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HomeROOMMATESROOMMATES – Episode 38 & 39

ROOMMATES – Episode 38 & 39

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(His sassy Amour…)🦋

THEME; Taming Her

Chapter 38💘39

By; Merit.N.

Note;this book ain’t meant for ghosting, let’s work as one to bring this book to success.




📞”That’s good! I’m really happy for your life, and without wasting much time,I’ll tell you what I wanted us to talk about. I won’t love any such occurrence to happen again,so your mom and I have concluded that you’ll be coming back home. Pack your things tonight cos everything is set already, your plane will take off tomorrow as soon as 6am which means you need to get ready tonight and arrange all your stuffs!”Mr Bryant said and Vanessa’s phone fell from her hand in shock, while tony couldn’t hide the shock expression on his face too.

Was this the end for them??

📞”Nessa??”Mr Bryant called,when he expected her to talk but got no reply.

📞”!!”She stammered, picking her phone from the bed.

📞”You heard what I said right?”Mr Bryant asks and Vanessa sniffed, before exhaling loudly.

📞”Is it really necessary that I come back??”She asks which got Mr Bryant furrowing his brow.

📞”It’s necessary Nessa,if for nothing at least for your safety”Mr Bryant told her and she took her bottom lips in, before looking at tony.

📞”I’m not coming back home”She refused bluntly and Tony gave her a surprised look,Mr Bryant wasn’t left out either. He was surprised too! Was this the Vanessa that refused coming to Nigeria? Or what’s this a new Vanessa!!

📞”Have you not ever wanted me to change? I’m almost at it and I love the new me,I can’t come back to America now dad,I will but it shouldn’t be now”Vanessa pleaded, already at the verge of tears.

📞”Vanessa,you’re coming back. What if she decides to finish you off this time huh?”Mr Bryant asks and Vanessa broke down in tears, tony took the phone from her.

📞”I’ll talk to her sir, she’ll definitely meet her flight tomorrow!”Tony said and Vanessa turned to him in shock.

📞”Please do talk to her dear,she really needs to come back home”Mr Bryant pleaded and Tony heaved before nodding,the call was ended afterwards.


“Don’t talk to me,so you want me to go back?”Vanessa asks hurtfully, looking at Tony.

“No Vanessa,but you need to understand the situations of things…”

“There’s nothing to understand tony! Do you think I’m not ready to face wh@ťěver challenge that comes my way? Hence we’re together??”Vanessa quired and Tony sighed tiredly.


“I should have known!!”Vanessa shouted and ran inside the bathroom, locking the door behind her,she crouched down slowly and began wailing loudly,her face buried on her knees.

“Vanessa,open up!!”Tony begged, banging hard on the door.

“Talk to dad, tell him I’m not coming back!!”Vanessa hiccuped from the bathroom.

She stood up and began walking towards the bathtub slowly,she went in and switched on the shower, burying herself in the water.

“Just come out first,then I’ll talk to him!”Tony pleaded.

“I’m not buying that! I’m going to hurt myself if they insist I come back home. Can’t they grant this request for me? I don’t want to come back home for now,it’s that too difficult to accept?”Vanessa shouted,still going deep in the water,soon non of her body could be seen, including her hair. Tony roughed his hair frustratedly.

“If you hurt yourself, I’ll hurt myself too!!”Tony thr_@tened,but no reply came from Vanessa.

“I’ll break the door if you don’t open up! I’ll talk to your dad,why don’t you trust me on this huh?”Tony asks sadly,there was silence in the bathroom for a long while as tony kept pleading with her to open up,the door squeaked slowly,and Vanessa came out already soaked with water.

“You…you wanted to…jeez!!”Tony shouted and pulled her out of the bathroom completely.

“Will you talk to him?”

“Mhmmmm!”Tony nodded and Vanessa hugged him.

“I don’t want to leave you!”She whimpered and Tony stroked her hair before breaking the hug.

“Go get changed so you won’t catch cold”tony told her and she nodded before going in to change her dress.



It took alot of effort and begging,alot of explanation to Vanessa’s parents before they agreed to let her stay.

They opened up to them and told them about their love affair which kicked off hours ago and all they could say was for them to be careful.

Currently, Vanessa is laying on Tony’s laps while he stroked her hair,she still looks gloomy though.

“Vanessa”Tony called and she only hummed a reply.

“You’re still angry?”He asks and she rolled eye.

“You think I was actually sending you away?”He asks again and Vanessa sat up from him.

“Mhmmm! You almost supported dad and you think I’ll be happy with you?”She scoffed loudly and Tony chuckled.

“Is it only me or you can’t stay without me?”Tony smirked and Vanessa scoffed.

“Stop praising yourself. I can stay days without you by my side!”Vanessa rolled eye and Tony nodded in sarcasm.

“That’s coming from someone who was actually gonna hurt her self! Hmmm! Tony gats some guts yunno,alotta lady’s wants to have him. How cool!”He smirked and Vanessa turned to him angrily.

“Did you just say alotta lady’s?”She glared angrily and Tony shifted back in fear.

“No! No!! Yah,I’m only yours baby,take me and do all you want!”Tony said, opening his arms funnily and Vanessa began laughing.

“Gosh! I’m happy that you’re finally happy! I was already missing the happy smile,thanks for smiling!!”He smiled and Vanessa chuckled before resting her head on his chest, closing her eye’s afterwards.

“It feels so good here!”She chuckled, snuggling more closer to him. Tony bent down and kissed her hair.

“My love!”Tony began after a second silence between them,Vanessa opened her eyes, lifting her face to him expecting him to talk,but what he did next,made Vanessa’s cheek to flush,he began calling her pet name.

” My sweetheart!! My sugar!! Honey! My baby!! Glamour!! Sweetest sweerie!! The only one my heart beats for!”Tony continued with the pet name and Vanessa could feel her cheeks hitting up seriously as they turned red like tomatoes.

“My own indomie! My hunny bunny! My honey pie! Only cupcake!!”Tony still continued,not ready to stop the pet name. Vanessa gushed and covered her face in shyness,tony chuckled and stopped then removed her hand from her face.

“I just want you to know that I’m never going to leave you okay? You’re the air I breathe,so how can I possibly let you go? I love you butter hunny!”He said and pecked her lightly on the lips.

“I love you too handsome!”She winked and Tony chuckled.

“Should we prepare food together?”Tony asks slowly and Vanessa nodded happily, climbing down the bed already.

Tony smiled and climbed down the bed,his hand in his pocket as he walked behind her.

“Should we play some music while cooking??”Vanessa suggested with a smile.

“I don’t have any romantic song in my phone,but now that I found you I think I should download lots of it!”Tony pointed and Vanessa giggled.

“Well I have some,so let’s make use of my own phone”Vanessa replied.

“Perfect then!”Tony gave her thumbs up and she giggled.

The MP player was brought and it was connected to Vanessa’s phone,soon *I love you* by Celine Dion began booming loudly from the MP speaker. The two looked at each other and winked happily before they began cooking.



Mariam shrieked,shifting the bushes with her hands as she made way to the shrine,she smiled when she saw what she was looking for, without thinking twice or creating awareness of her presence,she entered the shrine completely,the fetish priest who was making an incantation shouted angrily on top of his voice.

“How dare you step in with your slip-ons huh?”He barked angrily and Mariam shrieked before rushing out to remove her slip-on.

“I’m sorry! Really sorry!”She apologized to him, bowing repeatedly.

The fetish priest ignored her,as he continued with his incantation,a bowl of water in his hand while he dipped a chicken feather in it occasionally, uttering words only he could understand.

“Mariam Austin!!”He called and Mariam’s eyes dilated in shock. He knew her name? But how?? She smiled slowly, rejoicing that she’ll get what she wants here!

“Mariam Austin! Second child of Mr Austin Paul! A student at Sun-side university! You’re here cos of a girl, Vanessa Bryant. An American!!”The fetish priest said with a crocky laughter and Mariam nodded hurriedly.

“Yes great one!”She replied.

“Sit!!!”He commanded and Mariam sat on the wooden chair, anticipating the next action.

The priest continued with his incantation, laughing occasionally as he communicated with the gods.

The priest exhaled after a long time and sat down too.

“I have solution to what you’re seeking for!!”He laughed wickedly and Mariam smiled.

“What’s the….”

“Not to fast young lady! What can you offer?”He asks and Mariam opened her pulse hurriedly, before throwing a bundle of money to him.

“You lack respect young lady!!”He snorted angrily and Mariam apologized before placing the money in a bowl,which contains water!

“First,you can’t go back to the school now cos the cops are still in search of you! You will have to wait till everything calms down. Secondly,you should make peace with Vanessa and all your friends….”

“Never!!”Mariam cut him off and the fetish priest glared daggers at her, which got her keeping quiet immediately.

“Make friends with them,so that you won’t be suspected. In the meantime you are still here,I’ll go in search of the most deadliest leaf,once I get it….then you embark on the journey to school,by then everything would have calm down. The leaf I’ll go in search of,use it and prepare a soup for Vanessa,and watch her die slowly!!”He laughed and Mariam smirked.

“How long will it take??”Mariam asks and the priest stayed still for a moment.

“Three months!”He replied her.

So it’s just a matter of three months and Vanessa will be completely out of the picture,just wait and see Vanessa, something big is soon going to hit you!! Mariam thought and a dark smile slowly crept the corner of her lips.



Tony came out from the bathroom,with a white towel wrapped round his waist, revealing his upper body.

He smiled, staring at Vanessa who was still asleep,her lashes hugged each other perfectly and her lips pouted cutely.

He walked closer to her and sat on the bed with her, still looking at her beautiful face.

Today was supposed to be school,but Tony insisted they won’t be going since there’s nothing much to do in school today, and besides he still wanted to spend more time with her.

The officer’s which was sent to them, tony gave them a relief today too. His Song today was *No disturbance* only him and his Amour!! He chuckled and kissed her forehead, before standing up from the bed.

He went over to the wardrobe and changed into a blue pajamas,then came out to meet Vanessa still sleeping.

He shrugged and went to the kitchen,then came back in the room with a tray of food in his hand, he kept it on the bedstand then pecked her lightly on the lips.

“Wakey wakey!”He called, pecking her again on the lips.

Vanessa yawned sleepily and stirred slowly on the bed, before opening her eyes.

“Morning love!”Tony greeted, pecking her again.

“Mhmm! Morning handsome!”Vanessa greeted with a smile.

“My good morning kiss hmmm!!”Tony said, pointing at his lips,with his eyes closed already.

Vanessa shrugged with a smile and leaned forward to him, pecking him lightly on the lips. She made to withdraw but Tony held her back by the waist, deepening the kiss.

“Awww!!”Vanessa giggled and broke the kiss.

“You know I haven’t brush!!”Vanessa squinted and Tony smiled.

“I know,that gives it the perfect candy taste I love!!”He winked and Vanessa blushed.

“How was your night?”She asks, rubbing her eyes tiredly, while sitting up.

“My best night so far! Yours?”Tony asks her.

“Best night too!”She laughed and Tony chuckled.

“Breakfast is ready Amour!!”Tony smiled,placing the food before her.

“Awnn,Meshia and hot tea”She gushed and Tony chuckled.

“Enjoy your meal Amour!”He winked at her.

“I still needs to brush!”Vanessa pouted.

“Brushing will come later,eat up first! Have a bite of the Meshia,got it from your favorite stand!”Tony winked and Vanessa quickly grabbed the Meshia, having a bite from it.

“Mhmmmm!”She Mõ@ɲed out and Tony chuckled.

“Take a bite too!”Vanessa gave it to Tony,who shook his head in return.

“Why?”She pouted sadly.

“Ahem! I prefer mouth-to-mouth feeding Yunno!”He winked and Vanessa looked away in shyness.

“Yah!! She’s shy! Why the shyness?”Tony asks with a smile.

“Nothing!”Vanessa pouted cutely, fidgeting with her fingers.

“I’m hungry baby! Don’t keep me waiting”Tony pouted, rubbing his tummy, Vanessa smiled lightly before taking another bite from the Meshia,she leaned forward to Tony’s lips, urging him to take it from her mouth. Tony leaned forward and tried taking the Meshia from Vanessa,using his mouth but Vanessa pulled away and eat the Meshia instead.

“Baby!!”He pouted sadly like a baby and Vanessa chuckled, before feeding him the Meshia through mouth-to-mouth feeding. She made to withdraw,after tony have successfully taken the Meshia from her,but Tony being a smart dude, held her back while kissing her deeply.

“Tony!!”She Mõ@ɲed out in pleasure, closing her eye’s while her hands ran through his hair.

Tony left her lips, and began trailing kisses all over her face, while Vanessa kept licking her lips, enjoying the feeling she was experiencing. He began licking her ears, biting on her earlobe occasionally. Vanessa clapped her lips together,as she could feel her V dripping wet already.

“Mhmmm!!”Vanessa Mõ@ɲed out again,when tony gave her a deep bite on the neck, making sure to leave a hickey there.

Tony continued teasing her,making sure to get her more wet and hungry for him,he trailed kisses and stopped on her cleavage, Vanessa gasped loudly when tony tore off the hand of her nightie,he grabbed her left B-__-bs and pinched on her Ɲīpplës, Vanessa quivered more as tony kept getting her more aroused.

After feeding on her B-__-bs for about 10 minutes,he left it and went over to her V, pulling the string of her pantie one side,he prob in a finger and Vanessa clamped her thighs together In shock. Tony’s finger was still in her wet p@zzy,till she opened up and Tony began finger f-__-king her slowly.

“Mhmmm!! Faster!”She Mõ@ɲed out and Tony added another finger, before increasing his space. Vanessa jerked her @zz up, while breathing heavily.

She took her bottom lips in, suppressing her loud Mõ@ɲs as the fingerf-__-k kept hitting up each minute. Tony pulled out his fingers when Vanessa’s liquid flowed down,he took his face to her middle, licking off her liquid.

Once he was sure that she was clean,he leaned forward and claimed her lips,making her taste her sweet liquid.

“It’’s..ouch!!”She Mõ@ɲed when tony pushed in his weapon in her,he took a hand to her B-__-bs,squeezing it tenderly,his lips on her while his Ç0çƙ did a great job in her p@zzy!

Loud screams, Mõ@ɲs on Mõ@ɲs filled the room as they both kept f-__-king hard, Vanessa’s eye rolled in it’s socket and she threw her head back on the pillow.

“Ouch! Tony!!”

“Oh my!!”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!!”

Her Mõ@ɲs skyrocketed when Tony began banging her hardly, clapping sounds filled the room as Tony’s ball kept hitting her on her @zz cheeks.

The feeling they where having now was second to none,more like they where already in cloud nine!

Tony pulled her up,his Ç0çƙ still in her p@zzy, Vanessa wrapped her legs round his torso and the banging continued,they where standing up already.

He began moving towards the bathroom,his Ç0çƙ still buried in her, while their tongues clashed Fiercely,each fighting for superiority.

The bathroom made a loud banging door when tony kicked it close with his leg,he dropped Vanessa on the bathtub,then pulled out his Ç0çƙ, before sliding in his tongue, tongue f-__-king her this time, Vanessa grabbed a handful of his hair, pushing his face more deeper as their Mõ@ɲs filled the bathroom.

“I love you handsome rommie!!”Vanessa Mõ@ɲed out in ectascy,tony could only nod in return, cos he wasn’t ready to stop what he was doing anytime soon.

“f-__-k!!”Vanessa Mõ@ɲed, throwing her hair backwards as tony took her to heaven already.


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