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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{.. Caught In The Act…}


By, Emery Princess J.











Samira walked in laughing along with Aneesa
and Lyric. After the much pleadings, Lyric finally
forgave Aneesa.

“You should have seen my face when I watched
dog judge” Samira laughed as they walked to
the reserved seats.

“That show is weird” Lyric bursted out with a

“C’mon I’m hungry” Aneesa muttered, holding
her stomach and it made a grumble noise.

“Don’t tell me you still don’t know how to cook?”
Samira flashed her brows at her and she rolled
her eyes.

“Drew is always the cooker in the dorm so I’m
used to his cookings” She replied instead.

“Aneesa!” Lyric exclaimed.

“Raise your hand up if you also h@ťě cooking
like me!?” Aneesa shouted at the crowded
canteen and all the students eyes flew to her.

Some gladly raised up their hands.

“See” She drawed and scoffed at Samira.

“Now let’s eat” She said, she tapped on a button
and a server came to them at once.

“Foodie” Lyric chuckled.

“Two pepperoni pizza calories and cold stone
ice cream vanilla” She placed her orders.

“Just fried rice and chicken” Samira said simply.

“French fries with an orange chilled juice” Lyric
ordered too. The server nodded before rushing
to bring their orders.

Neon and Emma walked in bossily, their eyes
moving towards the few students.

“Over there, let’s go for those” Neon pointed at
some group of junior students around a table.

“Yeah” Emma smirked as they went closer to the

“Stand up” Neon ordered and the three females
glanced at them.

“Why should we do that? We never saw you
here!” The first one shunned her.

“I don’t like repeating myself” Neon dropped

“Will you just give up or what?” The second one
lamented and Emma scoffed.

Without another warning, Emma threw her
hands in the air of third one’s collar and pulled
her up.

“Aneesa look…” Lyric trailed when she saw the

“Neon and Emma are at it again” Samira also
said and they continued looking, anticipating
for what’s going to happen next.

“Back off!” The second one pushed Neon away
and she fell on her butt. Almost immediately,all
the students erupted in a laughter.

👥 What’s going on??

👥 They never met them there. Did they?

👥Go Emma!!!


“How dare you!” Emma shut, slapping the first
one across the face and swiftly the first one
returned the slap and Emma staggered falling
on some students plate of food.


👥 Hahaha!!!

👥This bîtch got me laughing hard!

👥 It’s getting more interesting!

Neon angrily two of them hair at once and
collided them to each other making them see
the moon and stars.

Emma wiped off her foodie butt and slapped
the first one hard this time.

“Let me go!!” The girl screamed as Neon
punched her on her tummy.

This time Aneesa couldn’t watch again, she was
about standing up when Nicole came out from

“Here you are, have been looking for you” Nicole

“I’ll be right back” Aneesa replied but Nicole
pulled her back.

“That crap isn’t your business and besides Villa
Chevalier State University is a school of getting
bullied so don’t find it new”

“We’ve got some talking to do… Let’s meet at
third block” Nicole continued and Aneesa gazed
at her as she left.

“What’s does she wanna talk about?” Samira
suddenly asked and Lyric shrugged.

“I also do not know”

“I’ll find out.. bye guys” Aneesa replied. Her eyes
leaving the scenario happening as she walked
out of the canteen.

“Bîtch!” Neon yelled as she punched the girl
harder again.

“That’s enough please!”

“We’ll leave” The other one cried out and Neon
stopped by punching the other girl.

“Nah, we don’t want it anymore. ” Emma scoffed
and Neon grinned.

“Let’s go” Neon said and Emma nodded as they
started walking out of the canteen leaving the
students to their uttermost surprise.



Aneesa found her way to middle block where
Nicole was seen smoking.

“You smoke!” Aneesa exclaimed in shock and
Nicole plunged out the cigarette from her lips
and turned to face her.

“Is it bad?” She grinned at her and Aneesa
gulped nothing.

“It’s just that… I’m surprised you do” She stated.

“Don’t be surprised if Drew does too” Nicole
mumbled inaudibly.

“What did you say?”


“Why did you tell me to come here?” Aneesa

“Vacate out of your dorm” Nicole replied.

“What! Why?” She shouted at her.

“Vacate out of your dormitory!” Nicole yelled
back at her.

“Why should I move away from Drew? Why!?”
Aneesa yelled at her. She couldn’t understand
what Nicole was trying to do or say.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you Aneesa…” Nicole
trailed as she brushed past her.

Aneesa grunted, ruffling her hair frustratedly.

“I’m not moving out! Never!”



“This meal is sumptous Carina” Jezebel
lamented after she had just finished eating the

“Thanks lady red” Carina, the chef smiled as she
arranged the table.

The maids weren’t left out. They were also
performing the duties assigned to them.

She decided to bring out her phone, scrolling
through the gallery app on her phone. At first
she wanted to close up until she came across
her pic with that of Samira’s.

They were just having a fun time at the park.

“I miss this moment” She grinned evilly as she
bit her lips.

She suddenly came across a strange one. It was
two images of two little girls.

Her fingers rubbed the kids pic on the screen
and she smirked darkly.

“I’m gonna you both regret the day I gave birth
to you both” She muttered.

“Arthur isn’t just gonna be there to see how I
crash his two daughters into two pieces”

“Too bad Arthur” Jezebel said and laughed out

She grinned evilly. Her heart grew with so much
hatred that remains unknown.

“It’s just good watching how both of you will
fight yourselves till death” She thought and
laughed again. This time more loudly that got
Carina’s attention from the kitchen.

“I’m sorry ma’am but are you okay?” Carina
asked and Jezebel shot her a hard glare.

“I’m fine, go back to work Carina or should I get
you fired!”Jezebel shouted at her and Carina

“A-Am sorry lady in red” She apologized quickly
and ran back to the kitchen.

Jezebel scoffed before standing up, going for
the staircase.

“Game on babies”



“You came late today. What took you so long?”
Francisco asked when he saw Lyric come from
the rooftop door.

“I had to study for pop test” Lyric replied,
fidgeting slowly and he saw it.

He went closer to her and slowly took her

“Don’t always get shy or scared when I’m
around you. I feel like I’m forcing myself on you”
He replied gently and she looked him in eyes.

“No, you’re aren’t forcing anything Cisco. You’re
actually fun to be with” She replied and he
smiled handsomely.

“And thanks for the other day. If not for you I
wouldn’t have seen the money to pay for my
rents” She said.

“That was nothing. I’m ready to do more for
your sake” He replied sweetly and she took in
her lower lip.

“Stop doing that” He said.

“Doing what?”

“This” He replied and touched her lips. She
shivered at the relieving fingers on her lips. If
only his fingers could make her shiver what
more of his thin pink lips.

“It turns me on… I’ve never felt this way but
you’re making me feel what I can’t even figure
out” He whispered and she shivered again.

She made to talk but her stomach grumbled and
took a step away from him immediately as her
cheeks heated.

“Don’t be embarrassed” He chuckled and she

“Let’s get something for you to eat” Be smiled,
taking in her hands and she slowly brought out
a smile staring at his face.

He was so charming even with how he talks. He
doesn’t even needs to try before he gets hot.

They were about leaving the rooftop when they
saw Dylan about to come in.

He actually traced Lyric when she was coming
to the rooftop and as expected, he saw her but
with Francisco.

“Dylan…” Lyric called first and he glanced at her.

“I actually saw you coming to the rooftop just
when I was about calling out to you but you
were so focused to go to the rooftop so I
decided to check it out” He explained and Cisco
continued staring at him.

“What’s going on between you both? Secret
dating?” Dylan asked and Lyric lowered her hair.

“Stay out of this Dylan” Cisco said and grabbed
Lyric’s hands again.

“Why the entwined fingers? Lyric, what’s going
on?” Dylan kept asking and Cisco turned to face

“He is a jerk so don’t listen to wh@ťěver he tells
you. Let’s just go” He told her and Lyric nodded.

Cisco bumped past Dylan as they left the
rooftop together.

“Has he find love or something?”



“Do you have to go big bro?” Harmony pouted
as Drew combed his jet black hair.

Mrs Luna was just behind him sobering up.

“Mom… You know how much I h@ťě seeing you
in tears so stop please” Drew groaned and Mrs
Luna frowned.

“You just spend a little with us and you’re going
back again” Mrs Luna said.

“Two days mom! Two f-__-king days!” Drew

“Language please” Harmony cut in.

“And what do you understand by language?”
Drew retorted back at her.

“Language is language” She shrugged and

“You’re becoming naughty” He said and ruffled
her hair.


“You spoiled me bro” Harmony giggled and
Drew ruffled her hair again. Mrs Luna smiled as
she watched them happily.

“I need to get going… My flight is ready” He said
seriously and Mrs Luna nodded.

“You guys will be coming with me to America
soon but not now… I need to fix some things”
He said as they escorted him out of the

Mrs Luna took her car keys and threw it at

Adams ignited the car as they all entered the
SUV and he drove out to the airport.


“You aren’t gonna talk about Tanya” Mrs Luna
said and Drew groaned.

“It’s been long we had from her” Harmony said.

“That’s enough of her… I don’t have anything to
do with her anymore” Drew replied.

“She’s from the Whitehouse family Drew… You
guys can’t just end things like that” Mrs Luna

“We all know how obsessed she is with you. She
is ready to ki|| because of you” Harmony

Drew sighed, stressfully.



“Now it’s time to say a goodbye” Drew smiled as
they came out of the car.

“I’ll miss you bro” Harmony muttered and Drew
hugged her.

“Take care Drew” Adams winked at him.

“Bye son” Mrs Luna said and Drew hugged her

“Hey Adams, you better take good care of my
mom and sis okay? If I hear you try to date
Harmony, I’ll skin you alive” He said and both
Mrs Luna and Adams laughed.

“Drew!!! That isn’t funny!” Harmony shouted

“Don’t shout too much, it’s not good for your
health” He said and Harmony got madder.

“f-__-k you!” She said and angrily entered the car.

“Bye guys!” He smiled and they hugged him
again before entering into the car.

He waved at them as they left the airport.

“Back to America and remain hidden” he
muttered to himself as he walked to catch up
his flight. Bit he was forced to stop when he
bumped into someone.

Her face cap flew from her hair as her hair flew
beautifully. Slowly, he raised his head to look at
the lady he bumped into.

His eyes widened as he staggered backward.

“Andrew!!” She screamed excitedly , throwing her
hands on him instantly.

“It’s been months!! Ahswear I’m never going to
leave you again” She said, peppering him with
kisses and Drew just remained stilled trying to
regain from the shock.

“Going back to America? I’m taking same flight..
. Let’s go together babe” She said again and
finally released him from the suffocating hug.

She grabbed his hands and pecked him on the
lips like a lunatic.

“T-Tanya…!” He called shockingly and she

“It’s me the beat in my heart” Tanya smiled as
they walked to their prepared plane.

Soon, the plane took off and Drew made sure to
keep his distance from her but Tanya kept
plastering him.

“I’m finished….”

His obsessed one time girlfriend is back again
and this time back for him.

<><><><>TBC ✎<><><><>

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