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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ .. Caught In The Act…}


By, Emery Princess J.











“He will be coming back…?”

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Drew made sure he was fully dressed for outing
before he came out, it’s been two days since he
was absent from class and if not for paid
attendance he gave to people to mark him
present, it would have been another thing.

He walked to the main room to see Aneesa
sipping from her tea and some slice of bread.
She didn’t even bother to spare him a glance
since what occured last night.

“Good morning” He greeted calmly, going to the
kitchen to get his own slice of bread only to see
none left.

He returned back to the room to see her still
eating as if he was not an existence.

“Am I among those who deserves to eat
breakfast again?” He asked feeling annoyed
already but she ignored him.

“Aneesa…” He trailed off, dabbing his face with
a sigh. Till the last slice of bread she didn’t
bother to spare him a glance as she stood up,
taking her played to the kitchen basin.

“I’ll be flying out of the country tonight” He
dropped the bombshell. At first she thought he
was joking so she laughed but seeing the look
on his face meant he was serious about what
he just said.

“Are you being serious right now?” She asked
immediately and he shook his head.

“I thought you don’t wanna talk to me… I’ll be
leaving soon so the dorm is all for…” He was
still speaking when she pulled his neck closer
and slammed her lips shut on his.

She claimed his lips passionately before
breaking it. Drew stared at her in bewilderment.

“Please don’t go” She pouted sadly, raising her
hands to his chest.

“Aneesa…” He called like he was dreaming. She
was just mad at him few minutes ago.

“I can’t sleep all alone in a dorm… Don’t go” She

“And besides what are you going there to do
anyway?” She continued and he pulled her up
from his chest as he cupped her cheeks in his
palms, piercing his eyes into hers.

“It’s for a reason bit I promise I’ll be back before
the next morning breaks” He promised her but
she wasn’t still satisfied. She was being clingy.

“Then let me go with you?”




Axel kept smiling to himself stupidly in front of
the mirror. He was in in own world of
imaginations as he kept laughing at every
minutes that went by.

Adrian was about walking past him when he
saw him laughed out again.

“Have you finally gone mad? Do you need me to
take you to the hospital?” He asked and Axel
stopped laughing immediately. He turned to him
and smirked.

“I’m fine AD” Axel replied and Adrian heaved a
sigh of relief.

“Hallelujah” Adrian responded and Axel hit him

“It’s just about Aneesa…” Axel trailed off and
Adrian gazed at him.

“And what’s about her? You want me to fûck
her? I can do that for you yunno… I mean..”

“f-__-k!” He groaned when Axel slapped him
making the remaining words fly back into his

“Stop saying nonsense!” He sneered.

“Urggh!… It’s time for see a lot of p**sies today
so bye!” Adrian rolled his eyes and walked

“You’ll be mine soon…” He muttered before
walking away too.



“Aneesa!” Samira exclaimed when she saw
Aneesa standing at the doorstep.

She actually came to spend some time with
them since she didn’t get to see them yesterday.

“What’s up?” Aneesa smiled as she walked in
fully and Samira shut the door.

Her eyes met with Lyric who was giving her a
blank expression.

“Lyric?” She called, taking some few steps to

“Is what she said true?” Lyric asked instead and
Aneesa blinked confusedly.

Samira watched from behind playing a smirk
just above her lips and as Aneesa turned to look
at her she quickly faked it.

“What’s she saying Sam?” Aneesa asked and
Samira only shrugged.

“Was what Quincy said about you true? Did you
actually slept with Drew? She actually slapped
me coz of you… I went to detention class coz of
same reason” Lyric said trying to act calmly.

Aneesa’s eyes widened but she quickly got over
it. She could remember the only personal she
told what’s her best friend, Samira.

She turned again to Samira with hurt.

“I don’t know anything about it. Trust me it was
safe. I didn’t know where Quincy got hers from”
Samira quickly said.

“Tell me do you actually did it!!” Lyric shouted
this time.

“No… No… I didn’t!” Aneesa screamed back. She
only came here to chill out but now it was the

Lyric chuckled angrily.

“Your expression says otherwise…”

“Do you know how much it hurt to defend you in
front of VCSU students? I thought we were
friends but then I realize when weren’t!” Lyric
shot at her. She angrily grabbed her phone from
the cellar before brushing past them.

“Where are you going Lyric?” Samira asked.

“Lyric…” Aneesa muttered.

“Need to cool my head off” Lyric replied and
shut the door at their faces.

Aneesa turned to Samira with burning eyes and
Samira almost flinched.

“You know Aneesa… I didn’t tell anyone about
that honestly” Samira said.

“Then how did Quincy know? What made her
know? What are best friends for Samira?”
Aneesa shouted at her.

“Aneesa… believe me I didn’t!” Samira replied
and Aneesa wiped off her tears.

“I was a fool” She muttered before leaving her

Samira cleaned the crocodile tears she was
shedding and laughed out.

“Such a naive little fool” She muttered with

She put a call through someone with the caller
ID addressed as “Mom”


“Any news Samira?” The lady in red {Mrs
Jezebel} asked over the phone.

“It’s on step two mom… Within three months
she’s gonna vacate out of VCSU” Samira replied
and Jezebel laughed.

“You’re being too slow! Should I come there and
teach you the correct way of how to handle
things?” Jezebel asked and Samira suddenly
became scared.

Her mother was always like a big thr_@t to her.

“N-No mom… I gat… this handle” She stuttered.

“Good!” Jezebel said and cut off the call.

Samira sighed falling on the couch.


Lyric pocketed her hands in her jeans as she
watched the clear view up from where she was
standing. The cool breeze blowing her hair to
and fro.

Her phone beeped with a message and she
checked to see it was from Cisco.

“How did he get my number?” She thought
before opening the message.



She typed and sent it to him. She waited for him
to reply back but she didn’t receive any.

“My life is hell right now” She muttered sadly.

Her phone rang this time and she brought it up
to see the landlady earlier calling her. She
sighed out before picking up.

“I need this month payment Lyric! Pay and let
me have my peace of mind!” The landlady
barked from the phone and Lyric rubbed her

“Please Mrs Betty ..My dad is sick, where do you
expect me to take him to?” She said feeling like

“I don’t care! Go back to the slums you were
before! All I asked for is my payment! If you
can’t afford it then let me know so I’ll have to
chase your sick father out of the flat!” Mrs Betty

Lyric was about altering the next words when
Cisco snatched the phone from behind.

“Cisco… Cisco” She muttered shockingly but his
eyes were focused on the phonecall.

“I give you today to vacate him out of your
stupid flat coz they aren’t gonna be living there
anymore” He said coldly. The look on his face
made Lyric shivered, she has never seen this
kind of cold expression on his face before.

“W-Who is this?” Mrs Betty stuttered.

“Just coz you’re the landlady doesn’t mean
you’re bigger or greater than others… So f-__-k
off!” He replied and immediately switched off
her phone.

“What was that for? Did you know what you just
did? That was my landlady!” She drawed and he


“Can’t you just move out and get into your own
apartment where they would be Jo disturbance”
He muttered and she scoffed.

“Where do expect me to get money from? Do I
look like a president child!?” She half yelled at

“Will you mind if I get your dad a new apartment
condo to live in?” He shrugged and Lyric blinked
at him like he just said rubbish.


“Yeah, or you wouldn’t?” He asked, staring at
her. Out of her shyness she dropped her eyes to
the floor.

“Why are you doing this? I don’t even know you
that well” She muttered and he smiled raised her
cheek up.

“Look at my face while talking to me I’m not a
monster who bites” He said and she blushed.

“I wanna be your friend so let me please” He
said again and she bit her lips shyly.

“I h@ťě it when others feel superior over their
fellow ones,trust me I’ve been in that kind of
shoe before” He continued again and this time
she stepped away from him.

“Bye!” She said and quickly left the rooftop.

He chuckled watching her as she ran away

“Maybe I’ve been going insane” He muttered.


Lyric ran all the way from rooftop to the stairs.
She was still running and missing some few
stairs where by accident she missed a step and
almost fell on the ground when a hand held her
in position.

She closed her eyes thinking she’d land on the
floor and she slowly opened them back. Her
eyes jammed with that of Dylan’s own.

“Dylan!” She exclaimed moving away from him.

“Hi pretty” He winked segzily at her.

“You should watch your steps. I might not be
there to save you again” He whispered to her
and she looked at him. Her eyes piercing into
his hazel eyes.

He was just as handsome as that of a prince of

“Um… I should get going” She smiled.


“Thank you!” She said and quickly brushed past

“She’s cute” He chuckled, biting his lower lips



“What! You’re leaving for France tonight!” Nicole
exclaimed immediately after Drew broke the
news to them.

“Bit that’s not possible? You can’t go into the
airport this night!” Dylan exclaimed.

“Are you forgetting I can…?” Drew retorted.

“But still you can’t! She just woke up Drew!”
Cisco said.

“That’s it! She woke up and I need to see her. I
need to see my sister, Harmony guys” Drew

“I’ll go with you Drew” Nicole said.

“No, stay back. I’ll be fine it’s a night” He said.

“Harmony means the whole world to me. Y’all
don’t know how much I cherish her. She was the
one who made me fell in love with music and
she was still the same person who made me
despise revealing my face to the public” Drew
said, rubbing his temple and Dylan smiled

“It’s fine.. not like we own your life or
something” Dylan said and chuckled.

Nicole was already moody by the thought of
him leaving.

“It’s fine… At least you still have a family to care
for and whole doesn’t give you problem” Cisco
said sadly.

“Hey, don’t say that.. you have a family too”
Dylan said almost immediately.

“My dad is an @zzhole!” He muttered and
closed his tears, instantly years slipped out of
the corner of his eyes.



Drew didn’t wait to collect his change from the
taxi driver immediately he alighted from the car
as he rushed in.

He met with Adams,his mum personal driver.

“Sir Andrew!” Adams exclaimed as he saw him.
He dropped the pipe he was using to wash the
cars as he rushed to meet Andrew.

“Adams” Drew called beaming with smiles. He
was still as healthy as ever.

“You’re back… They are home now” He said and
Drew nodded before walking inside.

There he met Luna feeding Harmony with pap.

He stopped walking immediately he saw them.
Though they were oblivious of his presence and
tears of joy gathered in his eyes immediately he
beheld his sister.

“Hanny” He called. Harmony stopped taking in
the pap as her ear stood straight. The only
name only one person calls her. The name she
always get addicted to.

Slowly by slowly, she tilted her neck the other
way as same time direction with Mrs Luna.

“Drew! Big bro!” Harmony squealed excitedly,
jumping on her feet as she rushed to hug him.

She missed him so d@mn much. All those times
in hospital all she thought was that she’d never
get to see her family again.

“Hanny” He whispered trying to hide his tears
but they kept failing him.

“You don’t have to pretend big bro… Cry it out”
Harmony whispered back.

They were just off sane height but Drew was a
little more taller than her.

“Son” Mrs Luna muttered and Drew looked at

“Mom” He muttered and went to embrace her in
a warmly hug.

“I missed y’all so fûcking much” He whispered,
wiping off his tears.

“We missed you more” Luna sniffed.

“What about music bro? You’re finally making
me proud” Harmony asked and Drew’s smiled
died down instantly. That was what he’s been

“Drew” She called again but he ignored her as he
messaged Mrs Luna’s palms.

“I’m hungry, let’s eat” He replied instead and
Harmony frowned.



Aneesa continued fidgeting and biting her
fingers as she paced up and down. Her eyes
moving to the clock.

It was morning already and he wasn’t yet back
as he promised.

“Why isn’t he back yet?”

“Sh!t! Why am I even going crazy about him?”
She gritted, ruffling her hair.

She made to pick up her phone and give him a
call when the the door bursted open. Quincy
walking inside like it was her house.

“What are your doing here Quincy?” She asked
and Quincy smirked, folding her hands under
her br**st.

“Where’s my boyfriend?” She asked back and
Aneesa swallowed emptiness.

“He… He isn’t around” Aneesa replied.

“Tell me something Aneesa, are you falling for
Drew or something?” Quincy asked and Aneesa
clenched her fist.

“Cos of you were then you’re clearly falling for
the wrong person… Drew us mine and he’ll
always be mine. No amount of charm you use
on him can be more greater than my p**sy”
Quincy said and laughed out.

“Get out Quincy there’s nothing going on”
Aneesa rolled her eyes with a scoff. She
laughed lightly, trying to hide her nervousness.

“Good! Because if you don’t…” Quincy said and
pushed Aneesa to the couch with one tip of her
finger and Aneesa glared at her.

“Then what?”

“You won’t wanna know what a senator
daughter can do to a low life commoner like
you” She whispered and Aneesa shivered.

“I’ll make sure I make your life living hell in this
school till you graduate” She thr_@tened and like
that, those words sank into Aneesa’s brain.

“Make me a lover and I’ll love you but make me
your h@ťěr and I bet you, you’ll keep wondering if
I’m a human being or not” She thr_@tened again
and with that she moved back from her.

“Holla baby” She winked at her, chewing her
gum bîtchily, her @zzs shaking as she walked
out of Aneesa’s dorm.

“A living hell?” Aneesa muttered.

<><><><>TBC ✎<><><><>

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