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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{.. Caught In The Act…}


By, Emery Princess J.








Aneesa yawned slightly before opening her
eyes. She scratched her rough hair before sitting
upright. Her back on the sofa.

She looked at the other side of the sofa to see
Drew still fast asleep.

He looks so cute while asleep.

She smiled, leaning in to feel his black hair but
the moment she touched him, his eyes flew
open and he grabbed her hand.

“What are you trying to do?”

“Chill, I was just trying to be romantic” She
teased and he sighed, coming down from the

“About last night…” She trailed and he pressed
his finger on her lips immediately, shutting her

“Don’t say you regret it? The love making?” He
whispered, removing his finger away from her

She bit her lips hard and ruffled her hair with an
heavy sigh.

“Drew, we shouldn’t be doing this. We both know
it’s wrong and…”

“Really!? Are you for real? You take all these as
a joke? Can’t you see that I’m going crazy and
mad and you’re the reason! So what happened
last night was a mistake!?” He half yelled,
wearing his clothes.

“I didn’t mean it that way” She said.

“Then what way!?”

“It’s just that…. Tanya… Quincy”

“You’re the one I love and not them! Why can’t
you still get that part right? Or is it because
we’re roommates!?” He asked, feeling a bit
annoyed all of a sudden.

“Drew… I…”

“I’m leaving! Have a nice day!” He said and
walked out on her.

She could attest that he was angry at what she
said and some part of her knows that it was the

“Sh!t!” She cussed.



Samira had just finished dressing since it’s time
for first lecture and she met Lyric just coming
out of her room too.

“Going for lectures?” She asked but Lyric shook
her head negatively.

“Nah, I’m going to see Cisco today. He said he
wanted to tell me something” Lyric replied and
Samira giggled.

“I smell something fishy. Okay now, tell me
what it is” She squealed happily and Lyric

“There’s nothing going on between us” She
rolled her eyes at her and Samira smiled.

“Okay then” She nodded with smile.

Lyric walked to the door and when she made to
open it, Quincy came in like she was the boss.

“Out of my way!” She pushed Lyric who fell on
her @zz immediately as she walked straight to

“We have some talks to do!” Quincy shouted at
Samira’s face.

“Wait, what!?”



“What are we doing here anyway? Why are we
here?” Dylan asked after following Francisco to
the garden.

Francisco made him come here with a flower of
roses since he said it was a surprise to

“Just keep your mouth shut” Cisco said again
and Dylan groaned.

“This was what you’ve been saying to me since
from the dorm! I have lectures to attend to and
you brought me with flowers! For who!?” He
shouted this time.

“Fine, its for Lyric! Happy now!?” Cisco shouted
back and Dylan stared at him.


“Yeah. I haven’t said this before but Dylan, I
think I like her” Cisco said.

“You think?” Dylan blinked.

“What am I saying? I mean, I love her” He said
and Dylan brought out a smile.

“I’ve always known that you like her right from
the first day you saw her fighting with Quincy. I
knew it but I always wanted to keep it low but
do you think your dad will agree with your
relationship? We both know how he always
forces you to remain single till he hands over
his company to you” Dylan said and Cisco

“That’s never gonna happen and he’s gonna
stop me!” Cisco replied and that was when he
saw Lyric just coming out from the other side.

She was eye searching for them under the hot

“Quick! Go hide at the other corner!” Cisco
pushed Dylan, pointing at one place.

“Don’t push me! I’m going!” Dylan laughed and
ran off.

Cisco adjusted his shirt properly and dud a
voice clearance before waving at her direction
and she smiled when she saw him.

“Hey” She called when she met him.

Her eyes scrolled to the alluring flowers that he
was holding and back at his face.

“Who’s that for?” She asked jovially.

“Oh this… It’s for someone” Be said, trying to
play along.

“Then why did you call me here?” She asked
suddenly feeling awkward.

“You’re a lady and I just wanted to ask you
steps on how to ask a girl out on a date. You
see, there’s this girl I have a crush on. She’s just
simple but I see her as an expensive taste but I
don’t know if she likes me too so I need your
help” He said.

He almost laughed when he saw her frowning.

“Oh…” She suddenly started feeling jealous.

“It’s simple. You just have to walk up to her and
say it straightforward. Say you like her a.d wait
for her next action. If she says yes to you then
she’s yours a d you can hand her those flowers”
She said, avoiding his gaze. He had a smirk
forming on his lips as he watched her moved

“Okay, I’ll get going” She said, feeling

She made to start leaving but the next word he
said, shocked her to the peripheral nervous

“I like you” He said aloud and she stopped
walking instantly. She turned to look at him as
he went closer to her.

He slowly took one of hands and looked her in
the eye.

“You’re the girl I was talking about. You’re the
girl who seems to have an expensive taste.
You’re the girl I have a crush on the first day I
set my eyes on you. Though, everything went
fast but everyday we meet at the rooftop, I find
myself doing things I never expect to do for
someone not even my friends. The time I payed
for your dad’s rent, it was because I like you”

He said all those words in one goal just like how
she told him to be straightforward.

“Cisco…” She muttered, face covering her face
as shyness flowed into her.

“Do you feel the same way for me too? Or I’m
the only one who feels it?” He asked, caressing
her palm.

“What can I say Cisco? I was never expecting it
but I can’t just turn you down when I know I feel
the same way. I’ve never been in love or in
relationship with someone before and you’re
going to be my first” She said. She didn’t even
know when tears slipped out of her eyes.

“And forever” He completed it.

“And…. Is the flowers for me?”She asked as the
urge to take it from him swept her off her feet.

“Of course it’s yours” He smiled and she giggled
as she took it from him and they started staring
at each other.

“Can I kiss you?” He blurted out.

“You’re seriously asking me that? Of course you
can dummy” She said and they both chuckled.

He cupped her cheeks in his palms and started
inching closer to her face. With both eyes
closed, their lips pressed together as they kissed

Dylan smiled from where he watched from.



“Let go of me! You’ve been dragging me from
my dorm for the past ten minutes now!” Samira
said and threw her hands roughly from Quincy’s

She wanted to speak again only to be welcomed
with a slap from Quincy and she staggered with
surprise written all over her face.

“What was that for!?” She yelled and Quincy
clenched her jaw.

“You made a fool out of me! You told me you
were gonna be getting Aneesa out of my way!
You said you wanted to be among my crew and
I told only in one condition and you signed up
for it so what’s taking so long?” Quincy snapped
at her and Samira breathed out.

“It isn’t easy Quincy. I’m here best friend how do
you expect me to eliminate her quickly!?” She
said but Quincy slapped her hard again and
Samira jaw hardened.

She raised her hand to slap her back but she
stopped herself.

“Do it! I dare you and you’ll loose your life!”
Quincy smirked and Samira gritted her teeth.

“Darn you!” Samira said and walked out angrily.

“Maybe you’re gonna be the one I’ll be
eliminating instead of Aneesa this time” Quincy
muttered and smirked arrogantly.



Aneesa eyes couldn’t leave the students of
VCSU as she walked in with her friends.

“You’re in a relationship!?” Samira squealed
excitedly and Lyric nodded.

She had just finished telling them what occured
between her and Cisco.

“Oh mi gosh! So you’re no more single like we
are!?” Samira pouted and glanced at Aneesa.

“Hey, you’ve been staring at the students since
we came here what’s up?” She said amd Aneesa

“It’s nothing. Let’s go grab our lunch” Aneesa
said and they smiled as they went to order their

They were still ordering when Tanya walked up
to Aneesa.

“Hey, bf snatcher!” Tanya called and Samira
was the first to look at her direction.

“What do you want?” Aneesa asked calmly.

“And can you stop calling me that!” She
continued and Tanya scoffed.

“Just so you it, I’m Drew’s one and only
girlfriend so don’t try come in between the two
of us got that!?” Tanya said demandingly.

“Last I checked, Drew’s wasn’t yours and he’ll
never ve yours. If you like bark from now to next
year he’ll always do what his heart wants so
don’t cap about it and just move on!” Aneesa
replied and Tanya slapped her hard.

Almost immediately, Aneesa didn’t waste time
before giving her two consecutive slaps, leaving
Tanya gasping.

“Go back to where you’re coming from you evil
snake!” Lyric interjected.

Tanya suddenly felt embarrassed.

“This isn’t the end!” She shouted angrily and
started leaving.

“Another dog to deal with” Aneesa scoffed
silently but she knew within herself she was
scared of the obstacles between her and Drew
so they need to remain hidden.



Cisco walked into the magnificent mansion and
as usual he met his parents quarrelling again
and he knew it was about him again.

He sighed, walking to seat on the couch as he
watched them quarrel without noticing his

“Go to hell you woman!” Mr Vuitton shouted.

“Let him live the life he wants! You can’t always
detest for him!” Mrs Vuitton shouted back.

“He’s my son!”

“And he’s my son too!”

“Just stop all this madness and let me control
my son!”

“If this is how your parents trained you then I
shouldn’t have considered getting married to

“Me neither! Do you think I wanna marry an old
hag like you! Whose B-__-bs remains fallen and…”

Mrs Vuitton slapped her husband just before he
could complete his sentence.

“You foolish baboon!” She yelled at him.

“You fake human being!” Mr Vuitton snapped at

“Mom, dad, that’s enough!” Cisco shouted
angrily. His voice echoing the mansion and Mr
and Mrs Vuitton turned to look at their son.

“Francisco…” Mrs Vuitton called. She went to
meet him and when she made to hug him, he
moved away from her and she sighed.

This was how it has been. He always distance
himself from his parents since their
uncontrollable arguments.


His eyes shifted to Mr Vuitton who was still
boiling with anger.

“I came for you guys blessings” He started and
looked at his mom again.

“Is it about the company? Have you finally
gotten back to your senses!?” Mr Vuitton asked.

“I have a girlfriend and…”

He hasn’t finished speaking when a slap landed
on his face.

Mr Vuitton slapped him!

“Don’t you dare complete that word! Are you
insane!?” He shouted at him and Cisco’s eyes
turned red with tears.

“I’ve heard enough of this dad! We both know
that two of us don’t get along and you’re the
cause of of this!”

“I have a girlfriend now and wether you like it or
not I love her and I’m never going to leave her!
Even if it means dying for her sake!”

“Cisco” Mrs Vuitton broke into tears.

“You’re my son! What have you been eating
while in school!” Mr Vuitton shouted at him and
he scoffed.

“That’s all I came to see! Good day!” Cisco
replied and wiped his tears as he started
walking out not answering his parents callings.


“Cisco” Mrs Vuitton cried out till he finally left
the mansion.

“See what your greediness have cost you! You’re
a wicked father!” She yelled at her husband.

“Leave me alone!” He replied amd she hissed
and walked away.

Mr Vuitton brought out his phone and dialed a
line which picked up after the second time.

“I have a job for you!”



Aneesa had just finished reading some of
textbooks since heard there was gonna be a
make up test tomorrow in class.

She stood up and started leaving the library as
some students kept trooping in.

She walked out of the library, taking the other
route down to the hallway.

There were two routes out if the school library to
the hallway and both were by staircase.

She took the staircase and started descending
down. The more she walk on it, the more she
felt weird.

It felt like someone was watching her from
behind so she turned back but she couldn’t see

“Maybe I’m just day imagining” She shrugged
and continued descending down from the stairs
but almost immediately, an arm pushed her
from behind and started rolling down the stairs
but instantly another person came from the
front view and caged Aneesa just before she
could fall and the person fell heavily on the

Blood spilling out of her head and nostrils and
Aneesa’s eyes widened.

“N- N-Nicole!” Aneesa gasped, covering her
mouth. Her heart was racing so fast as the
thought of her almost dying registering in her

<><><><>TBC ✎<><><><>

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