.

“Hey! I don’t wanna go!”

“C’mon, just loosen up okay? It’s true we’re used to ki||ing and all but once in awhile we need to liven up” Cisco said, entering the amusement park with her

“Let’s ride the rotor” Cisco grabbed her hand and began pulling her away.

Flame rolled her eyes and scoffed

“Two tickets please” Cisco paid the man before going to take their seat.

He helped Flame to fasten her seatbelt, making sure it was very safe.

“It’ll take off in 5 seconds…5, 4..”

“Are you sure, you won’t be scared?” Cisco asked and Flame rolled her eyes again

“Let’s get this $h|t over with so we can go and start training for our mission tomoRROW!!!!” Flame screamed out when the rotor took off, spinning them in the air.

She had no idea it will be this high… And this scary.

“Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!!!!” She screamed so loudly that her face was already turning red.

“STOP!!! STOP THIS!! I WANT TO GO DOWN!!!” She screamed shaking her head with her red hair flowing in the wind

Cisco looked at her with an amazed look on his face. He bit his lips, fighting back his laughter as he stared at her.

Flame has always been someone cool and never shows her emotions. This is truly a side of her to behold.

“Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!!!” She screamed so loudly, grabbing tightly onto Cisco with closed eyes.

Cisco brought his hand to her back, patting her back as she kept on with her rounds of screaming.

It went on for five minutes till the rotor stopped. Flame was still grabbing tightly onto Cisco with her face buried in her.

“It’s over… Scaredy pants” Cisco chuckled.

Flame slowly looked up to see they landed.

“I h@ťě you!” She glared at him quickly coming out of her seat, rushing to a nearby bush to puke.

Cisco laughed as he followed her. He helped her hold her hair up as she let everything out for few seconds.

“Here” Cisco handed her a bottle of water which she gulped down immediately.

“Yunno, it isn’t bad to just let loose once in awhile. If you didn’t like it, I for one I do especially you screaming coz I found that cute” Cisco said and pinched her cheek

Flame slapped his hands off immediately before standing straight.

“You’re lucky none of our members decided to come” She said, walking off.

“That was actually, fun” Flame said, smiling a bit. She won’t deny it that it’s the first time in her life that she stepped into an amusement park and it was really fun

“Hey, you now leaving without me” Cisco hung his arm round her shoulder and she rolled her eyes.



“Thankfully, you arrived on time boss. The gas was really toxic and if you wasted time then it would have been too late. Just let rest for the night and I’m sure she’ll be okay by tomorrow” The doctor said and Aurelio nodded.

“Poor Amour, I wonder who did this to her” Coralyn said worriedly.

“Coralyn, escort the doctor” Aurelio said and Coralyn nodded before leading the way out.

Viper who was resting on a wall while looking at them finally walked to Aurelio.

Aurelio looked at Amour who was sleeping peacefully. He stood up then went to grab a stick from his cigarette pack

“Aurelio, what was that?” Viper asked.

“What do you mean?” Aurelio said, lighting up the stick.

“Earlier, I could see the way you were so worried about her. You were literally panicking, is it what I’m thinking?” Viper said, coming closer.

“Wh@ťěver you’re thinking, know you’re delusional” Aurelio said without looking at him, puffing out the smoke from his mouth.

“I’m not being delusional and you too you know that, you’re falling for her Aurelio.. And you know it, no matter how much you deny it” Viper said.

Aurelio said nothing, he just continued smoking.

“It’s dinner time. Since she isn’t available I guess you’ll finally join us for dinner” Viper said and led the way.

Aurelio finally turned back, looking at Amour. She looked so cute and beautiful in her sleep.

Aurelio looked away, hissing angrily.

“Why did I do it? Why was I so worried about her? I just embarrassed myself in front of the clan” He thought, running his hands through his hair.

Just the thought that he was falling for her was enough to anger him. He smoked one last time from his cigarette before dropping it

He grabbed his gun and looked at it before walking out of his room.



“Can’t believe I slept off while working” Indigo muttered, rubbing her eyes as she walked in

She sat down next to her brother who looked so lost in thought.

“Hey!” She waved her hand in front of him but Saint didn’t react

“Raven..” He muttered, blinking like a robot

“Has he finally gone mad?” Indigo muttered, facing her plate.

“Good evening ladies and the gender that betrayed Jesus!” Cleopatra said happily, walking in with Cheetah.

“I didn’t know Satan’s first disciple reads the Bible” Vitto muttered and Cleopatra glared at him as the rest laughed.

“I heard Amour was locked up in the gas cell” Indigo said

“What!” Rexton immediately sprang up.

“Yeah, but luckily boss saved her” Indigo replied

“What!” Cleopatra exclaimed.

“Don’t you think that Boss is saving her too much. From the day she stepped foot in the clan till now” Saint finally spoke up as Flame and Cisco walked in.

“How is it possible? Does she has nine lives?” Cleopatra thought.

Viper walked in and soon after Aurelio walked in.

“Boss!” They all stood up.

Aurelio raised his gun up and didn’t think twice before pulling the trigger on Cleopatra.

“Argh!!” She cried out when the bullet took her arm.

Everyone gasped as Aurelio took hasty steps towards her, grabbing her by the neck tightly.

“Didn’t I warn you all? Nobody messes with her, I’m the only one who decides what to do with her” Aurelio said angrily

“Aurelio!” Cheetah gasped.

“B-Boss..” Cleopatra gasped.

“You’re lucky the bullet took your arm. I was aiming for your heart” Aurelio growled choking her even tightly

“Aurelio, please stop this. Godfather won’t be happy hearing this” Cheetah begged.

“I’m sorry boss… Please” Cleopatra muttered as tears escaped her eyes.

“Aurelio please! We have a mission tomorrow!!” Cheetah exclaimed.

Aurelio glared at Cleopatra for a short while before he released her harshly. She fell down on the ground, coughing profusely.

“Patra” Cheetah rushed to her.

Cleopatra glared at Cheetah and pushed her away before staggering out of the hall, the blood dropping from her arm leaving behind a bloody path.

Cheetah stood and went after her.

Aurelio ran his hands through his hair, storming out of the hall too.

“What..the..f_ck” Cisco breathed out as they all held a shocked looked on their faces

Rexton folded his fists tightly.


••NEXT DAY»12 PM••

Amour’s eyes finally opened. She spranged up on the bed, breathing heavily. She touched her throat and chest.

It wasn’t longer too painful for her to breath. She looked at the clock to see it was noon.

“I slept that long?” She gasped, standing up from the bed.

Judging from the the room, she already knew who saved it… Again.

A smile crept up her lips immediately.

“But why does he always saves me? I’m just a mere puppet to him right? Could it be that..” Amour drawled and shook her head.

“Stop being delulu Amour” She said and began heading to the exit of his room.

She opened the door only to come face to face with Aurelio who was just about opening the door from outside.

“Master… I mean, good afternoon Master” Amour bowed.

Aurelio looked at her blankly. He took a step towards her and she took one back till her back hit the wall

Amour bit her lips, looking away.

“Stop..” Aurelio said, gazing at her lips.

“Huh?” Amour looked up at him.

“Stop doing that” He said and Amour just stared at him, not understanding what he meant by that.

“How are you feeling?” He asked and Amour’s eyes widened a bit

Is she dreaming? Did he just ask her how she’s fairing?

“I’m… I’m completely okay Master” Amour said, looking down

An awkward silence issued between them. Aurelio walked in his room and Amour finally looked up.

She looked at him for a short while and smiled before leaving.


Amour turned and almost immediately Coralyn jumped on her, hugging her tightly

“CoCo..” Amour muttered.

“Thank goodness you’re okay.. Gosh, I was so scared last night. Especially with the way boss barged in the dining hall and shot Cleopatra, I thought something worst happened” Coralyn muttered, sniffing back her tears.

“Master shot Cleopatra?” Amour said, looking shocked.

“Yes, apparently she’s the one who did that to you. Boss nearly kílled her if not of Cheetah, I’ve never seen boss that mad before” Coralyn said and Amour looked even shocked.

“He did that, for me?” She thought shockingly.

“Come let me start preparing you for tonight. Your gown is ready, let’s go fix your nails and everything. Come to think of it this is sort of like your first date with boss so you need to look gorgeous!” Coralyn giggled.

“A date?” Amour thought and immediately blushed at that thought.

“Let’s go!” Coralyn pulled her away



Aurelio was standing outside his car. He was wearing a tuxedo and his hair was gelled all back, unlike the usual rough hairstyle he used to have

His sharp jawline stood out and he looked really handsome and gallant in the outfit. His calm and cold feature seem to even fit more with the suit.

An earbud was on his ear, Aurelio tapped on it.

“Are you already in position?” Aurelio spoke

“Yes boss, we’ve all arrived and we’re all in position” Rexton spoke.

He was disguised as a cook and could be seen in the kitchen with the other cooks.

“Great, have the others on standby I’ll be there in few minutes” Aurelio said and disconnected the call.

He dipped his hand, looking up at the moon that was full. He suddenly got reminded of how he use to admire the moon with his sister.

“How do people walk on these… Ouch!” Amour complained as she kept staggering on the high heels she was wearing.

She walked out of the building to meet Aurelio standing beside the car with his back facing her.

“Come to think of it this is sort of like your first date with boss” Her heart skipped a beat when she remembered Coralyn’s words.

She heaved in a deep breath before she began walking slowly, making sure not to trip.

Aurelio heard the sound of heels approaching so he turned and his breathing hitched.

Amour stopped walking and they began staring at each other. His gaze traveled from her head to her toe, taking in her features.

She was putting on a long red gown that had black shiny stones on it. The gown hugged her features from her chest till her knee level where it now sprawled out, sweeping the floor.

It had a long slit from her left thigh, going downward. Her spotless legs peeping out of the gown with her black heels.

The gown was backless too, showcasing her curvy and spotless back and her long hair was curled up, falling on her left shoulder.

Amour clutched nervously onto her black purse. Why is he starring at her that way? Does she look that bad?

Amour looked down and began filling the few distance separating them

Aurelio’s gaze never left her as she walked to him. He swallowed hard and gritted his teeth with the way his heart was beating.

Why her?

Amour made to take the last step towards him when she stepped on that unfortunate stone that decided to embarrass her.

Her heel shook and she found herself free falling.

Out of instinct, Aurelio quickly grabbed her waist and her hand found it’s way round his neck, holding him for support.

She opened her eyes and a gasp escaped her lips when she saw how close their faces where.

Aurelio’s heart leaped again and he swallowed hard.

“Stop it, stop wh@ťěver you’re doing to me!” Aurelio blurted out frustratingly.

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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