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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{.. Caught In The Act…}


By, Emery Princess J.






“Your dad is coming to VCSU?” Neon asked
immediately after Quincy announced to them.

She actually told her dad about the incident she
occured with Lyric back at the other day.

“Don’t you think you are overdoing this?”

“I mean… It’s too much. Aneesa did nothing to
you, you know” Emma said, manicuring her

“She stole Drew from me! Drew is mine and he
will be forever mine!” Quincy shouted, throwing
the pile of clothes on her bed angrily.

She hesitated a little while before starting to
arrange them back again.

“Wether she likes it or not, she is going to get
out of VCSU even if it includes her friends”
Quincy said, staring at no one in particular and
that got both Emma and Neon frightened.




Immediately, A black jeep Wrangler pulled up in
front of the school premises as two huge
bodyguards came out of the car.

One stood in front of the car with his segzy
sunglasses and the other one opened the car
door for the next figure to come out.

πŸ—£οΈ That’s the Senator!!!

πŸ—£οΈWhat is he doing here??

πŸ—£οΈHe doesn’t come here except there’s a

πŸ—£οΈWhat did Quincy do?

Senator Henderson stepped down from the car
with his one hand in his pocket. He wasn’t
frowning neither was he smiling, he just kept a
straight expression that made to students give
way for him as he walked.

πŸ—£οΈ Senator Henderson!!!

πŸ—£οΈ That’s Quincy’s dad!!

πŸ—£οΈ Lyric is so dead!

“Call my daughter for me Lyka” Senator
Henderson told his personal guard as they
made their way through the school building.

Lyka, his personal guard pulled a call through
Quincy’s line and she responded.

Senator Henderson turned to the other direction
and started walking to the Chancellor’s office.


“M-Mr Hender-Henderson” The chancellor
stuttered as he beheld him. Senator Henderson
stood straight playing an arrogant smirk.

He doesn’t joke with any one whenever it comes
to his daughter since his wife died from her
child delivery and he swore to himself that he
would go to any length for his daughter.

Instantly, Quincy ran into the office.

“Daddy!” She exclaimed happily as she rushed
to hug him.

“Baby” He smiled, pecking her hair as she
released him.

“Have a seat Senator” The chancellor tried
speaking but he earned a glare instead from

“I heard my daughter’s beautiful face got
bruised two days ago?” He said, this time his
eyes darkened with anger which made the
chancellor almost peed on his pants.

Quincy smirked, folding her hands under her
br**st as she watched.

“Tell me!” He demanded to know.

“Calm down a little Mr Henderson. Everything is
under our control” The chancellor said but
Senator Henderson got furious and bang the
table hard.

“f-__-king speak up!”

” Oh Daddy!” Quincy called with a smile and
Senator Henderson turned to look at her.

“It’s Lyric Imperial and Aneesa Valentine” She


Drew wasn’t back yet when Axel came to check
up on Aneesa in the dorm.

She was just about leaving for lectures when he
met her by the door.

“Axel!” She exclaimed with surprise and he

“Hey pretty” He said and she smiled at him.

“I can see you’re going for lectures already, let’s
go together” He said and she nodded as they
started walking to class.

“Why aren’t you with your gang?” She decided to

“I… I just wanted to see you. We didn’t meet
yesterday remember and I already missed your
face” He said and she stared at him.

He suddenly stopped walking and turned to her
properly. He brought out a small box and
opened it, revealing a silver necklace with “A” on

“Wow” She mouthed.

“Can I?” He asked, referring to the chain.

“Um.. N- I mean, yes” She stammered and he
smiled again, bringing his face to her neck as he
wore the necklace properly on her neck.

“You’re beautiful” He whispered into her ear and
she coughed awkwardly.

“Um… Let’s go to class” She lamented and
picked up her pace as he went after her.


They got to the main hallway where they saw
Samira and Lyric just coming too.

“Hey babe” Samira called cheerfully and her
eyes drawed to Axel who was standing beside

“Axel, what are you doing here?” Samira asked
and Lyric pinched her stylishly.

“Ouch… What was that for!?”

“You talk too much” Lyric rolled her eyes and
Aneesa chuckled.

“I’m also Aneesa’s friend so don’t I deserve to
also be with her?” He asked in a deep voice and
Samira looked at him then back at Aneesa.

Samira’s blood suddenly boiled with rage but
she chose to hide it. That was part of the reason
why she chose to hide under the mask. Aneesa
always gets to catch the eyes of every guy she
has wanted to have.

Bloody jealousy!

They were still talking when Lyka and the other
guard suddenly walked into them. They both
grabbed Aneesa’s and Lyric’s hands at same

“Hey! What’s happening!?” Lyric said, trying to
free herself but the Lyka hijacked her again.

“Hey!” Aneesa shouted.

“What’s going on? Where are you taking them
to?” Axel and Samira shouted as they ran after

“Just come with us and everything will be good.
” Lyka yelled and Lyric kept struggling with him.

“Let them go!!” Axel yelled but they refused till
they got to the main door of the chancellor’s
“Hey! Don’t you know who I am!?” Axel yelled

“Don’t come any closer if you don’t wanna get
expelled from this school” Lyka thr_@tened and
both Axel and Samira stopped walking

“What the f-__-k is happening?” Samira mumbled.


“So you’re the Aneesa Valentine my daughter
has been complaining to me about?” Senator
Henderson smirked as he saw them.

Lyric eyes moved round the office and it landed
on Quincy’s own, she scoffed.

“What do you want from me!?” Aneesa half
yelled and Senator Henderson took a step closer
and slapped her hard on the face.

Aneesa’s eyes rolled on its own instantly as she
staggered backward.

“Aneesa!” Lyric exclaimed as she rushed to her.

“You both know who I am… I’m the Senator and
no one mess with my daughter and go scott
free” He said.

The Chancellor couldn’t say anything. He was
lost of words. He knows he needs to keep his
mouth shut and watch if he really loves his job
in VCSU.

“Lyric Imperial… What made you think you have
the right to raise your stinky hands on my
daughter’s golden face?” He yelled at Lyric and
she flinched, not able to look him in the eyes.

“Daddy they are cruel!” Quincy said dramatically
and laughed within herself.

“Sir…” Lyric stuttered and Senator Henderson
slapped her also.

“Sir! That’s not right!” Aneesa shouted boldly
and Senator Henderson adjusted his eyes glass
as he turned to her.

“With all due respect sir, we did nothing wrong
to Quincy” Aneesa said and Quincy smirked

“Oh really? “

“You boyfriend snatcher! I warned you to stay
away from Drew! Since you came to this school
you ruined our relationship!” Quincy screamed
at her face.

“You have a boyfriend baby?” Senator
Henderson asked.

“Yes dad” Quincy rolled her eyes.

“I still don’t get how we have to do with this? We
didn’t do anything wrong” Aneesa said.

“You should be pleading with me right now but
your mouth seems to running like a tap” Senator
Henderson said and Aneesa scoffed silently.

“Beg her!” He demanded and Lyric went on her
knees immediately.

“Do something chancellor!” Aneesa retorted

“Obey Aneesa Valentine” The chancellor replied
gulping hard.

Aneesa made to turn back and start leaving but
the next word made her halt.

“You are getting out of this school today!”
Senator Henderson said and slowly, Aneesa
turned to look at him.


“You are acting tough then you’ll be served
tough too” Senator Henderson said and he
grabbed her hair instantly.

He dragged her out of the office and started
taking her to only God knows where.

“Oh gawd!” The Chancellor bowed his head

“Aneesa!” Lyric cried out as she ran after them
till they got out of the school building.

The students already went for lectures so
outside was just silent.

“Teach her a lesson dad!” Quincy said.

Senator Henderson brought out a big rope
mainly used for flogging from his car and
Aneesa’s eyes widened.

“You will never forget this” He said abd before
Aneesa could blink again, he lashed a heavy
one on her back.


“Please sir” Lyric cried out.

He lashed another one on her back again and
this time she bursted into tears.

It was so painful.

He continued lashing it on her.

Quincy continued watching and as it got to
twenty strokes,she spoke up.

“I think that’s enough dad” She said and Senator
Henderson stopped as if he was being remoted.

“You sure baby?” He asked cleaning off his

By now Aneesa was already bloody, her back
and nose were bleeding as she continued to
well up in tears.

“If you need anything again or anyone gives you
any problem, do not hesitate to call me” He said
and Quincy smiled as he lowered his lips to her
hair and pecked her.

His two guards opened the car door as he
turned to enter the car.

“Don’t mess with her” He thr_@tened and Lyric
glared h@Ε₯Δ›fully as she consoled Aneesa.

He got into the car and drove out. That was
when Drew’s car pulled up in the parking lot but
he wasn’t alone.

Tanya again!

Aneesa stood up slowly with her stained shirt
which was bit torn from the strokes she just

And she began walking away.



The students were free as of that time. Chatters
and laughters could be heard as Axel ran
through the hallway immediately he heard
about the strokes of Aneesa.

It was from the school main blog so everything
is stated there by the school gossipers.

πŸ—£οΈI can’t believe the senator would do that
because of his daughter!

πŸ—£οΈHe is ruthless!

πŸ—£οΈShe deserve it!


“Hello VCSU!!!” Tanya shouted madly as they
stepped into the school compound.

“Stay low Tanya and please go back to your
parents” He said and she scoffed.

“We both know that you met me here before we
started dating Drew. I can remember how you
use to flock over me like a lost sheep and since
I’m already in here, you decided to shatter me. I
went crazy going back to your hometown in
France just to look for you and now that I’ve
seen you again you are telling me to go back to
my parents?”

“No f-__-king no! It’s you and me forever!” She
said and laughed out like a lunatic and he
continued staring at her.

“At least wr won’t get to stay in same dorm” He
muttered as they started walking.

As they walked, he could hear the whispers and
chatters of the students talking about what was
on the today’s school blog.

πŸ—£οΈShe took twenty strokes of cane!

πŸ—£οΈIs the senator mad or something??

πŸ—£οΈAneesa and Lyric deserves it!

Drew’s eyes widened instantly, he made to run
but he wasn’t chanced to as Tanya held him

“Are you leaving me babes!?” She queried and
he groaned.

“f-__-king let go!” He shouted and threw her
hands off him as he ran straight to his
dormitory and Tanya followed him.

On getting there, he bumped into his friends.
Cisco, Nicole and Dylan.

“Tanya!” Nicole and Cisco exclaimed at same
time and Tanya winked at them.

“I’m back” She mouthed and Nicole gulped.

“This is not good” Cisco muttered.

“Buddy!” Dylan smiled bit drew ignored them as
he opened the door.

His eyes widened immediately he saw the state
she was in bit what angered him the more was,
Axel’s hands wrapped on her shoulders.

Blood continued pouring out of her nose as
Lyric treated her back.

He took a step inside the dorm and he ran to
Axel with the remaining steps away. He grabbed
Axel from the back and before Axel could turn,
he landed a punch on his face making Axel fall.

Lyric and Aneesa looked straight into his eyes
but with tears.

“Aneesa…” Drew muttered as his breath
stiffened. Aneesa darted her eyes to the floor as
she cried slowly.

Her life is ruined. Everything about her is ruined
before of her d@mn roommate.

He made to touch her but…

“Please stay away from me Drew. Stay away
from me please” Aneesa spoke and all eyes
went wide in the room.

Axel was already on his feet and he smirked,
wiping his lips.


“Stay away from me please!!!” She screamed at
him for the first time and his eyes were covered
with tears welling in them.

Nothing hurts him than this for the first time.

“You heard it correctly Drew. Stay off limits!”
Axel barked at him and Drew clenched his fist.

He made to near her again but she shifted
backwards, holding unto Lyric tightly.

“Please Drew…” She kept crying her eyes out.

She needed to stay away from him even if it
means crying the all day coz of him.

“Who the hell is she to you babes?” Tanya




Samira continued pacing in the lab. Her heart
beating so fast like it would explode out of her
chest any moment.

She called her mom but Jezebel told her she’d
call her back and that’s what she’s been waiting

Soon, her phone rang and without looking at the
caller ID, she picked up.

“This wasn’t what we planned mom!?” She fired
immediately and Jezebel laughed from the
other end.

“Why is Aneesa suffering! We only planned to
make her life miserable in this school but what
is going on?” Samira questioned.

“Relax baby, i’m just getting started” Jezebel

“You told me to tell Quincy about the night with
Drew and Aneesa but I wasn’t expecting her to
call her dad and punish Aneesa and Lyric this
way!” She argued and Jezebel smirked darkly
from the other side.

“And why are you having pity for her?”

“She is my friend mom!”

“Just stay cool and play calm Samira” Jezebel
said and hung up.

“f-__-k it!” Samira cussed and gritted her teeth.

<><><><>TBC ✎<><><><>

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