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HomeROSEROSE – Episode 108

ROSE – Episode 108

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Chapter hundred-eight


Philip POV

I slowly open my eyes, everywhere was blur at first, my head hurts so badly, I forcefully open my eye only to make eye contact with the most deadly mafia on earth…

“The Red” full name Patrick Andre, i have seen him in several occasions from afar

My eye wide with fear, he was just sitting before me with a smirk on his face writing with bad intentions

” Hello Philip” Patrick said, how the f-__-k did he know my name my heart was beating very fast and I can feel myself sweating

What did he want with me?, I try to move my hand but I came to realize that I was tied up to a chair, causing me more anxiety

” Why… Sir” I said stammering, choosing my words carefully not to anger him, I can’t remember having any issue with him

” Is that how you respond to someone’s greeting” he said with a mocking tone

” Am sorry, hello to you too” I quickly said

” Such a good boy” he said standing up as he move around me

” You ask why you are here, right?” He ask as he settle down in front of me again with a rod in his hand, I quickly nod my head as I suddenly became tense

” you are here because you mess with the wrong guy” he said

” Sir.. please, I don’t remember offending you” I said my voice even sound strange to me as it was full with fear

” Who said it was me, do you remember Richard” he said

My whole body shook with fear,oh my God…what have I gotten my myself into, is Richard alive, did he tell him I was the one after his live…No …. Richard is dead and how did the red himself have anything to do with Richard

I knew Richard was dangerous but I never taught he would be this dangerous to know Red is a big deal

” Richard was my friend” I said

“Was or is” he ask

” Is” I quickly added

” Who paid you to ki|| him or should I ask why you want to ki|| your so called friend” he ask

So Richard is still alive, I have really f-__-k up, I decided to play my last card

” Oh my God, someone tried to ki|| Richard?” i ask looking all surprised

” do you know what I h@ťě” he ask

” No Sir”

” When someone tried to take me for a fool” he said as he instruct his men to lose one of my hand and place it on the table…

my face immediately pale, fear rush through my body

” Am sorry… please, I had nothing to do with this, please.. please” I started struggling as they forcefully stretch out my hand on the table

It was like a movie, before I was able to understand what was happening, he use the rod in his hand and hit it hard on my hand… smashing my hand

“Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!” I scream with pain as I could hear the bone of my hand break.

if he could do this to me, I wonder what will happen to me if I was to say I was the one trying to ki|| Richard

” Pleassss!! Stop… please,I never tried to harm Richard please” I said now crying, the pain was much

” Liar..liar!” He said as he hit me harder again and again

” Please.. please..oh my God please man, have mercy” I kept begging and crying, I can no longer feel my hand at all,the pain was unbearable

“Tell me, what I want to know, did you attack Richard or not and where is the girl” he ask

I was breathing heavily, I was in so much pain my brain couldn’t function for a moment because of the pain, my throat has suddenly dry up from the pain

” I haven’t even started” he said swinging the rod in front of me, that was full with my blood, this guy is a monster and why did he know of Rose…I have to safe myself

” I swear to you man, I had nothing to do with any of this it was all Alex and he has the girl, I warned him, please man” I said through my pain, I don’t want to die…

” Alex…. Alex, is this the same Alex Richard usually hang out with” he ask, I quickly nod my head

” He must have an accomplice” he said looking at me with the same manic look

” Mike, he was with Mike” I said quickly, am sorry Mike

” Mike and Alex, give me their address” he said,as I quickly gave him their address

“Please call the doctor or can you let me go please, I will bleed out” I said to him, he started laughing

” For you? No, just for your sake I hope you are not lieing” he said, is he still going to keep me here, I started panicking

“I have tell you all you need to know.. please.. please let me go” I said with the pain with the pain becoming unbearable every minute

” Shut the f-__-k up” he said as he hit me with rod on my head

” Argh!” I scream, I was seeing stars, blood was dropping out from my head to my cloth

” Lock him up” I heard him say before everything became blank


Alex POV

Why am I not seeing any emotion on her face, I guess, I wanted her to be jealousy when she saw faith making out with me, i wanted to cause her pain both physical and emotional

But she had no emotion on her face, does that mean that she doesn’t love me anymore, I watch Rose as she quickly left the dinning with speed, after getting insulted by faith, maybe I really get to her

” Alex… Alex” faith called me snapping me out from mopping after Rose

” What?” I ask as I push her off me , I can’t help but to feel bad after hurting Rose, I never felt like this even when I did the same thing to Priscilla after cheating on me

” Are still interested in her” faith ask

” Is non of your business” I said not wanting to talk about Rose because it gives me headache

” I really hope you would answer that question” Drake said staring at me, looking amuse

” Why?” I ask

” Your Ɓîtçh is obviously into me, can’t see the way she couldn’t stop looking at me and I don’t mind tapping that @zz” Drake said making faith to scoff at him

” Shut the f-__-k up man” I yell at Drake he is making me furious with his suggestion

” That is what you will except if you date a wh-_-re” faith added, seriously I regretted inviting her here

” Sorry and not sorry am just stating the obvious” he said as he continue eating

” Rose!!… Rose” I shouted for her, after some minute she rush into the dinning room, looking like the wh-_-re she is, her eye immediately went to Drake before landing on my me

It made me more furious as Drake smirk at me

What did I even find in this wh-_-re, after all I have done for her , I should have do away with her but i don’t know why I still want her

If she wants to keep being a wh-_-re, I will always treat her like one

“Entertain us” I said, her eye wide with fear and confusion

” What… mean” she ask stammering

” You use to be a wh-_-re, how do you use to entertain your costumers” faith said

A single tears drop from her eye,but she quickly clean it …she stand before us looking so lost and innocent

” Go on” Faith said

” You don’t want me to hurt you do you” I ask, she quickly shake her head no

” Then! Entertain us” I said

” Let’s see your perfect Břě@šť” Drake said Mõ@ɲing, I h@ťěd how he said it but I can’t denial being hard right now

” Mine is much better than her” Faith boosted glaring at Rose

” Yes it is ” I said as I grab her Břě@šť and squeeze it, making her to Mõ@ɲ at the same time staring at Rose

” What are you waiting for ?” Drake ask Rose getting up from his seat as he approach Rose, I immediately stood up also to went after him

But faith grab my hand ” let it be, is this not what you wanted, she ki||ed your baby and cheated on you” faith sàid holding onto my hand

Before I could say anything my phone started ringing, I check the caller ID it was a private number

I wonder who this is, I could hear Rose begging Drake to let go of her before I pick the call

” Who is this” I ask

” Philip have been taking and you are next” the person said

” And who the f-__-k are you” I ask again becoming alert

He introduce himself as one of Philip men, he said he was the only one alive, others are dead ki||ed by unknown gunmen and Philip have been taking before he could get to him and his girlfriend ki||ed

I never knew Philip to have a girl friend, but who could be After him or me

” Do you have any idea of who is after us” I ask

” Know sir” he said before I cut the call, who could be after Philip and I, Richard is dead or is he I don’t want to think of it

I have to get out of here, Rose screaming snap me out of my taught as my eye went to her

Drake was trying to suck her Břě@šť forcefully I quickly March towards them and push him off her , immediately Rose adjusted her cloth

” How dare you” I shouted as I push him again, getting really more, I don’t want anybody touching her they could watch but not touch

” Wh@ťěver man” he said leaving the dinning room

I have an idea, Drake is becoming a nuisance, I will have to leave him and not tell him anything, those men that are after me will take care of him for me,

but I have to get out of here with Rose now

“Come with me” I said grabbing her hand

” Alex where are you ” Faith shouted after me but I didn’t stop,they should ki|| her too

I didn’t pack anything not to alert Drake, I just took my car keys, ATM card and left with Rose

As I drove off in my car, Rose was quit throughout, I will have to hid for the moment and think of what to do

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